I am having a scenerio that , i am having more than 4 clients and i want to send a single queue messages to all of that clients. I didnt acknowledge for the client side. So anyone can get that messages from the queue. But the case is that i want to know the number of consumers who consumed that message. Can anyone help me to get the consumer count.
Here below is code that i wrote.
public static boolean sendMessage(String messageText)
try {
StompConnection connection = new StompConnection();
HashMap<String, String> header = new HashMap<String, String>();
header.put(PERSISTENT, "true");
connection.open(URLhost, port);
connection.connect("", "");
connection.send(queuePath, messageText, "MQClient", header);
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new BasicException(AppLocal.getIntString("ActiveMQ service ERROR"), e);
public static String receiveMessage() {
try {
StompConnection connection = new StompConnection();
connection.open(URLhost, port);
connection.connect("", "");
connection.subscribe(queuePath, Subscribe.AckModeValues.INDIVIDUAL);
Thread.sleep(1000);//below not a good NO DATA test .. worked by making thread sleep a while
if (connection.getStompSocket().getInputStream().available() > 1)
StompFrame message = connection.receive();
return message.getBody();
return "";
} catch (Exception e) {
return "";
If you are writing to a Queue, then exactly one consumer will receive the message. The whole goal of point-to-point messaging is that only one of the consumers will receive the message.
If you want to send a message and have it be received by all of the consumers, then you'd want to use a Topic instead of a Queue.
If you switch to a topic, multiple clients can consume that same message.
You can probably figure out how many consumed your message by subscribing to the ActiveMQ.Advisory.MessageConsumed.Topic
My problem because I try to implement priority queue with rabbitMQ but its always random. Even when I set priority #RabbitListener(queues = QUEUE_MESSAGES, priority = "10").
I send 100 messages to two queus :
public void sendRequest() {
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
try {
new MessageDTO("Subject Two", "content2"), message -> {
return message;
new MessageDTO("Subject One", "content1"), message -> {
return message;
System.out.println("messages has been send");
} catch (AmqpException ex) {
So I have two listeners :
#RabbitListener(queues = QUEUE_MESSAGES, priority = "1")
public void receiveMessage(MessageDTO message) throws BusinessException, InterruptedException {
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
System.out.println("exception" + ex.getMessage());
#RabbitListener(queues = QUEUE_MESSAGES2, priority = "10")
public void receiveMessage2(MessageDTO message) throws BusinessException, InterruptedException {
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
System.out.println("exception" + ex.getMessage());
My output is random like this :
Subject One
Subject Two
Subject One
Subject Two
Subject One
Subject Two
Subject One
Subject Two
Subject One
Subject Two
Subject One
Subject Two
Subject One
Subject Two
Subject One
I need to receive all messages from first queue then receive messages from seconds queue. Can anybody help ?
I already even try with this in application.properties :
My version is : RabbitMQ 3.8.12 Erlang 23.2.6
I set priority in producer config to queue and in sending request priority to messages but it deosnt helps
Producer config :
public Declarables fanoutBindings() {
Queue messageQueue = QueueBuilder.durable(QUEUE_MESSAGES)
.withArgument("x-dead-letter-exchange", DLX_EXCHANGE_MESSAGES)
.withArgument("x-priority", Integer.valueOf(1))
Queue messageQueue2 = QueueBuilder.durable(QUEUE_MESSAGES2)
.withArgument("x-dead-letter-exchange", DLX_EXCHANGE_MESSAGES)
.withArgument("x-priority", Integer.valueOf(10))
Queue deadLetterQueue = QueueBuilder.durable(QUEUE_MESSAGES_DLQ).build();
Queue parkingLotQueue = QueueBuilder.durable(QUEUE_PARKING_LOT).build();
FanoutExchange deadLetterExchange = new FanoutExchange(DLX_EXCHANGE_MESSAGES);
return new Declarables(
The priority property on #RabbitListener is the consumer priority. Consumers with higher priority will receive messages when they are active, while lower priority consumers will only get messages when higher priority consumers block. This assumes those consumers are consuming from the same queue, which is not your case.
If you want to implement priority messages, you need to define a Priority Queue with a max priority and set the priority property when sending the message (messages without priority will be treated as 0 priority).
