I'm looking to store Java libraries inside my Oracle database. Note that this is the first time I'm doing that. That library is pd4ml. It is made up of two jars, which contains the compiled classes.
ss_css2.jar (required by pd4ml.jar)
As loading them with Toad did not work (Toad said they were loaded successfully, but did they not show up anywhere) I went command line (loadjava) and managed to load ss_css2.jar successfully. All its classes were loaded and compiled.
The second library, pd4ml.jar, was also loaded, but several classes won't compile. I ran ojvmtc to try to resolve references. I got the following message:
The following classes could not be found:
The first one, if my understanding is correct, should be part of the JRE that is built-in 11g r2. Browsing the sys schema, it does not appear to exist.
The second one is part of the jar library. Now I'm not exactly sure of the structure of compiled Java, I've never had to look into it before, but I have several .class files inside org/zefer/pd4ml/npdf/parser/, these being: c$_b, c$_c.... to c$_g. There is none that is only c.
The library works well on my local machine when passing command line arguments or running it from Eclipse, so it should work. There is no specific error message that shows up when trying to compile them in Toad. I have a feeling it's a dependencies/classpath issue.
Any hints on how I should ensure that classes contained in pd4ml.jar can properly access those in ss_css2.jar , or any potential causes to investigate? Perhaps a way to get detailed error messages from the Java code?
The strange class names like c$_b, c$_c.... to c$_g are result of JAR file obfuscation. The obfuscation impacts only non-public classes, so it should not harm.
As I see, in your particular case javax/servlet/http/HttpServletResponseWrapper class is missing (and probably few more) - the classes can be found in servlet-api.jar. Just take the file from any J2EE (or Tomcat) distribution and add the file to your project/application.
In usual scenarios the servlet-api classes are required only when WebApp-specific PD4ML methods are called. And the methods are called only when pd4ml.jar is a part of a web application (that means servlet-api.jar is among the application resources).
As I see now, Oracle database Java sub-system scans for all referenced resources (even if they are not needed in a scenario) and panic if anything is missing.
There are two jars which have the same name which is being used in the application but for different purposes.
The name of the jar for example is "A1.jar" having different versions and used in if else condition.
if this:
then A1-10.2.3jar.create()
then A1-8.18.0jar.create()
which in turn have different implementations of create method.
The question is when the application is loaded which jar will be instantiated during class loading time? Or depending upon condition the corresponding jar will be loaded? How can we ensure the correct jar is picked up each time.
The question is further transported to application server scenario where both libs are in WEB-INF/lib folder on jboss/wildfly. How would classloader behave there?
This happened in one of the cases for wildfly where had same name of jars but it was picking up the wrong one and creating an issue. But the same case was running fine on another environment..is there any order/precedence for this?
The classes are different when it is being called:
Say A2 and A3 class which then calls the A1 jar which are coming as a dependency from class A2 and A3 with same names but different versions.
So, this will be the case:
if this:
then A2.create()-> calls A1-10.2.3jar.respone()
then A3.create()->calls A1-8.18.0jar.respone()
If this is the case can classloader load both the classes or it can be random?
As far as i know, there is no specification for jee application server which version they have to use in this scenario. Therefore it's kind of (deterministic) random, which jar is used.
This really should be avoided, for example with an exclude for the deployment in a maven file or something similar for gradle.
In our code we have a few places where some methods are run by their name. There are some big if-else-if blocks with each function name and call of the corresponding method (I use the term function to describe just names, for example function X01 might correspond to method SomeClass.functionX01). I've been looking into ways to improve that
Write just methods that are annotated with some custom annotation, removing the need to update or even include if-else-if blocks in order to run specific function. Have access to any generated code if any code is generated.
What I did:
I've created first prove of concept using runtime annotations and it proved successful, but slower then if-else-if. Next attempt was with source annotation
I've followed this link for an example, however it did not seam to run in IntelliJ. What I wanted is to have - in this case PersonBuilder class generated, instead there was none. In some cases an error was raised Error:java: Bad service configuration file, or exception thrown while constructing Processor object: javax.annotation.processing.Processor: Provider BuilderProcessor not found
After some Googling and failing to find anything I've turned to book (Core Java, Volume II - Advanced Features - 9th Edition, Polish translation) and there was reccomended to run the following commands:
javac [AbstractProcessor implementation]
javac -processor [Compiled Processor] [other source files to compile]
This worked, however is unsatisfactory as it needs to happen inside IDE (NetBeans and IntelliJ to be specific) automatically during build. Code does not need to be generated on the fly, but programmer must have access to it after build (as in - be able to call methods of generated classes)
How to have and use generated code used in NetBeans and IntelliJ without the need of using external tools? Is it possible, or using reflection, runtime annotations or external tools is the only way?
Additional info (just in case):
Language level: Java 1.8
JVM versions: 12 and 13
IDEs: NetBeans and IntelliJ
I can't guess how can I specify class, which is entry-point of my program (therefore shouldn't be obfuscated), and my jar archive. Please show me an command-line example, how to use JBCO when I have /home/example/myJar.jar and within it com.example.EntryPoint class and my external dependency /home/example/dependencies/dependencyJar.jar.
Also, please, does anybody know if this project is still alive and what jdk it supports?
