I am trying to battle my way through learning Java and bullet physics all in one go. Quite possible a little too much to do all at once but I like a challenge.
So far, I've learned how to import g3db objects, apply bullet physics to them and interact with them on the screen by using the following code:
assets = new AssetManager();
assets.load("globe.g3db", Model.class);
assets.load("crate.g3db", Model.class);
Model model = assets.get("globe.g3db", Model.class);
ModelInstance inst = new ModelInstance(model);
inst.transform.trn(0, 20, 0);
btRigidBody body;
btSphereShape sh = new btSphereShape(1);
sh.calculateLocalInertia(1, new Vector3(0,0,0));
body = new btRigidBody(new btRigidBody.btRigidBodyConstructionInfo(3, new btDefaultMotionState(inst.transform), sh));
motionState = new MyMotionState();
motionState.transform = inst.transform;
dynamicsWorld.addRigidBody(body );
This works fine, if I set it above the ground it falls and comes to rest on the ground, however when it moves about it slides rather than rolls.
Is there an easy fix?
To allow rolling of a physical body, you need to calculate its local inertia and provide it to the construction info. In your code you're almost doing it right.
The method
btCollisionShape.calculateLocalInertia(float mass, Vector3 inertia)
indeed calculates local inertia but stores it in its second argument 'Vector3 inertia'. No changes are applied to btCollisionShape itself.
After obtaining the vector of inertia you need to pass it to
btRigidBodyConstructionInfo(float mass, btMotionState motionState, btCollisionShape collisionShape, Vector3 localInertia)
as the last argument.
The correct code should look like this:
btRigidBody body;
btSphereShape sh = new btSphereShape(1);
Vector3 inertia = new Vector3(0,0,0);
sh.calculateLocalInertia(1, inertia);
body = new btRigidBody(new btRigidBody.btRigidBodyConstructionInfo(3, new btDefaultMotionState(inst.transform), sh, inertia));
Local inertia is not required to perform the simulation, but without it, all forces applied to bodies are treated as central forces and therefore cannot affect angular speed.
You need to read out and set the rotation as well, right now you are just reading \ applying the translation.
Create a new quaternion and get the xyzw values and apply them to your object.
something like this (c++ code, but you can easily do the same in java):
btTransform trans;
Quat myquat;
btQuaternion rot = trans.getRotation();
myquat.w = rot.w();
myquat.x = rot.x();
myquat.y = rot.z();
myquat.z = rot.y();
set myquat back on your object.
I am also fiddling with the global/local rotation problem and I cannnot put my finger on it. I used a lwjgl book for the implementation of my game, using openGL and LWJGL. I am using the JOML lib for vectors and matrices.
The modelview matrix construction is below. By the book, this is originally without local rotations, I added them myself. The idea is that each object has a global and local rotation. Those rotations get individually calculated and then are multiplied left/right side with the modelview matrix.
public Matrix4f getModelViewMatrix(Object obj, Matrix4f viewMatrix) {
Vector3f rotation = obj.getRot();
Vector3f localRot = obj.getLocalRot();
Matrix4f localRotMat = new Matrix4f().identity();
Matrix4f worldRotMat = new Matrix4f().identity();
Matrix4f viewCurr = new Matrix4f(viewMatrix);
return viewCurr.mul(modelViewMatrix);
This still results in local rotations around the 'wrong' axes. I've seen implementations using quaternions and read about gimbal lock and the like, but either the answers are very specific or too general for me. Furthermore, it would be great if I wouldn't need to use a quaternions implementation, as I would have to refactor a lot of code possibly.
Relevant code for the object class:
// Object class
private final Vector3f rot;
private final Vector3f localRot;
public Object() {
pos = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0);
scale = 1;
rot = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0);
localRot = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0);
// getters and setters for above
Can somebody explain what is wrong about the calculation of the rotations for the modelview matrix?
I can rewrite the code like below, which is a bit more in line with the hints from #GeestWagen. However, the 'local rotation' of my object is still displayed as global, so it indeed seems like it is applied 'the same' rotation twice. However, now I am stuck, because I cant find more documentation on these functions (rotateLocal/rotate).
