Using a stack to solve a maze Object Oriented (backtracking) issue - java

I am trying to solve a maze in an object oriented way.
My maze consists of fields, each field has an element attribute,
an element is a wall, player, helper or endpoint. A field with an empty attribute is a path.
Each field keeps track of his own neighbors in a HashMap.
When the player hits a helper, the helper should solve the maze and show the correct path.
I'm trying to find the endpoint by getting the current location of the helper and storing it's neighbors fields in a stack.
This is the code as far as helper goes.
The loop never ends, and I don't know why?
public void findRoute() {
Collection<Field> c = currentField.getHashMap().values();
Stack<Field> fieldNeighbours = new Stack<Field>();
for (Field field : c) {
while (!endpointReached) {
Field p = fieldNeighbours.pop();
if (p.getElement().getNaam().equals("endPoint")) {
System.out.println("endPoint Reached! ");
endpointReached = true;
if (!p.getElement().getNaam().equals("Wall")) {
if (!p.getHashMap().get("north").getElement().getNaam().equals("Wall")) {
if (!p.getHashMap().get("south").getElement().getNaam().equals("Wall")) {
if (!p.getHashMap().get("east").getElement().getNaam().equals("Wall")) {
if (!p.getHashMap().get("west").getElement().getNaam().equals("wall")) {

In addition to the stack you need a set of already-visited cells to avoid searching cycles repeatedly.
I'll also point out that using hashes rather than simple references is bad design for most purposes.


