Solr: Introduce a custom field in solr query response - java

Is it possible to introduce a custom field in Solr QueryResponse that would contain a value that is computed based on another response value? For example if I have "score" field in the response, I want my custom field (let it be named "multipliedScore") to contain value = (score * 10);
The value of the custom field needs to be calculated (not static).
Maybe there's a way to take the score value calculated by Solr and multiply it or turn into a string with prefix/postfix (not asking here about turning it into percentages)?

You can achieve this using a DocTransformer . Just inherit from the class and implement the required logic in the transform method :
public void transform(SolrDocument doc, int docId) {
String oldValue = doc.getFieldValue(fieldName);


Design for large scale parameter validation for JPA?

I have a method that takes in a JSON and takes out the data and distributes it to various strings so that they can be set in an entity and persisted. My example below is quite simple but for my actual code I have about 20+ fields
For example see
public Projects createProject(JsonObject jsonInst) {
Projects projectInst = new Projects();
String pId = jsonInst.get("proId").getAsString();
String pName = jsonInst.get("proName").getAsString();
String pStatus = jsonInst.get("proStatus").getAsString();
String pCustId = jsonInst.get("proCustId").getAsString();
String pStartDate = jsonInst.get("proStartDate").getAsString();
//Set the entity data
Notice if a varible dosent have a corrosponding entry in the Json this code will break with null pointer exception. Obviously I need to validate each parameter befopre calling .getAsString()
What is the best way to do this from a readability point of view I could create 2 varibles for each parameter and check and set for example.
String pName = jsonInst.get("proName").getAsString();
Or should I wait for it to be set
Which of these do you think is the best parameter to use for preventing errors.
Is there a way to handle if something is set on a large scale so that I can reduce the amount of code I have to write before I use that varible?
You can create a method that will take field name as parameter and will return json value for that field :
private String getJSONData(String field,JsonObject json){
String data=null;
return data;
you can call this method for each of your field:
String pId = getJSONData("proId",jsonInst);
By this way you can not only escape NullPointerException, but also avoid code repetition.

How I can write SPARQL query that uses similarity measures in Java Code

I would like to know a simple method to write this SPARQL query in Java Code:
select ?input
(strlen(?match)/strlen(?string) as ?percent)
where {
values ?string { "London" "Londn" "London Fog" "Lando" "Land Ho!"
"concatenate" "catnap" "hat" "cat" "chat" "chart" "port" "part" }
values (?input ?pattern ?replacement) {
("cat" "^x[^cat]*([c]?)[^at]*([a]?)[^t]*([t]?).*$" "$1$2$3")
("Londn" "^x[^Londn]*([L]?)[^ondn]*([o]?)[^ndn]*([n]?)[^dn]*([d]?)[^n]*([n]?).*$" "$1$2$3$4$5")
bind( replace( concat('x',?string), ?pattern, ?replacement) as ?match )
order by ?pattern desc(?percent)
This code is contained in the discussion To use iSPARQL to compare values using similarity measures.
The purpose of this code is to find the resources similar to a given word on DBPedia.
This method takes into consideration that I know in advance the strings and the length of it. I would like to know how I can write this query in a parameterized method that, regardless of the word and the length of it, it returns to me the similarity measures.
Update: ARQ - Writing Property Functions is now part of the standard Jena documentation.
It looks like you'd enjoy having a syntactic extension to SPARQL that performs the more complex portions of your query. For example:
SELECT ?input ?string ?percent WHERE
VALUES ?string { "London" "Londn" "London Fog" "Lando" "Land Ho!"
"concatenate" "catnap" "hat" "cat" "chat" "chart" "port" "part" }
VALUES ?input { "cat" "londn" }
?input <urn:ex:fn#matches> (?string ?percent) .
ORDER BY DESC(?percent)
In this example, it's assumed that <urn:ex:fn#matches> is a property function that will automatically perform the matching operation and calculate the similarity.
The Jena documentation does a great job explaining how to write a custom filter function,
but (as of 07/08/2014) does little to explain how to implement a custom property function.
I will make the assumption that you can convert your answer into java code for the purpose of calculating string similarity, and focus on the implementation of a property function that can house your code.
Implementing a Property Function
Every property function is associated with a particular Context. This allows you to limit the availability of the function to be global or associated with a particular dataset.
Assuming you have an implementation of PropertyFunctionFactory (shown later), you can register the function as follows:
final PropertyFunctionRegistry reg = PropertyFunctionRegistry.chooseRegistry(ARQ.getContext());
reg.put("urn:ex:fn#matches", new MatchesPropertyFunctionFactory);
PropertyFunctionRegistry.set(ARQ.getContext(), reg);
The only difference between global and dataset-specific registration is where the Context object comes from:
final Dataset ds = DatasetFactory.createMem();
final PropertyFunctionRegistry reg = PropertyFunctionRegistry.chooseRegistry(ds.getContext());
reg.put("urn:ex:fn#matches", new MatchesPropertyFunctionFactory);
PropertyFunctionRegistry.set(ds.getContext(), reg);
public class MatchesPropertyFunctionFactory implements PropertyFunctionFactory {
public PropertyFunction create(final String uri)
return new PFuncSimpleAndList()
public QueryIterator execEvaluated(final Binding parent, final Node subject, final Node predicate, final PropFuncArg object, final ExecutionContext execCxt)
/* TODO insert your stuff to perform testing. Note that you'll need
* to validate that things like subject/predicate/etc are bound
final boolean nonzeroPercentMatch = true; // XXX example-specific kludge
final Double percent = 0.75; // XXX example-specific kludge
if( nonzeroPercentMatch ) {
final Binding binding =
NodeFactory.createLiteral(percent.toString(), XSDDatatype.XSDdecimal));
return QueryIterSingleton.create(binding, execCtx);
else {
return QueryIterNullIterator.create(execCtx);
Because the property function that we create takes a list as an argument, we use PFuncSimpleAndList as an abstract implementation. Aside from that, most of the magic that happens inside these property functions is the creation of Bindings, QueryIterators, and performing validation of the input arguments.
Validation/Closing Notes
This should be more than enough to get you going on writing your own property function, if that is where you'd like to house your string-matching logic.
What hasn't been shown is input validation. In this answer, I assume that subject and the first list argument (object.getArg(0)) are bound (Node.isConcrete()), and that the second list argument (object.getArg(1)) is not (Node.isVariable()). If your method isn't called in this manner, things would explode. Hardening the method (putting many if-else blocks with condition checks) or supporting alternative use-cases (ie: looking up values for object.getArg(0) if it is a variable) are left to the reader (because it's tedious to demonstrate, easily testable, and readily apparent during implementation).