Okay, I finally fixed it. It resulted in me doing a bunch more research. What I came up with was the following:
Vector3f rotation = obj.getRot();
Vector3f localRot = obj.getLocalRot();
Quaternionf rotationQ = new Quaternionf().
rotateAxis((float)Math.toRadians(-localRot.z), new Vector3f(0f, 0f, 1f)).
rotateAxis((float)Math.toRadians(-localRot.y), new Vector3f(0f, 1f, 0f)).
rotateAxis((float)Math.toRadians(-localRot.x), new Vector3f(1f, 0f, 0f)).
premul(new Quaternionf().
This is inspired by among others this and this. What confused me a lot was the lack of hits on doing local and global rotations. Most stuff I was able to find was either. This creates a quaternion and sets the x, y, and z axes to the local rotation of the object. Then it pre-multiplies by a quaternion which axes are set to the global rotation of the object. Then this resulting quaternion is used for the modelView matrix.
Thus, for combining local and global rotations, a quaternion seems to be necessary. I thought it was used to make sure the axes do not change in a local/global rotation, but they should also be used when combining both.
im kinda new here, anywho... i am interested in the android gaming app development and i am learning on my own how to do so, using Libgdx as my game-engine and already made a small game not something exciting.
i have recently started to learn how to use the World variable and creating bodies in it, i want to create a class that extends Actor, give it animations (i know how to give animations) and to try and display it on the body, so where ever the body goes, the animation is played on it (basically below the animation is the body that is not displayed ofc)
so my question is : is there a way to give this costume actor into the body so it will play it over the body? (attaching them)
Will appreciate the help!
** NOTE : be aware that my knowledge is still limited, i am a college student for Program Engineering and i am not fully into much depth in java yet (my college not teaching game-engines) **
i have created a costume class, made animations to each action (like herowalk, herosit ... etc...)
i wrote a render method in it :
public void render(SpriteBatch batch) {
float posX = bbody.getPosition().x * PPM;
float posY = bbody.getPosition().y * PPM;
float rotation = (float) Math.toDegrees(bbody.getAngle());
and created a body, placed it in the middle of my screen and attached the sprite to it using SetUserData() :
BodyDef bdef = new BodyDef();
bdef.position.set(160 / PPM, 200 / PPM);
bdef.type = BodyDef.BodyType.DynamicBody;
PolygonShape shape = new PolygonShape();
shape.setAsBox(5 / PPM, 5 / PPM);
bbody = world.createBody(bdef);
FixtureDef fdef = new FixtureDef();
fdef.shape = shape;
fdef.filter.categoryBits = BIT_BOX;
fdef.filter.maskBits = BIT_PLATFORM | BIT_BALL;
and in my main class where i draw with batch i wrote :
player.sprite.setRegion(player.getAnimationup().getKeyFrame(dt, true));
dt += elapsedTime;
to constantly change the animations depends on if the player turns to the right, left, up , down.
the only problem i have is that the sprite it self (the animation works perfectly) is being drawn on the bottom left side of the screen (not on 0,0, it looks like it got the x,y of the body but still away from it) and can see that its attached to it when moving the body (i put controls to control the body movement) and i see the sprite moving with it.
for example im trying to check the coordination of X,Y for both the body and the sprite with Gdx.app.log as usual and both have the SAME exact X and Y. (ofc the sprite has his multiplied by PPM (placed it as 100) since the sprite is not a physical body)
what is causing the wrong location of the sprite?
Welcome to Stack Overflow!
The answer to your question is "Not exactly." Box2D gives you a method called Body#setUserData() which lets you create a reference from the Body to any object (in this case an Animation object, but it is up to you to keep their positions in sync. See the pseudo-code below adapted from the libGDX wiki:
// Create an array to be filled with the bodies
// (better don't create a new one every time though)
Array<Body> bodies = new Array<Body>();
// Now fill the array with all bodies
for (Body b : bodies) {
// Get the body's user data - in this example, our user
// data is an instance of the Entity class
Animation anim = (Animation) b.getUserData();
if (anim != null) {
// Update the entities/sprites position and angle
TextureRegion frame = anim.getKeyFrame( ... );
// Now draw the frame using b.getPosition() and b.getAngle()
By the way, the libGDX wiki is an excellent resource and reference as you start learning libGDX.
