How to get the value of last row in jtable - java

I have a table that contains some data. I know that I can access of my first row like this,
Object nameOfFile = Main_Menu.jTable3.getValueAt(0, 0);
String nameOfFileToString = nameOfFile.toString();
My table is dynamic. Sometimes my row of the table is 100, sometimes is 200. How can I get the last row of my table even my table is dynamically change.
P.S : my table is connected with a jfreechart, so I need this for my update Y axis in jfreechart like this
Object nameOfFile = Main_Menu.jTable3.getValueAt(0, 0);
String nameOfFileToString = nameOfFile.toString();
// create the chart...
final JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createLineChart(
"Persentastion Of Similarity", // chart title
"", // domain axis label
nameOfFileToString, // range axis label
dataset, // data
PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, // orientation
true, // include legend
true, // tooltips
false // urls
for the help, thanks

You can use JTable.getModel().getRowCount() to get the number of rows; the rest is straightforward:
Object nameOfFile = Main_Menu.jTable3.getValueAt(jTable3.getModel().getRowCount()-1, 0);
// go on with your code

Thank you so much for all of you.
This code is rock
Object nameOfFile = Main_Menu.jTable3.getValueAt(jTable3.getModel().getRowCount()-1, 0);
Now, my application is looking fine. I haven't try getrowSorter but soon I will try.
Once again, thanks...


values are getting overwritten in the table -PDFbox

I want to display the set of records in rows and columns. Am getting output but the thing is, it is getting overlapped. should i modify the loop can someone pls suggest.
ArrayList<ResultRecord> Records = new ArrayList<ResultRecord>(MainRestClient.fetchResultRecords(this.savedMainLog));
for(j=0; j<Records.size(); j++)
Row<PDPage> row4 = table.createRow(100.0f);
Cell<PDPage> cell10 = row4.createCell(15.0f, temp.getNumber());
Cell<PDPage> cell11 = row4.createCell(45.0f, temp.getDescription());
Cell<PDPage> cell12 = row4.createCell(15.0f, temp.getStatus());
Cell<PDPage> cell13 = row4.createCell(25.0f, temp.getRemarks());
The below is the full code for opening a PDF file. I want to retreive set of records in the row4 in the corresponding cells. But the is over written one above the another.
Expected output:
IT should display one below the another.
Is the overlapping reason,is it because of defining the row as row4.
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
First of all, you should clarify the table drawing library you use. PDFBox only is the underlying PDF library. Considering the classes used I would assume you are using Boxable on top of it.
Furthermore, the reason why all the tables are printed over each other is that you start each table at the same position on the same page, you use
BaseTable table = new BaseTable(yPosition, yStartNewPage,
bottomMargin, tableWidth, margin, document, page, true, drawContent);
without ever changing yPosition or page.
To get one table after the other, you have to update yPosition and page accordingly, e.g. by using the return value of table.draw() and the state of table then, i.e. by replacing
yPosition = table.draw();
page = table.getCurrentPage();

How show less values in the X-axis in line chart (JFreechart)?

How can I do in order to show less values ​​on the X axis, to get the data organized?
However I want the values ​​are all shown. One idea I had was to use the zoom so you can see all the records, but do not know if it was a good idea, or rather do not even know it.
As you can see in the picture my idea is that data more legible, in order to realize the best of everything.
Does anyone can help me please?
//Code with result from query and chart create
String query="select (CONCAT(`date`, ' ', hour)), temperature from records where idTermomether like 'T1' and date between '2014-06-01' and '2014-06-03'";
JDBCCategoryDataset dataset = new JDBCCategoryDataset (CriaConexao.getConexao(),query);
JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createLineChart(" - Temperature", "Date", "Temperature", dataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, false, true, true);
BarRenderer renderer = null;
CategoryPlot plot= chart.getCategoryPlot();
CategoryAxis xAxis=(CategoryAxis)plot.getDomainAxis();
renderer=new BarRenderer();
ChartFrame frame = new ChartFrame("Temperature", chart);

JFreechart XYline connect with database

I created a graph with connection to the database as follows:
String s = jTSensor.getText();
String query="select date, dew_point from records where idSensor like '"+s+"'";
JDBCCategoryDataset dataset = new JDBCCategoryDataset (
JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createLineChart(
"Records", "Date", "Dew Point", dataset,
PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, false, true, true);
BarRenderer renderer = null;
CategoryPlot plot= null;
renderer=new BarRenderer();
ChartFrame frame = new ChartFrame("Records", chart);
But only gives a line to show. I wish it was possible to seek other data to the database and show the results with other lines, but I'm not succeeding. Someone can help me please.
Look at How to display line graph using JFreeChart in jsp? and build your solution around createXYLineChart. For database access there is already a JDBCXYDataset. XYDataset supports multiple series of data while the CategoryDataset you are useing does not (as far as I know).