How to find the largest Count of Objects assosiated with the same Object

I have a Mentor class in which I have an ID for each mentor and an ArrayList of mentee IDs, like this:
public class Mentor {
int mentorId;
ArrayList<Integer> mentees = new ArrayList<>();
public Mentor(int mentorId, ArrayList<Integer> mentees) {
this.mentorId = mentorId;
this.mentees = mentees ;
The problem is that some mentees can be mentors too.
I would like to somehow get a count of all of the mentees associated to the top mentor as well as how many mentors are under the top mentor.
So, basically, if a mentor has a mentee, who is also a mentor, then this mentor's mentees are also associated to the top mentor.
So, my thinking was to loop through the mentee-list and see if any of the id's match an ID of Mentor. If true, Add this mentor's list of mentees to a list and loop again, but this will not work dynamically.
My main class looks something like this:
ArrayList<Mentor> mentors = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<Integer> mentees = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<Integer> mentees2 = new ArrayList<>();
mentors.add(new Mentor(1, mentees));
mentors.add(new Mentor(2, mentees2));
int mentorCount = 0;
int menteeCount = 0;
for (Mentor mentor : mentors) {
for (Integer mentee : mentees) {
if (mentee == mentor.mentorId){
//add each mentee to arraylist and start the process again, but is there an easier way to do this.
I was wondering if there is a way of solving this, maybe using streams?
I would recommend using good object oriented design, you shouldn't just use integer id's like that, because in this situation you could simply make an ArrayList of Person objects Where Mentees, and Mentors Inherit from Person. Then you can check if a Person is an instance of Mentee versus Mentor:
for (Person p : people) {
if (p instanceof Mentor)
// Mentor logic
if (p instanceof Mentee)
// Mentee Logic
Firstly, let's briefly recap the task.
You have a set of mentors, each mentor has a collection of mentees. Some of them might happen also to be mentors and so on.
Class design
From the perspective of class design, the solution is pretty simple: you need only one class to describe this relationship - Mentor. And each Mentor should hold a reference to a collection of Mentors (not integer ids).
In your domain model, as you described it, there's no substantial difference between a mentor and a mentee. Mentor points to other mentors - is a simplest way to model that. Mentee is just an edge case, a mentor which has an empty collection of mentors.
You don't need to include classes and features in your application that doesn't bring benefit.
Data structure
From the perspective of data structures, this problem can be described very well with an acyclic disjointed Graph.
Acyclic because if we consider the relationship between mentors when a mentor could indirectly point at themself (i.e. a mentor N has a mentee, with in tern points to another mentee that happens to be also a mentor of mentor N) the task becomes ambiguous. Therefore, I'm making an assumption that no one can be a mentor to himself.
I also depicted this data structure as disjointed because mentors in this model (as well as in real life) can form isolated groups, which in graph theory called connected components. That means that there could be several mentors with the same count of mentee, which happens to be the largest.
Depth first search
In order to find all the vertices (mentors) connected with a particular mentor, we have a classic traversal algorithm, which is called Depth first search (DFS). The core idea of DFS is to peek a single neighbor of the given vertex, then in turn peek one of its neighbors and so on until the hit the vertex that doesn't point to the other vertex (i.e. maximum depth is reached). And then it should be done with every other neighbors of the previously visited vertices.
There are two ways to implement DFS.
Iterative approach
For that, we need a stack. It will store all unvisited neighbors of the previously encountered vertexes. The last vertex from each list of neighbors in every branch will be explored first because it will be placed on the top of the stack. Then it will get removed from the stack and it's neighbors will be placed on the stack. This process repeats in a loop until the stack contains at least one element.
The most performant choice of collection for the stack is ArrayDeque.
Because this approach require continuous modification of the stack by adding and removing vertices, it isn't suitable to be implemented with Stream IPA.
Recursive approach
The overall principle is the same as described above, but we don't need to provide a stack explosively. The call stack of the JVM will be utilized for that purpose.
With this approach, there's also some room to apply streams. For that reason, I've chosen the recursive implementation. Also, its code is probably a bit easier to understand. But keep in mind that recursion has certain limitations, especially in Java, and not suitable for processing a large set of data.
A quick recap on recursion.
Every recursive implementation consists of two parts:
Base case - that represents a simple edge-case for which the outcome is known in advance. For this task, the base case is the given vertex has no neighbors. That means menteesCount of this vertex needs to be set to 0 because it has no mentee. And the return value for the base case is 1 because this vertex, in turn, is a valid mentee of another vertex that holds a reference to it.
Recursive case - a part of a solution where recursive calls a made and where the main logic resides.
The recursive case could be implemented using streams and entails recursive invocation of the for every neighbor of the given vertex. Each of these values will contribute to the menteesCount of the given vertex.
The value returned by the method will be menteesCount + 1 because for the vertex which triggered this method call, the given vertex will be a mentee as well as its mentees.
Class mentor basically serves as a vertex of the graph. Each vertex has a unique id and collection of adjacent vertexes.
Also, in order to reuse values obtained by performing DFS I've added a field menteesCount which is initially initialized to -1 in order to distinguish between vertices that has no adjacent vertices (i.e. menteesCount has to be 0) and vertices which value wasn't calculated. Every value will be established only ones and then reused (another approach will be to utilize a map for that purpose).
Method getTopMentors() iterates over the collection of vertices and invokes DFS for every vertex which value wasn't calculated yet. This method returns a list of mentors with the highest number of associated mentees
Method addMentor() that takes a vertex id, and id of its neighbors (if any) was added in order to interact with the graph in a convenient way.
Map mentorById contains every vertex that was added in the graph and, as its name suggests, allows retrieving it based on the vertex id.
public class MentorGraph {
private Map<Integer, Mentor> mentorById = new HashMap<>();
public void addMentor(int mentorId, int... menteeIds) {
Mentor mentor = mentorById.computeIfAbsent(mentorId, Mentor::new);
for (int menteeId: menteeIds) {
mentor.addMentee(mentorById.computeIfAbsent(menteeId, Mentor::new));
public List<Mentor> getTopMentors() {
List<Mentor> topMentors = new ArrayList<>();
for (Mentor mentor: mentorById.values()) {
if (mentor.getCount() != -1) continue;
if (topMentors.isEmpty() || mentor.getCount() == topMentors.get(0).getCount()) {
} else if (mentor.getCount() > topMentors.get(0).getCount()) {
return topMentors;
private int performDFS(Mentor mentor) {
if (mentor.getCount() == -1 && mentor.getMentees().isEmpty()) { // base case
return 1;
int menteeCount = // recursive case
.mapToInt(m -> m.getCount() == -1 ? performDFS(m) : m.getCount() + 1)
return menteeCount + 1;
public static class Mentor {
private int id;
private Set<Mentor> mentees = new HashSet<>();
private int menteesCount = -1;
public Mentor(int id) { = id;
public boolean addMentee(Mentor mentee) {
return mentees.add(mentee);
// getters, setter for menteesCount, equeals/hashCode
An example of the graph used as a demo.
main() - the code models the graph shown above
public static void main(String[] args) {
MentorGraph graph = new MentorGraph();
graph.addMentor(1, 3, 4);
graph.addMentor(2, 5, 6, 7);
graph.addMentor(3, 8, 9);
graph.addMentor(4, 10);
graph.addMentor(5, 11, 12);
graph.addMentor(7, 13, 14);
graph.addMentor(9, 16, 17, 18);
graph.addMentor(11, 18);
graph.addMentor(14, 19, 20);
graph.addMentor(16, 21, 22);
.forEach(m -> System.out.printf("mentorId: %d\tmentees: %d\n", m.getId(), m.getCount()));
mentorId: 1 mentees: 10
mentorId: 2 mentees: 10
Use Person and Mentor and Mentee subclasses as suggested by acornTime, define mentees as a list of Person and the information you want becomes simple to get:
import java.util.*;
public class Main{
public static void main(String[] args) {
ArrayList<Person> mentees = new ArrayList<>();
mentees.add(new Mentee(11));
mentees.add(new Mentee(12));
mentees.add(new Mentor(2, new ArrayList<>()));
mentees.add(new Mentee(13));
mentees.add(new Mentee(14));
mentees.add(new Mentor(3, new ArrayList<>()));
mentees.add(new Mentor(4, new ArrayList<>()));
mentees.add(new Mentor(5, new ArrayList<>()));
Mentor mentor = new Mentor(1, mentees);
interface Person {
int getId();
class Mentor implements Person{
private final int mentorId;
private List<Person> mentees = new ArrayList<>();
public Mentor(int id, ArrayList<Person> mentees) {
mentorId = id;
this.mentees = mentees ;
public int getId() {
return mentorId;
public List<Person> getMentees() {
return mentees;
public int menteesCount() {
return mentees.size();
public Stream<Person> mentorsInMentees(){
return -> (m instanceof Mentor));
class Mentee implements Person{
private final int menteeId;
public Mentee(int id) {
menteeId = id;
public int getId() {
return menteeId;
Test it online here
You should do something like a depth-first or breadth-first search (*):
Maintain a Set<Integer> containing all the people you have already seen.
Maintain a queue of some kind (e.g. an ArrayDeque), of people you are going to check.
Put the first person (or any number of people, actually) into this queue.
Then, while the queue is not empty:
Take the next person in the queue
If you've already seen them, go to the next item in the queue
If you've not already seen them, put the person into the seen set; add all of their mentees into the queue
That's it. The number of people at the end is the size of the seen set.
(*) Whether you do depth-first or breadth-first search depends on which end of the queue you add mentees to: adding them to the same end that you remove them from results in depth-first search; adding them to the other end results in breadth-first search. If you don't care which, choose either.

