I'm trying to render a round rectangle on the screen but it looks as if it's been stretched.
private void init(){
mOuterRect = new RectF(0.0f,0.0f,1.0f,1.0f);
//other stuff
protected void onDraw(final Canvas canvas) {
canvas.scale(getWidth(), getHeight());
private void drawRect(Canvas canvas) {
float radius = 0.05f;
canvas.drawRoundRect(mOuterRect, radius,radius, mOuterRectPaint);
I think it has something to do with the scaling and I tried to fix that but I got worse results. What exactly is causing the image to get stretched like this?
I have overridden image draw method to draw border on AppCompatImageView.
It works fine for some images but for some images it has some blank space above and below image as shown in picture below. I want to draw border exactly over image dimensions.
Below is code
private static final int PADDING = 8;
private static final float STROKE_WIDTH = 8.0f;
private Paint mBorderPaint;
private void initBorderPaint() {
mBorderPaint = new Paint();
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
canvas.drawRect(PADDING, PADDING, getWidth() - PADDING, getHeight() - PADDING, mBorderPaint);
What I want to do is have a virtual size for my world and scale that world on the screen as much as possible without changing the aspect ratio, the FitViewport seemed like the best candidate. Thats how I intialised my viewport on the stage.
public class PlayStage extends Stage{
public static final int WIDTH = 480;
public static final int HEIGHT = 800;
private final Vector2 gravity = new Vector2(0.f, -9.8f);
private World physWorld;
public PlayStage(){
OrthographicCamera camera = new OrthographicCamera();
camera.setToOrtho(false, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
setViewport(new FitViewport(WIDTH, HEIGHT, camera));
physWorld = new World(gravity, false);
Ball ball = new Ball(physWorld);
public void draw() {
public void act(float delta) {
physWorld.step(delta, 10, 5);
public void dispose() {
This is how the sprite looks when rendered (scaled too much on the x coordinate). Also I get no touch down events for my actors.
You need to update stage viewport. It's better to resize your viewport from resize method.
public void resize(int width, int height) {
//stage.getViewport().update(width,height,true); // -> If you want camera to be at centre.
I solved it on my own, all I had to do was to update the viewport after creation like this getViewport().update(Gdx.graphics.getWidth(), Gdx.graphics.getHeight());
Whenever I try to set my viewport to a Stage, the actors, that I puting into the Scene are blured and very large. I want to set my Game world size as a rectangle of 50x100 units and then scale everything (Sprites, actors, labels, fonts) according that units. Every state inharitate form a class State which provides render function etc.
public abstract class State {
public static final float GAME_SIZE_WIDTH = 50 ;
public static final float GAME_SIZE_HEIGHT = 100 ;
protected OrthographicCamera camera;
protected GameStateManager gsm;
protected Viewport viewport;
public State(GameStateManager gsm) {
this.gsm = gsm;
camera = new OrthographicCamera();
viewport = new ExtendViewport(GAME_SIZE_WIDTH, GAME_SIZE_HEIGHT, camera);
camera.position.set(GAME_SIZE_WIDTH / 2, GAME_SIZE_HEIGHT / 2, 0);
public abstract void handleInput();
public abstract void update(float dt);
public abstract void render (SpriteBatch sb);
public abstract void dispose();
public abstract void resize(int width, int height) ;
In every State I want to add the Stage and pass the viewPort for my State class according to keep the GAME_SIZE_WIDTH /GAME_SIZE_HEIGHT dimension, but Ive got unadjusted backgrounds (even if its full HD picture the white border on the left) and the Buttons are blured with unadjusted text on it.
