doubly linked list empty situation - java

In my lecture noes its given that if doubly linked list is empty then;
But I feel like this is the case when there's exactly two nodes. Shouldn't the empty case be
I don't know if I am correct.I am sill new to this subject.Can someone please clarify this

There are two common ways to store a double linked-list:
Let head and tail refer to actual nodes in the tree.
head variable tail variable
| |
first -> second -> third -> null
In this case, you are correct - head will be null.
Let head and tail be special nodes (called "sentinel nodes", as pointed out in the other answer) which don't actually contain any data and point to the first and last nodes in the list through next and prev respectively.
head variable tail variable
| |
head -> first -> second -> third -> tail -> null
node node
In this case, == tail will mean the list is empty.
One might use this approach instead of the above one to simplify the implementation a bit and make the code a bit faster - there's no need to make special provision for removing or inserting the first or last nodes.

This doubly-linked list is using both head and tail sentinel nodes. These are nodes that don't actually contain elements of the list, but help to make certain algorithms slightly nicer by making the head and tail cases work more like the middle of the list.
If the list weren't using sentinels, then the empty case would be head==null, and the two-element case would have and tail.prev==header.


Find the 3rd last element in the Singly Link List - Algorithm

I am thinking on the Algo to find the 3rd last element in the Singly Link List and I come up with one by myself(space in-efficient)
Put the Link List in a ArrayList using a loop with O(n)time complexity [a lot of space complexity]
then find the size of Arraylist and retrieve the element[required element] at (size-2) index location
Please guide me if my algo make sense
Other I searched is :
Put two pointers and keep 1st pointer on 1st element and 2nd pointer on 3rd element and move them parallel
When the second pointer reaches the end of LinkList, retrieve the node[required node] which is pointed by the 1st pointer
Use two pointers: pointer-1 and pointer-2
make pointer-1 points to third node in single linked list.
pointer-1 = node1->next->next; // point to 3rd nd
node1-->node2-->node3-->node4---> ...... -->node-last
Now set pointer-2 points to first-node
pointer-2 = node1; // point to 1st nd
node1-->node2-->node3-->node4---> ...... -->node-last
^ ^
| |
pointer-2 pointer-1
Now, travel in linked list in a loop till pointer-1 points to last node, in loop also update pointer-2 (every time to next node of itself )
while (pointer-1->next!=NULL){// points to last node
pointer-1 = pointer-1 -> next;
pointer-2 = pointer-2 -> next;
When loop ends pointer-1 points to last-node, pointer-2 points to third last
node1-->node2-->........ ->node-l3-->node-l2-->node-last
^ ^
| |
pointer-2 pointer-1
It works in O(n) times, where n is number of nodes in linked-list.
Since the linked list is singly linked, you need to traverse it from the beginning to end to know what the 3rd to last element is, os O(n) time is unavoidable (unless you maintain a pointer to the 3rd to last element in your linked list).
Your 2 pointers idea, will use constant space. This is probably the better option, since creating an ArrayList will have more overhead, and use more space.
Get two pointers. pA, pB
Move pA to 3 elements advance and pB to the head:
1->2->3->4-> .... ->99->100
| |
pB pA
After this, move both pointers in the same loop till pA reaches to the last element.
At that point pB will be pointing to the last 3rd element
1->2->3->4-> .... ->98->99->100
| |
pB pA
traversal will be one:
pA = pA->next;
pB = pB->next;
Here pB will be 3rd last
An alternative view to solve this even though it is O(n)
Create an empty array(n), start a pointer into this array at 0, and start from the beginning of the linked list as well. Every time you visit a node store it in the current index of the array and advance the array pointer. Keep filling the nodes in the array, and when you reach the end of the array please start from the beginning again so as to overwrite.
Now once you end the final end of the list the pointer nth elemtn from end :)
In practice, a Java LinkedList keeps track of its size, so you could just go to 'list.get(list.size()-2)', but with a constructed linked list, I'd do the following:
Keep an array of 3 values. As you traverse the list, add the update the value at array[i%3]. When there are no more values, return the value at array[(i-2)%3].
The first thing I'd do is ask you to reconsider your use of a singly linked list. Why not just store your data in an ArrayList? It does everything you seem to want, and it's a builtin so it's relatively efficient compared to what most people would write.
If you were bound and determined to use a linked list, I'd suggest keeping a direct pointer to the 3rd last element (tle). Insertions are easy - if they come before the tle, do nothing; if after, advance the tle pointer to the tle's next. Removals are more of a hassle, but probably not most of the time. If the removal occurs before the tle, it's still the tle. The annoying situation is if the element to be removed is the tle or later, in which case you get to iterate through from the beginning until the next() reference of the current node is the tle. The current node will become the new tle, and you can then proceed with the removal. Since there are only three nodes which invoke this level of work, you'll probably do all right most of the time if the list is sizable.
A final option, if removals from the end are a frequent occurrence, is to maintain your list from back to front. Then the tle becomes the third from the front for maintenance purposes.
//We take here two pointers pNode and qNode both initial points to head
//pNode traverse till end of list and the qNode will only traverse when difference
// between the count and position is grater than 0 and pthNode increments once
// in each loop
static ListNode nthNode(int pos){
ListNode pNode=head;
ListNode qNode=head;
int count =0;
if(count - pos > 0);;
return pNode;