Histogram using Chart2D

I want to draw coefficient histogram of JPEG. I'm searching on Google for hours to know how to use Chart2D library, but there is no tutorial with examples. The array which I want to draw is hist[]. I created an object of LBChart2D, but I don't know how to set the array as data set to it.
//coeff[] is the coefficients array
for(int i=0;i<coeff.length;i++)
LBChart2D lbChart2D = new LBChart2D();
EDIT:Here is what I'm trying :
Object2DProperties object2DProps = new Object2DProperties();
object2DProps.setObjectTitleText ("Title ");
Chart2DProperties chart2DProps = new Chart2DProperties();
LegendProperties legendProps = new LegendProperties();
legendProps .setLegendBorderThicknessModel(5);
legendProps.setLegendExistence (false);
GraphChart2DProperties graph2DProps = new GraphChart2DProperties();
GraphProperties graphProps = new GraphProperties();
object2DProps .setObjectTitleFontName("test");
Dataset dataset = new Dataset (1, hist.length, 1);
for(int i=0;i<hist.length;i++)
dataset.set (0, i, 0, hist[i]) ;
LBChart2D lbChart2D = new LBChart2D();
lbChart2D.setObject2DProperties (object2DProps);
lbChart2D.setChart2DProperties (chart2DProps);
lbChart2D.setLegendProperties (legendProps);
lbChart2D.setGraphChart2DProperties (graph2DProps);
lbChart2D.addGraphProperties (graphProps);
lbChart2D.addDataset (dataset);
lbChart2D.setSize(width, height);
BufferedImage lbImage = lbChart2D.getImage();
jLabel15.setIcon(new ImageIcon(lbImage));
Now It produces an Exception java.lang.NullPointerException on this line:
BufferedImage lbImage = lbChart2D.getImage();
What's wrong?
Several Chart2D demos are included in the distribution. You can collect the data from a BufferedImage obtained via ImageIO. See also jfreechart.
Addendum: Absent a complete example, you can use validate() to get debug messages. At a minimum, verify that you invoke setLabelsAxisLabelsTexts() with hist.length labels.
//Optional validation: Prints debug messages if invalid only.
if (!chart2D.validate(false)) {
Thanks #trashgod for trying to help me. Don't worry I've got it.
I used jfreechart library to draw the histogram, and here is the code I used.
int hist[]=new int[11];
int val[]=new int[11];
for(int ii=0;ii<11;ii++)
hist[ii]=ii-5;//to get negative indeces I used an array to save them
for(int kk=0;kk<coeff.length;kk++)
if(coeff[kk]<=5 &coeff[kk]>=-5) val[coeff[kk]+5]++;
DefaultCategoryDataset dataset = new DefaultCategoryDataset();
for(int ii=0;ii<hist.length;ii++)
dataset.setValue(val[ii], "Coefficient value",""+hist[ii]);
JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createBarChart("Original Histogram",
"Coefficient value", "", dataset,
PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, false,true, false);
CategoryPlot p = chart.getCategoryPlot();
Image im1= orgim.getScaledInstance(jLabel12.getWidth(),jLabel12.getHeight(),1);
jLabel12.setIcon(new ImageIcon(im1));

Inserting bar charts using Aspose Words for Java

Is there a way of creating and inserting a bar chart in a Ms Word document using Aspose Words for Java? I can't find a way to do this. Thanks.
Aspose.Words for Java currently doesn't allow you to create the bar chart in Word documents. However, if you just want to add a static bar chart, you may try Aspose.Cells for Java to create bar chart and render it to image. After that, you can add this bar chart image in Word document using Aspose.Words for Java. Do you think this might help in your scenario? If it does then you can use the following code snippet to create and render the bar chart to image:
//Create a new Workbook.
Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
//Get the first worksheet.
Worksheet sheet = workbook.getWorksheets().get(0);
//Set the name of worksheet
//Get the cells collection in the sheet.
Cells cells = workbook.getWorksheets().get(0).getCells();
//Put some values into a cells of the Data sheet.
//Create chart
int chartIndex = sheet.getCharts().add(ChartType.COLUMN, 12, 1, 33,
Chart chart = sheet.getCharts().get(chartIndex);
//Set properties of chart title
chart.getTitle().setText("Sales By Region");
//Set properties of nseries
chart.getNSeries().add("Data!B2:B8", true);
//Set the fill colors for the series's data points (France -
Portugal(7 points))
ChartPointCollection chartPoints =
ChartPoint point = chartPoints.get(0);
point = chartPoints.get(1);
point = chartPoints.get(2);
point = chartPoints.get(3);
point = chartPoints.get(4);
point = chartPoints.get(5);
point = chartPoints.get(6);
//Set the legend invisible
//Get the Chart mage
ImageOrPrintOptions imgOpts = new ImageOrPrintOptions();
//Save the chart image file.
chart.toImage(new FileOutputStream("D:\Files\MyChartImage.png"),
Disclosure: I work as developer evangelist at Aspose.

