m2eclipse maven build parameters - java

I am developing a spring mvc app using eclipse kepler with the m2eclipse plugin. How do I create a war file from within eclipse using the m2e plugin?
Do I use run as... maven build...? If so, how do I configure it? I right clicked on the root folder for the app in the eclipse workspace and chose run as... maven build..., which resulted in the following dialog box:
But I do not know what parameters to enter into the dialog box. Can anyone guide me through how to create the war file?

Put Goals as clean compile package
There are three built-in build lifecycles: default, clean and site. The default lifecycle handles your project deployment, the clean lifecycle handles project cleaning, while the site lifecycle handles the creation of your project's site documentation.
Each of these build lifecycles is defined by a different list of build phases, wherein a build phase represents a stage in the lifecycle.
Read more about Build Lifecycle Basics
Here is the complete description with snapshots Using the M2Eclipse Maven Plugin in Eclipse
Please have a look at Tutorial - Maven Eclispe IDE Integration

First of all you need war plugin configured in your pom.xml
<!-- In version 2.1-alpha-1, this was incorrectly named warSourceExcludes -->
which is associated with one of the phase (generally package) then you need to put clean package in goals


java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/telegram/telegrambots/meta/exceptions/TelegramApiException

I'm trying to deploy my first java application using Maven. In this case, this is just a simply telegram bot, but I get this error when trying to run it locally. After a little investigation, I found that java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError is an error that occurs when a jar file is not able to access a specific class in runtime, and in order to solve this, is necessary to add that class on classpath.
I understand that when working on Maven, there is a simple way to add classes on the classpath, and it's by adding the right dependency on the pom.xml file.
So this is what i've added:
And I think it was successfully added on the classpath because this is what I get when I read the MANIFEST.MF file on my jar file:
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Created-By: Apache Maven 3.6.3
Built-By: agujared
Build-Jdk: 15.0.1
Class-Path: telegrambots-abilities- commons-lang3-3.11.jar ma
pdb-3.0.8.jar kotlin-stdlib-1.2.71.jar kotlin-stdlib-common-1.2.71.jar
annotations-13.0.jar eclipse-collections-api-11.0.0.M1.jar eclipse-coll
ections-11.0.0.M1.jar eclipse-collections-forkjoin-11.0.0.M1.jar lz4-1.
3.0.jar elsa-3.0.0-M5.jar slf4j-api-1.7.30.jar telegrambots-5.0.1.jar j
ackson-annotations-2.11.3.jar jackson-jaxrs-json-provider-2.11.3.jar ja
ckson-jaxrs-base-2.11.3.jar jackson-module-jaxb-annotations-2.11.3.jar
jackson-core-2.11.3.jar jakarta.xml.bind-api-2.3.2.jar jakarta.activati
on-api-1.2.1.jar jackson-databind-2.11.3.jar jersey-hk2-2.32.jar jersey
-common-2.32.jar osgi-resource-locator-1.0.3.jar jakarta.activation-1.2
.2.jar hk2-locator-2.6.1.jar aopalliance-repackaged-2.6.1.jar hk2-api-2
.6.1.jar hk2-utils-2.6.1.jar javassist-3.25.0-GA.jar jersey-media-json-
jackson-2.32.jar jersey-entity-filtering-2.32.jar jersey-container-griz
zly2-http-2.32.jar jakarta.inject-2.6.1.jar grizzly-http-server-2.4.4.j
ar grizzly-http-2.4.4.jar grizzly-framework-2.4.4.jar jakarta.ws.rs-api
-2.1.6.jar jersey-server-2.32.jar jersey-client-2.32.jar jersey-media-j
axb-2.32.jar jakarta.annotation-api-1.3.5.jar jakarta.validation-api-2.
0.2.jar json-20180813.jar httpclient-4.5.13.jar httpcore-4.4.13.jar com
mons-logging-1.2.jar commons-codec-1.11.jar httpmime-4.5.13.jar commons
-io-2.8.0.jar telegrambots-meta- guava-30.0-jre.jar failurea
ccess-1.0.1.jar listenablefuture-9999.0-empty-to-avoid-conflict-with-gu
ava.jar jsr305-3.0.2.jar checker-qual-3.5.0.jar error_prone_annotations
-2.3.4.jar j2objc-annotations-1.3.jar
Main-Class: domain.Main
As you can see, telegrambots-meta- is part of the classpath attribute.
How can I solve this?
By the way, I'm using Heroku Cloud to deploy this
Sounds like you want and need to create a runnable/ executable JAR file (with external dependencies).
This requires your build process to be enhanced by this step, regardless of where it is executed Heroku, Jenkins, Bamboo or on your local - this is a maven setting and will affect each of them.
Also on your local you can run the build of your project by executing mvn clean package in your IDE and afterwards to run the created JAR from the target folder with: java -jar ${yourJarName}. It'll likely fail for the same reason.
This is, because Maven dependencies are added with a so called scope. These are for example:
Whereby compile is the default one and being implicitly applied in case you don't specify it - like in your case. (You can read more about the scopes here)
This means Maven will add your dependency to your IDE at compile time, but it will be missing at the runtime, when your trying to execute it.
The solution is to create a runnable/ executable JAR file (also called *fat JAR *) containing all the needed dependencies.
You can do it directly within Maven with the help of the maven-assembly-plugin like so:
Then you need to build your JAR like:
mvn clean compile assembly:single
Note: The compile goal must be added before assembly:single or otherwise the code on your own project is not included.
To ease the handling of the process this goal commonly is tied to a Maven build phase to execute automatically. This ensures the JAR is built when executing mvn clean package, mvn clean install or performing a deployment/ release:
<id>make-assembly</id> <!-- this is used for inheritance merges -->
<phase>package</phase> <!-- bind to the packaging phase -->
Like this you can simply build your project with the mvn clean package command (probably the most common one) and it'll include the creation of the runnable/ executable JAR file. This will include all your needed dependencies and should resolve your java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError issue.
Just a short additional note
Creating runnable/ executable JAR file respectively fat JAR is not the only solution and maybe in some contexts unwanted. Since fat JAR files include all their needed dependencies, they are fairly big with all the related drawbacks (requires more bandwith to transmit, download size increases, same dependencies might be carried in multiple different JARs, ...).
For this reasons the fat JAR creation is avoided in Web Application Development with Java EE. Dependencies are only added at compile time, since it is known that a Servlet Container or Application Container like Tomcat or Wildfly will provide these at runtime to avoid the java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError. Therefore the different applications (JARs or in this context called WARs) don't need to provide the dependencies themself.
In your case it might also be the solution that you'll still build the thin JAR, but will provide the needed dependencies at runtime (e.g. separately downloading it and then specifying in the classpath before the execution).