Linked List Manual Sort

I'm having a really difficult time solving this problem. I have spent hours on it and can't figure it out.
I have a linked list that I am trying to manually sort. My nodes are called CNodes. There is a start CNode, a tail CNode and a newNext CNode.
Each Node contains a contact. The contact has a firstname that I am trying to sort the list by.
I know there are more automatic ways to do this, but I need to demonstrate that I understand how to sort (which clearly I do not at this point).
I am trying to do this by iterating over each node and comparing it to start, then changing the start entity if it qualifies.
This code is not working...I've been working on it for two days and am really stuck.
Any specific suggestions would be really appreciated.
CNode nextNode=start;
while(nextNode.getNext()!=null) {
CNode newNext;
while(tail!=null) {
if(start.getContact().getStrFirstName().compareTo(tail.getContact().getStrFirstName()) > 0) {
//We put the starting node in a temp node
//We set our current node to the start
//Set the next node of start to the original next one of the one we
//just removed from the chain
//Set current marker to the new first nodes' next entity
//Set the next node for the marker to the one we just removed
} else {
The best thing you can do is start with an array, and get the sorting concept down. You also need to figure out what type of sort you are going to do, you're currently trying to do a bubble sort. There is also a merge sort, quick sort, and others. Once you pick the type of sort you want, you can then do it on an array, then move to node.
Here are some sorts: Bubble sort: Quick sort:
So what you're doing is a bubble sort. For a visual representation of what the is, look at this (from Wikipedia):
So in the while loop, when two nodes need to be switched, we're going to store the 'next' (current) node into a temp, put the tail in the next node, and put the temp into the tail, like a triangle.
/ ^
/ \
V \
tail -- next
I attempted to rewrite your code, but was confused as to if start is you're root node, and if not, what is you're root node. If it is, it should be only used once, and that is declaring you're tail node.
Good luck, hope I helped,

Adding a linked list to another in O(1)

Two Singly linked Lists, size m , r and want to insert the first linked list nodes after the head of the second linked list, and the time complexity has to be O(1) of the method.
This really an intereseting difficult problem for me. Eatch time I think of a solution, the Time complexity is O(m+r)
I need some hints to solve this. I consumed useless effort on this problem.
Let me share what I have so far:
Create a new Linked List
Add the HEAD of the 2nd list
Still O(1)
Add all the nodes of 1st list
Becomes (n)
Add the rest of the nodes from the 1st list
Becomes another (n-1)
What do you think about this? I got inspired directly after I asked here :)
If you have two singly-linked lists and don't have the tail of the first already, this is only possible in O(n). If you have the tail you simply make it point to the head of the second list...
Edit: 2nd list head points to first list's head. Hold a reference to 2nd list's 2nd node. Iterate down first list - again this is O(n) if you don't have a reference to the tail to start - and have the tail of that point to the original 2nd element of the 2nd list.
Assuming you have these structures:
Head node
Tail node
Next node
Reminder to self: the goal is: "insert the first linked list nodes after the head of the second linked list".
Then all you've got to do is:
// Hook up the end of list1 to the original second element of list2 =;
// Set the second element of list2 to be the first element of list1 = list1.head;
List2 still ends where it did before (its tail node is the same).
You've now got list1 with a "floating" head, which is generally bad news... but if you iterate over list1 you'll get all the elements from both original lists...