Searching Array list of objects

I have an array list in a class the array is called realtorList. From my main class I store objects with realtor data to the realtorList.
My data that is stored to a text file and is read in the first line.
This is the first element in the realtorList after I store the first line of data.
[Realtor{licenseNumber=AA1111111, firstName=Anna, lastName=Astrid, phoneNumber=111-111-1111,
When I read the next line of data from the input file I need to see if the licenseNumber in bold already exists in the realtorList. I am having trouble figuring out how to go about doing this.
For example if the next realtor data license number is AA1111111 how do I check the realtorList for AA1111111 which does exist for this example.
A really simple way to do this would be to have a String ArrayList running alongside (for example, one called licenses) and use an if statement with indexOf to return if that license value is already in the List. Since the licenses ArrayList only has one value it can be easily searched with indexOf.
An example would be
private boolean checkLicense (String licenseNumber) {
int i = licenses.indexOf(licenseNumber);
if(i == -1) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
Similar code works in one of my projects where a dynamic List of motors for a robot checks to see if there's already a motor with the listed port before adding a new one.
Another method could use a for loop for a linear search such as
private boolean checkLicense (String licenseNumber) {
for(int i = 0; i < (realtorList.size() - 1); i++) {
if (licenseNumber.equals(realtorList[i].getLicenseNumber())) {
return true;
return false;
This would perform a linear search of each and every object until it finds it (it would need to be in a method like the one for the example above to work this way)

GdxRuntimeException: #iterator() cannot be used nested

I'm working on this game which has a World. In this World there are many Units.
The problem stems from the fact that World serves (among other things) two main tasks:
Iterate through each Unit so that they can update their properties based on time passed an so forth.
Find potential targets for each Unit.
In World, this happens:
for (Actor a : stage.getActors())
a.draw(batch, 1);
findTargets() is defined as such:
public ArrayList<Unit> findTargets(Unit source) {
double sight = source.SIGHT;
ArrayList<Unit> targets = new ArrayList<Unit>();
for (Actor a : stage.getActors()) {
Unit target = (Unit)a;
if (!(target instanceof Unit))
if (target.equals(source)) continue;
if (((Unit)target).getPos().dst(source.getPos()) < sight) {
return targets;
The problem is obvious: findTargets() also iterates over every unit, resulting in a nested iteration. However, I'm unsure as to how I should proceed to "un-nest" this, as I'm only seeing a catch 22: Every unit does in effect have to iterate over every other unit to see if they're within their sight-range.
Some fresh eyes on this would be greatly appreciated.
There may be ways to refactor your design to avoid the nesting. But the simplest solution might be to just use the old school for loops for both outer and inner, or just the inner. Don't use the iterator, as that is not allowed here for nested loops. getActors returns a libGDX Array, so just traverse that by index
for (int i=0; i < stage.getActors().size; i++) {
//...etc --> use stage.getActors().items[i] ...

