Text direction in apache poi - java

How to make the text direction in Apache poi as Vertical.
I tried Vertical alignment. I am not able to get the desired results.
I don't want to rotate the text.
Something like :

You have to create a cellStyle, where You have a method setRotation(short rotation). Subsequently apply the cellstyle to Your cell.
docs, for setRotation


Java- Apache POI XSSF - Custom RGB Cellbackground not working

I want to use a custom RGB color (38,38,38) for my cell backgroundcolor.
For that I use this code:
IndexedColorMap colorMap = wb.getStylesSource().getIndexedColors();
XSSFColor customtablegrey = new XSSFColor(new java.awt.Color(38,38,38), colorMap);
But all I get is a black background. Why and how can I change it?
Best Regards,
That's true. IndexedColorMap is useless for XSSFColors. XSSFColors are not indexed colors. In Office Open XML custom colors are stored as RGB directly in the XML. They are not stored in any kind of color map.
Setting XSSFColors as fill foreground color to cell styles is possible using XSSFCellStyle.setFillForegroundColor(XSSFColor color) only. It cannot be set using CellStyle.setFillForegroundColor(short fg).
So cellFormat1.setFillForegroundColor(customtablegrey) should work when cellFormat1 is a XSSFCellStyle.
How to use colors not in IndexedColors for Apache POI XSSF Excel? shows a complete example for how to use XSSFColor as cell fill color. Just tested using apache poi 5.1.0 too.
APACHE POI 4.1 : Set cell background color from hex code shows another complete example. Also tested and works using apache poi 5.1.0 too.

Reading/filtering excel color font cell

I need to filter out excel colored text lines, I found that tFilterRow is not able to do it, is someone were able to resolve that using Java code or some other way?

How to check if text fits into cell?

I am using apache poi 3.17 for generating *.xlsx files.
For a reason I don't know, the setWrapText(true) (merged cells) function of the class CellStyleDesc does not trigger the resizing of the row's height as it should be.
Could someone help me?

POI XSSF how to set text vertical top in the cell

Recently, I've met a problem on how to set the text into the vertical top using XSSF, I need to put the text in the top of one cell, but when I use
it always show the text in the middle center of the cell, i'm so confused and don't know which method i need to change, very appreciate someone could give me some hints, thanks so much in advance!

How to reduce line height inside merged cell using Apache POI?

I filled text inside merged cell using Apache POI. I want to reduce line height inside cell because second text line is not visible fully. I search something like CSS style line-height but for excel.

