OpenFaces SuggestionField does not trigger server-side event - java

I have a problem with the OpenFaces SuggestionField.
I have created a site with a SuggestionField in it and set the suggestionMode to "custom". Then I added a dropDownItems child-tag, which is supposed to get all items to show, right?
Well, and that is my problem, the dropdown-items are empty at start (because in the database there are 20k+ items) and should get filled with already pre-filtered items when the user starts to type something in the field. However, the method never triggers...
Here is the code for the field and the affected method in the backing bean:
<o:suggestionField id="adr" value="#{addressBean.selectedAddressString}" suggestionMode="custom" valueChangeListener="#{addressBean.valueChanged}">
<f:ajax event="change" execute="adr" render="region x y"></f:ajax>
<o:dropDownItems value="#{addressBean.addressStrings}"/>
public List<String> getAddressStrings() {
String filter = Faces.var("searchString", String.class);
return filter(filter);
The method-header for the filter - method is:
private List<String> filter(String filter);
According to this site, the "custom" mode should send an ajax-request to the server.
I added the valueChangeListener attribute as I hoped that at least this gets triggered, but either I have a problem there too, or something is going very wrong...
Anyway, here is the code of this method (yea, it does just log ;-) )
public void valueChanged(ValueChangeEvent vce){
logger.debug("something changed "+vce.getNewValue());
As I know that there are tons of different versions of all components and probably the solutions look different for each, here are the versions I use:
OS: Windows 7
Server: Tomcat 7.0.42
Java: 1.7.0_51
JSF: 2.2 (Mojarra 2.2)
OpenFaces: 3.1.EA1.1287
Every answer is appreciated, thanks in advance. :-)

Well, i found my problem.
Openfaces 3.x (including current nightly builds) is not fully compatible with JSF 2.2 (or at least 2.2.6+). As the nightly-doc says, it is currently compatible with 2.1.11.
One of the non-compatibility symptoms is that the suggestionfield does not trigger the server-side event.


How I can force evaluation of property tester manually in eclipse 4? [duplicate]

The code from two years back had to be upgraded to E4, and now a bunch of stuff does not work anymore. One of these is the IEvaluationService if used like this:
<handler class="org.acme.PrintHandler" commandId="org.eclipse.ui.file.print">
<with variable="activePart">
<test property="org.acme.printable" />
IEvaluationService service = (IEvaluationService) PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getService(IEvaluationService.class);
How do I (re)trigger the evaluation of a PropertyTester? Since E4 is really not even close to being production ready, I need a workaround for E3 (compatibility layer).
Related question - but this user was searching for the equivalent in E4, while I need one that works in E3.
Funnily enough, if I replace the <activeWhen> tags with <enabledWhen> it works. In that case IEventBroker#post and IEventBroker#send work, too.
This is a similar question. That user used Eclipse 4.2 - I tested the problem with 4.5, 4.6 and 4.7.
The EvaluationService is API compatible in the E3 Compatibility Layer. But the implementation in E4 is completely different, causing the behaviour of requestEvaluation to be fundamentally different.
The best solution to this problem I could find is to manually deactivate and activate all contexts of currently active parts. This causes internally to re-evaluate and, when required, re-render all UI elements of the respective parts.
One could argue this is less efficient than requesting the evaluation of a very specific property, as the EvaluationService is supposed to do. But since the evaluation is limited to active parts only, it should not create too much overhead. And it does work globally, as no specific property string is required anymore.
The only usecase not covered by this yet may be the main toolbar of your RCP application.
* Triggers evaluation of all UI elements (buttons, etc.) of the active part.
* Also causes test of all property testers of all opened parts implicitly.
* Workaround of the broken <code>IEvaluationService.requestEvaluation</code>.
public static void triggerUIElementsEvaluation() {
try {
final EPartService partService = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getService(EPartService.class);
final MPart activePart = partService.getActivePart();
/* Toggle context of active part to trigger re-evaluation of its UI elements. */
if (activePart != null) {
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
/* Ignore "Application does not have an active window" exception to allow program to continue. */
See also Eclipse bug 436755 and Eclipse Wiki: Eclipse 4 - RCP - Event Model
I'm going to share my workaround, which is not good, and does not work in alles cases. And only really works because in my use case I have a IWorkbenchPart with an ISelectionProvider... but maybe it will help the next person:
IWorkbenchPart activePart = // get active view or editor
ISelectionProvider selectionProvider = activePart.getSite().getSelectionProvider();
ISelection selection = selectionProvider.getSelection();
selectionProvider.setSelection(new StructuredSelection());
This code just resets the selection, which normally triggers the PropertyTester. I don't think it'll work if nothing was selected.

