Android - Dropbox Datastore is "empty" until application restarts - java

When I sign in on my application and try to get the size from the datastore's table, it is empty. But after I restart the application, it works as it should and gives back the size of the datastore's table.
In my case, there are two activities. The activity, and in-turn the fragment, has the sign-in part. The activity has the part with getting the datastore's table size. (Sign-in).
// Dropbox Signin
mAccountManager = DbxAccountManager.getInstance(getActivity().getApplicationContext(), APP_KEY, SECRET_KEY);
mDropBoxPreference = findPreference("preference_sync_dbx");
mDropBoxPreference.setOnPreferenceClickListener(new Preference.OnPreferenceClickListener() {
public boolean onPreferenceClick(Preference preference) {
if (mAccountManager.hasLinkedAccount()) {
} else {
mAccountManager.startLink(getActivity(), REQUEST_LINK_TO_DBX);
return true;
}); (Get datastore size).
// Dropbox Get Datastore Size
mAccountManager = DbxAccountManager.getInstance(getApplicationContext(), APP_KEY, SECRET_KEY);
if (mAccountManager.hasLinkedAccount()) {
DbxAccount mDbxAccount = mAccountManager.getLinkedAccount();
try {
mDbxStore = DbxDatastore.openDefault(mDbxAccount);
mDbxNotesTable = mDbxStore.getTable("notes");
mDbxNotesCount = mDbxNotesTable.query().count();
Log.e("mDbxNotesCount", Integer.toString(mDbxNotesCount));
} catch (DbxException e) {
Let's say there are 3 records in the datastore.
After I sign in, this shows up from the Logcat.
E/mDbxNotesCount﹕ 0
Once I restart it, this shows up from the Logcat.
E/mDbxNotesCount﹕ 3
What's causing it to work like this?
Edit: Added listener after using smarx's answer, and it works! Here is what I did.
mDbxStore.addSyncStatusListener(new DbxDatastore.SyncStatusListener() {
public void onDatastoreStatusChange(DbxDatastore dbxDatastore) {
if (!dbxDatastore.getSyncStatus().isDownloading) {
try {
mDbxNotesCount = mDbxNotesTable.query().count();
} catch (DbxException e) {
Log.e("mDbxNotesCount", Integer.toString(mDbxNotesCount));

It looks like you're trying to read the contents of the datastore before it's had a chance to sync. You'll need to wait until the initial sync is completed. I think one way to do that would be to add a listener via addSyncStatusListener and wait for store.getSyncStatus().isDownloading to be false.
But typically the pattern you'll want to follow is to always show the current information... so set up a listener and update your UI any time it changes. That way whether it's the initial sync bringing in new records or updates from a different device, your app will respond appropriately when the information changes.


How to save game data to the cloud using gdx-gamesvcs?

I want to implement Google Play Games Services in my game on the libgdx engine. I tried using gdx-gamesvcs for this. But I am having trouble saving data. I understood from the example that one value is being saved, not the entire state of the game. So I decided to check it out: save and load one value using gsClient.loadGameState and gsClient.saveGameState. I deliberately deleted the game data from the device. But as a result, not only the test value changed, but many others as well. I thought that the state of the entire game is being saved, but the values ​​obtained do not fit into the logic of the game and could not be obtained in it.
How should I use this tool and is it worth it at all, or is it better to use what libgdx itself offers?
Here is a piece of code:
if (gsClient.isSessionActive()) {
try {
gsClient.saveGameState("data", intToByteArray(testValue), 0, null);
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException unsupportedOperationException) {
if (gsClient.isSessionActive()) {
try {
gsClient.loadGameState("data", new ILoadGameStateResponseListener() {
public void gsGameStateLoaded(byte[] gameState) {
if (gameState != null) {
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException unsupportedOperationException) {
Yes, saving occurs both to the cloud and to the device, for saving to the device I use Preferences. I have a Google account login button in the game, it works, I have repeatedly seen this standard bar of my account level, which appears at the top when I log in. Everything is set up in the developer console too, I have an id for achievements and leaderboards. In code, I work with the client like this (In the create() method):
public IGameServiceClient gsClient;
if (gsClient == null) {
gsClient = new MockGameServiceClient(1) {
protected Array<ILeaderBoardEntry> getLeaderboardEntries() {
return null;
protected Array<String> getGameStates() {
return null;
protected byte[] getGameState() {
return new byte[0];
protected Array<IAchievement> getAchievements() {
return null;
protected String getPlayerName() {
return null;
Next is loading.
The exception is not caught, I removed it and everything works as before.
Well, libgdx offers no built-in cloud-save, it is hard to use it for that. :-)
You should in any case save to local AND to cloud, as the cloud is not very fast to load its state.
I can see no problem in your code besides the fact that you swallow an UnsupportedOperationException that is thrown if you did not activate cloud save feature. So the interesting question is: what happens if you don't swallow the exception, and did you intialize GpgsClient with cloud save enabled? Are you really logged in to Gpgs, and is the feature also activated in your developer console?
The main problem was that gameState was null, this arose due to the fact that you had to wait 24 hours after enabling the save function in the developer console, and the advice on clearing the memory of google play games on the test device did not help. After a while gameState began to pass the existing values, but I started having problems with the graphics flow, probably due to the asynchronous loading.

