Bean Validation with args condition - java

Let's assume this situation.
I have length label. Sometimes I want it to show me the message Length must be lower than 5!, but other time it should show Length must be value between 2 and 5!. It should depend on number of arguments I pass to this.
Could it be done without using second label, for instance Length?

It can be done without different values in your property file.
For e.g. you could have your label as such:
my.label=Length must be lower than 5!,Length must be value between 2 and 5!
But this is NOT recommended. You need to split it based on your separator, comma in this case, and handle that logic yourself.
The clean solution would be:
my.label.error.maxsize=Length must be lower than 5!
my.label.error.size=Length must be between 2 and 5!
And of course the value maxsize or size can be set programatically.
The java implementation depends a lot on the framework used to load values from property files.


Numbers length of JFormattedTextField mask Java

I'm developing an desktop application with java, right now I'm at the point of registering person data. One of the fields of the person form is "DocumentTextField" which holds the Identification Document and Number, that's why I tried to use a JFormattedTextField mask, to help user with the format to this field.
Basically, I just used the AbstracFormatterFactory to create the mask:
Mask = UU - ########## to get something like (PP-0123456789)
It does work perfecly on the fly, the user just type "pp0123456789" and the mask become this to "PP-0123456789" the point is the numbers length, as you can see on my mask, i declare 10 numbers (##########) but in fact, It could be lower than 10 numbers or even Higher. It does only work with 10 numbers, if user type lower than 10 numbers, the JFormattedTextField resset to empty, the same thing happen if user type more than 10 numbers.
is there any way to declare the range (numbers length) of this? some document are just 5 numbers (PP-01234).
Thank you so much in advance by reading this and trying to help.
I assume you're using Java 8 for your development. Are you seeing any kind of ParseException?
As per the documentation of the component:
When initially formatting a value if the length of the string is less than the length of the mask, two things can happen. Either the placeholder string will be used, or the placeholder character will be used. Precedence is given to the placeholder string.
According to the example:
MaskFormatter formatter = new MaskFormatter("###-####");
setPlaceHolderCharacter method can help you with your problem.

how to use cell.getArabicOption(int arabicoption)

i don't know what the integer can i use it in this function
so i have a problem to show arabic in my creating pdf
i use iText library to get this function
if some on know how to use it please inform me
You shouldn't use int values such as 0, 1, 2,... in your code as it will be very hard for people to know what these values mean (just like you currently have no idea which options are available).
Instead you should use constants that are provided by iText. The API documentation informs you that the parameters for the setArabicOptions() method can be a combination of:
ColumnText.AR_NOVOWEL: Eliminate the arabic vowels,
ColumnText.AR_COMPOSEDTASHKEEL: Compose the tashkeel in the ligatures, or
ColumnText.AR_LIG: Do some extra double ligatures.
If you want to know which exact int values correspond with these constants, you can always print them out or look inside the code, but there is no reason to do this.
The different values are actually to be used as flags (or bits). You can combine these values like this:
ColumnText.AR_NOVOWEL |

Java formatted print map

I have a project where we need to print a formatted representation of the state of our simulation multiple times throughout the program. This formatting needs to be very specific but I'm having a hard time figuring out the best way to go about setting up this print function.
The formatting needs to be exactly in the form of
the length of the 'x' and 'c' characters will be dynamic but at most 6 long.
Is there any framework or method I could use to set up this type of formatting?

Are 0.0 and 1.0 considered magic numbers?