A lot of time have passed, but recently I have passed across the java transformation frameworks and find out that JBCO now is a part of soot framework, hosted on GitHub, but it is #deprecated as for now. There is a wiki where you can get more info about how to use soot/jbco (if you still want to, on your own risk, even though JBCO is deprecated and not under active development it still from time to time accepts PRs from contributors).
As for the command line options it might be:
java -cp .:/home/example/sootclasses-trunk-jar-with-dependencies.jar soot.jbco.Main -process-dir /home/example/compiled -output-dir /home/example/obfuscated -soot-class-path .:/home/example/myJar.jar -output-format class -app -main-class com.example.EntryPoint -t:9:wjtp.jbco_cr
Soot can process your compiled code as class files (then pass it to -process-dir option) or as jar (then pass it as part of soot-class-path) - soot can process many forms of bytecode (java/scala/.. bytecode, android bytecode, jasmin, jimple). There are also options to specify what is library classes and application or argument classes more precisely, for more info please refer to soot's wiki page.
I am working on moving code from R2007a to R2013a. I am getting a java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError during my run in R2013a which does not appear in R2007a. It occurs when I call.
Where fname is a product.ProxyField object for an Object Filter and jevent is a product.format.java.internal.JavaEvent.
The class is in a jar file on the path and is being accessed by another class in the same jar file. The stack trace does not leave the realm of the product if that helps.
I do not have access to the original code for the jar file. I do have access to code derived from that original code and both classes are in the same package. I'm guessing this has something to do with differences in the java version but I'm not sure what to do since I don't have the original code to recompile.
Unfortunately I can't provide actual source or full detail but a google search only yielded results for MATLAB startup issues. Any thoughts?
Seems like the difference between R2007a and R2013a is that the first uses 1.5 jre and second uses 1.6 jre. It would be easier to help you if you provided the stack trace showing the exception. Sometimes classes get moved around in between jvm versions, so having the actual missing classes would help in determining if the missing class is a class that was just moved around to a different package. You could take the missing class, google it adding the same exception message as you put above and seeing who else ran into similar issues.
I'm getting:
NoSuchMethodError: com.foo.SomeService.doSmth()Z
Am I understanding correctly that this 'Z' means that return type of doSmth() method is boolean? If true, then that kind of method really does not exist because this method returns some Collection. But on the other hand if I call this method, I'm not assigning its return value to any variable. I just call this method like this:
Any ideas why this error occurs? All necessary JAR files exist and all other methods from this class seems to exist.
Looks like method exists in classpath during compilation, but not during running of your application.
I don't think return type is a problem. If it was, it wouldn't compile. Compiler throws error when method call is ambiguous, and it is when two methods differ only by return type.
Normally, this error is caught by the compiler; this error can only occur at run time if the definition of a class has incompatibly changed.
In short - a class/jar file at runtime is not the same that you used at compile time.
This is probably a difference between your compile-time classpath and you run-time classpath.
Here is what seems to be going on:
The code is compiled with a class path that defines the doSmth() method returning a boolean. The byte-code refers to the doSmth()Z method.
At runtime, the doSmth()Z method isn't found. A method returning a Collection is found instead.
To correct this problem, check your (compile time) classpath.
The current reply just tell you why is failing. Usually is even nicer to know how to fix problems. As it is mentioned, the problem usually is that you built your program but when running or exporting it, the library is not included. So the solution is...
If you are running, check the the run configuration
Select Run tab -> Run configurations -> Select the configuration you are running -> Check the Classpath tab -> Ensure the libraries you need are there
If you are exporting (for example a war file), follow this
Select project -> Select properties -> Select Deployment Assembly -> Press Add -> Select Java Build Path Entries -> Select the libraries you want to be included in your exported file (for example a war file)
In both cases, ensure the library which you are referencing in included.
Other frequent problems for this error are not the right type of parameters or visibility but then, the compiler will detect the error before running. In this case, just check the documentation to match the function and package visibility, and ensure that the library is found in Java Build Path in your project properties.
Maybe still can help somebody, but this exception can happen also when you have on the classpath two classes in different jar files that have the same exact signature but they haven't the same public methods.
For example:
On file mylibrary1.jar you have class com.mypackage.mysubpackage.MyClass with method doSmth()
On file mylibrary2.jar you have class com.mypackage.mysubpackage.MyClass without method doSmth()
When searching the class, the classloader may find first mylibrary2.jar depending on the path precedence but can't find the method on that class.
Be sure you don't have the same package + class on two different files.
I noticed this problem occurring while testing some experimental changes in multiple linked projects, after updating them from SVN in Eclipse.
Specifically, I updated all projects from SVN, and reverted the .classpath file rather than edit it manually to keep things simple.
Then I re-added the linked projects to the path, but forgot to remove the related jars. This was how the problem occurred for me.
So apparently the run time used the jar file while the compiler used the project files.
Another way this can happen and is difficult to find:
If a signature of a method in an external jar changes in a way that there is no error found in the IDE because it's still compatible with how you call it the class might not be re-compiled.
If your build checks the files for changes and only then recompiles them, the class might not be recompiled during the build process.
So when you run it this might lead to that problem. Although you have the new jar, your own code expects still the old one but does never complain.
To make it harder it depends on the jvm if it can handle such cases. So in the worst case it runs on the test server but not on the live machine.