This should be a very easy question but I am not able to get this fixed. I have 2 import statements and in Netbeans it does not show any error but when I run the project, I am getting a ClassnotFoundDef error
<%# page import="mastertables.BranchMaster, mastertables.CreateBranchMaster"%>
both the classes are in the same package. The error is
javax.servlet.ServletException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:org/hibernate/HibernateException
Please help, I am stuck on this small thing.
The application server is not able to retrieve the org.hibernate.HibernateException in the classpath. In this case i think you actually have the hibernate jars in your classpath, but the application server is complaining about not being able to find its definition.
Think about it: the most obvious exception for a missing dependency would be a ClassNotFoundExeption.
You are not getting this one, and you are also getting problems on instantiating an hibernate exception. Who would throw an hibernate exception if not the hibernate library itself.
So some part of hibernate is already loaded in the classpath, but not this specific class.
In my experience i'd check for libraries version conflicts/mismatch. Check the version of all the hibernate jars and dependencies.
Hibernate 4.2.21.Final
I have found many questions about this same problem but none of them worked for me.
If I deploy the application in Websphere it works OK.
However we have defined a shared library that contains all the third party libraries (spring, hibernate, javassist, etc) so that our WARs are thinner.
This way during deployment we associate our thin WAR against that Websphere shared library.
The point is that when we deploy the application this way the ClassCastException Hibernate exception _$$_javassist_856 cannot be cast to javassist.util.proxy.Proxy is thrown.
I have checked the loaded jars in the websphere console and can only see one javassist jar (3.18.1-GA) in the classpath.
Why could this be happening?
I have also tried using PARENT_FIRST and PARENT_LAST class loading.
I just found out that Websphere is loading its own javassist jar:
URL location = ProxyFactory.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation();"{}", location);
It prints: file:/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/plugins/javassist.jar
After trying pretty much everything I found on S.O. without any success I decided to downgrade Hibernate to version 4.1.12.Final. This is the maximum 4.x version compatible with Websphere 8.x.
The problem is that Javassist leaves traces in its generated code. With Javassist on the class path twice, its classes are loaded twice. Two types are however only equal if they have the same name and are loaded by the same class loader. In your case, the generated class resolves its Javassist dependeny to a type that is loaded by your application class loader while your code is casting the instance to the Javassist type that is loaded by the Websphere class loader (or the other way around).
Are you sharing any Hibernate dependencies between applications? Try to not use any shared libraries related to Hibernate in your application to avoid this.
Our web service client in live environment recently got the exception:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class
at com.sun.proxy.$ Source)
I've done a lot of search online, including a few posts here at StackOverflow:
Catching webservice exception with CXF: NoClassDefFoundError: SOAPFaultBuilder
Could not initialize class
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class
And my understanding was our client received a SOAP Fault from the server and it's missing some jar file. So I'm trying to solve the problem by first recreating it.
I created a simple Web Service server project in Eclipse which has a web method throws a simple fault class annotated by #WebFault. Then I created a simple Web Service client project which consumes the web method. The client project doesn't have any additional libraries/jars in its classpath; all it has is the JRE. To my surprise, it didn't throw the NoClassDefFoundError exception! Instead, I got the I defined on the server side.
The class SOAPFaultBuilder is indeed in rt.jar in JRE. So the simple web service projects I created probably just work as they should. However, how come the web service client in our live environment throw the NoClassDefFoundError exception? That project definitely has rt.jar in the classpath.
Can anyone please shed some light on this problem? If it's missing some jar files (either from the jaxws RI or Apache CXF or others), why would the super simple client I created didn't throw the error? Both the live environment and my local environment use Java7u51.
I have encountered the same problem and I could subsequently resolve this.
Due to the following error mentioned in the Problem, the underlying cause of the SOAP Fault could not be found.
I followed the steps mentioned in the following link, to identify the reason for NoClassDefFoundError.
I could find the following errors in my application log:
Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.JAXBContextImpl cannot be cast to com.sun.xml.internal.bind.api.JAXBRIContext
The reason for the above classcast exception is due to conflicting jar files.
rt.jar (this is present in jre classpath)
jaxb-impl-2.0.1.jar (this is present in my application classpath).
