JButton stays pressed after a JOptionPane is displayed - java

Ok, I am sorry I am repeating questions that have already been asked but I have searched and searched and searched and nobody's answers seemed to have helped me... I tried the following questions:
JButton "stay pressed" after click in Java Applet
JButton stays pressed when focus stolen by JOptionPane
(I apologize if I'm just being dumb.. it is hard to relate to my code)
I have tried everything: using another thread to handle all the stuff, changing the JFrame to a JDialog as apparently they are "modal" so it would work independently. But that didn't seem to work either. I am stuck now so I am using my last resource (asking Stack Overflow).
What I am trying to do is get the user to enter some numbers in a textfield (4,2,7) then they press a JButton "Calculate Mean" and it finds the mean of the numbers and displays it in a JOptionPane message. When the user closes the JOptionPane dialog box they should be able to edit the numbers and do it again but the "Calculate Mean" button stays pressed and the user can't do anything but close the window. Even pressing the Tab key doesn't change anything. Does anyone know why this is? My code is down below:
PLEASE FORGIVE ME IF MY CODE IS HARD TO READ! I spent a very long time trying to indent it all correctly and I also tried to make it as short as possible by taking out any bits unrelated to the question. I was unsure which bits to take out so there still might be some unnecessary bits...
I am sorry for my messy code but this is the code:
package MathsProgram_II;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class Mean implements Runnable {
JFrame meanFrame = new JFrame(); //I tried changing this to dialog
JPanel meanPanel = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
JLabel enterNums = new JLabel("Enter Numbers: ");
JTextField txtNums = new JTextField(20);
JButton calculate = new JButton("Calculate Mean");
boolean valid = true;
double answer = 0;
ButtonListener bl = new ButtonListener();
public synchronized double[] getArray() {
String nums = txtNums.getText();
String[] numsArray = nums.split(",");
double[] doubleArray = new double[numsArray.length];
if (nums.isEmpty() == true) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(meanFrame, "You did not enter anything!",
"Fail", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
valid = false;
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < numsArray.length; i++) {
try {
doubleArray[i] = Double.parseDouble(numsArray[i]);
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(meanFrame, "Error getting numbers!",
"Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
valid = false;
return doubleArray;
public synchronized void calculateMean() {
ArrayList<Double> numbersList = new ArrayList<Double>(20);
double[] theNumbers = getArray();
double tempAnswer = 0;
if (valid == true) {
int length = theNumbers.length;
for (int i = 0; i < theNumbers.length; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
double y = numbersList.get(i);
tempAnswer = tempAnswer + y;
this.answer = tempAnswer / length;
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
public void showMean() {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(meanFrame, "The Mean: " + answer, "The Mean of Your Numbers", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
private class ButtonListener implements ActionListener {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
if (e.getSource() == calculate) {

Don't remove the panel from your mainframe.
Don't use "synchronized" on your "calculateMean()" method. The code is executed on the Event Dispatch Thread (EDT) so it will be single threaded.
Don't use a Thread.sleep() on the EDT. This will prevent the GUI from repainting itself.