public class MenuState extends State implements InputProcessor {
private Skin skin;
private Stage stage;
private Sprite background;
private Table table;
private TextButton startButton,quitButton;
private Sprite flappyButton;
private Sprite chodzenieButton;
private Sprite memoryButton;
private Sprite rememberSquare;
private static final String TAG = "kamil";
private Vector3 touchPoint;
public MenuState(GameStateManager gsm) {
skin = new Skin(Gdx.files.internal("button/uiskin.json"));
stage = new Stage(viewport);
table = new Table();
table.align(Align.center | Align.top);
startButton = new TextButton("New Game",skin);
quitButton = new TextButton("Quit Game",skin);
startButton.addListener(new ClickListener() {
public void clicked(InputEvent event, float x, float y) {
Gdx.app.log("Clicked button","Yep, you did");
background =new Sprite(new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("backgrounds/bg.jpg")));
touchPoint= new Vector3();
InputMultiplexer im = new InputMultiplexer(stage,this);
flappyButton=new Sprite(new Texture("menuButton/floopyBirdButtonTexture.png"));
chodzenieButton =new Sprite(new Texture("menuButton/swipeMovementsButtonTexture.png"));
memoryButton =new Sprite(new Texture("menuButton/memory.png"));
rememberSquare = new Sprite(new Texture("menuButton/rememberSquare.png"));
chodzenieButton.setPosition(GAME_SIZE_WIDTH/2-flappyButton.getWidth()/2,flappyButton.getY()- chodzenieButton.getHeight() -2);
memoryButton.setPosition(chodzenieButton.getX(),chodzenieButton.getY()- flappyButton.getHeight() -2);
public void render(SpriteBatch sb) {
public void dispose() {
public void resize(int width, int height) {
public void handleInput() {
if(flappyButton.getBoundingRectangle().contains(touchPoint.x,touchPoint.y)) {
gsm.set(new FlopyBirdState(gsm));
else if (chodzenieButton.getBoundingRectangle().contains(touchPoint.x,touchPoint.y)){
gsm.set(new ChodzenieState(gsm));
else if (memoryButton.getBoundingRectangle().contains(touchPoint.x,touchPoint.y)){
gsm.set(new MemoryState(gsm));
else if (rememberSquare.getBoundingRectangle().contains(touchPoint.x,touchPoint.y)){
gsm.set(new FoodEaterState(gsm));
blured and very large : This is due to font size you're using.
Blured when some font scaled in appropriate manner, doesn't matter it is by you or by viewport.
You're using 50 and 100 as world width and height of viewport, and you're using BitmapFont from skin that having greater size as compare to 50 and 100. so when you update viewport by screenwidth and height then BitmapFont also scale up so look very large and blurry too.
Use some greater world width and height of viewport by comparing your BitmapFont that you're using.
Use small size of your BitmapFont or you can scale down so that not scaled too much and look ugly.
you're using Table so you may need to check where your Actor is in cell/Table. You can enable debugging by this flag stage.setDebugAll(true);
You're using ExtendViewport, from wiki
The ExtendViewport keeps the world aspect ratio without black bars by extending the world in one direction. The world is first scaled to fit within the viewport, then the shorter dimension is lengthened to fill the viewport.
Let's suppose you're device width and height is 400 and 640, then what happen when you update viewport by 400 and 640. First your background Sprite scaled in height and set his height to 640(because viewport worldheight is equal to background height) done, now it's time for width of background Sprite because you set width is half of height so scaled and set size 640/2 = 320. done
Your problem arrive, my device width is 400 but my background sprite size is only 320 rest (40*2 unit is white from both side).
Use 48*80(most of devices is in this ratio) instead of 50*100
I have an image, with a complete transparent background. However when I draw this image, ingame, it has a kind of shade to it, and I have no clue why. I would like to get that out of there. Does anyone have an idea? I don't have the reputation to post images of it apparently... So I'll try to give some more information.
I have the Color.DARK_GRAY as background, and when I draw the image, you see a lighter gray square around it.
Then when I draw a couple of these images ontop of eachother, that square gets lighter and lighter.
If I draw the image ontop of another image however, this effect does not occur.
