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Java: Load class from string
(5 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
Here I have found some good example:
// Prepare source somehow.
String source = "package test; public class Test { static { System.out.println(\"hello\"); } public Test() { System.out.println(\"world\"); } }";
// Save source in .java file.
File root = new File("/java"); // On Windows running on C:\, this is C:\java.
File sourceFile = new File(root, "test/");
new FileWriter(sourceFile).append(source).close();
// Compile source file.
JavaCompiler compiler = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler();, null, null, sourceFile.getPath());
// Load and instantiate compiled class.
URLClassLoader classLoader = URLClassLoader.newInstance(new URL[] { root.toURI().toURL() });
Class<?> cls = Class.forName("test.Test", true, classLoader); // Should print "hello".
Object instance = cls.newInstance(); // Should print "world".
System.out.println(instance); // Should print "test.Test#hashcode".
Question: Is it possible to achieve exactly the same thing without writing to a file?
To be more exact: I know how to compile from string (overloading JavaFileObject). But after doing this, I have no idea how to load the class. I probably missed the output-write part, but this also a thing I would like not to do.
For anyone interested, I created this small project to implement discussed feature:
OK, so here is an example of using JavaCompiler to compile from a String input. this file is the core of it.
In this file, I load the class which is compiled. You will notice that I also detect the package and classname using regexes.
As to the output, if you want to do that in memory, it appears that you can do so if you implement your own JavaFileManager; however I have never tried that!
Note that you can debug what happens quite easily by extending ForwardingJavaFileManager
Not exactly what you are asking for, but Groovy's library for Java makes it easy to compile and evaluate expressions from String. The syntax is not identical but very similar to Java, so if you can change the strings to be compiled so they are in Groovy instead of Java, the task will be very easy. See Embedding Groovy for code samples.
This question already has answers here:
Run piece of code contained in a String
(9 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
Lets say i have this String: String run = "System.out.println\(\"Hello\"\)". What i want to do is run what is in the string to output Hello in console.
Maybe there is a method like
Try BeanShell , build your app with jar library.
import bsh.Interpreter;
private void runString(String code){
Interpreter interpreter = new Interpreter();
try {
interpreter.set("context", this);//set any variable, you can refer to it directly from string
interpreter.eval(code);//execute code
catch (Exception e){//handle exception
Maybe in Java 9 you could use the REPL but as it's not there yet You would need to
* create a temporary file with a class with a know to You API
* run javac on it and compile it
* load the compiled class with a class loader
* run the code
If You want to do is running dynamically defined scripts in Your code then You could use Nashorn and JavaScript. It would do what You want. Also You could use Groovy in your project instead of Java - the syntax is similar to Java but Groovy is a dynamic language.
No, you cannot do it and there's no method to run this command in String. Anything withing the double quotes becomes String literals only and compiler doesn't take care of any command written in that.
I got a little project where I have to compute a list. The computation depends on serveal factors.
The point is that these factors change from time to time and the user should be allowed to change this by it's self.
Up to now, the factors are hard-coded and no changes can be done without recompiling the code.
At the moment the code looks like this:
if (someStatement.equals("someString")) {
My idea is to make an editable and human readable textfile, configfile, etc. which is loaded at runtime/ at startup? This file should hold the java code from above.
Any ideas how to do that? Please note: The targeted PCs do not have the JDK installed, only an JRE.
An effective way of going about this is using a static initializer. Static Block in Java A good and concise explanation can be found under this link.
One option here that would allow this would be to use User Input Dialogs from the swing API - then you could store the users answer's in variables and export them to a text file/config file, or just use them right in the program without saving them. You would just have the input dialogs pop up at the very beginning of the program before anything else happens, and then the program would run based off those responses.
You could use Javascript for the configuration file language, instead of java. Java 7 SE and later includes a javascript interpreter that you can call from Java. it's not difficult to use, and you can inject java objects into the javascript environment.
Basically, you'd create a Javascript environment, insert the java objects into it which the config file is expected to configure, and then run the config file as javascript.
Okay, here we go... I found an quite simple solution for my problem.
I am using Janino by Codehaus (Link). This library has an integrated Java compiler and seems to work like the JavaCompiler class in Java 7.
BUT without having the JDK to be installed.
Through Janino you can load and compile *.java files(which are human readable) at runtime, which was exactly what I needed.
I think the examples and code-snippets on their homepage are just painful, so here's my own implementation:
Step one is to implement an interface with the same methods your Java file has which is loaded at runtime:
public interface ZuordnungInterface {
public ArrayList<String> Zuordnung(ArrayList<String> rawList);}
Then you call the Janino classloader when you need the class:
File janinoSourceDir = new File(PATH_TO_JAVAFILE);
File[] srcDir = new File[] { janinoSourceDir };
String encoding = null;
ClassLoader parentClassLoader = this.getClass().getClassLoader();
ClassLoader cl = new JavaSourceClassLoader(parentClassLoader, srcDir,
And create an new instance
ZuordnungsInterface myZuordnung = (ZuordnungInterface) cl.loadClass("zuordnung")
Note: The class which is loaded is named, so there is no extension needed in the call cl.loadClass("zuordnung").
And finaly the class I want to load and compile at runtime of my program, which can be located wherever you want it to be (PATH_TO_JAVAFILE):
public class zuordnung implements ZuordnungInterface {
public ArrayList<String> Zuordnung(ArrayList<String> rawList){
ArrayList<String> computedList = (ArrayList<String>) rawList.clone();
if (Model.getSomeString().equals("Some other string")) {
computedList.add("Yeah, I loaded an external Java class");
return computedList;
That's it. Hope it helps others with similar problems!