Java applet need some guidance

I've been making a basic java applet where it would input a username and a password on the first input then make me guess the username and password on the second input but it would only allow the user to have 3 tries on input then if the user fails to enter the right input it would become grayed out and non-editable I've so far managed to do most of it except the part where I have to limit the user to 3 input tries and the part on how to store the input data.
I need to know how to limit the number of tries by the user.
Here is the code that I've managed to make
import java.applet.Applet; // import Applet class
import java.awt.*; // (Abstract Windowing Toolkit)
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class SetA extends Applet implements ActionListener
int x = 0;
// User Input
Label lblinputuser = new Label("Input Username");
TextField txtuserinput = new TextField(20);
// Password Input
Label lblinputpass = new Label("Input Password");
TextField txtpassinput = new TextField(20);
// User Guess
Label lbluser = new Label("Username");
TextField txtuser = new TextField(20);
// Password Guess
Label lblpass = new Label("Password");
TextField txtpass = new TextField(20);
// Button Confirmation
Button btnOk = new Button("Ok");
Button btnOk2 = new Button("Ok");
public void init()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
if(e.getSource() == btnOk2)
int confirmOption = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, "Are you sure?","Message",JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION);
if(confirmOption == 1)
if (e.getSource() == btnOk)
if(x != 3)
if(txtuser.getText() != (txtuserinput.getText()) && txtpass.getText() != (txtpassinput.getText()))
x = x++;
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Error Password/Username Incorrect","Error",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
if(x == 3)
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"You've run out of tries. Program Closing","Error",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"You've guessed the right input","Congratulations",JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE);
This is the needed logic:
Initialize a counter.
In actionPerformed, increase the counter.
Add additional if-else condition to check whether the counter is <= 3