How to run a multiple module project using Maven on NetBeans [duplicate]

I am new to maven. So I have a project with pom.xml file. So I ran that with maven and the build was successful. I have glassfish. Glassfish is already running separately. So now what is the next step to run the project with Glassfish? My IDE is eclipse.
You have to first tell Maven to build the WAR, check out this plugin for that: http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-war-plugin/.
Then you need to tell maven how to deploy to glassfish, you can either configure a Maven execution plugin to do this (see here: https://www.mojohaus.org/exec-maven-plugin/). Or you can look around for a custom plugin devoted to integrating maven with glassfish. This one looks promising, but I have not used it: http://maven-glassfish-plugin.java.net/.
Maven provides a lot of basic functionality out of the box, but most of the cooler stuff with build automation is done through plugins.
Just updating to add a very simple Pom that will do a auto-deployment. Note: if you just run a "mvn clean install", with the packaging set to 'war', maven will build the .war file for you and place it in the target/ folder. You can take this and deploy it to glassfish manually if you just want to get started.
Below is part of a very simple pom that uses the Maven execution plugin to auto-deploy to glassfish as a function of the build:
This basically just calls the deploy command on the glassfish asadmin utility[1]. You need to fill in the following variables:
${path-to-asadmin-util} --> this is the path to your asadmin utility
(normally in the glassfish_home/bin)
${username} --> glassfish admin username
${password-file} --> password file for logging into glassfish
${project.name} --> name of your war
If you want to get more complicated I suggest taking a look at this thread: GlassFish v3 and glassfish-maven-plugin (Mac).
[1] - http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E18930_01/html/821-2433/deploy-1.html#SJSASEEREFMANdeploy-1
[2] - http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E18930_01/html/821-2435/ghgrp.html#ghytn
Additonnaly, you should have a glance at this StackOverflow thread, dealing with maven deployement in glassifsh : https://stackoverflow.com/a/1836691/1047365.
For further understanding of Maven, you should REALLY read this (free) book : http://www.sonatype.com/books/mvnref-book/reference/. This is THE reference for Maven.
We can explain you what Maven is doing, producing, etc ... but Sonatype made a great work and you'll probably learn more reading it than we could ever do !
I found this tutorial useful: http://tshikatshikaaa.blogspot.com/2012/05/introduction-to-maven-concepts-crash.html

Building war and runnable jar with Maven

I have started a new Java project using Maven.
I wrote a set of core functionalities, a REST web service which use them, and a command line interface.
When I run maven package, I would like to be able to:
Build a war with the web service, AND
Build a runnable jar which packs the dependencies and starts the command line interface
How have I to configure Maven in order to reach the goal?
Let me add some details.
I already know how to produce only a WAR, and how to produce only a JAR.
What I need is to produce BOTH with ONE maven package.
The WAR have to be deployable on a Tomcat, which should display the index.jsp page.
The JAR have to be runnable from the console.
With regards to the Runnable JAR (point 2), you should use maven-assembly-plugin, which will create a JAR with all the dependencies you need, and you can run it from the command line. On the plugins section of your pom.xml, you have to add something like this:
The you can run:
mvn clean compile assembly:single
More info, can be found here.
Hope it helps!
For point 1, I would start by using Maven itself to create a pom.xml that can be used to build your web app.
$ mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId={project-packaging}
See this link for more.
Once you've added your code to the source tree appropriately and built the WAR, you can copy it to your application server and it should be ready to go.

