405 - method not allowed calling web service from struts - java

I have a data access object which calls a web service. In my browser I can hit the web service using a url and it is successful.
But when try to execute the code below in my data access object I get a 405 error saying method not allowed.
String requestURI = "http://mycompany:9080/ReportingManager/service/repManHealth/importHistoryTrafficLightStatus.json";
URL url = new URL(requestURI);
HttpURLConnection httpCon = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
httpCon.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json");
OutputStreamWriter out = new OutputStreamWriter(
int responseCode = httpCon.getResponseCode();
String responseMessage = httpCon.getResponseMessage();
BufferedReader rd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(httpCon.getInputStream()));
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
String line = null;
while ((line = rd.readLine()) != null) {
String jsonResponse = sb.toString();
Can someone help me with what might be wrong here?
Also maybe there is a better way to execute a web service to an external application and read the response using struts? Or do people think this method is okay?

If u are using GET method. Try the below code.
string url = String.Format("http://somedomain.com/samplerequest?greeting={0}",param);
WebClient serviceRequest = new WebClient();
serviceRequest.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.ContentType] = "application/json";
string response = serviceRequest.DownloadString(new Uri(url));

Thanks for your ideas however non of them were quite right. I fixed the 405 using the code below...
String requestURI = "http://myserver:9080/ReportingManager/service/repManHealth/importHistoryTrafficLightStatus.json";
URL url = new URL(requestURI);
URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();
InputStream in = conn.getInputStream();
BufferedReader rd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
String line = null;
while ((line = rd.readLine()) != null) {

By calling httpCon.getOutputStream()); you're not sending a HTTP GET anymore, but a HTTP POST.
Note: This is under the assumption you end up getting the implementation provided by Sun. Which will change GET to POST for backwards compatibility.


How to use HttpURLConnection in Android to post data?

I want to send json data via stream to the server, but I struggle to make it work.
I have the following method:
String data = "{\"id\":\"2633\",\"f_name\":\"Test\",\"l_name\":\"Aplikace\",\"city\":\"Nymburk\",\"address\":\"Testovaci 123456789 xyz\",\"psc\":\"288 02\"}";
private String httpPost(String urlString, String data, String session_per) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("");
String s1 = "";
try {
URL url = new URL(urlString);
String s2 = "";
HttpURLConnection httpurlconnection = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
httpurlconnection.setRequestProperty("Authentication-Token", GlobalVar.KLIC);
httpurlconnection.setRequestProperty("Content-type", "application/json");
OutputStreamWriter outStrWrt = new OutputStreamWriter(httpurlconnection.getOutputStream());
String s3 = httpurlconnection.getResponseMessage();
InputStream inputstream = httpurlconnection.getInputStream();
String line = "";
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputstream));
int i;
while( (line = br.readLine()) != null) {
s1 = sb.toString();
catch(Exception ex)
s1 = "";
return s1;
Can anyone tell me why this won't work? The cookies etc. are all correct. Did I miss something important? This is like the 6th method I am trying and I'm starting to get desperate :D
Thank you!
It succesfully connects and the server responds, but it doesn't update user data, as if the json didn't get to the server correctly.
If my Java code is correct there may be a server-side issue.
Try to use flush() method,you don't close this output stream before you read all bytes
InputStream inputstream=httpurlconnection.getInputStream();
If you use Java 11, you can try to use HttpClient too.
HttpClient client = HttpClient.newHttpClient();
HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder().uri(new URI(urlString)).header("Cookie",session_per).header("Authentication-Token",GlobalVar.KLIC).header("Content-type","application/json").POST(HttpRequest.BodyPublishers.ofString(data)).build();
String datas=client.send(request,BodyHandlers.ofString());
return datas;