Looping letter input

I'm making a hangman game for school and I've run into a problem that I simply can't solve, maybe I'm overthinking, maybe I'm not. Anyways, I need to let the user input a letter, and if that letter is in the word used for the game (pikachu. I know, stupid choice but it's pretty basic and easy so I used that) then the letter is revealed, the problem is that after inputting a letter, the user can't guess any more letters. I need a way to loop through the letter input and revealing so that I can actually play the game.
I'm sorry if the solution is so simple but I just can't figure out what needs to change in my code in order to fix my problem because I'm very new to java.
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.KeyAdapter;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.KeyListener;
import javax.swing.*;
public class PanDisp extends JPanel {
JLabel lblOutput;
JLabel lblGuess;
JButton btnUpdateLabel;
Image imgPkmn;
FraImg fraImg;
String sSecret;
public PanDisp() {//Constructor
KeyInput keyInput = new KeyInput();
KeyInput.LabelChangeListener labelChange = keyInput.new LabelChangeListener();
sSecret = "*******";
lblGuess = new JLabel("Type will go here");
lblOutput = new JLabel(sSecret);
btnUpdateLabel = new JButton("Enter");
addKeyListener(new KeyInput());
fraImg = new FraImg(imgPkmn);
public void GameOver() {
class KeyInput implements KeyListener {
String sInput;
String sWord = "pikachu";
String sSecret = "*******";
char chInput;
public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) {
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
chInput = (char) e.getKeyChar();
sInput = String.valueOf(chInput);
public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {
class LabelChangeListener implements ActionListener {
char cWord;
int nCorrect, nIncorrect, nNum;
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
if (sWord.contains(sInput)) {
for (int i = 0; i < sWord.length(); i++) {
sSecret.replace(sSecret.charAt(i), sWord.charAt(i));
nCorrect += 1;
else {
nIncorrect += 1;
if (nIncorrect == 7) {
Your problem is that your mindset is off and has to be changed. Don't think "loop", and in fact get "loop" out of the equation. You're programming in an event-driven programming environment, and the loop you're thinking of belongs in the linear console programming environment. Instead think "state of object" and "behavioral changes to state changes", and you'll move much further in this quest. So change the state of your class -- number of guesses, number of correct guesses, and then change the response to the user's input based on this state
For instance, if you wanted to create a console program that allowed a user to enter 5 Strings, and then displayed those Strings back to the user, it would be pretty straight forward, in that you'd create your String array, and then use a for loop to prompt the user 5 times to enter text, grabbing each entered String within the loop. Here "loops" like the one you're requesting work.
Linear Console Program
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Enter5Numbers1 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Please enter 5 sentences:");
String[] sentences = new String[5];
for (int i = 0; i < sentences.length; i++) {
System.out.printf("Enter sentence #%d: ", (i + 1));
sentences[i] = scanner.nextLine();
System.out.println("You entered the following sentences:");
for (String sentence : sentences) {
If on the other hand you wanted to create a GUI that did something similar, that prompted the user for 5 Strings and accepted those Strings into an array, you couldn't use the same type of for loop. Instead you would need to give your class an int String counter, perhaps called enteredSentenceCount, and in a JButton's ActionListener (or Action -- which is something very similar), you would accept an entered String (perhaps typed into a JTextField called entryField), only if the enteredSentenceCount is less than 5, less than the maximum number of Strings allowed. You would of course increment the enteredSentenceCount variable each time a String is entered. And this combination of increase a counter variable and checking its value will need to substutite for the concept of a "loop". So here the "state" of the class is held in the enteredSentenceCount, and the behavioral change we want is to alter what the button's Action does depending on the enteredSentenceCount's value -- if less than 5, accept a String, and if it is equal to or greater than 5, display the entered Strings.
Event Driven GUI Program
import java.awt.FlowLayout;
import java.awt.GridLayout;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import javax.swing.*;
public class Enter5Numbers2 extends JPanel {
private static final int MAX_SENTENCE_COUNT = 5; // number of Strings to enter
private static final String PROMPT_TEMPLATE = "Please enter sentence number %d:";
private String[] sentences = new String[MAX_SENTENCE_COUNT]; // array to hold entered Strings
private int enteredSentenceCount = 0; // count of number of Strings entered
private JTextField entryField = new JTextField(20); // field to accept text input frm user.
// JLabel to display prompts to user:
private JLabel promptLabel = new JLabel(String.format(PROMPT_TEMPLATE, (enteredSentenceCount + 1)));
public Enter5Numbers2() {
// create GUI
// First create Action / ActionListener for button
EntryAction entryAction = new EntryAction("Enter");
JButton entryButton = new JButton(entryAction); // pass it into the button
entryField.setAction(entryAction); // but give it also to JTextField so that the enter key will trigger it
// JPanel to accept user data entry
JPanel entryPanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT, 0, 0));
// allow main JPanel to display prompt
setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Please Enter 5 Sentences"));
setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 1));
// Action class, similar to an ActionListener
private class EntryAction extends AbstractAction {
public EntryAction(String name) {
putValue(MNEMONIC_KEY, (int) name.charAt(0));
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
// check that we haven't entered more than the max number of sentences
if (enteredSentenceCount < MAX_SENTENCE_COUNT) {
// if OK, get the entered text
String sentence = entryField.getText();
// put it in our array
sentences[enteredSentenceCount] = sentence;
entryField.setText(""); // clear the text field
entryField.requestFocusInWindow(); // set the cursor back into the textfield
enteredSentenceCount++; // increment our entered sentence count variable
promptLabel.setText(String.format(PROMPT_TEMPLATE, (enteredSentenceCount + 1))); // change prompt
// if the number of sentences added equals the number we want, display it
if (enteredSentenceCount == MAX_SENTENCE_COUNT) {
JTextArea textArea = new JTextArea(6, 30);
for (String sentence : sentences) {
textArea.append(sentence + "\n");
JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(textArea);
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Enter5Numbers2.this, scrollPane, "Five Sentences Entered",
public static void main(String[] args) {
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> {
JFrame frame = new JFrame("Enter 5 Numbers");
frame.add(new Enter5Numbers2());

