It is possible in MS SQL Server to store the results of query into a table, and most importantly, have the query create the table:
SELECT an_existing_column
INTO table_xyz
FROM an_existing_table
This is also possible in MySQL using:
CREATE TABLE table_xyz
SELECT an_existing_column
FROM an_existing_table
I have searched the Apache Derby Reference Guide and cannot see a method for achieving similar behaviour.
Does anyone know if this possible in Apache Derby?
Store the results of a query into a table:
INSERT INTO table_xyz (an_existing_column) SELECT an_existing_column FROM an_existing_table;
Create a table from another table:
All Columns:
CREATE TABLE table_xyz AS SELECT * FROM an_existing_table WITH NO DATA;
Specific Column:
CREATE TABLE table_xyz AS SELECT an_existing_column FROM an_existing_table WITH NO DATA;
It does not work in JAVA DB, the correct way to do it is:
For all columns:
Step 1: Create a new table with a different name. for example, my_new_table:
CREATE TABLE my_new_table AS SELECT * FROM original_table WITH NO DATA;
This statement creates a new table from original table in the same format and no data copied. It is required to specify WITH NO DATA for it creates a new table with the same columns.
Step 2: Copy data from orig_table to my_new_table using INSERT INTO.
INSERT INTO my_new_table SELECT * FROM orig_table.
Then you will have all the data copied.
I have a button. When I hit it. It creates a table in database with name+billno+date. and inserts all details like product name and etc into the database.
Now I want to when the new table is created, after that jasper report fetch that newly created table and show it in table of jasper report.
For that I created a parameter.
Hashmap param = new Hashmap();
param.put("TABLE" , name+bill+date);
After that I created a table in jasper report and tried to do this query.
select * from $P{TABLE}
But it throws an error.
You have to correct the query using $P!{} syntax (note the ! char between P and {):
Where $P!{TABLE} is replaced with the text value of the parameter (table name in this case).
$P{} syntax can be used in the case the parameter is used as standard SQL parameter, it means that the query can be executed using a prepared statement. For example:
SELECT * FROM bill WHERE id = $P{ID}
Where prepared statement is then:
SELECT * FROM bill WHERE id = ?
Side note: It looks like a little bit crazy scenario to create separate table for each combination of name + billno + date. Imagine that on some day you will need to implement search through all those records - how you will create SELECT query over all those tables?
It would be better to have one table (bill for example) with id column as a primary key, and other columns like name, billnum and date and pass that id into the Jasper report as a parameter. Products can be stored in the related table bill_item and relate them to bill by bill_id column. Then in Jasper report you can SELECT * FROM bill b LEFT JOIN bill_item i ON i.bill_id = WHERE = $P{ID}. But I'm just guessing how can look your data model.
I am using Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition
I want to insert records into 2 tables say TABLE1 and TABLE2 back to back using JDBC. These 2 tables have a primary key and foreign key relationship based on a common column say ID_COLUMN
I am planing to use the following single query and fire it via my Java application via JDBC:
insert all
into TABLE1 (ID_COLUMN,COL2,COL3,COL4,COL5,COL6) values(?,?,?,?,?,?)
into TABLE2 (COL1_1,COL_1_2,COL_1_3,ID_COLUMN) values('blah',42,'rubbish',
select test_ctrl.seq_test_id.nextval FROM dual)
select * from dual;
My basic requirement is that I need to INSERT TABLE2 with the latest ID_COLUMN from TABLE1 from my current session.
I know the usage of select test_ctrl.seq_test_id.nextval FROM dual in the INSERT ALL statement is not correct. But it being Oracle I cant use SCOPE_IDENTITY()
Please suggest how can I make this query work
"But it being Oracle I cant use SCOPE_IDENTITY()"
Ah but you can. In Oracle 12c they introduced identity columns: these are a special variant of virtual columns.
create table my_table (
id number generated always as identity
, constraint my_table_pk primary key (id)
Find out more.
I seem to have found out the answer to my question.Modified the query like this.Please take note of edme_ctrl.seq_ts_annotation_id.nextval and edme_ctrl.seq_ts_annotation_id.currval
Hello guys I need fill a table with el result of my query like....
I am a Java developer, my friends, RPG developers in the AS400. When they execute a a Query have a option to save the query result in a file
The option is called SELECT output and can choice 1 Display 2 Printer 3 File
Can do this directly from a query? or is a native iSeries option ?
Create a table with iseries sql
create a table with data.
create table abc as (select x,y,z from sometable where x=y) with data
create an empty table.
create table abc as (select x,y,z from sometable where x=y) data definition only
There is no output to printer using just sql.
Query will prompt you to replace an existing table. Straight SQL won't prompt to replace an existing table so you have two scenarios (see note) .
If the output table doesn't exist, all you need is
create table newtable as (select <...> from oldtable) with data
If the output table already exists, all you need is an insert with sub-select.
Insert into newtable
Select <...> from oldtable
With the release of TR10 for v7.1 and TR2 for v7.2 in May 2015, IBM has added support the OR REPLACE clause to the CREATE TABLE statement. So if you happen to be on those TRs or higher, you could simply use:
create or replace table newtable as (select <...> from oldtable) with data
Could compile the SQL into a query manager query (CRTQMQRY) then run the query via (STRQMQRY).
To do that, put the query into the some sort of source file with a member type of TXT. Get to a command line and run the CRTQMQRY command and create the output QMQRY. STRQMQRY can be prompted and you can save the results in either an output file or a printout or look at it interactively. If you submit it as a batch job, viewing the output interactively won't work too well.