I am using the Proj.4 java library that can be found here
And I am pretty much unsure on how can I implement a code that looks like this in Proj.4JS:
// include the library
<script src="lib/proj4js-combined.js"></script> //adjust the path for your server
//or else use the compressed version
// creating source and destination Proj4js objects
// once initialized, these may be re-used as often as needed
var source = new Proj4js.Proj('EPSG:4326'); //source coordinates will be in Longitude/Latitude, WGS84
var dest = new Proj4js.Proj('EPSG:4141'); //destination coordinates in meters, global spherical mercators projection, see http://spatialreference.org/ref/epsg/3785/
// transforming point coordinates
var p = new Proj4js.Point(-76.0,45.0); //any object will do as long as it has 'x' and 'y' properties
Proj4js.transform(source, dest, p); //do the transformation. x and y are modified in place
//p.x and p.y are now EPSG:3785 in meters
I am new to the whole projection subjects and I really want to know what am I doing. I need to convert my coordinate system from WGS84 to EPSG:4141 but Proj.4 Java library is not documented at all and I can't really find out on how to use it.
Is anyone familiar with this?
Unfortunately the library is still not well documented so for those still searching for a solution:
CRSFactory factory = new CRSFactory();
CoordinateReferenceSystem srcCrs = factory.createFromName("EPSG:4326");
CoordinateReferenceSystem dstCrs = factory.createFromName("EPSG:4141");
BasicCoordinateTransform transform = new BasicCoordinateTransform(srcCrs, dstCrs);
// Note these are x, y so lng, lat
ProjCoordinate srcCoord = new ProjCoordinate(-76.0, 45.0);
ProjCoordinate dstCoord = new ProjCoordinate();
// Writes result into dstCoord
transform.transform(srcCoord, dstCoord);
Source code at https://github.com/Proj4J/proj4j if you need to figure anything else out.
I'm using LibGDX to make a mobile game, now I'm facing a certain issue.
I have a certain Entity which can collide with the wall, when this happens the wall receives a certain force which then causes it to go off the screen and not be positioned properly anymore.
I have tried using LibGDX's isSensor variable but after doing that my Entity crosses straight through the wall.
How can I make it so the wall does stop the Entity from moving through but isn't affected itself by the force of the Entity?
I'm using the physics body editor for my colission shapes as they are not in normal geometrical formats.
Thank you,
You just need to make the wall static.
I'm not sure how you do it using the physics body editor as I've never used it, but here's some code I wrote a while back that does something similar...
private void buildRoom()
Vector2[] roomCorners = new Vector2[]{new Vector2(0f, 0f),
new Vector2(0f, ROOM_HEIGHT),
new Vector2(ROOM_WIDTH, 0f)};
ChainShape roomShape = new ChainShape();
BodyDef roomDef = new BodyDef();
roomDef.type = BodyDef.BodyType.StaticBody;
Body room = world.createBody(roomDef);
room.createFixture(roomShape, 0);
} finally
I have a line segment that represents a direction and magnitude (length), when i draw the segment it works as it should. the value getAimArmsRotation is being pulled from another class that contains a touchpad value.
if (player.getFacingRight()) {
lOriginX = (player.getPosition().x + Player.SIZEw/2);
lOriginY = (player.getPosition().y + Player.SIZEh/1.5f);
//lEndX = lOriginX + (float)Math.cos((player.getAimArmsRotation())/57) * 15f;
//lEndY = lOriginY + (float)Math.sin((player.getAimArmsRotation())/57) * 15f;
laserO = new Vector2(lOriginX, lOriginY);
laserE = new Vector2(lEndX, lEndY);
However if I use the Vectors or floats from this calculation and apply them to a model's velocity vector it does not move the model along the line segment as I would think it should.
EDIT: Sorry meant to attach this picture when I created the question. Fig 1 is how my line segment looks, when I set the velocity values that make up the line segment to my object it moves in the direction that fig 2 shows.
getAimArmsRotation() is just a method that sets a sprite's rotation with a value from the touchpad in another class. I don't think that the values should matter since these floats are what i've used in order to give the line segment it's length and direction, I would think that giving an object a velocity of the x and y floats would give it the same direction as the line?
Thanks for the DV, jerks.
I wasn't taking into account the origin position of the object when trying to send it along the desired path. I was only using the LineEnd values, I needed to give the object it's origin point to correctly calculate the trajectory or path.
for (GameObject go: gObjects) {
if (go.getType() == PROJECTILE_ID) {
go.getVelocity().x = player.getLineEndX() - player.getLineOrgX();
go.getVelocity().y = player.getLineEndY() - player.getLineOrgY();