Checking to see if a JtextField is NOT equal to saved arrays

Hey guys I'm very new to Java and started in July with an intro to Java class.
I am currently working on a project which is a translator with arrays. The main applet shows 10 words in english that when typed into a JTextField outputs the spanish translation of that work. And vice versa. The program also shows a picture associated with that word.
The program is all done in that case, the only portion I am missing currently is that if a user inputs ANY other word than the 20 given words (10 spanish and 10 english) the JTextArea where translations are displayed is supposed to show "That word is not in the dictionary".
I'm having issues creating an ELSE statement that shows this error message. Here is the complete code. I'm not sure what to do to make it so eg
if (textFieldWord.!equals(englishWords[english])){
translate.setText("That word is not in the Dictionary");}
Here is the complete code - - - -
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.*;
public class DictionaryArrays extends JApplet implements ActionListener{
String[] spanishWords = {"biblioteca","reloj",
"alarma", "volcan", "ventana",
"autobus", "raton", "lago", "vaca", "encendedor"};
String[] englishWords = {"library", "clock", "alarm",
"volcano", "window", "bus", "rat",
String textFieldWord;
Image[] photos;
ImageIcon icon;
ImageIcon icontwo;
JButton getTranslation;
JTextField entry;
JLabel imageviewer;
TextArea translate;
static int defaultX = 10;
static int defaultY = 10;
static int defaultW = 780;
static int defaultH = 50;
public void init() {
photos = new Image[10];
photos[0] = getImage(getCodeBase(), "library.jpg");
photos[1] = getImage(getCodeBase(), "clock.jpg");
photos[2] = getImage(getCodeBase(), "alarm.jpg");
photos[3] = getImage(getCodeBase(), "volcano.jpg");
photos[4] = getImage(getCodeBase(), "window.jpg");
photos[5] = getImage(getCodeBase(), "bus.jpg");
photos[6] = getImage(getCodeBase(), "rat.jpg");
photos[7] = getImage(getCodeBase(), "lake.jpg");
photos[8] = getImage(getCodeBase(), "cow.jpg");
photos[9] = getImage(getCodeBase(), "lighter.jpg");
final JPanel outer = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
JPanel inner = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
JPanel viewer = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
JPanel visualviewer = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
// here is the main component we want to see
// when the outer panel is added to the null layout
//JButton toSpanish = new JButton("English to Spanish");
//JButton toEnglish = new JButton("Spanish to English");
final JLabel list = new JLabel("<HTML><FONT COLOR=RED>English</FONT> - library, clock, alarm, volcano, window, bus, rat, lake, cow, lighter"
+"<BR><FONT COLOR=RED>Spanish</FONT> - biblioteca, reloj, alarma, volcan, ventana, autobus, raton, lago, vaca, encendedor<BR>");
translate = new TextArea("Your translation will show here");
imageviewer = new JLabel(icon);
//inner.add("East", toEnglish);
outer.add("Center", inner);
JPanel c = (JPanel)getContentPane();
final JPanel nullLayoutPanel = new JPanel();
c.add("Center", nullLayoutPanel);
// set the bounds of the panels manually
outer.setBounds(defaultX, defaultY, defaultW, defaultH);
viewer.setBounds(20, 75, 300, 300);
visualviewer.setBounds(485, 75, 300, 300);
JPanel controlPanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER, 10, 10));
entry = new JTextField("Enter English or Spanish word to translate here");
entry.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter(){
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e){
getTranslation = new JButton("Translate");
c.add("South", controlPanel);
public void paint(Graphics g) {
public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent ae){
for (int english = 0; english < spanishWords.length; english++){
if (textFieldWord.equals(englishWords[english])){
icon= new ImageIcon(photos[english]);
for (int spanish = 0; spanish < englishWords.length; spanish++){
if (textFieldWord.equals(spanishWords[spanish])){
icontwo= new ImageIcon(photos[spanish]);
Any help would be appreciated guys. If the top paragraph was TLDR. Im trying to make it so typing in ANY other word in the JTextField (entry) other than the 10 english and 10 spanish words will output an error msg of "That word is not in the Dictionary" in the TextArea (translate)
This is (obviously) wrong...