Variable not reachable without exception

I have a very weird problem, the classic of works on localhost and not in server.
I've tried to find a bigger problem and discovered that this code :
<div class="pageHeader"><h1>Products2 #{products.debug} </h1></div>
When :
public class ProductsBean {
private String debug = "Debug : ";
public ProductsBean() {
debug = "Debug : ";
public String getDebug() {
return debug;
public void setDebug(String debug) {
this.debug = debug;
And the debug string has getters/setters,
Works perfectly in localhost but not on remote. In the remote server it doesn't echo the string at all, and no exception gets thrown and I have no idea how to start looking for the problem. The thing is that this problem gets repeated in other ways, for instance this page has a dataTable which appears empty, though it's not in localhost. when I tried file uploading in an whole different page I got exception of Target Unreachable, identifier resolved to null, which is not the problem in this case, but it seems to be related somehow I guess
Any help? I'm running on Oracle Linux Server with Oracle GlassFish
The problem is here.
Target Unreachable, identifier 'loadSimCards' resolved to null
I believe #loadSimCards resolved to null during processing.
The object is not getting created/prepopulated in your bean.
Check the code and verify if it is indeed getting populated.
You can post your Java code if you are still facing issues.
Also check beans.xml file and declaration in faces-config.xml
Reference - JEE CDI tip: Target Unreachable, identifier resolved to null
The first step in my mind would be to do a Right Click -> View Source in the browser and let us know what it shows. In the view source if the string "#{products.debug} is not getting printed, it means that the server is indeed evaluating the EL Expression, but at the time of rendering it is coming as an empty string.
Can you please provide the actual getters/setters.
Can you put loggers/SOPs in them and let us know whether they are being called and in what sequence.
Replace the pure EL Expression with a data-binding control like h:inputText and see what happens.
< h:inputText value="#{products.debug}" />
Probably unrelated, but do you have a < base /> tag declared in your page in the head section? Base tag href provides the location from which child resources are loaded. I have seen some abnormal behavior in the past while shifting servers, when the main page is loaded from from the remote while the child resources are loaded from the localhost itself on your developer box, because one forgets to change the base tag reference.