How to read a message from WebSphere MQ without deleting the original message from queue?
I have spring application which reads the message from the WebSphere MQ.
After reading, I have a process method which will process the data retrieved from queue.
Step 1:
response = jmsTemplate.receive();
//Message automatically removed from queue.
Step 2:
There are chances of throwing exceptions in process method. In case of exceptions, I need to retain the message in the queue.
Is it possible? Is their any way to delete the message only on user acknowledgement?
I tried adding the following:
...but still the message is getting deleted.
JmsTemplate creating code snippet:
JndiConnectionFactorySupport connectionFactoryBean = new JndiConnectionFactorySupport();
JndiDestinationResolver destinationResolver = new JndiDestinationResolver();
Tried the jmsTemplate.execute() method as below:
#SuppressWarnings({ "unused", "unchecked" })
Message responseMessage = (Message) jmsTemplate.execute(
new SessionCallback() {
public Object doInJms(Session session)
throws JMSException {
MessageConsumer consumer = session
.createConsumer(jmsTemplate.getDestinationResolver().resolveDestinationName(session, "QUEUE_NAME", false));
Message response = consumer.receive(1);
try {
testMethod();//this method will throw exception.
} catch(Exception e){
consumer.close();//control will come here.
return response;
}, true);
You can't do that with receive() methods because the operation is complete (from the session perspective) when the receive method returns.
You need to run the code that might fail within the scope of the session; e.g. with a JmsTemplate.execute() with a SessionCallback - something like this...
this.jmsTemplate.convertAndSend("foo", "bar");
try {
String value = this.jmsTemplate.execute(session -> {
MessageConsumer consumer = session.createConsumer(
this.jmsTemplate.getDestinationResolver().resolveDestinationName(session, "foo", false));
String result;
try {
Message received = consumer.receive(5000);
result = (String) this.jmsTemplate.getMessageConverter().fromMessage(received);
// Do some stuff that might throw an exception
finally {
return result;
}, true);
catch (Exception e) {
You have to browse the queue.
Example of real code that was executed making usage of Websphere MQ
public void browseMessagesAndJiraCreation(String jiraUserName, String jiraPassword) {
int counterMessages = jmsTemplate.browse(destinationQueueName, new BrowserCallback<Integer>() {
public Integer doInJms(final Session session, final QueueBrowser queueBrowser) throws JMSException {
Enumeration<TextMessage> enumeration = queueBrowser.getEnumeration();
int counterMessages = 0;
while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
counterMessages += 1;
TextMessage msg = enumeration.nextElement();
logger.info("Found : {}", msg.getText());
JiraId jiraId = jiraManager.createIssue(jiraUserName, jiraPassword);
jiraManager.attachFileToJira(jiraId, msg.getText(), jiraUserName, jiraPassword);
return counterMessages;
logger.info("{}:messages were browsed and processed from queue:{}.", counterMessages, destinationQueueName);
usage of the Spring Framework JmsTemplate
you pass the String gestinationQueueName (example destinationQueueName=QL.PREFCNTR.USER.REPLY)
Java enumeration of Text messages
counterMessages is the counter of messages that were processed
messages are NOT consumed!
You can add transactional processing of JMS messages. See the example
Your listener should be "transacted". Like this
<jms:listener-container connection-factory="connectionFactory" acknowledge="transacted">
<jms:listener ref="notificationProcessor" destination="incoming.queue"/>
I am using Paho java client library for my on android App. Code provided below.
MqttAndroidClient client_Panic = new MqttAndroidClient(this.getApplicationContext(), serverURL, CLIENT_ID);
try {
MqttConnectOptions options = new MqttConnectOptions();
IMqttToken token = client_Panic.connect(options);
//Few callbacks
} catch (MqttException e) {
And publishing messages, when required
String msg = "messages";
MqttMessage message = new MqttMessage();
try {
client_Panic.publish(topic, message);
} catch (MqttException e) {
It is working fine, but somehow incomplete. What I need is, whenever other client subscribed to same topic, should get the last retained message, which publisher might had published earlier.