I have removed the file jaxb-impl-2.0.1.jar from my classpath and the actual error is gone.
I had the same erorr and I resolved this issue by deleting the jax-impl.jar from the tomcat lib folder. It was a possible conflict of the jaxb jar versions with one of my webapps installed in tomcat.
When we started using JPA in WebLogic 10.3.5, we noticed the following exception occasionally. About half of the time we would start the server any JPA call would result in the error, the other half of the time it was fine.
java.lang.ClassCastException: :
org.apache.xerces.parsers.StandardParserConfiguration cannot be cast
to org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration" occurred while
attempting to determine the version of "myPersistenceXmlFileHere.xml"
Inside our EAR is a xercesImpl jat used by other portions of the project (non-JPA) without issue. I suspect the problem is simply interference from the WebLogic implementation jar.
Update: (Re)deploying in Eclipse seems to reproduce this issue regardless of settings in answer below. Once the exception appears once, it will not resolve and the only solution is to restart the server instance.
In our weblogic-application.xml we added the following, through trial and error. We now do not have any ClassCastExceptions, as the local jar should be taking precedence in this scenario.
I am trying to add metrics library to existing webservice on WAS 7. I am getting below error
Error 404: javax.servlet.UnavailableException: SRVE0203E: Servlet [AdminServlet]: com.yammer.metrics.reporting.AdminServlet was found, but is missing another required class. SRVE0206E: This error typically implies that the servlet was originally compiled with classes which cannot be located by the server. SRVE0187E: Check your class path to ensure that all classes required by the servlet are present.SRVE0210I: This problem can be debugged by recompiling the servlet using only the classes in the application's runtime class path SRVE0234I
What are the other run-time dependencies required for metrics-servlet-2.2.0?
I have metrics-core-2.2.0.jar and metrics-servlet-2.2.0.jar in my WEB-INF\lib folder.
Threads, ping and healthcheck servlets work fine.
I think your missing some more required jars, are you not using maven or gradle for dependency management
Please refer here to know all required jars that metrics-servlet-2.2.0.jar depends on.
My suggestion is, it is always difficult to maintain dependencies without Maven/Gradle or any other build tools :).
Im getting a weird error when running my spring2.5.6,jpa(hibernate3.4) webapp in weblogic 10.3
[ERROR] Javassist Enhancement failed:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: pcGetManagedFieldCount
at sun.misc.Unsafe.ensureClassInitialized(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.UnsafeFieldAccessorFactory.newFieldAccessor(UnsafeFieldAc
The class is a mapped subclass entity of the abstract fund entity on a single_table inheritance hierarchy, and I'm getting this error for all entities on the hierarchy. I'm using both annotated classes and xml metadata to define the mappings for my persistence classes.
I only get this error when the app is deployed to weblogic, so everything runs fine using junit. I have tried upgrading to the latest version on javaassit.jar.
Problem Looks to me like an issue with classloading order, but I cant figure it out.
PS. As suggested by bea I have added the following to the weblogic.xml
Anyone got any ideas, other config tips, or directions I should take my investigation?
I had the same problem.
My entities extended a class (#MappedSuperClass) which lived inside a jar dependency. I had to move that class from the jar into my project. Only then it would work and deployed fine.
Also another way to solve this is to specify your entities explicitly in the persistence.xml
I'm sorry, I only have WebLogic 10.0 on my machine, and it doesn't have any javassist JARs in the distro. Looks like javassist was only added in 10.3 for AOP byte code generation.
It might be worth a try to remove the javassist JAR from your WebLogic deployment and use the version that it supports. Take the "prefer-web-inf-classes" tag out of your web.xml and see if it can work with the version that WebLogic prefers.
Can you post the code for the entity class and, if you're not using annotations, the segment of your hbm mapping file?
Your classpath hunch may be right on. In your weblogic-application.xml, try this
If you have any more log output, please post that as well.
I just lost a couple of days on this myself. The problem for me was that I 2 separate data-services modules in my app. I'm thinking 10.3 has some trouble with that. I'm not sure of the solution, but a work around for me was to combine both of my data-services modules into just one.
BEA seems to be aware of this issue. Hopefully the URL below will help. Reference CR370788.