Spring, NotReadablePropertyException and Glassfish version

I am working on a web-application that uses Spring MVC.
It has been working fine on Glassfish 3.0.1, but when migrating to Glassfish 3.1, it started acting strange. Some pages are only partially showing, or showing nothing at all, and in the log, a lot of messages of this type:
[#|2012-08-30T11:50:17.582+0200|WARNING|glassfish3.1||_ThreadID=69;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|StandardWrapperValve[SpringServlet]: PWC1406: Servlet.service() for servlet SpringServlet threw exception
org.springframework.beans.NotReadablePropertyException: Invalid property 'something' of bean class [com.something.Something]: Bean property 'something' is not readable or has an invalid getter method: Does the return type of the getter match the parameter type of the setter?
at org.springframework.beans.BeanWrapperImpl.getPropertyValue(
at org.springframework.beans.BeanWrapperImpl.getNestedBeanWrapper(
at org.springframework.beans.BeanWrapperImpl.getBeanWrapperForPropertyPath(
at org.springframework.beans.BeanWrapperImpl.getPropertyValue(
at org.springframework.validation.AbstractPropertyBindingResult.getActualFieldValue(
at org.springframework.validation.AbstractBindingResult.getFieldValue(
at org.springframework.web.servlet.tags.form.AbstractDataBoundFormElementTag.getBindStatus(
at org.springframework.web.servlet.tags.form.AbstractDataBoundFormElementTag.getPropertyPath(
at org.springframework.web.servlet.tags.form.AbstractDataBoundFormElementTag.getName(
at org.springframework.web.servlet.tags.form.AbstractDataBoundFormElementTag.writeDefaultAttributes(
at org.springframework.web.servlet.tags.form.AbstractHtmlElementTag.writeDefaultAttributes(
at org.springframework.web.servlet.tags.form.TextareaTag.writeTagContent(
at org.springframework.web.servlet.tags.form.AbstractFormTag.doStartTagInternal(
at org.springframework.web.servlet.tags.RequestContextAwareTag.doStartTag(
The error message isn't incorrect, because the property in question does not have a setter-method (gets its value through the constructor). But like I said, this has not been a problem when using Glassfish 3.0.1, only when using it on the new server with Glassfish 3.1.
Does anyone know if there is something in the Glassfish version that might cause this? Or is it some kind of configuration that is missing on the new server?
Some code:
public SomethingContainer retriveSomethingContainer(#PathVariable final long id {
return somethingContainerDao.retrieveSomethingContainer(id);
public void initBinderForSomething(final WebDataBinder binder) {
binder.setAllowedFields(new String[] {
private final Something something = new Something();
public Something getSomething() {
return something;
//no setter
public String getDescription() {
return something.getDescription();
Restarting Glassfish actually removes the problem - temporarily. I suspect that it might have something to do with the loading of the custom binders, we had some problems with out of memory errors, which I thought had something to do with it, but that has been fixed without fixing this problem.
Update 2:
On the 3.0.1 server, the one of the jvm arguments was -client. On the 3.1-server, it was -server. We changed it to -client, and this made the frequency of the error go down a lot, it was happening every other day with -server, took 2 weeks for it to happen with -client.
Update 3:
Some information about the servers (more can be added if requested..)
Server1 (the working one):
Windows Server 2003
Java jdk 6 build 35
Glassfish 3.0.1 build 22
-xmx 1024m
Server2 (the one with problems):
Windows Server 2008 64-bit
Java jdk 6 build 31
Glassfish 3.1 build 43
-xmx 1088m
-xms 1088m
We are using Spring version 3.1.0.
Update 4:
I recreated the error by renaming a field in a jsp to something that does not exist in the modelattribute.
But, more importantly, I noticed something: The fields where the system can't find the getters are often fields of superclasses of the ones that are referenced in the modelattribute. To continue my example, the SomthingContainer is really like this:
public class SuperSomethingContainer {
private Something something;
public Something getSomething() {
return something;
public class SomethingContainer extends SuperSomethingContainer {
The reference in the controller stays as is, so it's referencing a field that is in the superclass of the object in question.
Update 5:
I tried connecting to the production server with a debugger after the error occured. I put a breakpoint on the return statement of a controller-method returning the object with the error, and tried to see if I could access the field with problems at the time. And that I could, so the problem must lie within Spring MVC/the generated jsp-classes.
(Also, the field in error was of the type "someobject.something[0].somethingelse[0]", but when the somethingelse-list was empty, there was no error! To me, this implies that it somehow can't find the get-method of a list(?))
Update 6:
It seems that the problem has to do with the generation of Java-classes from the jsps. We have not used precompile jsps when deploying, so they are compiled when first used. The problem occurs the first time a page is visited, and the jsp compiled. I also noticed that once the problem has occured, jsps that are compiled after will all give errors. I've kept a few of the problem generated java files, and upon the next restart I will compare them to the working ones. Getting closer :)
Update 7:
Compared the compiled jsp java files that resulted in an error with ones that did not, and there was no difference. So that kinda leaves that out.
So, I now know that the Java object leaving the controller is fine (checked with debugger), and the java class generated from the jsp is fine. So it must be something in between, now I need to find out what...
Update 8:
Another round of debugging, and narrowed the problem down some more. It turns out that spring does some caching of the properties belonging to the various classes. In org.springframework.beans.BeanWrapperImpl, method getPropertyValue, there is the following:
private Object getPropertyValue(PropertyTokenHolder tokens) throws BeansException {
String propertyName = tokens.canonicalName;
String actualName = tokens.actualName;
PropertyDescriptor pd = getCachedIntrospectionResults().getPropertyDescriptor(actualName);
