Ldap get users in a distribution list - java

I'm trying to get all the users of a DL using below code.The code is working as expected. However, I'm not able to get AD usernames for some users. Ex. First row of the o/p has username rkama but not the second row. Is this LDAP data issue or is there a different way to get user name/email address in a DL.
Entry is : CN=Ay\,Ram(rkama),OU=Site-SJN,OU=Accounts_User,DC=corp,DC=XXX,DC=com
Entry is : CN=Wang\,Peter(),OU=Site-SJN,OU=Accounts_User,DC=corp,DC=XXX,DC=com
public ArrayList<String> getAllDLs(String dlname) throws NamingException {
ArrayList<String> dls = new ArrayList<String>();
String attributes[] = { "member", "displayName" };
SearchControls ctrl = new SearchControls();
String search = "(&(objectClass=group)((sAMAccountName="+dlname+"*)))";
NamingEnumeration enumeration = dlContext.search("", search, ctrl);
while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
SearchResult result = (SearchResult) enumeration.next();
System.out.println("Found match & result is : " + result);
NamingEnumeration<?> n2 = result.getAttributes().get("member").getAll();
while (n2 != null && n2.hasMore()) {
String dlList = (String) n2.next();
System.out.println("Entry is : " + dlList);
return dls;

I think you need to escape the \ character. Have a look at http://www.rlmueller.net/CharactersEscaped.htm

The member element only contains a DN for the user, this is not the username or password of the account, but a value that can be put back into the search to get the user information (including cn - the name of the user, and sAMAccountName - the userid of the user).
So you need to feed the dlList value into a second search (cleanly) e.g.
NamingEnumeration searchResult = dlContext.search("", "(dn={1})", new Object[]{ dlList }, ctrl);
Trying to construct the search with a simple string like "(&(objectClass=group)((sAMAccountName="+dlname+"*)))" will yield problems because the elements of the returned string will need to be escaped before putting it into the search (the \ for example).


Java NamingEnumeration - Getting a single element out of a NamingEnumeration

I am trying to fetch some users from Active Directory group and update them in another one of our site.
The task is almost done except for the part where I need to fetch the user ID from NamingEnumeration and pass it onto another method which will update it through a REST API call. Below is a part of the code where I am fetching users from AD group:
DirContext myContext = new InitialDirContext(envVars);
SearchControls searchCtrls = new SearchControls();
String[] attributes = { "cn", "member"};
String filter = "(&(objectClass=group)(cn=GROUP_NAME))";
NamingEnumeration values = myContext.search("DC=XXXX,DC=XXXX",filter,searchCtrls);
while (values.hasMoreElements())
SearchResult result = (SearchResult) values.next();
Attributes attribs = result.getAttributes();
if (null != attribs)
for (NamingEnumeration ae = attribs.getAll(); ae.hasMoreElements();)
Attribute atr = (Attribute) ae.next();
String attributeID = atr.getID();
for (
Enumeration vals = atr.getAll();
System.out.println(attributeID+": "+vals.nextElement())
When I run this, the output is something like below:
Basically, I need to fetch this CN i.e. USERNAME alone, which I will pass onto another method.
I did try to get them in a String array and process them, to no avail and I am running short of time.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Well, I did get around this problem.
Below approach worked for me.
if (null != attribs)
for (NamingEnumeration ae = attribs.getAll(); ae.hasMoreElements();)
Attribute atr = (Attribute) ae.next();
for (
Enumeration vals = atr.getAll();
) {
I let the output inside a list and clipped the unwanted parts to obtain the CN alone.
Would be glad if this helps someone in the future.

Java DirContext sreach only few records

When I try to search records by using query (testAtt=1) in Apache Directory Studio they showing me 17062 records and when I run the same query on my Java code they get only 8531 records. My Java Code is given below
String searchFilter = propFile.getProperty(Constants.GetAllUsersQuery);
String ldapSearchBase = propFile.getProperty(Constants.eDir_SearchBase);
SearchControls searchControls = new SearchControls();
NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> resultsApp = ctx.search(ldapSearchBase, searchFilter, searchControls);
int i = 0;
while (resultsApp.hasMoreElements()) {
SearchResult result = (SearchResult) resultsApp.next();
String DN = "";
DN = result.getNameInNamespace();
if (!DN.isEmpty()) {
eDir_AllUsersDNList.add(i, DN);
System.out.println("eDir_AllUsersDNList : "+eDir_AllUsersDNList.size());
Please help me to find out the issue.
I am using Java 8.
while (resultsApp.hasMoreElements()) {
SearchResult result = (SearchResult) resultsApp.next();
String DN = "";
DN = result.getNameInNamespace();
if (!DN.isEmpty()) {
eDir_AllUsersDNList.add(i, DN);
Remove the final nextElement() call. It is doing nothing useful, and it is skipping all the even-numbered elements. Note that 8531 is half of 17062.
NB the cast is redundant, and the DN can't be empty, and providing an initializer for it when you assign it on the very next line is pointless.

