I am developing an android application using JAVA. All I want is to
record a song and generate its hash(CODE), then query the echoprint server for a match.
If a match is not found, then upload it to the server (ingest) for future references.
I have been able to achieve the first part. Can someone suggest me about the second part in JAVA? (P.S. : I've seen how to do it using python codes - but that won't be helpful in my case.)
Another question, may I achieve the second objective with the global echoprint server? Or, do I need to set up one of my own?
The references I've used are:
To insert a song into the echoprint server database, all you need to do is call the ingest method. Basically, it is only a HTTP POST request with correct json body. Here is a Scala code (Java would be very similar) that I am using for that:
import EasyJSON.JSON
import EasyJSON.ScalaJSON
import dispatch.Defaults.executor
import dispatch._
class EchoprintAPI {
val API_URL = "http://your.api.server"
def queryURL(code: String) = url(s"$API_URL/query?fp_code=$code")
def query(code: String): scala.concurrent.Future[ScalaJSON] = {
def ingest(json: ScalaJSON, trackId: String): scala.concurrent.Future[ScalaJSON] = {
val metadata = json("metadata")
val request = url(s"$API_URL/ingest").POST
.addParameter("fp_code", json("code").toString)
.addParameter("artist", metadata("artist").toString)
.addParameter("release", metadata("release").toString)
.addParameter("track", metadata("title").toString)
.addParameter("codever", metadata("version").toString)
.addParameter("length", metadata("duration").toString)
.addParameter("genre", metadata("genre").toString)
.addParameter("bitrate", metadata("bitrate").toString)
.addParameter("source", metadata("filename").toString)
.addParameter("track_id", trackId)
.addParameter("sample_rate", metadata("sample_rate").toString)
def delete(trackId: String): scala.concurrent.Future[ScalaJSON] = {
protected def jsonResponse(request: dispatch.Req): scala.concurrent.Future[EasyJSON.ScalaJSON] = {
val response = Http(request OK as.String)
for (c <- response) yield JSON.parseJSON(c)
To generate the fingerprint code, you can use echoprint-codegen command line call or use the Java JNI integration with C lib
I want to store a randomized integer that has been called out in the request body and store it in test case Property so that it can be passed as a body parameter in the next request.
for example:
id_num = randomNumeric(10)
id_num = 1234567890
trfered_IDNum = ${#TestCase#id_num}
The Structure looks like below,
Let's start with some assumptions.
RestRequestTestStep1 Response Body has below fields :
RestRequestTestStep2 Request Body has below fields :
Resp1Field1Value and Resp1Field2Value from first response will be substituted to Resp2Field1Value and Resp2Field2Value of second request.
RestRequestTestStep2 body should be as below as we will be substituting values from the testCase Property that will be set in the groovy script once first request is completed.
The Code..rather Script : The groovy script can be placed under the same Test Case and should do below,
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
//Substitute with appropriate testSuiteName,testCaseName,testStepName1 and testStepName1 as per the Project Structure you have.
def testSuite = testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project.getTestSuiteByName("testSuiteName")
def testCase = testSuite.getTestCaseByName("testCaseName")
def testStep1 = testCase.getTestStepByName("testStepName1")
def testStep2 = testCase.getTestStepByName("testStepName2")
// Call the first REST Request
testStep1.run(testRunner, context)
def response = testStep1.testRequest.response.responseContent
def jsonSlurper = new JsonSlurper().parseText(response)
//Assign it to a testCase Property to grab for second Rest Request
if (jsonSlurper.size() > 0) {
//Call the second Rest Request
testStep2.run(testRunner, context)
def response = testStep2.testRequest.response.responseContent
def jsonSlurper = new JsonSlurper().parseText(response)
// Perform Validation/assertion as desired
Use these 2 lines in your groovy script before second request in the same test case
def id_num = (new Random().nextInt(100000000)).toString()
testRunner.testCase.setPropertyValue( "id_num", id_num )
log.info id_num
Now since you have saved the value in a testcase properties in a soap step, you can use like below in the next request within same testcase
This way it will automatically replace the value once you run. To see the values replacement in soap UI , you can see the Raw Tab
check this out below.. the value got replaced
I need to run an aggregation Spark job using spark-jobserver using low-latency contexts. I have this Scala runner to run a job on using a Java method from a Java class.