if (textFieldWord.!equals(englishWords[english])){
and should be...
if (!textFieldWord.equals(englishWords[english])){
Try and think of it this way, String#equals returns a boolean, you want to invert the result of this method call, it would be the same as using something like...
boolean doesEqual = textFieldWord.equals(englishWords[english]);
if (!doesEqual) {...
You need to evaluate the result of the method call, but in oder to make that call, the syntax must be [object].[method], therefore, in order to invert the value, you must complete the method call first, then apply the modifier to it ... ! ([object].[method])
Now having said all that, let's look at the problem from a different perspective...
You need to find a matching word, in order to do that, you must, at worse case, search the entire array. Until you've search the entire array, you don't know if a match exists.
This means we could use a separate if-else statement to manage the updating of the output, for example...
String translatedWord = null;
int foundIndex = -1;
for (int english = 0; english < spanishWords.length; english++){
if (textFieldWord.equals(englishWords[english])){
translatedWord = englishWords[english];
foundIndex = english;
if (translatedWord != null) {
icon= new ImageIcon(photos[foundIndex]);
} else {
translate.setText("That word is not in the Dictionary");
translatedWord = null;
for (int spanish = 0; spanish < englishWords.length; spanish++){
if (textFieldWord.equals(spanishWords[spanish])){
translatedWord = englishWords[english];
foundIndex = spanish;
if (translatedWord != null) {
icontwo= new ImageIcon(photos[foundIndex]);
} else {
translate.setText("That word is not in the Dictionary");
Basically, all this does is sets the translatedWord to a non null value when it finds a match in either of the arrays. In this, you want to display the results, else you want to display the error message...
Equally, you could merge your current approach with the above, so when you find a work, you update the output, but also check the state of the translatedWord variable, displaying the error message if it is null...
String translatedWord = null;
for (int english = 0; english < spanishWords.length; english++){
if (textFieldWord.equals(englishWords[english])){
translatedWord = spanishWords[english];
icon= new ImageIcon(photos[english]);
if (translatedWord == null) {
translate.setText("That word is not in the Dictionary");
translatedWord = null;
for (int spanish = 0; spanish < englishWords.length; spanish++){
if (textFieldWord.equals(spanishWords[spanish])){
translatedWord = englishWords[spanish];
icontwo= new ImageIcon(photos[spanish]);
if (translatedWord == null) {
translate.setText("That word is not in the Dictionary");
Okay, you have a logic problem. You're never quite sure which direction you are translating to.
The following basically changes the follow by not translating the work from Spanish IF it was translated to English
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
if (ae.getSource() == getTranslation) {
textFieldWord = (entry.getText().toLowerCase());
String translatedWord = null;
for (int english = 0; english < spanishWords.length; english++) {
if (textFieldWord.equals(englishWords[english])) {
translatedWord = spanishWords[english];
translate.append(translatedWord + "\n");
icon = new ImageIcon(photos[english]);
if (translatedWord == null) {
for (int spanish = 0; spanish < englishWords.length; spanish++) {
if (textFieldWord.equals(spanishWords[spanish])) {
translatedWord = englishWords[spanish];
translate.append(translatedWord + "\n");
icontwo = new ImageIcon(photos[spanish]);
if (translatedWord == null) {
translate.append("A Spanish-English match is not in the Dictionary\n");
Now, I would suggest that you replace TextArea with a JTextArea, but you will need to wrap it in a JScrollPane
translate = new JTextArea("Your translation will show here");
viewer.add("West", new JScrollPane(translate));
Avoid using null layouts, pixel perfect layouts are an illusion within modern ui design. There are too many factors which affect the individual size of components, none of which you can control. Swing was designed to work with layout managers at the core, discarding these will lead to no end of issues and problems that you will spend more and more time trying to rectify
Basically, this was really painful to try and use for this very reason...