View does not react to anything after orientation change

I have a button for sending data to server. I want this button to be visible only when there are some data to send, so I have a listener which succesfully triggers every time there is something to send. Everything works fine, until i change device ortientation (landscape to portrait, doesn't matter in which position it starts). Attributtes set by XML works, I'm just not able to change them programmatically.
I've tried checking id, it is still the same.
My code:
Jidelnicek.ObjednavkyListener objednavkyListener = new Jidelnicek.ObjednavkyListener() {
public void onObjednavka(boolean jeObjednavka) {
if (jeObjednavka && (btnOdeslat.getVisibility() != View.VISIBLE)) {
} else if (!jeObjednavka) {

Firestore NullPointerException on retrieve firebase.Timestamp.toDate (FieldValue.serverTimestamp update slow to update)

After calling a batch.commit or docRef.update (part of it calls FieldValue.serverTimeStamp to update time of submission), I call finish(); to go back to previous activity that loads a recycleView of the list of documents that was updated.
I get this error:
java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.util.Date' on a null object reference`
I suspect it's that FieldValue.servertimeStamp takes more time to compute and the app crashes. However, the same field where recyclerView is pulling the datetime from already have an old value.
I'm not sure why the old value is not retrieved, but crashes on null instead.
Q1) Does FieldValue.servertimeStamp make the field null until new datetime is computed?
My guess is, this particular call is waiting for an answer from Firebase server, thus taking more time but other calls are done locally first on the device before updating in the cloud. Some of your insights is appreciated.
In the mean time, as a work-around to stop this asynchronous error, I have used a Thread loop with Thread.sleep while waiting for onCompleteSuccess to respond:
FirestoreFieldUpdated = false;
Thread myThread = new Thread(
new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
while (!FirestoreFieldUpdated) { //db.updateFields will change FirestorefieldUpdated to true uponSuccess
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
} finally {
Q2) Is there a more elegant way or better way to do this? Or to enable synchronicity only for this particular transaction of updating datetime?
EDIT (added on more details on what I'm trying to do):
I am trying to call this method from
public void updateFields(String actionDateField) {
Map<String, Object> updates = new HashMap<>();
updates.put(actionDateField, FieldValue.serverTimestamp());
from a class outside (
db = new DatabaseHelper(getApplicationContext());
Finish(); will then pass me back to the previous activity that calls RecyclerView:
Query query = mFirestore
.whereGreaterThan("OrderVerified", "")
mAdapter = new OrdersAdapter(query, FulfilmentActivity.this) {
protected void onError(FirebaseFirestoreException e) {
// Show a snackbar on errors
"Error: check logs for info.", Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG).show();
LinearLayoutManager layoutManager = new LinearLayoutManager(this);
In, I have this:
Orders orders = snapshot.toObject(Orders.class);
in public void bind.
The above is the line that NullPointerException appeared on.
public class Orders {
private Timestamp OrderDate;
public Orders(Timestamp orderDate) { this.OrderDate = orderDate; }
public java.util.Date getOrderDate() { return OrderDate.toDate(); }
How do I fix this properly?
First of all, if you're working with threading in order to deal with Firestore, you're almost certainly doing the wrong thing. All Firestore APIs (actually, all Firebase APIs) are asynchronous, and require no threading on the part of your app.
Q1 - there is no intermediate null value in a document that's going to be created with a timestamp. The server interprets the server timestamp token immediately and writes a Timestamp object to the document atomically.
Q2 - I can't really tell what you're trying to accomplish with this code. It's way out of bounds of what you would normally do to write to Firestore. If you want to know if a document has changed in Firestore, you attach a listener to a reference to that document, and the listener is invoked when the document is seen to change. Again, there's no need for threading in this case, because the callbacks are all asynchronous. As long as the listener is added, it will be called.
serverTimeStamp() indeed becomes Null in the cache before getting a confirm response from the server:
Refer to this for solution:
I fixed this by adding this:
DocumentSnapshot.ServerTimestampBehavior behavior = ESTIMATE;
Date date = snapshot.getDate("OrderDate", behavior);

