LWJGL - Making the 3D FPS camera jump - java

So I am working on my first 3D project and everything went well till I decided to make the FPS character (camera) jump. I tried some methods and all of them didn't look well till I succeeded to do something that works most of the time. Now the problem is the "most of the time" - Which should be all the time.
The problem is that when I click the jump button continuously it starts to freak out. I tried to set the position always back to zero when I exceed it but it still freaks out sometimes although less often. Any suggestions how to do it in order for it to work all the time? (I am working with OpenGL and java without an engine)
The jumping part code:
if (Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_SPACE) && !jumping
&& position.y >= temp) { //temp - floor height
jumping = true;
gravity = (float) ((walkingSpeed * 0.00003) * delta);//delta - time
if (position.y < temp) { //In the air
speed = speed + gravity;
position.y = position.y + speed;
if (jumping) {
speed = speed - (float) ((walkingSpeed * 0.0006) * delta);
position.y = position.y + speed;
jumping = false;
if (position.y > temp) //**Supposed** to solve the problem
position.y = temp;

There are a number of issues in your code that don't synch up with what you are describing:
You have the sign reversed for virtually everything
You are testing for a condition that always evaluates to true (!jumping)
// Only start a jump while on the ground (position.y <= temp)
if (Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_SPACE) && position.y <= temp) {
speed = speed + (float) ((walkingSpeed * 0.0006));
// Don't care about the delta time when you jump, just add a fixed amount of
// positive vertical velocity (which gravity will work out over time).
// You had gravity going the wrong direction initially
gravity = (float) -((walkingSpeed * 0.00003) * delta);
speed = speed + gravity;
position.y = position.y + speed;
if (position.y < temp) { // Don't sink into the ground
position.y = temp;
speed = 0.0; // Scrub off acceleration due to gravity


LWJGL move camera forward (in the direction its facing)

My problem is that when I press W and look like 45° to the right, I'm not moving into that direction, but mainly forward (I'm moving very slightly to the right). I looked up different resources which told me to do it the way I did. My current move code in my camera class looks as following:
var offsetZ = 0.0f
if(KeyboardInputHandler.isKeyDown(GLFW_KEY_W)) offsetZ -= speed
if(KeyboardInputHandler.isKeyDown(GLFW_KEY_S)) offsetZ += speed
if(offsetZ != 0.0f) {
position.x += -offsetZ * sin(degreeToRadiant(rotY))
position.z += offsetZ * cos(degreeToRadiant(rotY))
var offsetX = 0.0f
if(KeyboardInputHandler.isKeyDown(GLFW_KEY_A)) offsetX -= speed
if(KeyboardInputHandler.isKeyDown(GLFW_KEY_D)) offsetX += speed
if(offsetX != 0.0f) {
position.x += -offsetX * sin(degreeToRadiant(rotY - 90.0f))
position.z += offsetX * cos(degreeToRadiant(rotY - 90.0f))
How do I fix this issue?
Very stupid mistake from me: The rotY variable was already in radiant, so I basically put a radiant in a degreeToRadiant method, thats why it wasnt moving sideways.

Minecraft modding change direction of player gradually

For a Minecraft project, I wanted to make the player face (0, 60, 0) gradually. So far, everything I have tried seems to fail when the player moves more than 720° around (0, 60, 0).
Anyone have an idea on how to make the camera move seamlessly to (0, 60, 0)?
Thank you!
Here is my code so far (that runs in a loop when toggled):
int x = 0;
int y = 60;
int z = 0;
player = Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer;
double dirx = player.posX - 0;
double diry = player.posY - 60;
double dirz = player.posZ - 0;
double len = Math.sqrt(dirx*dirx + diry*diry + dirz*dirz);
dirx /= len;
diry /= len;
dirz /= len;
double pitch = Math.asin(diry);
double yaw = Math.atan2(dirz, dirx);
//to degree
pitch = pitch * 180.0 / Math.PI;
yaw = yaw * 180.0 / Math.PI;
yaw += 90f;
if(yaw > player.rotationYaw) {
} else if(yaw < player.rotationYaw) {
This code without the if statement works properly. The yaw and pitch variables are in degrees.
What I am having trouble with is the fact that whenever I turn around (0, 60, 0) for a few times, the screen suddenly does a 360° turn, for no apparent reason.
This is a common problem. Or rather, the problem that people have commonly is they want to do "something across time" and don't know how to make it go "across time."
You need to lerp the camera a small distance each tick until the desired direction is achieved. You either need to:
a) create an event handler and subscribe to one of the TickEvents (pick an appropriate one, and then make sure to pick a phase, either Phase.START or Phase.END, or your code will run multiple times a frame).
b) in whatever method your code is already in (Note: this code must already be called once a tick) and do the lerping there.
Don't know how to calculate lerp? Stack Overflow already has that answered.