object AggregationRunner extends SparkJob {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val ctx = new SparkContext("local[4]", "spark-jobs")
val config = ConfigFactory.parseString("")
val results = runJob(ctx, config)
override def validate(sc: SparkContext, config: Config): SparkJobValidation = {
override def runJob(sc: SparkContext, config: Config): Any = {
val context = new JavaSparkContext(sc)
val aggJob = new ServerAggregationJob()
val id = config.getString("input.string").split(" ")(0)
val field = config.getString("input.string").split(" ")(1)
return aggJob.aggregate(context, id, field)
However, I get the following error. I tried taking out the content returned in the Java method and am now just returning a test string, but it still doesn't work:
"status": "ERROR",
"result": {
"message": "Ask timed out on [Actor[akka://JobServer/user/context-supervisor/single-context#1243999360]] after [10000 ms]",
"errorClass": "akka.pattern.AskTimeoutException",
"stack": ["akka.pattern.PromiseActorRef$$anonfun$1.apply$mcV$sp(AskSupport.scala:333)", "akka.actor.Scheduler$$anon$7.run(Scheduler.scala:117)", "scala.concurrent.Future$InternalCallbackExecutor$.scala$concurrent$Future$InternalCallbackExecutor$$unbatchedExecute(Future.scala:694)", "scala.concurrent.Future$InternalCallbackExecutor$.execute(Future.scala:691)", "akka.actor.LightArrayRevolverScheduler$TaskHolder.executeTask(Scheduler.scala:467)", "akka.actor.LightArrayRevolverScheduler$$anon$8.executeBucket$1(Scheduler.scala:419)", "akka.actor.LightArrayRevolverScheduler$$anon$8.nextTick(Scheduler.scala:423)", "akka.actor.LightArrayRevolverScheduler$$anon$8.run(Scheduler.scala:375)", "java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)"]
I am not too sure why there is a timeout since I am only returning a string.
So I figured out that the issue was occurring because I was using a Spark context that was created before updating a JAR. However, now that I try to use JavaSparkContext inside the Spark job, it returns to the error shown above.
What would be a permanent way to get rid of the error.
Also, would the fact that I am running a heavy Spark job on a local docker container be a plausible reason for the timeout.
For resolving ask time out issue, please add/change below properties in jobserver configuration file.
spray.can.server {
idle-timeout = 210 s
request-timeout = 200 s
for more information take a look at this https://github.com/spark-jobserver/spark-jobserver/blob/d1843cbca8e0d07f238cc664709e73bbeea05f2c/doc/troubleshooting.md
i am trying to customize secure social methods on play framework using java APIs.
basically i need to send requests in J SON and also responses in J SON.
what i want to do is a back end for I-phone App. there is no many resources about secure social on the internet.
i need to implement log in using username and password and using providers(face book,twitter,...).
i used this code but did not work:
import play.api.libs.json.Json
import play.api.mvc._
import securesocial.core._
class AuthController extends Controller {
private implicit val readsOAuth2Info = Json.reads[OAuth2Info]
// Some of the below code is taken from ProviderController in SecureSocial
def authenticateMobile(providerName: String) = Action(parse.json) { implicit request =>
// format: { "accessToken": "..." }
val oauth2Info = request.body.asOpt[OAuth2Info]
val provider = Registry.providers.get(providerName).get
val filledUser = provider.fillProfile(
SocialUser(IdentityId("", provider.id), "", "", "", None, None, provider.authMethod, oAuth2Info = oauth2Info))
UserService.find(filledUser.identityId) map { user =>
val newSession = Events.fire(new LoginEvent(user)).getOrElse(session)
error => throw error,
authenticator => Ok(Json.obj("sessionId" -> authenticator.id))
.withSession(newSession - SecureSocial.OriginalUrlKey - IdentityProvider.SessionId - OAuth1Provider.CacheKey)
} getOrElse NotFound(Json.obj("error" -> "user not found"))
// any other methods you might have relating to authentication ...
any idea how i can start with that?
Can't seem to create a functional way to insert a user from Java for Devise. Currently there are these fields:
I am able to insert a document that counts as a user. The problem is that when I go to:
I get a message saying that it's invalid.
When I resend confirmation instructions for this user (WHICH GENERATES A NEW TOKEN), the user can be logged into. This confirms my doubts about the token being the problem. How can I port Devise's token generator to Java?
When I register on site, it says I should check for a confirmation link. However, if I go into the Mongo shell, manually take out the confirmation token and paste it to site.com/users/confirmation?confirmation_token= then it doesn't work! However, if I actually use the confirmation link I was sent, it works. How can I make a VALID token, all from Java. Please help!
For this quoestion you should refer to this stackoverflow answer and to the Rails API of protect_from_forgery.
The short answer is to disable forgery protection in your controller, but this makes your application vulnerable to CSRF attacks:
skip_before_action :verify_authenticity_token
The better way would be to authenticate with a JSON or XML request as these requests are not protected by CSRF protection. You can find a solution for devise here.
Monkey patch devise to save unencoded confirmation token. In your config/initializers/devise.rb
module Devise
module Models
module Confirmable
def generate_confirmation_token
raw, enc = Devise.token_generator.generate(self.class, :confirmation_token)
#raw_confirmation_token = raw
self.my_unencoded_column = raw # Patch
self.confirmation_token = enc
self.confirmation_sent_at = Time.now.utc
In case anyone else finds themselves trying to get a java or scala app to coexist with a rails app, I hacked up the following. Its in scala but uses java apis so should be easy to read. As far as I can tell it replicates Devise's behavior, and if I hit the confirmation link in the rails app with the raw token rails/devise generates the same encoded string.