I have a Ruby script that I'd like to run at the startup of my Java program.
When you tell the ScriptEngine to evaluate the code for the first time, it takes a while. I'm under the impression that the reason it takes this long is because it first needs to compile the code, right?
I found that you can compile Ruby code, and then evaluate it later. The evaluation itself is fast - the compilation part is the slow one. Here I am compiling:
jruby = new ScriptEngineManager().getEngineByName("jruby");
Compilable compilingEngine = (Compilable)jruby;
String code = "print 'HELLO!'";
CompiledScript script;
script = compilingEngine.compile(code);
This snippet is what takes a while. Later when you evaluate it, it is fine.
So of course, I was wondering if it would be possible to "save" this compiled code into a file, so in the future I can "load" it and just execute it without compiling again.
As others have said, this is not possible with CompiledScript. However, with JRuby you have another option. You can use the command line tool jrubyc to compile a Ruby script to Java bytecode like so:
jrubyc <scriptname.rb>
This will produce a class file named scriptname.class. You can run this class from the command line as if it were a normal class with a main(String[] argv) method (note: the jruby runtime needs to be in the classpath) and you can of course load it into your application at runtime.
You can find more details on the output of jrubyc here:
According to this, no.
"Unfortunately, compiled scripts are not, by default, serializable, so they can't be pre-compiled as part of a deployment process, so compilation should be applied at runtime when you know it makes sense."
I think some really easy cache will solve your problem:
class CompiledScriptCache {
static {
CompiledScriptCache INSTANCE = new CompiledScritCache();
publich static CompiledScriptCache get(){
retrun INSTANCE;
List<CompiledScript> scripts = new ArrayList<>();
public CompiledScript get(int id){
return scripts.get(id);
public int add(String code){
ScriptEngine jruby = new ScriptEngineManager().getEngineByName("jruby");
Compilable compilingEngine = (Compilable)jruby;
CompiledScript script;
script = compilingEngine.compile(code);
return scripts.size()-1;
I thought this question was about avoiding to comile the source more than once.
Only other approach I could imagine is to create Java-Classes and make a cross-compile:
In my main program I am allowing users to create Java classes and storing them in a .java file within the package UserInputs. I am now looking for a way to instantiate the user created class within my main program and also running the public methods within the class.
Here is the code which gets executed when the user presses a JButton to finish creating their class.
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
if(e.getSource() == inputButt.getButtons()){
PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter("C:/Users/human/Desktop/UserInputTest/src/UserInputs/", "UTF-8");
}catch(Exception except){
You need to compile the file at runtime. Maybe this or this post here on SO helps you.
What the first link says is that you should use the Java 6 Compiler API. What you need to do is this:
JavaCompiler compiler = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler();
int compilationResult =, null, null, fileToCompile);
Where fileToCompile is the path to your file, in your case "C:/Users/human/Desktop/UserInputTest/src/UserInputs/". Then you can execute the code via Reflection.
I would be very carefully with letting people create and execute their own Java code, though. I don't know what you plan to do but if you are running this code on a server, I would not recommend doing such things. In case this application should run locally on the clients computer (so they can only harm themselves) this should not be a problem. Otherwise I would not let them program what they want.
You might also want to consider Groovy compiler which is almost fully compatible with Java syntax, more functional and has simpler API. Example from a Groovy page:
ClassLoader parent = getClass().getClassLoader();
GroovyClassLoader loader = new GroovyClassLoader(parent);
Class groovyClass = loader.parseClass(new File("src/test/groovy/script/HelloWorld.groovy"));
// let's call some method on an instance
GroovyObject groovyObject = (GroovyObject) groovyClass.newInstance();
Object[] args = {};
groovyObject.invokeMethod("run", args);
Is there a way in using externally stored sourcecode and loading it into a Java programm, so that it can be used by it?
I would like to have a program that can be altered without editing the complete source code and that this is even possible without compiling this every time. Another advantage is, that I can change parts of the code like I want.
Of course I have to have interfaces so that it is possible to send data into this and getting it back into the fixed source program again.
And of course it should be faster than a pure interpreting system.
So is there a way in doing this like an additional compiling of these external source code parts and a start of the programm after this is done?
Thank you in advance, Andreas :)
You need the API for this. Thus, you need to have at least the JDK installed to get it to work (and let your IDE point to it instead of the JRE). Here's a basic kickoff example (without proper exception and encoding handling just to make the basic example less opaque, cough):
public static void main(String... args) throws Exception {
String source = "public class Test { static { System.out.println(\"test\"); } }";
File root = new File("/test");
File sourceFile = new File(root, "");
Writer writer = new FileWriter(sourceFile);
JavaCompiler compiler = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler();, null, null, sourceFile.getPath());
URLClassLoader classLoader = URLClassLoader.newInstance(new URL[] { root.toURI().toURL() });
Class<?> cls = Class.forName("Test", true, classLoader);
This should print test in stdout, as done by the static initializer in the test source code. Further use would be more easy if those classes implements a certain interface which is already in the classpath. Otherwise you need to involve the Reflection API to access and invoke the methods/fields.
In Java 6 or later, you can get access to the compiler through the package. ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler() will get you a, which you can configure to compile your source. If you are using earlier versions of Java, you can still get at it through the internal interface, although it's a lot less flexible.
Java6 has a scripting API. I've used it with Javascript, but I believe you can have it compile external Java code as well.
Edit: Here is a more relevant link:
"Dynamic source" code in Java applications