Why is my program not cycling through the array

I have tried a bunch of arrangements for my code, and this is my last version of code. I am trying to create a window, that will cycle through my 5 questions, and the end it will display how many you got correct.
Currently after entering my first answer in the text field it jumps to the end of the array. After that it will continually stay on the same question.
Sorry if I have made many coding errors, as this is my first time creating a program after watching a bunch of tutorials. Thanks for any help!
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JTextField;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import java.awt.FlowLayout;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
public class testwin extends JFrame {
private JTextField input;
private JLabel problem;
private String[] questions = new String[5];
private String[] answers = new String[5];
private String[] response = new String[5];
private int total = 5;
private int result = 0;
private String mark;
public testwin(){
super("Pop Quiz");
setLayout(new FlowLayout());
questions[0] = "Solve for x \t (x + 3)*2-10 = 4";
questions[1] = "Factorize \t x^2 + 10x + 21";
questions[2] = "Find the square root of 64";
questions[3] = "Multiply 23 and 94";
questions[4] = "Add 2145, 1452, 253,1414";
answers[0] = "4";
answers[1] = "(x + 3)(x + 7)";
answers[2] = "8";
answers[3] = "2162";
answers[4] = "5264";
problem = new JLabel(questions[0]);
input = new JTextField("Answer goes here",20);
mark = String.format("You got %s correct out of %s", result,total);
new ActionListener(){
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event){
int y = 0;
int x = 0;
if(event.getSource() == input){
while(x < questions.length){
response[y] = String.format("%s",event.getActionCommand());
input.setText("Answer goes here");
if(x == 4)
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, mark);
for(int z = 0; z < questions.length; z++){
if(response[z] == answers[z])
During each actionPerformed call you cycle through the whole list. Here:
while(x < questions.length){
response[y] = String.format("%s",event.getActionCommand());
input.setText("Answer goes here");
So by the time the text is actually displayed again, you have set to it to each different question, but stop with the last one and that is what the user actually sees. You only want to change the text once, to the next question, everytime an action is performed.
You'll need to keep some sort of counter for which question you are on that can be accessed by the actionPerformed method
Also, as mentioned in the comments, you will want to change your result checking to use the equals method. Strings can't be compared using the == sign because for Strings == compares the reference each String object is pointing to, not the value of the String object
The issue is the while() loop inside your ActionListener, it will always iterate through the entire set of questions and finish at the last entry. This is due to the fact that your x and y variables are local to the scope of the ActionListener, and as such, are always reset to 0 and looped on each input click.
To fix this, you don't need a while loop, just make your x variable a private class field (questionIndex), use an if statement ensure the index is within the array bounds, and update the problem and response values accordingly.
Here's some psuedocode that should do the right thing:
private int questionIndex = 0;
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event){
if(event.getSource() == input){
if(questionIndex < questions.length){
response[questionIndex] = String.format("%s",event.getActionCommand());
input.setText("Answer goes here");

GUI wait for keyboard "enter" and continue display

I have a JAVA card game, which show four cards at each round.
Currently, the stop between each round is waiting for a \n input in console. But I'd like to change it to waiting for a keyboard "enter" on the GUI.
Following is my current code. Please let me know how should I change it?
Millions of thanks!!!
import java.awt.GridLayout;
import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
public class Game {
public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException {
Deck deck = new Deck();
int aGame = 4;
List<Card> cards = new ArrayList<Card> ();
for(int i = 0; i < 52; i++) {
if(aGame == 1) {
JFrame f = new JFrame("Calculating 24!");
GridLayout grid = new GridLayout(2, 2);
f.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter(){
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
for(Card c: cards){
f.add(new LoadImageApp(c));
while (true) {
char c = (char) System.in.read();
if (c == '\n') {
aGame = 4;
if(i == 51) {
i = -1;
else if(aGame == 4) {
System.out.println("Calculate based on the following four cards!");
aGame --;
else {
aGame --;
If the GUI element accepting the values is a JTextField, it is possible to add an ActionListener that will typically respond when the user hits Enter
Other tips
f.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter(){
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
Change that to:
Or better..
The first will have the same effect as what was, but the second will also check there are no non-daemon threads running prior to exit.
Do not try to mix GUIs and the command line together. The way you go about writing an application for either is significantly different.
For Swing based applications key events should be handled using Key Bindings. However it may not be apparent to the end user that ENTER is required. A more UI centric approach is to use a dialog for this purpose
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(frame, "Press ENTER to continue");
Using console based read methods such as InputStream#read is another source of confusion for users. Use a JTextComponent such as a JTextField to read user input in Swing applications.