I know that -1, 0, 1, and 2 are exceptions to the magic number rule. However I was wondering if the same is true for when they are floats. Do I have to initialize a final variable for them or can I just use them directly in my program.
I am using it as a percentage in a class. If the input is less than 0.0 or greater than 1.0 then I want it set the percentage automatically to zero. So if (0.0 <= input && input <= 1.0).
Thank you
Those numbers aren't really exceptions to the magic number rule. The common sense rule (as far as there is "one" rule), when it isn't simplified to the level of dogma, is basically, "Don't use numbers in a context that doesn't make their meaning obvious." It just so happens that these four numbers are very commonly used in obvious contexts. That doesn't mean they're the only numbers where this applies, e.g. if I have:
long kilometersToMeters(int km) { return km * 1000L; }
there is really no point in naming the number: it's obvious from the tiny context that it's a conversion factor. On the other hand, if I do this in some low-level code:
it's still wrong, because that should be a constant kResetCommand = 1 or something like it.
So whether 0.0 and 1.0 should be replaced by a constant completely depends on the context.
It really depends on the context. The whole point of avoiding magic numbers is to maintain the readability of your code. Use your best judgement, or provide us with some context so that we may use ours.
Magic numbers are [u]nique values with unexplained meaning or multiple occurrences which could (preferably) be replaced with named constants.
Edit: When to document code with variables names vs. when to just use a number is a hotly debated topic. My opinion is that of the author of the Wiki article linked above: if the meaning is not immediately obvious and it occurs multiple times in your code, use a named constant. If it only occurs once, just comment the code.
If you are interested in other people's (strongly biased) opinions, read
What is self-documenting code and can it replace well documented code?
Usually, every rule has exceptions (and this one too). It is a matter of style to use some mnemonic names for these constants.
For example:
int Rows = 2;
int Cols = 2;
Is a pretty valid example where usage of raw values will be misleading.
The meaning of the magic number should be obvious from the context. If it is not - give the thing a name.
Attaching a name for something creates an identity. Given the definitions
const double Moe = 2.0;
const double Joe = 2.0;
double Larry = Moe;
double Harry = Moe;
double Garry = Joe;
the use of symbols for Moe and Joe suggests that the default value of Larry and Harry are related to each other in a way that the default value of Garry is not. The decision of whether or not to define a name for a particular constant shouldn't depend upon the value of that constant, but rather whether it will non-coincidentally appear multiple places in the code. If one is communicating with a remote device which requires that a particular byte value be sent to it to trigger a reset, I would consider:
void ResetDevice()
// The 0xF9 command is described in the REMOTE_RESET section of the
// Frobnitz 9000 manual
... elsewhere
to be in many cases superior to
// The 0xF9 command is described in the REMOTE_RESET section of the
// Frobnitz 9000 manual
const int FrobnitzResetCode = 0xF9;
... elsewhere
myDevice.transmitByte(FrobnitzResetCode );
otherDevice.transmitByte(FrobnitzResetCode );
The value 0xF9 has no real meaning outside the context of resetting the Frobnitz 9000 device. Unless there is some reason why outside code should prefer to send the necessary value itself rather than calling a ResetDevice method, the constant should have no value to any code outside the method. While one could perhaps use
void ResetDevice()
// The 0xF9 command is described in the REMOTE_RESET section of the
// Frobnitz 9000 manual
int FrobnitzResetCode = 0xF9;
there's really not much point to defining a name for something which is in such a narrow context.
The only thing "special" about values like 0 and 1 is that used significantly more often than other constants like e.g. 23 in cases where they have no domain-specific identity outside the context where they are used. If one is using a function which requires that the first parameter indicates the number of additional parameters (somewhat common in C) it's better to say:
output_multiple_strings(4, "Bob", Joe, Larry, "Fred"); // There are 4 arguments
output_multiple_strings(4, "George", Fred, "James", Lucy); // There are 4 arguments
#define NUMBER_OF_STRINGS 4 // There are 4 arguments
output_multiple_strings(NUMBER_OF_STRINGS, "Bob", Joe, Larry, "Fred");
output_multiple_strings(NUMBER_OF_STRINGS, "George", Fred, "James", Lucy);
The latter statement implies a stronger connection between the value passed to the first method and the value passed to the second, than exists between the value passed to the first method and anything else in that method call. Among other things, if one of the calls needs to be changed to pass 5 arguments, it would be unclear in the second code sample what should be changed to allow that. By contrast, in the former sample, the constant "4" should be changed to "5".

textinput restrict to accept number with four decimal precision

I have a textfield in which I want to restrict user to enter only valid number with 14 digit before .(dot) and 4 digit after .(dot).
I have tried it using :
<mx:TextInput id="txtValue1" restrict="[0-9]*\.?[0-9]" maxChars="19"/>
Its not working for restriction 4 digit after .(dot).
A more common way would be to use a NumberValidator, and set the precision attribute of the validator to 4. Also, set the maxValue of the NumberValidator to whatever suits, then set the source of the NumberValidator to the textInput id. That should work I'd say, and it will also allow you to set the error fields of the validator which will pop up beside the textInput if incorrect number is entered
you can view and download a code (this works!) in my public repository from this LINK.
Basically, i created a class (NumberInput) based on TextInput class from Adobe, the diferrence in both classes was the textFieldChanged method, i add a call here to myFormat function(). This function does what you're needing.
Be careful with this class, do not use it as the final solution but I will anyway to find what you need. Check the SWF called NumberInputTest.swf, source code is in src\
I hope this help you. Sorry for my english :D.