Question about recursive implementation of reversing a singly linked list

If I have created a linked list where order of insertion is 5,4,3. I use the head reference so the linked list gets stored as 3->4->5->null.
When I want to reverse the linked list == original order of insertion so it will be
5->4->3->null. Now if this is how my new list looks like, which node should my head reference be referring to so the new elements I add to the list will still have O(1) insertion time?
I think head, by definition, always points to the first element of a list.
If you want to insert to the end of a linked list in O(1) then keep two references, one to the first element and one to the last element. Then adding to the end is done by following the last reference to the last element, add the new element beyond the last element, update the last reference to point to the new last element.
Inserting to an empty list becomes a special case because you have to set both first and last references not just the last reference. Similarly for deleting from a list with one element.
If you want to the back of a singly linked list, you should keep a reference to the last element. When you want to insert a new element, you create a new link object with the new element as head, the tail of the element you insert it after as the tail, and the new link object as the new tail of the element you insert it afterward. This takes three pointer movements and thus constant time.
For any linked list to have an O(1) insertion time, you have to insert into the front of the list or some other arbitrary location completely disregarding any order. Being a singly linked list means that you can't point to the last element in the list because the list up until the last element will be inaccessible. A fix to this might be as Shannon Severance has stated in that you keep two pointers, a head and a tail. You can use the head to access the elements and the tail to arbitrarily add elements to the list.
Think of it this way:
The reverse of a list consisting of HEAD -> [the rest of the list] is precisely: reverse([the rest of the list]) -> HEAD.
Your base case would be if the list contains a single element. The reverse of such a list is just itself.
Here's an example (using executable pseudo-code, aka Python):
class Node(object):
def __init__(self, data, next_=None):
self._data = data
self._next = next_
def __str__(self):
return '[%s] -> %s' % (self._data,
self._next or 'nil')
def reverse(node):
# base case
if node._next is None:
return node
# recursive
head = Node(node._data) # make a [HEAD] -> nil
tail_reverse = reverse(node._next)
# traverse tail_reverse
current = tail_reverse
while current._next is not None:
current = current._next
current._next = head
return tail_reverse
if __name__ == '__main__':
head = Node(0,
print head
print reverse(head)
Note that this is not in O(1) due to the lack of a last-element reference (only HEAD).

How to update rear in a circular linked list?

I need help updating the rear of a circular linked list if I move a set of nodes after the initial rear.
Lets assume rear is the rear node and circulates back to [1].
If I move [1][2][3] after node [5] giving me
[4][5][1][2][3], which breaks the circular linked list,
How can I approach updating [3] as rear and to point to [1]?
Because the nature of the set of links is a circle, you have to break the links and reestablish them after moving. The important links here are the ones that are going to be 'broken', which is (if it is a singly linked list, as I am assuming), the link from [3] -> [4] and the link from [5] -> [1].
You have two sections in your list here, [1][2][3], which we can call A, and [4][5], which we can call B. The --> link shown below is the pointer to the first element in the list.
--> A -> B -+
^ |
| |
What you want to do is reset the link so that the last element in A points to the first element in B, and the last element in B points to the first element in A. In addition, the beginning of the list is now the first element in B.
--> B -> A -+
^ |
| |
So now we just break and reset the links where they are needed.
--> [1][2][3] -> [4][5] -+ --> [4][5] -> [1][2][3] -+
^ | => ^ |
+-------------------+ +-------------------+
Set the beginning of the list to be the first element of B, which is [4]
Set the last element in B, which is [5], to point to the first element in A, which is [1]. This happens to already be set that way, but don't count on that. :)
Set the last element in A, which is [3], to point to the first element in B, which is [4].
As you can see, the only nodes we really care about are the first and last elements of each part of the list, i.e., the beginning and ending element of A and B. In this case, one of those sections also containd the first element, so we had to move the notion of which element was the 'first' element. Hope this helps.
Is this homework?
How are you doing the "move"?
I would make it a function, something like list.move(first, last, after), which in this case would be list.move(1, 3, 5).
And you'd have variables tracking the front/head and the rear/tail of the list. I'll assume they're called list.front and list.rear.
So in every case, you want to do:
list[after].next = list[first]
and then there's two special cases I can see:
inserting after the rear
(list[after] == list.rear)
moving the head
(list[start] == list.front)
So you can handle those using if statements.
I think this answers it(provided i understand this correctly)
Node insertAtRear(Node rear, T value) {
Node tmp = new Node(value);
if(rear!=null) { =; = tmp
rear = tmp
} else {
// this is probably the first element to be inserted
rear = tmp; = rear;
Working on the basis that you start with [1][2][3][4][5] and you want to end up with [4][5][1][2][3] you can do this using pointers and not change the data structure.
As you have indicated we have a circular list where the pointer "" points to the first bucket and each subsequent bucket has a .next pointer linking it to its right most neighbour until we get back to the rear bucket again. Basically a bunch of buckets linked to one another.
If we create a "tail" node and a "header" node we can use these to order the list. These are markers and not part of the circle they just point to a start or end point.
So to get [1][2][3][4][5] we can set the tail node to point to [5] then follow [5]s next pointer which leads us to [1] which we set our header to point to. So header=[1];tail=[5]
Starting at the header and working through the list following the next pointers each time we can access our items in this order [1][2][3][4][5]. No surprise there!
Lets change that though as we want [3] to be the rear. So lets set our tail node to point to [3]. Then follow [3]s next pointer we arrive at [4]. To this we assign the header.So header=[4];tail=[3]
Now working through our list starting with whatever our header points to we have [4][5][1][2][3].
It appears we have performed a move operation but we have not tampered with our data structure or its links - just the way we work with it. All we have altered is our header and tail. (Our pointers). Thats the beauty of the circular list.