Here I load the image
public BlackChip() {
this.value = 500;
this.url = "res/images/poker/blackchip.png";
this.file = new File(url);
BufferedImage bi;
try {
bi = ImageIO.read(file);
this.image = bi;
} catch (IOException e) {
Here I draw the image
public void renderChip(Chip chip, int x, int y) {
g.drawImage(chip.getImage(), x, y, null);
Here I call that method
public void render() {
pokertable.render(Game.width / 2 - pokertable.getImage().getWidth(null) / 2, 50);
screen.renderChip(cs.getWhiteChip(), 380, 310);
screen.renderChip(cs.getRedChip(), 430, 310);
screen.renderChip(cs.getGreenChip(), 480, 310);
screen.renderChip(cs.getBlueChip(), 530, 310);
screen.renderChip(cs.getBlackChip(), 580, 310); //this one is it
link to the images:
Well... this doesn't work either because i need 10 reputation to post more then 1 link
you can see the effect on this link, it's the image with full transparent background, drawn multiple times.
I can't tell if this is the exact cause of the problem, because you haven't provided a MCVE but this method
public void renderChip(Chip chip, int x, int y) {
g.drawImage(chip.getImage(), x, y, null);
Just looks wrong. All custom painting should be done within the context of the provided Graphics object in the overridden paintComponent method. If you have not overriden paintComponent in a JPanel or a JComponent then you are likely not painting correctly. You may be doing something like
public class SomePanel extends JPanel {
private Graphics g;
public SomePanel() {
g = getGraphics();
Which is completely wrong. You should instead be doing something like
public class SomePanel extends JPanel {
protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
// do painting here
You Classes can then have it's own render method that takes a Graphics object as an argument. Then can be called in the paintComponent method. Maybe something like
public class Chip {
private JComponent imageObserver;
private BufferedImage chipImage;
int x, y;
public Chip(BufferedImage chipImage, int x, int y, JComponent imageObserver){
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.imageObserver = imageObserver;
public void renderChip(Graphics g) {
g.getImage(chipImage, x, y, imageObserver);
And your panel
public class SomePanel extends JPanel {
private List<Chip> chips;
public SomePanel() {
chips = new ArrayList<Chip>();
// add new Chips
protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
for (Chip chip: chips) {
I'm working on the GUI of my level editor that I built in JavaFX, and I want to be able to resize the canvas object to the new split pane dimensions. It seems that everything I've tried has failed. This includes passing the pane object in and using its width directly, using window size listeners and binding the width and height property to that of the split pane. Any ideas? This is what it looks like before a resize:
And after a resize:
Does anybody have any ideas? The code for the class is pretty extensive, but the code for the resizing will be included here:
public Canvas canvas;
public String tabTitle;
public VBox layout;
public GraphicsContext g;
public Core core;
public CanvasTab(Core core, String tabTitle){
this.core = core;
this.canvas = new Canvas(core.scene.getWidth() - 70, core.scene.getHeight() - 70);
layout = VBoxBuilder.create().spacing(0).padding(new Insets(10, 10, 10, 10)).children(canvas).build();
this.g = canvas.getGraphicsContext2D();
g.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.getWidth(), canvas.getHeight());
HBox.setHgrow(layout, Priority.ALWAYS);
public CanvasTab(Canvas canvas){
this.canvas = canvas;
As James_D pointed out, you need to redraw the content of your canvas when resizing. This can be done by adding a listener to your canvas' width and height property as follows:
InvalidationListener listener = new InvalidationListener(){
public void invalidated(Observable o) {
or in Java 8 using functional interfaces:
canvas.widthProperty().addListener(observable -> redraw());
canvas.heightProperty().addListener(observable -> redraw());
where redraw() is your own method which would look like this for your example (drawing a black rectangle:
private void redraw() {
g.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.getWidth(), canvas.getHeight());
To make a JavaFx canvas resizable all that needs to be done is override the min/pref/max methods. Make it resizable and implement the resize method.
With this method no width/height listeners are necessary to trigger a redraw. It is also no longer necessary to bind the size of the width and height to the container.
public class ResizableCanvas extends Canvas {
public double minHeight(double width)
return 64;
public double maxHeight(double width)
return 1000;
public double prefHeight(double width)
return minHeight(width);
public double minWidth(double height)
return 0;
public double maxWidth(double height)
return 10000;
public boolean isResizable()
return true;
public void resize(double width, double height)
Note that the resize method cannot simply call Node.resize(width,height), because the standard implementation is effectivele empty.