Can I submit a field value as an array with extjs?

On my form I have a textarea which calls for a list of words. e.g. word1,word2,word3 etc. The user can put as many words as they wish. My application gets this entry back as a single string, "word1,word2,word3" and to convert it to an array I have to do myString.split(",").
I was wondering if it is possible to set up the form so that extjs knows it should convert this to an array when it submits the data? Something like:
var myField = {
xtype : 'textarea',
fieldLabel : 'Words',
name : 'words',
type: 'array'
edit: I'd also be happy with having some kind of onSubmit function that sets the value of the field to an array client side before it is sent
Assuming you use extjs 4 and higher I would suggest the following:
Override Ext.form.field.TextArea field and implement it's getModelData( ) function to be something like this:
getModelData: function() {
var me = this,
data = null;
if (!me.disabled && !me.isFileUpload()) {
data = {};
data[me.getName()] = me.getValue().split(",");
return data;
This will allow Ext to properly interpret your field's model value as a string array. Then the model of your form will contain proper array for your field.
You may call getFieldValues() for your basic form to return corresponding json to send it to server, or you may use Ext MVC functions to work with form's model.

How do I parse delimited rows of text with differing field counts in to objects, while allowing for extension?

An example is as follows:
Basically, each SEG* line needs to be parsed into a corresponding object, defining what each of those fields are. Some, such as the third field in SEG1 will be parsed as a Date.
Each object will generally stay the same but there may be instances in which an additional field may be added, like so:
At the moment, I'm thinking of using the following type of algorithm:
List<String> segments = Arrays.asList(string.split("\r"); // Will always be a CR.
List<String> fields;
String fieldName;
for (String segment : segments) {
fields = Arrays.asList(segment.split("\\|");
fieldName = fields.get(0);
SEG1 seg1;
if (fieldName.compareTo("SEG1") == 0) {
seg1 = new Seg1();
} else if (fieldName.compareTo("SEG2") == 0) {
} else if (fieldName.compareTo("SEG3") == 0) {
} else {
// Erroneous/failure case.
Some fields may be optional as well, depending on the object being populated. My concern is if I add a new field to a class, any checks that use the expect field count number will also need to be updated. How could I go about parsing the rows, while allowing for new or modified field types in the class objects to populate?
If you can define a common interface for all to be parsed classes I would suggest the following:
interface Segment {}
class SEG1 implements Segment
void setField1(final String field){};
void setField2(final String field){};
void setField3(final String field){};
enum Parser {
protected Segment parse(final String[] fields)
final SEG1 segment = new SEG1();
return segment;
private final String name;
private Parser(final String name)
{ = name;
protected abstract Segment parse(String[] fields);
public static Segment parse(final String segment)
final int firstSeparator = segment.indexOf('|');
final String name = segment.substring(0, firstSeparator);
final String[] fields = segment.substring(firstSeparator + 1).split("\\|");
for (final Parser parser : values())
if (
return parser.parse(fields);
return null;
For each type of segment add an element to the enum and handle the different kinds of fields in the parse(String[])method.
You can use collections, e.g. ArrayList
You can use var-args
If you want to make it extensible, you may want to process each segment in a loop, instead of handling each occurance.
I would add a header row to your file format with the names of the fields being stored in the file so it looks something more like this:
(1) field1|field2|field3|field4|field5
(2) SEG1|asdasd|20111212|asdsad|
(3) SEG2|asdasd||asdasd|
(4) SEG3|sdfsdf|sdfsdf|sdfsdf|sdfsfsdf
(5) SEG4|sdfsfs|||