import java.security.spec.KeySpec
import javax.crypto.SecretKey
import javax.crypto.SecretKeyFactory
import javax.crypto.spec.PBEKeySpec
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec
import javax.crypto.Mac
import javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter
import java.util.Base64
// copy functionality from Rails Devise
object TokenGenerator {
// sample values 9exithzwZ8P9meqdVs3K => 54364224169895883e87c8412be5874039b470e26e762cb3ddc37c0bdcf014f5
// 5zNMi6egbyPoDUy2t3NY => 75bd5d53aa36d3fc61ac186b4c6e2be8353e6b39536d3cf846719284e05474ca
private val deviseSecret = sys.env("DEVISE_SECRET")
private val factory = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1")
val encoder = Base64.getUrlEncoder()
case class TokenInfo(raw: String, encoded: String)
def createConfirmationToken: TokenInfo = {
// copy behavior from rails world. Don't know why it does this
val replacements = Map('l' -> "s", 'I' -> "x", 'O' -> "y", '0' -> "z")
// make a raw key of 20 chars, doesn't seem to matter what they are, just need url valid set
val bytes = new Array[Byte](16)
val raw = encoder.encodeToString(bytes).take(20).foldLeft(""){(acc, x) => acc ++ replacements.get(x).getOrElse(x.toString)}
TokenInfo(raw, digestForConfirmationToken(raw))
private def generateKey(salt: String): Array[Byte] = {
val iter = 65536
val keySize = 512
val spec = new PBEKeySpec(deviseSecret.toCharArray, salt.getBytes("UTF-8"), iter, keySize)
val sk = factory.generateSecret(spec)
val skspec = new SecretKeySpec(sk.getEncoded, "AES")
def sha256HexDigest(s: String, key: Array[Byte]): String = {
val mac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256")
val keySpec = new SecretKeySpec(key, "RAW")
val result: Array[Byte] = mac.doFinal(s.getBytes())
private def getDigest(raw: String, salt: String) = sha256HexDigest(raw, generateKey(salt))
// devise uses salt "Devise #{column}", in this case its confirmation_token
def digestForConfirmationToken(raw: String) = getDigest(raw, "Devise confirmation_token")
I have a WebSocket in my Play application and I want to write a test for it, but I couldn't find any example on how to write such a test. I found a discussion in the play-framework Google group but there has been no activity recently.
So, are there any ideas on how to test WebSocket's in a Java test?
You can retrieve underlying Iteratee,Enumerator and test them directly. This way you don't need to use a browser. You need akka-testkit though, to cope with asynchronous nature of iteratees.
A Scala example:
object WebSocket extends Controller {
def websocket = WebSocket.async[JsValue] { request =>
Future.successful(Iteratee.ignore[JsValue] -> Enumerator.apply[JsValue](Json.obj("type" -> "error")))
class WebSocketSpec extends PlaySpecification {
"WebSocket" should {
"respond with error packet" in new WithApplication {
val request = FakeRequest()
var message: JsValue = null
val iteratee = Iteratee.foreach[JsValue](chunk => message = chunk)(Akka.system.dispatcher)
TestKit.awaitCond(message == Json.obj("type" -> "error"), 1 second)
I test WebSockets code using Firefox:
For Java it works similar replacing 'HTMLUNIT' with 'FIREFOX': http://www.playframework.com/documentation/2.1.x/JavaFunctionalTest
Chrome provides a plugin to test websocket service.
So using the plugin (as shown in picture below) you can provide websocket url and the request data and send message to service. And message log shows the message sent from client and also service response.
Assume that you have a websocket library that returns the Future[Itearatee[JsValue, Unit], Enumerator[JsValue]] your controller uses
trait WSLib {
def connect: Future[Itearatee[JsValue, Unit], Enumerator[JsValue]]
And you wanna test this library.
Here is a context you can use:
trait WebSocketContext extends WithApplication {
val aSecond = FiniteDuration(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
case class Incoming(iteratee: Iteratee[JsValue, Unit]) {
def feed(message: JsValue) = {
def end(wait: Long = 100) = {
Thread.sleep(wait) //wait until all previous fed messages are handled
case class OutGoing(enum: Enumerator[JsValue]) {
val messages = enum(Iteratee.fold(List[JsValue]()) {
(l, jsValue) => jsValue :: l
def get: List[JsValue] = {
Await.result(messages, aSecond)
def wrapConnection(connection: => Future[Iteratee[JsValue, Unit], Enumerator[JsValue]]): (Incoming, OutGoing) = {
val (iteratee, enumerator) = Await.result(conn, aSecond)
(Incoming(iteratee), OutGoing(enumerator))
Then your tests can be written as
"return all subscribers when asked for info" in new WebSocketContext {
val (incoming, outgoing) = wrapConnection(myWSLib.connect)
incoming.feed(JsObject("message" => "hello"))
incoming.end() //this closes the connection
val responseMessages = outgoing.get //you only call this "get" after the connection is closed
responseMessages.size must equalTo(1)
responseMessages must contain(JsObject("reply" => "Hey"))
Incoming represent the messages coming from the client side, while the outgoing represents the messages sent from the server. To write test, you first feed in the incoming messages from incoming and then close the connection by calling incoming.end, then you get the complete list of outgoing messages from the outgoing.get method.