Object not moving in correct direction

Alright, I'm trying to do some simple object moving in the direction of where you touched the screen.
If I touch directly northwest of the object, it'll kind of move into the direction of the touch position. If I touch directly southeast of the object, it will kind of move into the direction of the touch position as well. However, if I touch directly northeast of the object, it'll move into the opposite direction towards the southwest. If I touch directly southwest of the object, it'll also move to the opposite direction towards northeast.
Also, if I touch north of the object, but just a little to the west, it will go straight west with a little to the north. Same with touching west of the object with a little bit to the north, it'll go straight north with a little bit to the west. Same thing for other directions.
Really, all the directions are from somewhat to obviously incorrect. I've been doing some paper calculations as well and I've seemed to be getting some correct angles, but at this point I'm completely stumped.
Does anyone know what the problem may be?
package com.badlogic.androidgames.texasholdem;
import java.util.List;
import android.util.FloatMath;
import com.badlogic.androidgames.framework.Game;
import com.badlogic.androidgames.framework.Graphics;
import com.badlogic.androidgames.framework.Input.TouchEvent;
import com.badlogic.androidgames.framework.Screen;
public class MainMenuScreen extends Screen {
public static float TO_RADIANS = (1 / 180.0f) * (float) Math.PI;
public static float TO_DEGREES = (1 / (float) Math.PI) * 180;
float num_x = 0; // Position of object on X axis
float num_y = 0; // Position of object on Y axis
float angle = 0;
public MainMenuScreen(Game game) {
public void update(float deltaTime) {
Graphics g = game.getGraphics();
List<TouchEvent> touchEvents = game.getInput().getTouchEvents();
int len = touchEvents.size();
for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
TouchEvent event = touchEvents.get(i);
if(event.type == TouchEvent.TOUCH_UP) {
if(inBounds(event, 0, 0, g.getWidth(), g.getHeight()) ) {
// Calculate the angle of the direction between two points
angle = (float) Math.atan2(event.x - num_x, event.y - num_y) * TO_DEGREES;
if (angle < 0)
angle += 360;
// This is just to give me numbers on the Math.atan2 result, angle, to/from X position, and to/from Y position
System.out.println("Pressed! - ATAN: " + Math.atan2(event.x - num_x, event.y - num_y)
+ " - ANGLE:" + angle + " - POS: " + event.x + "tx/"
+ (int)num_x + "fx " + event.y + "ty/" + (int)num_y + "fy");
// Moving object in direction at 1f speed
num_x += (1f * (float) Math.cos(angle * TO_RADIANS));
num_y += (1f * (float) Math.sin(angle * TO_RADIANS));
private boolean inBounds(TouchEvent event, int x, int y, int width, int height) {
if(event.x > x && event.x < x + width - 1 &&
event.y > y && event.y < y + height - 1)
return true;
return false;
public void present(float deltaTime) {
Graphics g = game.getGraphics();
g.drawPixmap(Assets.background, 0, 0);
g.drawPixmap(Assets.backcard, (int)num_x, (int)num_y);
public void pause() {
public void resume() {
public void dispose() {
if event x> x then x must be positive to move toward event.x
the problem here is that when event.x< x then your moving x must be negative
int dx,dy;
dx = (1f * (float) Math.cos(angle * TO_RADIANS));
dy = (1f * (float) Math.sin(angle * TO_RADIANS));
this way is simpler but less precise....
public void update(){
//(find dif between item x, and touch x)
float xdif=destx-x;
float ydif=desty-y;
else if(x>destx){
//we devide both x and y differences by the same number
else if(x==destx){
else if(y>desty){
else if(y==desty){
there u go, pathing in a straight line between two points, item.x and touch x.
Firstly, the math - I think the problem is that, for example, tan(135deg) = tan (-45deg) = -1. Therefore, atan has return values ranging between -90deg and 90deg as a resolution to ambiguity (look at its graph here). I think La5t5tarfighter's solution - negating the x movement in some cases - is on the right track, but you need to negate the y component in those cases as well. You could try that, but it would be much simpler if you used libGDX's Vector2 class. This is how I'd do it:
move.set(touchX, touchY); // y should be through flipping or unproject() before this
move.sub(objectPos); // move now points from object to where you touched
move.nor(); // now 1 unit long
move.scl(SPEED*deltaTime); // multiplied by a constant and delta - framerate-independent
You could even chain it into just one line if you want:
Secondly, you're not using a Camera. I'm not completely sure what the default coordinate system is, but I believe the y axis points up which is not the same as the one used for inputs - Input.getY() is given with an y axis pointing down from the top left corner. If you had a Camera, you'd do this:
cam.unproject(someVector.set(Gdx.input.getX(), Gdx.input.getY(), 0));
Lacking that, you might need to flip the y axis:
event.y = Gdx.graphics.getHeight() - event.y;
Still, this could be wrong. Try drawing the object right at the touch position - if I'm right in this, it'll seem mirrored vertically. If it draws correctly where you touch, ignore this part.