How to check if a user is in an LDAP group

I want to see if user "john" is in group "Calltaker". I can't seem to get the syntax right on my search filter to check for a specific user in a specific group. I can list all users in a group to verify the desired user is there.
What is the right syntax for a ldap search filter to determine if a specific user is in a specific group(in Tivoli Access Manager)?
What should I check on the returned LDAPEntry object given by that search string to see that the user is, or isn't, in the group?
john is defined in "cn=users,dc=ldap,dc=net"
Calltaker is defined in "cn=groups,dc=ldap,dc=net"
I'm querying against TAM's ldap, from java
Using the searchfilter to be "cn=Calltaker" I can print out the search results such that calling nextEntry.toString contains the list of users. See Example 1 below
Here's a few searchfilters I've tried that don't work (aka searchResults.next() throws an error):
(&(objectclass=groupOfUniqueName)(uniquemember=uid="+ username + ",cn=groups,dc=ldap,dc=net))
(&(objectclass=groupOfUniqueName)(uniquemember=uid="+ username + ",cn=users,dc=ldap,dc=net))
(uniquemember=uid="+ username + ",cn=users,dc=ldap,dc=net)
Example 1) only search group, using searchFilter="cn=Calltaker", verify it contains users:
System.out.println(nextEntry.toString()); //added newlines for readability
LDAPAttribute: {type='objectclass', values='groupOfUniqueNames','top'}
LDAPAttribute: {type='uniquemember',
'uid=sally,cn=users,dc=ldap,dc=net', ....etc
public boolean isUserInGroup(username){
boolean userInGroup = false;
String loginDN = "uid=" + admin_username + "," + "cn=users,dc=ldap,dc=net";
String searchBase = "cn=groups,dc=ldap,dc=net";
int searchScope = LDAPConnection.SCOPE_SUB;
searchFilter = "(&(objectclass=ePerson)(uniquemember=uid="+ username + ",cn=users,dc=ldap,dc=net))";
LDAPConnection lc = connect(hosts);
lc.bind(LDAPConnection.LDAP_V3, loginDN, admin_password.getBytes("UTF8"));
LDAPSearchResults searchResults = lc.search(searchBase,
null, // return all attributes
false); // return attrs and values
while (searchResults.hasMore()) {
LDAPEntry nextEntry = null;
try {
nextEntry = searchResults.next();
} catch (LDAPException e) {
// Exception is thrown, go for next entry
if (e.getResultCode() == LDAPException.LDAP_TIMEOUT || e.getResultCode() == LDAPException.CONNECT_ERROR)
//TODO some check to verify nextEntry shows the user in the group
userInGroup = true;
LDAPAttributeSet attributeSet = nextEntry.getAttributeSet();
Iterator<LDAPAttribute> allAttributes = attributeSet.iterator();
while (allAttributes.hasNext()) {
LDAPAttribute attribute = (LDAPAttribute) allAttributes.next();
String attributeName = attribute.getName();
System.out.println("found attribute '" + attributeName + "' with value '" + attribute.getStringValue() + "'");
return userInGroup;
** EDIT **
Implemented answer from EJP, changed searchBase to include group
Code that works:
private static final String admin_username = "foo";
private static final String[] hosts = new String[]{"foohost.net"};
public boolean isUserInGroup(String username, String group){
boolean userInGroup = false;
String loginDN = "uid=" + admin_username + "," + "cn=users,dc=ldap,dc=net";
String searchBase = "cn=" + group + "," + "cn=groups,dc=ldap,dc=net";
int searchScope = LDAPConnection.SCOPE_SUB;
searchFilter = "(&(objectclass=groupOfUniqueNames)(uniquemember=uid="+ username + ",cn=users,dc=ldap,dc=net))";
LDAPConnection lc = connect(hosts);
lc.bind(LDAPConnection.LDAP_V3, loginDN, admin_password.getBytes("UTF8"));
LDAPSearchResults searchResults = lc.search(searchBase,
null, // return all attributes
false); // return attrs and values
while (searchResults.hasMore()) {
LDAPEntry nextEntry = null;
try {
nextEntry = searchResults.next();
} catch (LDAPException e) {
// Exception is thrown, go for next entry
if (e.getResultCode() == LDAPException.LDAP_TIMEOUT || e.getResultCode() == LDAPException.CONNECT_ERROR)
//A result was found, therefore the user is in the group
userInGroup = true;
return userInGroup;
What is the right syntax for a ldap search filter to determine if a specific user is in a specific group(in Tivoli Access Manager)?
Either of the filters you used, but the objectClass to search on is groupofUniqueNames (plural).
What should I check on the returned LDAPEntry object given by that search string to see that the user is, or isn't, in the group?
Nothing. He will be, otherwise the group won't be returned in the search. All you need to do is check that the search result is non-empty.
Here's a few searchfilters I've tried that don't work (aka searchResults.next() throws an error):
Throws what error?
(&(objectclass=groupOfUniqueName)(uniquemember=uid="+ username + ",cn=groups,dc=ldap,dc=net))
Nothing wrong with this except for groupOfUniqueName. You should use search filter arguments like {0} rather than building them into the search string.
(&(objectclass=groupOfUniqueName)(uniquemember=uid="+ username + ",cn=users,dc=ldap,dc=net))
This one will search the cn=users subtree for a group. It won't work unless you have groups under cn=users, which doesn't seem likely.
(uniquemember=uid="+ username + ",cn=users,dc=ldap,dc=net)
This will select non-groups. You don't want that: you need the objectClass part.