How to get correct data from HTTP Request

I'm trying to get my user information from stackoverflow api using a simple HTTP request with GET method in Java.
This code I had used before to get another HTTP data using GET method without problems:
URL obj;
StringBuffer response = new StringBuffer();
String url = "http://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/users?inname=HCarrasko&site=stackoverflow";
try {
obj = new URL(url);
HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) obj.openConnection();
int responseCode = con.getResponseCode();
System.out.println("\nSending 'GET' request to URL : " + url);
System.out.println("Response Code : " + responseCode);
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream()));
String inputLine;
while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
But in this case I'm getting just stranger symbols when I print the response var, like this:
�mRM��0�+�N!���FZq�\�pD�z�:V���JX���M��̛yO^���뾽�g�5J&� �9�YW�%c`do���Y'��nKC38<A�&It�3��6a�,�,]���`/{�D����>6�Ɠ��{��7tF ��E��/����K���#_&�yI�a�v��uw}/�g�5����TkBTķ���U݊c���Q�y$���$�=ۈ��ñ���8f�<*�Amw�W�ـŻ��X$�>'*QN�?�<v�ݠ FH*��Ҏ5����ؔA�z��R��vK���"���#�1��ƭ5��0��R���z�ϗ/�������^?r��&�f��-�OO7���������Gy�B���Rxu�#:0�xͺ}�\�����
thanks in advance.
The content is likely GZIP encoded/compressed. The following is a general snippet that I use in all of my Java-based client applications that utilize HTTP, which is intended to deal with this exact problem:
// Read in the response
// Set up an initial input stream:
InputStream inputStream = fetchAddr.getInputStream(); // fetchAddr is the HttpURLConnection
// Check if inputStream is GZipped
// Format is GZIP
// Replace inputSteam with a GZIP wrapped stream
inputStream = new GZIPInputStream(inputStream);
}else if("deflate".equalsIgnoreCase(fetchAddr.getContentEncoding())){
inputStream = new InflaterInputStream(inputStream, new Inflater(true));
} // Else, we assume it to just be plain text
BufferedReader sr = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream));
String inputLine;
StringBuilder response = new StringBuilder();
// ... and from here forward just read the response...
This relies on the following imports: java.util.zip.GZIPInputStream; java.util.zip.Inflater; and java.util.zip.InflaterInputStream.

Java http get request slower than postman get request

I'm trying to send a get request in order to get a website content.
When I'm using Postman it takes about 70-100 ms, but when I use the following code:
String getUrl = "someUrl";
URL obj = new URL(getUrl);
HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) obj.openConnection();
// optional default is GET
//add request header
con.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0");
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream()));
String inputLine;
StringBuffer response = new StringBuffer();
while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null)
it takes about 3-4 seconds.
Any idea how to get my code work as fast as Postman?
Try to find a workaround for the while loop. Maybe that is your bottleneck. What are you even getting from your URL? Json object or something else?
Try http-request built on apache http api.
HttpRequest<String> httpRequest = HttpRequestBuilder.createGet(someUri, String.class)
.addDefaultHeader("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0")
public void send(){
String response = httpRequest.execute().get();
I higly recomend read documentation before use.

Java app store receipt validation

I am trying to validate an Apple App Store receipt from a Java service. I can not get anything back other than an error 21002, "Receipt Data Property Was Malformed". I have read of others with the same problem, but, have not see a solution. I thought this would be fairly straight forward, but, have not been able to get around the error. Here is my code:
EDIT By making the change marked // EDIT below, I now get an exception in the return from the verifyReceipt call, also makred //EDIT:
String hexDataReceiptData = "<30821e3b 06092a86 4886f70d 010702a0 .... >";
hexDataReceiptData = hexDataReceiptData.replace(">", "").replace("<", "");
final String base64EncodedReceiptData = Base64.encode(hexDataReceiptData.getBytes());
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
catch (JSONException e)
URL url = new URL("https://sandbox.itunes.apple.com/verifyReceipt");
HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
//Send request
OutputStreamWriter wr = new OutputStreamWriter(connection.getOutputStream());
//Get Response
BufferedReader rd =
new BufferedReader(new
StringBuilder httpResponse = new StringBuilder();
String line;
while ((line = rd.readLine()) != null)
// {"status":21002, "exception":"java.lang.IllegalArgumentException"}
As posted here: Java and AppStore receipt verification, do the base64 encoding in iOS and send to the server. But, why?

Internet request works the first time, but not on subsequent requests

On the first request it goes to the internet and retrieves the data. When I try it again, it just gives me the data that is already in the inputstream. How do I clear the cached data, so that it does a new request each time?
This is my code:
InputStreamReader in = null;
in = new InputStreamReader(url.openStream());
response = readFully(in);
Recreate the URL object each time.
You can create a URLConnection and explicitly set the caching policy:
final URLConnection conn = (URLConnection)url.openConnection();
conn.setUseCaches(false); // Don't use a cached copy.
InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(urlConnection.getInputStream());
See The Android URLConnection documentation for more details.
HttpClient API might be useful
address = "http://google.com"
String html = "";
HttpClient httpClient = DefaultHttpClient();
HttpGet httpget = new HttpGet(address);
BufferedReader in = null;
HttpResponse response = null;
response = httpClient.execute(httpget);
in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(response.getEntity().getContent()));
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("");
String l = "";
String nl = System.getProperty("line.seperator");
while ((l = in.readLine()) != null) {
sb.append(l + nl);
html = sb.toString();
You'll need to catch some exceptions