MSSQL(2008) and EclipseLink(2.4)
I'm inserting into a table with a trigger which does an insert into another table
When this happens EclipseLink returns the id of the record inserted into the other table by the trigger.
I assume I can get the correct id by getting EcliipseLink to use SCOPE_IDENTITY() instead of ##IDENTITY.
The question is how to do this?
I need a solution for EclipseLink (JPA), I know how to get the id using sql.
TableA has a trigger that inserts into another table. You issue a command like..
INSERT INTO TableA (Field1, Field2) VALUES (#Value1, #Value2); SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() As MyRecID
This will insert a record into TableA and return the ID of that record.
For more info read SCOPE_IDENTITY (Transact-SQL)
There is an example of adding a custom sequence object to EclipseLink to solve this issue here:
What SQL can be used to list the tables, and the rows within those tables in an SQLite database file - once I have attached it with the ATTACH command on the SQLite 3 command line tool?
There are a few steps to see the tables in an SQLite database:
List the tables in your database:
List how the table looks:
.schema tablename
Print the entire table:
SELECT * FROM tablename;
List all of the available SQLite prompt commands:
The .tables, and .schema "helper" functions don't look into ATTACHed databases: they just query the SQLITE_MASTER table for the "main" database. Consequently, if you used
ATTACH some_file.db AS my_db;
then you need to do
SELECT name FROM my_db.sqlite_master WHERE type='table';
Note that temporary tables don't show up with .tables either: you have to list sqlite_temp_master for that:
SELECT name FROM sqlite_temp_master WHERE type='table';
It appears you need to go through the sqlite_master table, like this:
SELECT * FROM dbname.sqlite_master WHERE type='table';
And then manually go through each table with a SELECT or similar to look at the rows.
The .DUMP and .SCHEMA commands doesn't appear to see the database at all.
To show all tables, use
SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = "table"
To show all rows, I guess you can iterate through all tables and just do a SELECT * on each one. But maybe a DUMP is what you're after?
Use .help to check for available commands.
This command would show all tables under your current database.
There is a command available for this on the SQLite command line:
.tables ?PATTERN? List names of tables matching a LIKE pattern
Which converts to the following SQL:
SELECT name FROM sqlite_master
WHERE type IN ('table','view') AND name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%'
SELECT name FROM sqlite_temp_master
WHERE type IN ('table','view')
To list the tables you can also do:
SELECT name FROM sqlite_master
WHERE type='table';
I use this query to get it:
SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'
And to use in iOS:
NSString *aStrQuery=[NSString stringWithFormat:#"SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'"];
Try PRAGMA table_info(table-name);
According to the documentation, the equivalent of MySQL's SHOW TABLES; is:
The ".tables" command is similar to setting list mode then executing
the following query:
SELECT name FROM sqlite_master
WHERE type IN ('table','view') AND name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%'
SELECT name FROM sqlite_temp_master
WHERE type IN ('table','view')
However, if you are checking if a single table exists (or to get its details), see LuizGeron's answer.
As of the latest versions of SQLite 3 you can issue:
to see all of your create statements.
The easiest way to do this is to open the database directly and use the .dump command, rather than attaching it after invoking the SQLite 3 shell tool.
So... (assume your OS command line prompt is $) instead of $sqlite3:
sqlite3> ATTACH database.sqlite as "attached"
From your OS command line, open the database directly:
$sqlite3 database.sqlite
sqlite3> .dump
Via a union all, combine all tables into one list.
select name
from sqlite_master
where type='table'
union all
select name
from sqlite_temp_master
where type='table'
import sqlite3
TABLE_LIST_QUERY = "SELECT * FROM sqlite_master where type='table'"
Use .da to see all databases - one is called 'main'.
Tables of this database can be seen by:
SELECT distinct tbl_name from sqlite_master order by 1;
The attached databases need prefixes you chose with AS in the statement ATTACH, e.g., aa (, bb, cc...) so:
SELECT distinct tbl_name from **aa.sqlite_master** order by 1;
Note that here you get the views as well. To exclude these add:
where type = 'table'
before ' order'
Since nobody has mentioned about the official reference of SQLite, I think it may be useful to refer to it under this heading:
You can manipulate your database using the commands described in this link. Besides, if you are using Windows OS and do not know where the command shell is, that is in the SQLite's site:
After downloading it, click sqlite3.exe file to initialize the SQLite command shell. When it is initialized, by default this SQLite session is using an in-memory database, not a file on disk, and so all changes will be lost when the session exits. To use a persistent disk file as the database, enter the ".open ex1.db" command immediately after the terminal window starts up.
The example above causes the database file named "ex1.db" to be opened and used, and created if it does not previously exist. You might want to use a full pathname to ensure that the file is in the directory that you think it is in. Use forward-slashes as the directory separator character. In other words use "c:/work/ex1.db", not "c:\work\ex1.db".
To see all tables in the database you have previously chosen, type the command .tables as it is said in the above link.
If you work in Windows, I think it might be useful to move this sqlite.exe file to same folder with the other Python files. In this way, the Python file writes to and the SQLite shell reads from .db files are in the same path.
The ".schema" commando will list available tables and their rows, by showing you the statement used to create said tables:
sqlite> create table_a (id int, a int, b int);
sqlite> .schema table_a
CREATE TABLE table_a (id int, a int, b int);