For that I searched on their documentation, I got
protected void setWill(String topic,
MqttMessage msg,
int qos,
boolean retained)
So setWill as per documentation have the option to enable the retained option. So I tried with
options.setWill(topic,null,2,true); // This place I added
IMqttToken token = client_Panic.connect(options);
But got error java.lang.IllegalArgumentException at org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.MqttConnectOptions.validateWill on the line containing options.setWill.
Is setWill is the correct method for enabling retained true on android, if yes then what parameters need to be provided or else their is any other method for enabling it on android? TIA.
The Will is a very specific message that is only published if the client disconnects uncleanly from the broker (e.g. network drops).
You can not set a null message as the Will message which is what the error is about.
The retained state is specific to a given message so you do not set it globally, it is set on each message. To mark a message as retained when you just call the setRetained(boolean) e.g.
String msg = "messages";
MqttMessage message = new MqttMessage();
try {
client_Panic.publish(topic, message);
} catch (MqttException e) {
We have implemented solution based on selector
public void run() {
while (session.isConnectionAlive()) {
try {
// Wait for an event
} catch (IOException e) {
log.error("Selector error: {}", e.toString());
log.debug("Stacktrace: ", e);
log.debug("Ucp worker stopped");
private void handleSelectorkeys(Set<SelectionKey> selectedKeys) {
Iterator<SelectionKey> keys = selector.selectedKeys().iterator();
while (keys.hasNext()) {
SelectionKey selKey = keys.next();
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// Handle error with channel and unregister
log.error("Selector error: {}", e.toString());
log.debug("Stacktrace: ", e);
public void processSelectionKey(SelectionKey selKey) throws IOException {
// Since the ready operations are cumulative,
// need to check readiness for each operation
if (selKey.isValid() && selKey.isConnectable()) {
// Get channel with connection request
SocketChannel sChannel = (SocketChannel) selKey.channel();
boolean success = sChannel.finishConnect();
if (!success) {
// An error occurred; handle it
log.error("Error on finish");
// Unregister the channel with this selector
if (selKey.isValid() && selKey.isReadable()) {
if (selKey.isValid() && selKey.isWritable()) {
if (selKey.isValid() && selKey.isAcceptable()) {
It works fine till we start sending around 100 messages per sec and receive also around 100 response and 100 income messages and send 100 our responses (around 400 messages per sec in both ways) With such load from time to time due to unknown issue on other side our partner cut connection. We reestablish connection but for some reason selector doesn't switch to write state only read. We receive a lot messages on read but cannot send anything.
Any ideas? Is it OS issue issue on our side with connection. How does selector works? Switch from read to write by some logic or spontaneously?
There is no such thing as 'switch [from read] to write state'. A socket can be readable and writable at the same time, and a Selector doesn't 'switch': it merely reports which states exist on the socket.
If the write event never triggers, it is because the socket send buffer is full, which indicates that the peer isn't reading from the connection.
I've recently learned RabbitMQ with hopes of implementing it in my work flow. (I will be implementing it in Java) I just finished all the tutorials and was curious how I would implement a "constant" queue instead of a "temporary" queue. Or at least allow the consumer to get the message that the exchange sent. For example if I send a topic of "kern.overflow" but a consumer is offline, as soon as my consumer comes online as long as it is listening for something related to "kern.#" or "#.overflow" I want it to receive un-received messages.
Here is the code to:
create a persistent queue
bind the queue to the topic with "kern.#" as routing-key:
String myPersistentQueue = "myPersistentQueue";
boolean isDurable = true;
boolean isExclusive = false;
boolean isAutoDelete = false;
channel.queueDeclare(myPersistentQueue, isDurable, isExclusive, isAutoDelete, null);
channel.queueBind(myPersistentQueue, "myTopic", "kern.#");
final QueueingConsumer consumer = new QueueingConsumer(channel);
boolean autoAck = true;
String tag1 = channel.basicConsume(myPersistentQueue, autoAck, consumer);
executorService.execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
while (true) {
Delivery delivery;
try {
delivery = consumer.nextDelivery();
String message = new String(delivery.getBody());
System.out.println("Received: " + message);
} catch (Exception ex) {
Logger.getLogger(TestMng.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
System.out.println("Consumers Ready");
When you publish a message to myTopic using kern.overflow as routing-key the message is stored to the myPersistentQueue queue. The client can be off-line, when the client is on-line can get the messages.