upgrading drools guvnor 5.5 to drools 6.0 - java

I am using drools version 5.4 and I used url of changeset.xml to call the the drools-guvnor from my java code.
Now I am upgrading to drools 6.0 workbench version(Let me know if camel version is used), How can I call the drools workbench from my java code.
Ganesh Neelekani

Everything in Drools 6 has become Mavenized. Instead of accessing a changeset.xml file you use the new Kie API to reference the Maven artifact that your rules are in.
First you would package your rules as a "kjar" (see this article for more info about kjars). Then, in your application you will need to add a the following dependency:
Then, to dynamically load the rules at runtime, you use the replacement for the ResourceChangeScanner which is called the KieScanner
ReleaseId releaseId = KieServices.Factory.get().newReleaseId( "com.acme", "my-rules", "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT" );
KieContainer kc = KieServices.Factory.get().newKieContainer( releaseId );
KieScanner kscanner = KieServices.Factory.get().newKieScanner( kcontainer );
kscanner.scanNow() // this will dynamically resolve the rules artifact and build it
From that point on you can use the kcontainer you attached to that scanner to create KieSessions. By calling scanNow() you are telling the scanner to poll that artifact for changes. It will automatically build updates that it detects to that artifact. You can also force a rebuild by calling scanNow() again.


Gremlin-Driver update causes NoSuchMethodError

I have a Java Spring Boot application that connects to an Amazon Neptune graph database running on engine version
After upgrading the gremlin-driver and TinkerPop dependencies to 3.5.2 from 3.4.6 (working on this version), the application can no longer make a connection to the graph database on AWS and it throws this exception
io.netty.channel.ChannelInitializer : Failed to initialize a channel. Closing: [id: 0xf213a752]ecs/XYZ
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: io.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx.WebSocketClientHandshaker13.<init>(Ljava/net/URI;Lio/netty/handler/codec/http/websocketx/WebSocketVersion;Ljava/lang/String;ZLio/netty/handler/codec/http/HttpHeaders;IZZJ)V
I haven't made any changes with the builder besides the code-breaking change with one of the imports and the method name change. Did I miss something in this update?
This is the builder configuration that I am using from 3.4.6
Cluster.Builder builder = Cluster.build();
return builder.create();
The values are extracted from a property file
Since the code that handles the gremlin connection and queries is located in a dependency jar project, the netty.version declared in the main project using that jars overrides the netty.io version that is used in the said jar project. I just have to declare a netty.version property in the main project pom so that it matches the netty version used in the dependency.

Failure to Remove H2 Dependency with Apache ignite 2.14.0

With the Apache Ignite 2.13.0 release. They introduced a new beta sql engine to replace the existing h2 sql engine. Unfortunately it still had a dependency on the h2 indexing module. With the 2.14 release it supposedly removed this dependency. Now I am trying to remove the h2 package completely (due to critical code vulnerabilities in the h2 package). Does anyone know how to remove h2 completely from a java built ignite project?
Here is how I am setting my ignite configuration explicitely avoiding the h2 engine
new SqlConfiguration().setQueryEnginesConfiguration(
new CalciteQueryEngineConfiguration().setDefault(true)
To resolve our issue we had to remove the dependencies imports for org.apache.ignite:ignite-slf4j:2.14.0 and org.apache.ignite:ignite-spring:2.14.0
In case you configured only one query engine, which is CalciteQueryEngineConfiguration, then the ignite-indexing dependency can be removed from your project, as a result, you will no longer have the h2 in the list of dependencies.
Here is a dependency section example:
You can execute mvn dependency:tree to check the actual list of dependencies.
Also, I should mention that the Calcite-based query engine is currently in beta status.

How to fix the "the-default-package-is-not-permitted-by-the-import-package-syntax" error while using geojson library?

I was upgrading to new library of geojson from version 14.2 to 20.2. And I was keep of getting below maven build error which is failing at the bundle processing with the message "the-default-package . -is-not-permitted-by-the-import-package-syntax".
I expect the maven build with bundle processing to be successful but the actual output is "the-default-package-is-not-permitted-by-the-import-package-syntax" error.
While upgrading the geotools library from old version 14.2 to new version 20.2, there were lot of changes has been made.
GeoTools Upgrade
This was one of the link that would help everyone to do it very easily. But with the upgradation of geotools, we also update the gt-geojson library too. This library contains the class "Skunkwork" without any package name which result in above error during bundle processing of maven build. To avoid this error,i have to remove this class. And it works fine.
Before Fix
POM Configuration:
After Fix
POM Configuration:
Note: This jar needs to be manually installed to your local repository. And as well as you need to install the fixed jar to remote artifactory if used by your code base such as Nexus, JFrog etc.