How to avoid undesired additional velocity from time step change with Verlet integrator

I know the title is an eyebrow raiser but it's mostly a side effect problem. I'm writing an Android app that I can use with the math I've been learning in my physics class. It's a 2D bouncing ball app. I'm using the time corrected Verlet integrator with an impulse on the floor which is the bottom of the screen. I'm adding friction and bounciness so that the ball eventually reaches 0 velocity.
The problem shows up when the ball is resting on the floor and a "significant" time step change happens. The integrator adjusts the velocities flawlessly and ends up firing the impulse on the floor. The impulse fires when the velocity's abs value is greater than 2.5. Android's GC usually causes a time adjusted -18 velocity.
Any help is appreciated. I realize the code structure could be better but I'm just trying to visualize and apply physics for fun. Thank you.
// The loop
public void run() {
if(mRenderables != null) {
final long time = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
final long timeDelta = time - mLastTime;
if(mLastTime != 0) {
final float timeDeltaSeconds = timeDelta / 1000.0f;
if(mLastTimeDeltaSec != 0) {
for(short i = 0; i < mRendLength; i++) {
Ball b1 = mRenderables[i];
// Acceleration is gauged by screen's tilt angle
final float gravityX = -mSV.mSensorX * b1.MASS;
final float gravityY = -mSV.mSensorY * b1.MASS;
computeVerletMethod(b1, gravityX, gravityY, timeDeltaSeconds, mLastTimeDeltaSec);
mLastTimeDeltaSec = timeDeltaSeconds;
mLastTime = time;
* Time-Corrected Verlet Integration
* xi+1 = xi + (xi - xi-1) * (dti / dti-1) + a * dti * dti
public void computeVerletMethod(Renderable obj, float gravityX, float gravityY, float dt, float lDT) {
mTmp.x = obj.pos.x;
mTmp.y = obj.pos.y;
obj.vel.x = obj.pos.x - obj.oldPos.x;
obj.vel.y = obj.pos.y - obj.oldPos.y;
// Log "1." here
obj.pos.x += obj.FRICTION * (dt / lDT) * obj.vel.x + gravityX * (dt * dt);
obj.pos.y += obj.FRICTION * (dt / lDT) * obj.vel.y + gravityY * (dt * dt);
obj.oldPos.x = mTmp.x;
obj.oldPos.y = mTmp.y;
// Log "2." here
// Screen edge detection and resolver
public void resolveScreenCollision(Renderable obj) {
final short xmax = (short) (mSV.mViewWidth - obj.width);
final short ymax = (short) (mSV.mViewHeight - obj.height);
final float x = obj.pos.x;
final float y = obj.pos.y;
// Only testing bottom of screen for now
if (y > ymax) {
// ...
} else if (y < 0.5f) {
if(Math.abs(obj.vel.y) > 2.5f) {
float imp = (obj.MASS * (obj.vel.y * obj.vel.y) / 2) * obj.RESTITUTION / obj.MASS;
obj.vel.y += imp;
// Log "bounce" here
} else {
obj.vel.y = obj.pos.y = obj.oldPos.y = mTmp.y = 0.0f;
Output while ball is resting on the floor and sudden impulse happens
(see code for "log" comments)
1. vel.y: -0.48258796
2. pos.y: -0.42748278 /oldpos.y: 0.0 /dt: 0.016 /ldt: 0.017
1. vel.y: -0.42748278
dalvikvm GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 8536 objects / 585272 byte s in 74ms
2. pos.y: -0.48258796 /oldpos.y: 0.0 /dt: 0.017 /ldt: 0.016
1. vel.y: -0.48258796
2. pos.y: -18.061148 /oldpos.y: 0.0 /dt: 0.104 /ldt: 0.017
1. vel.y: -18.061148
bounce imp: 124.35645
2. pos.y: 13.805508 /oldpos.y: -18.061148 /dt: 0.015 /ldt: 0.104
you shouldn't use a timestep based on how much time occured from the previous calculation because that can cause problems such as this and errors in collision detection, if you don't have that yet. Instead for every update, you should set a "time chunk" or a max amount of time for each update. For example: say you want 30fps and the which is in nanotime about 33333333. so 33333333 = 1 timechunk. so then you could do a while loop
long difftime = System.nanoTime() - lastTime;
static long fpstn = 1000000000 / 30;
static int maxtimes = 10;// This is used to prevent what is commonly known as the spiral of death: the calcutaions are longer that the time you give them. in this case you have to increase the value of a base timechunk in your calculations
for (int i = 0; i < maxtimes; i++) {
if (difftime >= fpstn) {
} else {
world.updateVerlet((float)diffTime / (float)fpstn);
difftime -= fpstn;
if (difftime <= 0)
It's hard to be sure, but it looks as if the problem isn't the increase in the time step, it's the large time step. You do Verlet integration and bouncing as separate processes, so if the ball start from a resting position on the floor with a large time step, it falls far into the floor, picking up speed, before being reflected into the air. Keep the time step small and you won't have this problem... much.