if (pd == null || pd.getReadMethod() == null) {
throw new NotReadablePropertyException(getRootClass(), this.nestedPath + propertyName);
The problem is that the cachedIntrospectionResults does not contain the property in question, it contains every other property of the class though. Will need to dig some more to try to find out why it is missing, if it's missing from the start or if it gets lost somewhere along the line.
Also, I've noticed that the missing properties are those that do not have setters, only getters. And, it seems to be context aware, as indicated by the stacktrace. So not finding a property when visiting one page does not mean that its not available when visiting another.
Update 9:
Another day, more debugging. Actually found some good stuff. The getCachedIntrospectionResults() call in the previous code block wounded up calling CachedIntrospectionResults#forClass(theClassInQuestion). This returned a CachedIntrospectionResults object, containing far from all of the properties expected (11 of 21). Going into the forClass-method, I found:
static CachedIntrospectionResults forClass(Class beanClass) throws BeansException {
CachedIntrospectionResults results;
Object value = classCache.get(beanClass);
if (value instanceof Reference) {
Reference ref = (Reference) value;
results = (CachedIntrospectionResults) ref.get();
else {
results = (CachedIntrospectionResults) value;
if (results == null) {
//build the CachedIntrospectionResults, store it in classCache and return it.
It turned out that the CachedIntrospectionResults returned was found by classCache.get(beanClass). So what was stored in the classCache was corrupted/did not contain all that it should. I put a breakpoint on the classCache.get(beanClass)-line, and tried running this through the debugger:
classCache.put(beanClass, null);
When allowing the method to finish, and rebuild the CachedIntrospectionResults, things started working again. So, what is being stored in the classCache is out of sync with what would and should be created if it was allowed to rebuild it. Whether this is due to something going wrong the first time it is built, or if the classCache is corrupted somewhere along the line I do not currently know.
I'm starting to suspect that this has something to do with classloaders, as I've previously experienced problems due to changes in the way the classloader works when updating Glassfish..
There may be more than one possible reason. I am not sure about the actual but I can give you the way to find out the problem
Step 1: on server 2 machine deploy application on Glassfish 3.0.1 build 22 , now if it works fine on the server 2 machine that it means there might be problem with the libraries of Glass fish, following can be reason for this problem
Any library that is missing in the Glassfish 3.1 build 43 that is in Glassfish 3.0.1 build 22. you can solve by copying all libraries from working Glassfish server to new server.
My be the libraries of Glassfish is conflicting with spring version. [Similliar kind of problem I have faced on tomcat and when i replaced my spring libraires from 3.0.1 to 3.0.3 it worked for me] , so replace your spring libraries with latest one.
Step 2: and if the result of step1 is that application is not running on server 2 machin on Glassfish 3.0.1 build 22 there may be following reason
if any libraries that you have pasted on java lib either not included in this server machine or having different versions.
Any folders that are set on classpath or using any environment variables on server 1, either does not exist on server 2 or don't have the jars or having jars with diff versions
I got a colleague of mine investigate the error, and he was able to recreate it in a unit test. This was done by invoking the method that builds CachedIntroSpectionResults for a class, while at the same time stressing the jvm by adding strings to the memory, with very low memory settings. This approach made it fail 20/30000 times.
As to the cause of it, I only got an oral explanation, so I don't have all the details, but it was something like this: Java has its own introspection-results, and these are wrapped by Spring. The problem is that the java-results utilize soft references, which make them prone to garbage collections. So, when Spring was building its wrappers around these soft references at the exact same time that the garbage collector ran, it actually cleared some of the basis of what Spring was using, leading to properties being "lost".
The solution seems to be upgrading from Spring 3.1.0.RELEASE to Spring 3.1.3.RELEASE. Here, there are some changes, and Spring no longer wraps soft references when determining the properties of a class (soft reference are used in rare, special cases, instead of all the time). After upgrading the version of Spring, the error has not been reproducable through the unit test, it remains to see if this is the case through in practice use.
Update: It's been a few weeks, an no sign of the error. So updating Spring version worked :)
I think I've actually found a candidate for the cause of this.
After getting the error on one of the test-servers after a very short duration and little use, we did some additional checks on the cause. It turned out that the test-server had just half the available memory, which turned us into looking at it a bit more thoroughly. It turned out that it hadn't used up all its memory, but when using JConsole to investigate the memory usage of the different part of the new generation space on the heap, it turned out that one of the surivior spaces was packed full. I'm guessing that this made parts of it overflow, leading to the overflowed parts to be GC-ed or unreachable by not being where it was supposed to.
We have yet to verify that this is in fact the problem in the production environment as well, but once the error turns up again we will check, and if it is the case we will change some memory settings to allow more space for survival areas of the new generation heap. (-XX:SurvivorRatio=6 or something like that).
So it seems that larger Spring MVC applications has a need for a large survivor space, specially in newer versions of Glassfish.
Indeed, there had been an issue with the new introduced ExtendedBeanInfo class in Spring 3.1.0, which had been fixed in Spring 3.1.1 - see (