List all the sAMAccountName from ldap using java

I want to get the list of all sAMAccountName from ldap, Below is the method which gives me the Ldap attributes of a user by using samAccountName
public static void searchUserFromLdap(String samAccountName) throws Exception{
SearchResult searchResult = ldapConnection.search("CN=XX,DC=XX,DC=XX", SearchScope.SUB, "(sAMAccountName=" + samAccountName +")");
System.out.println("No such user found in LDAP");
System.out.println("Start :- LDAP attributes for given user\n");
for(SearchResultEntry searchResultEntry : searchResult.getSearchEntries()){
System.out.println("\nEnd :- LDAP attributes for given user");
This method accept the samAccountName and returns the ldap attributes for user
I want to get the list of all samAccountName, I have searched for this but i didn't get anything relevent, Can anyone please tell how can i get the list of sAMAccountName.
I'm not sure what ldapConnection is. Is it from unboundid?
Either way from the look of the method the third parameter is your LDAP search filter. You can simply change this filter to be the following:
So the method call would be:
SearchResult searchResult = ldapConnection.search(
The SearchResult will then contain all users found under CN=XX,DC=XX,DC=XX.
If it is from unboundid, then you can add in a 4th parameter to define that you only want the sAMAccountName ldap attribute to be returned for each result. So this would be:
SearchResult searchResult = ldapConnection.search(
For more details on LDAP search filters see the following resource:
I am not sure about the above post as i haven't tried it, But after reading the oracle documentation http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19957-01/816-6402-10/search.htm I modified my search query and it worked, Here is what i have done
public static void getListOfAllSamAccountName() throws Exception {
List<String> samAccountNameList = null;
SearchResult searchResult = ldapConnection.search(
"CN=XX,DC=XX,DC=xx", SearchScope.SUB,
if (searchResult.getSearchEntries().size() <= 0) {
System.out.println("No such user found in LDAP");
samAccountNameList = new ArrayList<String>();
System.out.println("Start :- LDAP attributes for given user\n");
for (SearchResultEntry searchResultEntry : searchResult
.getSearchEntries()) {
Attribute attribute = searchResultEntry
String samAccountName = attribute.getValue();
if (samAccountNameList != null) {
.println("*******************************List of Same account Name******************************");
for (String samAccountName : samAccountNameList) {
System.out.println("\nEnd :- LDAP attributes for given user");

How to find the list of user stories under a given iteration and a given project using rally rest api