How to set an eclipse/webapp maven?

What's the correct form to set up a maven webapp project?
It should be able to:
Run with the eclipse embedded tomcat (available in the servers tab).
This way I can run/debug the application like a regular webapp.
Run with the maven plugin tomcat7. So far I can only run the run-war
goal, couldnt make the "run" goal work =/
I have followed some tutorials, but couldnt make all these things to work properly.
When I follow the MkYong suggestion, I can run with the embedded tomcat, but the project dependencies are changed to classpath variables. This is not a good consequence at all, since the project loses the ability to dynamically set the dependencies.
I use Eclipse Juno (I'd rather wait Kepler for a couple of months to check it is really stable), m2e and m2e-wtp plugins, and have 2 kinds of projects: one is based in JSF (the front-end) and another in Apache CXF (the back-end). I hope these two can be hot deployed (when a resource changes, embedded tomcat automatically publishes it) in development environment to improve productivity.
Source taken from
Web applications created by the Eclipse IDE contains an annoying folder WebContent to host the web resources and deployment descriptors. Quite natural for Eclipse users, this feature ignores the Maven convention and force the developers to hack the pom files in order to get the project up and running in Eclipse. In this aspect, Eclipse if far behind the other IDEs regarding Maven support, even if you consider the very good M2Eclipse plugin. So, for you lazy Christmas hackers, here it is a solution for the Maven integration problems in Eclipse based on the maven-war-plugin.
ERRATA: please use the WTP plugin instead of changing the project structure. I figured out the wtp plugin after writting this blog, so I suggest you to check just the 1st and the 3th steps of the below instructions. I kept the original blog information in case you really need or want to change the project structure.
Create a Web Project in Eclipse: right-click on the Project Explorer
New > Project > Web \ Dynamic Web Project
Create a pom.xml file in the project root folder, with the following
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd">
<name>webapp-test Maven Webapp</name>
<name>Java.net Repository for Maven</name>
<classpathPrefix />
Compile and prepare the project for eclipse:
mvn -Dwtpversion=2.0 compile eclipse:eclipse
Notice the usage of the plugin -Dwtpversion to enable Maven to add Eclipse WTP Support to the project. That simple flag do the trick :). Actually just using that flag will work, but not all plugins of Eclipse will work out of the box without the WebContent folder - it is up to you to decide if it is worthy to modify your project structure or just go straight ahead with the plain Maven folder.
Done, now you can refresh the project in Eclipse and continue to work. Remember that jjust the resources folder is hard coded in Eclipse, the src/main/java continues as Maven expects. Perhaps some day we can have the confluence between the conventions of Maven and Eclipse and then we will finally becomes free of this daily basis hacks.
We are using Kepler and we find it quite stable. You can create a normal Dynamic Web Project and then right click and make the project Maven enable. Then you have hot deploy and maven management POM.
Also you can have all Maven goals there.

maven create jar with pom

I'm working on an Android project and have some core code(that has some dependencies) that i'd like to version and make into a library/artifact(?) that I can pull into other projects. I'm using Maven to build and my editor is IntelliJ. I've never created a .jar but I think that's what I want to do.
In IntelliJ, i've gone to File->Project Structure->Artifacts->+ but I'm lost. I don't know how to define which source directories and files to include in the jar and I'm unsure if I need to include the actual jars of its dependencies in the jar? or define those dependencies in a pom.xml file and include the pom.xml file in the jar?
Any clarification would be much appreciated.
Maven project's dependencies are defined in its pom.xml file (basically, changing the dependencies from here is what are you visually doing using Intellij, by File->Project Structure->Artifacts). The source files that Maven takes are the ones which are into the src/main directory of your project. The build is done by default excluding the dependencies, so if you want to include them in your final jar, you have to specify this in your pom file (plugins):
After that you have to execute mvn install command to have your jar created. You can do it running maven externally or from your IDE (if you have some Maven plugin installed) and the jar will be created in project's target folder.
The settings in IntelliJ IDEA will only create the JAR when you build using the IntelliJ IDEA compiler. To have maven create the JAR and deploy it to the maven repository, you need to use the maven assembly plugin. There is a predefined configuration for creating a jar with dependencies.
The Maven Shade Plugin can also create JARs and handle more advanced use cases. But you'll probably want to start with the assembly plugin/