This is common for CSV files. I've also added more delimiters so that each line has five 'values'. This way a null value can be specified by just entering two delimiters in a row (see the third row above for an example where a null value is not the last value).
Now your parsing code knows what fields need to be set and you can call the setters using reflection in a loop. Pseudo code:
get the field names from the first line in the file
for (every line in the file except the first one) {
for (every value in the line) {
if (the value is not empty) {
use reflection to get the setter for the field and invoke it with the
This allows you to extend the file with additional fields without having to change the code. It also means you can have meaningful field names. The reflection may get a bit complicated with different types e.g. int, String, boolean etc. so I would have to say that if you can, follow #sethu's advice and use a ready-built proven library that does this for you.
Is there a necessity to use the same string with | as a delimiter? If the same classes are used to create the String, then its an ideal case for Xstream. Xstream will convert your java object into XML and back. Xstream will take care of the scenario where some fields are optional. You will not have write any code that parses your text. Here's a link:

Java annotations

I've created simple annotation in Java
public #interface Column {
String columnName();
and class
public class Table {
#Column(columnName = "id")
private int colId;
#Column(columnName = "name")
private String colName;
private int noAnnotationHere;
public Table(int colId, String colName, int noAnnotationHere) {
this.colId = colId;
this.colName = colName;
this.noAnnotationHere = noAnnotationHere;
I need to iterate over all fields, that are annotated with Column and get name and value of field and annotation. But I've got problem with getting value of each field, since all of them are of different data type.
Is there anything that would return collection of fields that have certain annotation?
I managed to do it with this code, but I don't think that reflection is good way to solve it.
Table table = new Table(1, "test", 2);
for (Field field : table.getClass().getDeclaredFields()) {
Column col;
// check if field has annotation
if ((col = field.getAnnotation(Column.class)) != null) {
String log = "colname: " + col.columnName() + "\n";
log += "field name: " + field.getName() + "\n\n";
// here i don't know how to get value of field, since all get methods
// are type specific
Do I have to wrap every field in object, which would implement method like getValue(), or is there some better way around this? Basicly all I need is string representation of each field that is annotated.
edit: yep field.get(table) works, but only for public fields, is there any way how to do this even for private fields? Or do I have to make getter and somehow invoke it?
Every object should has toString() defined. (And you can override this for each class to get a more meaningful representation).
So you where your "// here I don't know" comment is, you could have:
Object value = field.get(table);
// gets the value of this field for the instance 'table'
log += "value: " + value + "\n";
// implicitly uses toString for you
// or will put 'null' if the object is null
Reflection is exactly the way to solve it. Finding out things about types and their members at execution time is pretty much the definition of reflection! The way you've done it looks fine to me.
To find the value of the field, use field.get(table)
Reflection is exactly the way to look at annotations. They are a form of "metadata" attached to the class or method, and Java annotations were designed to be examined that way.
Reflection is one way to process the object (probably the only way if the fields are private and don't have any kind of accessor method). You'll need to look at Field.setAccessible and perhaps Field.getType.
Another approach is to generate another class for enumerating the annotated fields using a compile-time annotation processor. This requires a com.sun API in Java 5, but support is better in the Java 6 JDK (IDEs like Eclipse may require special project configuration).