OpenGL + Processing: Rotate and move based on direction

I'm trying to rotate and move a triangle into a certain direction, based on the pointing direction of the triangle. In theory, I calculate the sine and cosine of the direction (0-360 degrees) and add these values to the x- and y-position, right? It just doesn't work.
Also, the triangle should point up in the beginning, not down.
public void speedUp() {
float dirX, dirY;
speed *= acceleration;
if(speed > 50) speed = 50;
println("dir: " + direction + " x: " + cos(direction) + " y: " + sin(direction));
dirX = cos(direction);
dirY = sin(direction);
public void redraw() {
GL gl = pgl.beginGL(); // always use the GL object returned by beginGL
gl.glTranslatef(xPos, yPos, 0);
gl.glRotatef(direction, 0, 0, 1000);
gl.glColor4f(0.1, 0.9, 0.7, 0.8);
gl.glVertex3f(-10, -10, 0); // lower left vertex
gl.glVertex3f( 10, -10, 0); // lower right vertex
gl.glVertex3f( 0, 15, 0); // upper vertex
It looks like you need to convert from polar coordinates(moving about using an angle and a radius) to cartesian coordinates(moving about using the x and y).
The formula looks a bit like this:
x = cos(angle) * radius;
y = sin(angle) * radius;
So, as #Lie Ryan mentions, you also need to multiply with speed (which is your radius in polar coordinates).
Either have your angle in degrees but use radians() when using cos,sin as they work with radians, or use radians, and use degrees() with glRotatef, up to you
Also, you might want to have a look at glPushMatrix() and glPopMatrix(). Bascially, they allow you to nest transformations. Whatever transformations you do withing the blocks, they affect just that block locally.
Here's what I mean, use w,a,s,d keys:
import processing.opengl.*;
import javax.media.opengl.*;
float direction = 0;//angle in degrees
float speed = 0;//radius
float xPos,yPos;
void setup() {
size(600, 500, OPENGL);
void keyPressed(){
if(key == 'w') speed += 1;
if(key == 'a') direction -= 10;
if(key == 'd') direction += 10;
if(key == 's') speed -= 1;
if(speed > 10) speed = 10;
if(speed < 0) speed = 0;
println("direction: " + direction + " speed: " + speed);
void draw() {
xPos += cos(radians(direction)) * speed;
yPos += sin(radians(direction)) * speed;
PGraphicsOpenGL pgl = (PGraphicsOpenGL) g;
GL gl = pgl.beginGL();
gl.glTranslatef(width * .5,height * .5,0);//start from center, not top left
{//enter local/relative
gl.glColor3f(.75, 0, 0);
gl.glVertex2i(0, 10);
gl.glVertex2i(-10, -10);
gl.glVertex2i(10, -10);
}//exit local, back to global/absolute coords
You don't actually need the { } for the push and pop matrix calls, I added them like a visual aid. Also, you can do this without push/pop, by concatenating your transforms, but it's handy to know those are there for your when you need them. Might come in handy when you want to shoot some GL_LINES out of that triangle...pew pew pew!
You have your units messed up. glRotatef excepts degrees and the trigonometrical functions expect radians. This is the most obvious mistake.
Also, speed is never used in your snippet. I suppose that every frame you're using it somehow, but in the code you pasted there's:
Which is basically "add direction to the position" - not making much sense, unless you want to "move it exactly 1 unit in the given direction instantenously at the moment when speedUp() is called. The usual approach for continous movement would be to:
// each frame:
xPos += dirX * speed * deltaTime;
yPos += dirY * speed * deltaTime;
Try this:
dirX = speed * cos(direction);
dirY = speed * sin(direction);
You are obviously new to OpenGl, so I would recommend you, that you look into quaternions to do your roations. Here are two pretty nice article about this matter: Gamedev and Nehe. I would recommend you to use the Quaternion class from the JMonkeyEngine. Just remove the savable and some other interfaces and you can use them with ease. Here they are located: JMonkey Source
I also use the JME math classes for my own projects. I have already striped most of the dependencies and you can download some classes from here: Volume Shadow. However the Quaternion class is missing, but you WILL need Vector3f :D.

