Connect By in HSQL DB - java

I was writing test cases for query that uses connect by hierarchical clause.
It seems that there is no support for this clause in HSQL Db.
Are there any alternatives for testing the query or writing a different query that does the same thing.
The query is simple
SELECT seq.nextval
CONNECT BY level <= ?

You don't need a recursive query for that.
To generate a sequence of numbers you can use sequence_array
select *
from unnest(sequence_array(1, ?, 1))
More details are in the manual:
If you need that to advance a sequence a specific number of entries, you can use something like this:
select NEXT VALUE FOR seq
from unnest(sequence_array(1, 20, 1));
If you need that to set the sequence to a new value, this is much easier in HSQLDB:
ALTER SEQUENCE seq restart with 42;
If you are looking for a recursive query, then HSQLDB supports the ANSI SQL standard for that: recursive common table expressions, which are documented in the manual:

According to this 2-year-old ticket, only Oracle and a database called CUBRID have CONNECT BY capability. If you really want it, maybe you could vote on the ticket. However, as far as I have been able to tell, there are only two people working on the project, so don't hold your breath.


Storing a record with JOOQ shows different behavior on insert in h2 and MSSQL

When storing a record with jooq it generates different SQL for h2 and MSSQL, which makes it impossible to use quickperfs #ExpectInsert/#ExpectSelect annotations in test, since it counts differently. The generated SQL looks for H2 like:
select "ID" from final table (insert into...
and for MSSQL:
declare #result table ([ID] bigint); insert into ...
so in the first case quickperf does not count an insert but an select. So, why is the generated SQL so different? What are my options to solve this? Any hints are much appreciated.
I used the jooq store() method and insertInto() with no difference in the generated SQL.
The expectation of jOOQ (or any ORM) producing the exact same SQL for different SQL dialects is wrong. The whole point of abstracting over SQL is, in parts, to be able to generate SQL that "does the job".
In this case, it seems you're running some sort of statement that tries to implement RETURNING behaviour, where generated keys are to be fetched from the RDBMS after insertion. Both H2 and SQL Server have means to do this:
H2 implements the standard SQL data change delta table (FINAL TABLE (...))
SQL Server has an OUTPUT clause, but it has some limitations, including not being able to produce trigger generated values, so jOOQ generates a statement batch which fetches results into a in-memory temporary table.
You can find more details about this topic in this blog post about the many ways of returning data from SQL DML statements, on the jOOQ blog, which explains what jOOQ does behind the scenes, and why.
Your question "What are my options to solve this?" is harder to answer, because I'm not convinced your motivation here is reasonable: That of expecting identical SQL for both RDBMS.
Perhaps a much better question is: Do you really need H2 (as a test database product)? Here's jOOQ's take on this.

OpenJPA distinct on

In my DB schema I have conversations with several emails. I want to get the newest emails from a list of conversations. In PostgreSql the query:
select distinct on (conversation_id) *
from email
where conversation_id in (7085214, 7084964)
order by conversation_id, processing_date desc
(List<Email>) entityManager.createQuery("SELECT
distinct(, email FROM Email email WHERE in :id ORDER BY,
email.processingDate DESC").setParameter("id", conversationIds);
It gives back a map of the conversation ids and the whole list of emails in the conversations.
How could I make it right?
Use native SQL.
The only other way to do what you want is to develop a patch to OpenJPA that "teaches" it how to use the PostgreSQL extension DISTINCT ON in its JPQL parser and query generator. Most ORMs accept such extensions via dialect hooks. Don't expect this to be a simple task, though - unless you're writing a lot of these queries, native SQL is almost certain to be much easier.
You can't just use DISTINCT or DISTINCT ON like functions. They aren't; they're completely separate syntax. A JPQL engine would try to convert it into a true function call that'd fail at runtime - or in the case of distinct on, just fail to parse it in the first place.
BTW, DISTINCT ON is a bit like GROUP BY in some other vendor databases like MySQL, where you're allowed to specify columns in the SELECT that don't appear in the GROUP BY or an aggregate. So in MySQL people probably do this by just producing a technically invalid query that MySQL accepts anyway - it's quite likely that the OpenJPA JPQL handler won't notice the problem, so it'll pass it through fine. This trick won't work for DISTINCT ON and PostgreSQL is strictly standards compliant about GROUP BY, it won't let you produce a non-deterministic query with GROUP BY.