Use graalvm via the standard JDK 11

I have project used Nashorn Javascript engine. I'm trying to migrate to java11 and also migrate from Nashorn to Graal. I've read here that I can use graal via the standard JDK installation starting from JDK 11. Also I've read there that Graal-SDK are uploaded to Maven central, and that there is Java flag polyglot.js.nashorn-compat for easy migration. So I've used jdk11, add maven dependency to pom.xml and used java flag but when I'm trying to get engine by name "graal.js", I've got null here:
ScriptEngine engine = engineManager.getEngineByName("graal.js")
What I'm missing? How to make it work?
Here is a sample maven project that shows how to run the GraalVM JavaScript engine on JDK11 both through the scripting API and the polyglot API. Hope it helps!
The gist of it is to add the necessary dependencies (graal-sdk, js, js-scriptengine, and optionally profiler and chromeinspector), Run with enabled experimental options and the JVMCI compiler (-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+EnableJVMCI) and upgrade the module path with the graal jar (--upgrade-module-path=${compiler.dir}/compiler.jar) which is also available from maven (org.graalvm.compiler:compiler).
You are missing the following dependencies:
js-scriptengine contains the ScriptEngine implementation: com.oracle.truffle.js.scriptengine.GraalJSScriptEngine.
And the truffle-api is required (you only get the rror message if you instanciate the GraalJSEngineFactory directly:
GraalJSEngineFactory gsf = new GraalJSEngineFactory();
However there seems to be another package missing, as it does not work for me.

Neo4j 2.0, java - Failed to start Neo4j with an older data store version

I used to use neo4j-community-1.9.4 with my java maven project. I switched to version 2.0 and made completly new db in 2.0. When I run the same java code, I get error:
Exception in thread "main" org.neo4j.kernel.impl.storemigration.UpgradeNotAllowedByConfigurationException: Failed to start Neo4j with an older data store version. To enable automatic upgrade, please set configuration parameter "allow_store_upgrade=true"
at org.neo4j.kernel.impl.storemigration.ConfigMapUpgradeConfiguration.checkConfigurationAllowsAutomaticUpgrade(ConfigMapUpgradeConfiguration.java:39)
at org.neo4j.kernel.impl.storemigration.StoreUpgrader.attemptUpgrade(StoreUpgrader.java:64)
at org.neo4j.kernel.impl.nioneo.store.StoreFactory.tryToUpgradeStores(StoreFactory.java:104)
at org.neo4j.kernel.impl.nioneo.store.StoreFactory.newNeoStore(StoreFactory.java:86)
at org.neo4j.kernel.impl.nioneo.xa.NeoStoreXaDataSource.<init>(NeoStoreXaDataSource.java:232)
at org.neo4j.kernel.InternalAbstractGraphDatabase.create(InternalAbstractGraphDatabase.java:423)
at org.neo4j.kernel.InternalAbstractGraphDatabase.run(InternalAbstractGraphDatabase.java:226)
at org.neo4j.kernel.EmbeddedGraphDatabase.<init>(EmbeddedGraphDatabase.java:79)
at org.neo4j.graphdb.factory.GraphDatabaseFactory$1.newDatabase(GraphDatabaseFactory.java:70)
at org.neo4j.graphdb.factory.GraphDatabaseBuilder.newGraphDatabase(GraphDatabaseBuilder.java:205)
at org.neo4j.graphdb.factory.GraphDatabaseFactory.newEmbeddedDatabase(GraphDatabaseFactory.java:56)
at tools.Import.main(Import.java:32)
Any idea? Thank you.
Neo4j 2.0 requires an explicit store upgrade, because older versions will no longer be able to run on the upgraded store. The exception mentions this:
Failed to start Neo4j with an older data store version. To enable automatic upgrade, please set configuration parameter "allow_store_upgrade=true"
Simply add allow_store_upgrade=true to your neo4j.properties file, and start the database again. Then it should do the upgrade. You can read more about this here:
Solved, I replaced dependency from spring:
By this:
For community edition on windows,
click on Options, Database Configuration, Edit
look for allow_store_upgrade