Android NotificationListenerService: how to know if user clicked on the notification (opening the related app) or simply deleted it

I'm working with notifications generated by every app (not only mine) on my Android device (android 5.1.1).
By extending NotificationListenerService I'm able to know when a push notification is posted (overriding the "onNotificationPosted" method) and when a notification is removed (overriding the "onNotificationRemoved" method).
The problem is that I would like to know how the notification was removed:
a) by clicking it (so opening the app)
b) by swyping it (so it is only removed)
Is it possible to know it?
Thank you in advance!
The best way to do it is to get the list of all running processes!
So, in the onNotificationRemoved method we can:
1. obtain the list of running processes using the Android Processes library
2. compare each process name with the packageName
3. if the comparison return a true value, we check if the process is in foreground
public void onNotificationRemoved(StatusBarNotification sbn) {
String packageName = sbn.getPackageName();
try {
List<AndroidAppProcess> processes = ProcessManager.getRunningAppProcesses();
if (processes != null) {
for (AndroidAppProcess process : processes) {
String processName =;
if (processName.equals(packageName)) {
if (process.foreground ==true)
//user clicked on notification
//user swipe notification
catch (Exception e)
String error = e.toString();

How to get visible beacons from the RegionBootstrap AltBeacon method

I'm using the example code on this page ( in the Starting an App in the Background section and I've got a working app.
It detects whenever a beacon is in range even on background.
The problem is I need to know which beacon is it (UUID, Major, Minor) to then match it against my local database and throw a notification with the app still on background.
The didEnterRegion(Region region) function only has a matchesBeacon method, and I've tried doing the following to identify which of the beacons is being seen but it's throwing a NullPointerException:
public class SightSeeing extends Activity implements BootstrapNotifier, RangeNotifier {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Region region = new Region("sightRegion", null, null, null);
regionBootstrap = new RegionBootstrap(this, region);
new BeaconParser(). setBeaconLayout("m:2-3=0215,i:4-19,i:20-21,i:22-23,p:24-24")
public void didEnterRegion(Region region) {
try {
catch (RemoteException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Can't start ranging");
public void didRangeBeaconsInRegion(Collection<Beacon> beacons, Region region) {
if (beacons.size() > 0) {
Iterator<Beacon> beaconIterator = beacons.iterator();
while (beaconIterator.hasNext()) {
Beacon beacon =;
//check if beacon exists in our DB and throw notification
Am I missing something obvious or isn't this possible with this library?
I've updated the code sample to give you guys a broader idea and I've tried implementing the suggestion by FOliveira without any success.
Updated code to reflect the davidgyoung's suggestion. Still no luck. I have a Log.d() right on the first line of the didRangeBeaconsInRegion() function and it isn't being called.
I've tried adding BeaconManager.getInstanceForApplication(this).setRangeNotifier(this); before the try/catch block and the result is the same.
Did I implement the suggestion wrong or is there any other way to get this working?
If you want the app to launch itself on beacon detection, then the RegionBootstrap is the easiest way to go. In order to combine this with Ranging needed to detect individual beacons, then add code in your didEnterRegion method like this:
try {
catch (RemoteException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Can't start ranging");
Then implement a ranging callback like you have.
You also need to remove the code below, which is probably what is causing your NullPointerException, because the :
for(int i=0; i< beaconsList.size(); i++) {
Beacon b = new Beacon.Builder()
if(region.matchesBeacon(b)) {
//get info from DB and throw notification
EDIT: I have updated the library's reference application to show how this can be done successfully. See here:
you can implement RangeNotifier interface and you can access all the beacon information captured in the public void didRangeBeaconsInRegion(Collection<Beacon> Beacons, Region region) method of that interface. Hope i got the question right