Memcache implementation design

Iam trying to implement memcache in my web application and just wanted to get suggestions that whether what iam doing is right in terms of design.
I have a class SimpleDataAccessor which run all my insert, update and select sql queries. So any query that has to be performed is executed inside the method of this class.
So inside the method where I have my select query implementation i have a method which stores the resultset in memcache like this.
the sqlquery here is my key.
Also before running the selectquery i check in memcache that whether I have a resultset already for that query.
if((String res=getRSFromMC(sqlquery)==null)
So i've tried to keep it plain and simple.
Do you see any issues with this.?
As rai.skumar rightfully pointed out your SQL statements could be constructed differently (e.g. WHERE clause could contain same conditions in diff order, etc.)
So to overcome above mentioned issues, you need to parse your SQL and get all the relevant pieces from it. Then you can combine these pieces into a cache key.
You can take a look at SQL parsers: ZQL, JSqlParser, General SQL Parser for Java that return you java classes out of your SQL.
Another option would be to use JPA instead of straight JDBC. For example Hibernate has great JPA support and fully capable of caching your queries.
If you feel closer to JDBC you could use MyBatis that has very JDBC like syntax and caching support.
Consider below queries:
String k1 = "Select * from table"; //Query1
String k2 = "Select * from TABLE"; // Query2 ; notice TABLE is in caps
Both of above SQL queries are same and will fetch same data. But if above queries are used as keys in Memchached they will get stored at different places ( as k1.equals(k2) will return false).
Also if somehow you can ensure that there are no typos or extra spaces, it won't be very efficient as keys/queries could be very big.

Hibernate Criteria Limit mechanism?

Hibernate Criteria support provides a setMaxResults() method to limit the results returned from the db.
I can't find any answer to this in their documentation - how is this implemented? Is it querying for the entire result set and then returning only the request number? Or is it truly limiting the query on the database end (think LIMIT keyword as in mySql).
This is important because if a query could potentially return many many results, I really need to know if the setMaxResults() will still query for all the rows in the database (which would be bad).
Also - if its truly limiting the number of rows on the database end, how is it achieving this cross-db (since I don't think every rdbms supports a LIMIT functionality like mySql does).
Hibernate asks the database to limit the results returned by the query. It does this via the dialect, which uses whatever database-specific mechanism there is to do this (so for SQL Server it will do somthing like "select top n * from table", Oracle will do "select * from table where rownum < n", MySQL will do "select * from table limit n" etc). Then it just returns what the database returns.
The class org.hibernate.dialect.Dialect contains a method called supportsLimit(). If dialect subclasses override this method, they can implement row limit handling in a fashion native to their database flavor. You can see where this code is called from in the class org.hibernate.loader.Loader which has a method titled prepareQueryStatement, just search for the word limit.
However, if the dialect does not support this feature, there is a hard check in place against the ResultSet iterator that ensures Java object (entity) results will stop being constructed when the limit is reached. This code is also located in Loader as well.
I use both Hibernate and Hibernate Search and without looking at the underlying implementation I can tell you that they definitely do not return all results. I have implemented the same query returning all results and then changed it to set the first result and max results (to implement pagination) and the performance gains were massive.
They likely use dialect specific SQL for this, e.g. LIMIT in MySQL, ROWNUM in Oracle. Your entity manager is aware of the dialect that you are using so this is simple.
Lastly if you really want to check what SQL Hibernate is producing for this query, just set the "show_sql" property to true when you create your entity manager / factory and it spits out all the SQL it is running to the console.
HQL does not suppport a limitation inside a query like in SQL, only the setMaxResults() which you also found.
To find out if it transform the setMaxResults() into a LIMIT query, you can turn on your SQL logging.
I know Question is bit old. But yes setMaxResults() is truly limiting the number of rows on the database end.
If you really look into your Hibernate SQL output, you can find the following SQL statement has been appended to your query.
limit ?

Migrating to Oracle

We are using a Java EE application and we are right now using Informix DB.Our code hits the DB with queries like
"select first 10 * from test"
Now as far as I know Oracle does not support 'first 10 *' kind of statements.We have more than 1000 queries like this.Should we manually change this or can have some manual customization?
This is a good reason for either only using standard SQL as much as possible, or for isolating those dependencies into stored procedures (yes, I know that doesn't help you in this specific case, I just thought I'd mention it for future reference).
I suspect you'll have to change each one individually although a simple search over you source code for "select " or "first " will be a good start.
Then you can decide how you want to change them, since you may also still want it to work on Informix.
For what it's worth, I think you get the same effect with Oracle's
select * from ( select * from mytable ) where rownum <= 10
I would be farming the job of dynamically constructing a query (based on a template) out to another layer which can return a different query based on which database you have configured. Then, when you also want to support DB2 (for example), it's a simple matter of changing just that layer.
For example, have a call like:
gimmeRowLimitedSqlQuery ("* from test",10);
which would give you either of:
select first 10 * from test
select * from test where rownum <= 10
I should also mention, although I realise your query is just an example, that SQL can return rows in any order if you don't specify order by so
select first 10 * from test
makes little sense, especially if you may be running it in different DBMS'.
You could write an extension to the JDBC driver to modify the queries on the fly but probably that is an overkill so a careful search and replace on the source code to modify all queries would be more appropriate.
Oracle has the concept of ROWNUM for limiting results. You will have to update your queries for this.
TOP-n and Pagination queries are a little bit more complex than just using ROWNUM. For example, you might be surprised that you don't get the expected results when using ROWNUM with ORDER BY in the same query.
Check for more info on those type of queries in Oracle.