How to open pickList of ComboboxItem/SelectItem manually/programatically using SmartGWT?

I'm using SmartGWT 2.5 with Java & Mozilla FF 3.6.x.
I want to open pickList of ComboboxItem or SelectItem manually that means programatically. Is it possible? It's OK if I need to use JavaScript to achieve this. Any hint or solution is appreciated.
I finally got the answer. Posting it here might be useful to others. I've used
to achieve manual opening of picklist of ComboboxItem.
In SmartGWT 2.4 (I didn't check newer versions), the showPicker() method of SelectItem does only show an empty div, not the pick list of the select item. (It does work for the ComboBoxItem, as mentioned by RAS' answer).
Some digging into the underlying SmartClient code showed that on the JavaScript side, there is a showPickList() method which is called when the icon is clicked (or on some other events), but this is not exposed by the Java class.
So I used a piece of JSNI (modified from the source code of SelectItem.showPicker) to call this method:
public static native void showPickList(SelectItem item) /*-{
var jsItem = item.#com.smartgwt.client.core.DataClass::getJsObj()();
if(jsItem.showPickList) {
Calling showPickList(item) for any such pick list now opens the picker.

How to test AjaxFormChoiceComponentUpdatingBehavior in WicketTester

In my Wicket application I used one radio button with "yes" and "no" options. If I select "No", I should display one dropdown choice. I wrote code using AjaxFormChoiceComponentUpdatingBehavior. How do I unittest this using WicketTester?
Solution for Wicket 1.5.x:
AbstractAjaxBehavior behavior = (AbstractAjaxBehavior)WicketTesterHelper.
First select the radio button that you want."path to radio button", 0/1)
Then execute ajax behaviour:
tester.executeBehavior((AbstractAjaxBehavior)tester.getComponentFromLastRenderedPage("path to radio buttons").getBehaviors().get(0));
Here is my piece of code which works perfectly for me with select box but should fiat as well for radio button if you change Behaviour class. Needed steps are:
Insert new value into form (use FormTester)
Find behaviour
Execute behaviour on change
Here is an example of code:
//simulate insert new value
FormTester formTester = tester.newFormTester(PANEL_ID + FORM);
formTester.setValue("selectBox", "newValue");
//Find onchange behaviour
AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior behavior =
(AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior) WicketTesterHelper.findBehavior(
tester.getComponentFromLastRenderedPage(PANEL_ID + FORM + ":" + "selectBox"),
//execute onchange
I missed the par how to update form value in previous answers.
If the radio button is on a form I think you should use the FormTester class:
For an example of an Ajax form submit test you can take a look at:
Try something like this:
tester.executeAjaxEvent("form:myRadioButtonId", "onchange");
This turns out to be somewhat painful, at least in Wicket 1.4 (I haven't tried with 1.5).
Via a web search, I found hints in Mischa Dasberg's blog. Basically, you can't use the BaseWicketTester.executeAjaxEvent((String componentPath, String event) method because the behavior you're using isn't an AjaxEventBehavior and you can't use the BaseWicketTester.executeBehavior(final AbstractAjaxBehavior behavior) because it wipes out the request parameters.
Mischa's solution was to implement his own executeBehavior method in a parent test case, which worked for his situation, but not for my need, as it assumed the request parameter id was the same as the full component path.
I've done something similar by implementing my own executeAjaxBehavior in an extension of WicketTester, but assuming (as is true in my case) that the request parameter is the last ":" separated section of the component path:
public void executeAjaxBehavior(String path, String value) {
AbstractAjaxBehavior behavior = (AbstractAjaxBehavior) getComponentFromLastRenderedPage(path).getBehaviors().get(0);
CharSequence url = behavior.getCallbackUrl(false);
WebRequestCycle cycle = setupRequestAndResponse(true);
String[] ids = path.split(":");
String id = ids[ids.length-1];
getServletRequest().setParameter(id, value);
Both his solution and mine (based on his) also assume that the behavior is the first (or only) one on the component.
This is a bit clunky, but something like this may work for you.
It might be better if the ids and behavior were gotten separately and passed as parameters, and of course you might do well to find the first behavior that actually was an AjaxFormChoiceComponentUpdatingBehavior instead of blithely assuming it was the first behavior, but this is a start.
This is also similar code to what's inside the BaseWicketTester class for the other behavior testing methods, which might be worth looking through.

