make bubble that move around the screen like facebook messanger [closed] - java

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to develop app in that i want to create a bubble like facebook messenger, i can move bubble around the screen on any view, also can delete the bubble same as facebook messanger does , it same looks like facebook messenger app is working
i have no idea how to start developing that, is there any other example then please suggest me
it should look like below picture (it is taken from

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Its call Global HeadView.
Try this out
This has very good explanation how Views can be added using Service and Window Manager.
Also Broadcast Receiver is implemented which will trigger when the boot is completed and that will start the service.


how can I generate invite codes to link different accounts [closed]

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Closed 7 days ago.
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I am creating an app that will have an account create a data and have other accounts access it.
I am checking out some apps on doing so which lead me to invite code. Basically, it is generating a code and you can give it to users to link to your account.
I added an image that is exactly what I wanted to do.
can someone help me? lead me to the right direction? I have been researching a lot and I can't seem to find how.

Make Notice Board Android Studio [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I want to make a notice board for the user in android studio. Admin makes notice for user and User can able to see the notice. How can I do that? there is two activity one for Admin and the Second for users. there will be a firebase for the data store.
Note: It will be java based project
1)Write Frontend part
2)Write Backend part
3)Don't forget to write the logic to connect to the db with your backend
4)Most importantly, read the rules of SO before posting anything like this

Android - Open Dialog from Fragment [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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i´ve searched a lot and didn´t find any solution:
Is there any possibility to open a Dialog-window while the Fragment-window is open?
Maybe communicate through the MainActivity?
(i´m using kotlin)
Thank you very much!!
Recently faced a similar problem.
Here you should pay attention to how you are going to move into the dialog fragment.
Based on my personal experience, I can offer an exit via Navigation controller.
Here is a very good example
Good luck!

Is it possible to make an Android keylogger which works in the background in working time? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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A company asked me today that if I could develop a keylogger inside their company application which logs what their workers do in working time with their company phones. They suspect that not every employee works hard enough.
Well I know it's not ethical but I got curious whether it is at all possible? I think Android has enough security feature to make it stop an app like this. I saw some keylogger features on GitHub but they only log inside the app, not outside the other applications.
Another approach you might be able to take would be to develop a fork of the Keyboard, and force users to use that keyboard via a Device Administrator Policy. However, as previously mentioned, this might be in violation of a whole host of employee data protection laws.
Custom Keyboard Creation Tutorial:

Create Android Wifi Chat application [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am totally new to android as well as java for android programming.
I have to create an android app which uses wifi to chat with the devices available in the available wifi area.
I wouls like to know how can i implement this?
What are the requirements to create such app?
If it is already created, i would like to download one for the reference purpose.
Kindly help me.
Google already released an example doing just this using the wifi discovery service API that was added into Android 4. You can find it here.