Advice on Java program

My java project required that I create an array of objects(items), populate the array of items, and then create a main method that asks a user to enter the item code which spits back the corresponding item.
It took me a while to figure out, but I ended up "cheating" by using a public variable to avoid passing/referencing the object between classes.
Please help me properly pass the object back.
This is the class with most of my methods including insert and the find method.
public class Catalog {
private Item[] itemlist;
private int size;
private int nextInsert;
public Item queriedItem;
public Catalog (int max) {
itemlist = new Item[max];
size = 0;
public void insert (Item item) {
itemlist[nextInsert] = item;
public Item find (int key) {
queriedItem = null;
for (int posn = 0; posn < size; ++posn) {
if (itemlist[posn].getKey() == key) queriedItem = itemlist[posn];
return queriedItem;
This is my main class:
import java.util.*;
public class Program {
public static void main (String[] args) {
Scanner kbd = new Scanner (;
Catalog store;
int key = 1;
store = new Catalog (8);
store.insert(new Item(10, "food", 2.00));
store.insert(new Item(20, "drink", 1.00));
while (key != 0) {
System.out.printf("Item number (0 to quit) ?%n");
key = kbd.nextInt();
if (key == 0) {
System.out.printf("Exiting program now!");
if (store.queriedItem != null) {
else System.out.printf("No Item found for %d%n", key);
Thanks I appreciate the help!!!!!!
store.find(key); returns an Item you should use it and delete the public field from Catalog
public Item find (int key) {
Item queriedItem = null;
Item searched = store.find(key);
if (searched != null)
System.out.printf("No Item found for %d%n", key);
Remove your use of queriedItem entirely and just return the item from find: Replace
if (store.queriedItem != null){store.queriedItem.print();}else System.out.printf("No Item found for %d%n", key);
Item foundItem = store.find(key);
if (foundItem != null) {
} else System.out.printf("No Item found for %d%n", key);
Well, here are some suggesetions (choose complexity at your own discretion, but all of them is highly recommended):
Research Properties, for example here. Or XML. You could populate the array with values from a configuration file for greater flexibility.
Use constanst for literals in your code (where they are necessary).
Create an ApplicationFactory the initializes the whole application for you. Things like this need to be separated from your domain logic.
Create a UserInputProvider interface so you can easily change the way the input of the user is read without affecting anything else. Implement it with a ConsoleInputProvider class for example.
In general, try using interfaces for everything that's not a pure domain object (here, the only one you have is probably Item).
Try to keep your methods as short as possible. Instead of doing many things in a method, have it invoke other methods (grouping related logic) named appropriately to tell what it is doing.
If you're not allowed to cheat and use List or a Map, devise your own implementation of one, separating data structure and handling from the logic represented by Catalog (i.e. Catalog in turn will delegate to, for example, Map.get or equivalent method of your data structure implementation)
Your main should basically just have ApplicationFactory (or an IoC framework) to build and initialize your application, invoke the UserInputProvider (it should not know the exact implementation it is using) to get user input, validate and convert the data as required, invoke Catalog to find the appropriate Item and then (similarly to the input interface) send the result (the exact data it got, not some string or alike) to some implementation of a SearchResultView interface that decides how to display this result (in this case it will be a console-based implementation, that prints a string representing the Item it got).
Generally, the higher the level of decoupling you can achieve, the better your program will be.
The Single Responsibility Principle states: " every class should have a single responsibility, and that responsibility should be entirely encapsulated by the class". This is also true for methods: they should have one and only one well defined task without any side effects.

ArrayList<String> NullPointerException

Am trying to solve a labyrinth by DFS, using adj List to represent the vertices and edges of the graph. In total there are 12 nodes (3 rows[A,B,C] * 4 cols[0,..,3]). My program starts by saving all the vertex labels (A0,..C3), so far so good, then checks the adjacent nodes, also no problems, if movement is possible, it proceeds to create the edge, here its where al goes wrong.
I used the debugger and found that vList[j].label is not null it contains a correct string (ie. "B1"). The only variables which show null are in adjList[i], which leads me to believe i have implemented it wrongly. this is how i did it.
public class GraphList {
private ArrayList<String>[] adjList;
public GraphList(int vertexcount) {
adjList = (ArrayList<String>[]) new ArrayList[vertexCount];
public void addEdge(int i, int j) {
adjList[i].add(vList[j].label); //NULLPOINTEREXCEPTION HERE
I will really appreaciate if anyone can point me on the right track regrading to what its going wrong... Thanks!
You've created the array, but you still need to go through and create the ArrayList objects. As it's written, adjList[i] returns null because nothing has been assigned to it yet.
I see that you created the container but are you sure you populated the list with elements?
Why don't you add assert((adjList[i] != null) && (adjList[j] != null)) to addEdge just to be sure either of them are not null. Run with java -ea ...