I am able to get the iterations under the project object. Now how do I get the iteration I need under that project and then drill down to the stories in that iteration using the JAVA toolkit?
Given a project:
String projectRef = "/project/1234";
You may scope your requests as follows:
If you scoped a story request to a project, then you may query on stories by traversing Iteration.Name if you know the iteration already:
storyRequest.setQueryFilter(new QueryFilter("Iteration.Name", "=", "my Iteration 1"));
Here is a more complex example that returns stories assigned to iterations that fall within the timbox of a specific release. If, for example, you have 4 iterations per release, this code will return stories assigned to all four iterations.
If you code against the sandbox, replace the value in the host variable accordingly.
public class FindIterationsByReleaseDateAndStories {
public static void main(String[] args) throws URISyntaxException, IOException {
String host = "https://rally1.rallydev.com";
String username = "user#co.com";
String password = "secret";
String projectRef = "/project/12352608219";
String applicationName = "Find Iterations by Release Dates and Stories";
RallyRestApi restApi = null;
try {
restApi = new RallyRestApi(
new URI(host),
QueryRequest releaseRequest = new QueryRequest("Release");
releaseRequest.setFetch(new Fetch("ReleaseStartDate", "ReleaseDate"));
releaseRequest.setQueryFilter(new QueryFilter("Name", "=", "r1"));
QueryResponse releaseQueryResponse = restApi.query(releaseRequest);
int numberOfReleasesInProject = releaseQueryResponse.getTotalResultCount();
JsonObject releaseJsonObject = releaseQueryResponse.getResults().get(0).getAsJsonObject();
String rsd = releaseJsonObject.get("ReleaseStartDate").getAsString();
String rd = releaseJsonObject.get("ReleaseDate").getAsString();
QueryRequest iterationRequest = new QueryRequest("Iteration");
iterationRequest.setFetch(new Fetch("Name","StartDate","EndDate"));
iterationRequest.setQueryFilter(new QueryFilter("StartDate", ">=", rsd).and(new QueryFilter("EndDate", "<=", rd)));
QueryResponse iterationQueryResponse = restApi.query(iterationRequest);
int numberOfIteraitons = iterationQueryResponse.getTotalResultCount();
System.out.println("numberOfIteraitons " + numberOfIteraitons);
if(numberOfIteraitons >0){
for (int i=0;i<numberOfIteraitons;i++){
JsonObject iterationJsonObject = iterationQueryResponse.getResults().get(i).getAsJsonObject();
String iterationName = iterationJsonObject.get("Name").getAsString();
System.out.println("iteration: " + iterationName);
QueryRequest storyRequest = new QueryRequest("HierarchicalRequirement");
storyRequest.setFetch(new Fetch(new String[] {"Name", "FormattedID","ScheduleState"}));
storyRequest.setQueryFilter(new QueryFilter("Iteration.Name", "=", iterationName));
QueryResponse storyQueryResponse = restApi.query(storyRequest);
System.out.println("Number of stories in " + iterationName + " :" + storyQueryResponse.getTotalResultCount());
for (int j=0; j<storyQueryResponse.getResults().size();j++){
JsonObject storyJsonObject = storyQueryResponse.getResults().get(j).getAsJsonObject();
System.out.println("Name: " + storyJsonObject.get("Name") + " FormattedID: " + storyJsonObject.get("FormattedID") + " ScheduleState: " + storyJsonObject.get("ScheduleState"));
if (restApi != null) {
UPDATE: as far as your question in the comment, the code above is equivalent of
https://rally1.rallydev.com/slm/webservice/v2.0/hierarchicalrequirement?query=((Iteration.Name = i1) AND (Project = /project/12352608219))
There are other ways to achive the same result. Iteration name may not be unique, hence the second condition by project ref. In the code the request's project is set first, that's why the query itself uses one condition, but effectively there are two. If you know your iteration's ref, or ObjectID then the same result will be returned from (Iteration = /iteration/123456789), and there is no need to filter by project since a reference or ObjectID are unique.
WS API doc is interactive.Test your queries in WS API and copy the resulting query URLs from the address bar if you want to see how queries are formed:
-Query in the context of the intended object: click on the work item type in the Object Model, e.g. Defect or HierarchicalRequirement before typing your query in the query box.
-Enter a query in a box, e.g (Iteration.Name = i1)
-Click on Query button
-Results are displayed in the window from which you can copy query URL from address bar of your browser.

