In our project, report generation can take a very long time. Is there a way to obtain number of generated pages while the document is processed?
Simple progress bar is not enough, we need to show users that something is really happening.
XDocReport doesn't provide a kind of progress monitor. I think this idea could be interesting, please create an issue for that.
It should be interesting too to know where report generation can take a very long time. The report process is :
generate docx (or odt) from a docx (or odt) template. Is this step takes time? If it takes time, I think you don't use XDocReport cache (retrieve the report from the registry instead of loading very time the docx/odt template)
convert the generated docx to PDF. I think this step can takes time. For that, I'm afraid that you cannot improve performance.
The progress monitor could track step 1 and 2:
for step 1 you cannot know the page because docx doesn't contain information about page.
for step 2 I think we could track PDF page if you use our POI/iText converter that we will able to modify to support progress monitor.
I am trying to make some existing PDF's into templets.
Because these documents hold real data I am replaceing this data such as names and addrsss and making them into dummy place holders.
When I alter the text via the iText version 5 library replace via a program I can use the template.
To speed things up I tried to use Adobe DC.
When using this method the template stops working.
Any ideas?
From what I understand of your question;
you have (or want to have) a template document
fill in the template with data from a program
turn this back into a pdf
You can easily achieve some of your goals with iText.
I suggest you look into
I don't know if "cutting" is the right term...
I've got to finish doing a large and complex report based on an Applet legacy system, a fellow and I decided trying reuse all the logic in the applet to avoid the complexity of doing a lot of sub-reports. What we did was copy all the logic in the applet that include a lot of condictionals/SQL and make a huge and properly formated String, so that in our Jasper file it would just have a method called "myVo.getBody()" besides the header and footer stuff.
Unfortunately we found out a problem that some part of text get lost between pages. I think that as the text get bigger and reach Jasper page limit for some reason it keeps being writed in a "no visible area" and when the next page content starts some part was lost.
For example, there is a list of 19 items and what happens is:
End of 2nd page
1 - item
2 - item
beggining of 3rd page
18th - item
19th - item
Items from 3 to 17 are not being showed.
Is there any Jasper configuration for this situation?
We tried:
Position type: Fix Relative to the Top and Float
Stretch Type: Relative to the Tallers Object and Relative to Band Height
Stretch With Overflot: true or false
I don't think showing Java code would be useful as it just use a StringBuffer to build the String, put it on body property in a PreparedDocumentVO so that Jasper model can consumes it. It seems to be some Jasper setting, or the idea of creating a huge String is not so good as we thought.
I would consider breaking the result up.
Jasper formats information based on a relative page size. This means that at some point in time, when dealing with information that is not likely to fit on a page, Jasper will probably make an assumption that doesn't hold (and your data will likely not be formatted into the page).
If you have an exceptionally long string, consider splitting it up. Besides, people scroll web pages down, not the side, so a heavy side-scrolling document is likely to cause user issues unless every record scrolls to the side just as heavily.
I need to edit some Check-Boxes in a big Wordfile (docx) and save this then as PDF. This file contains many images and is about 19MB big.
Maybe there will be the need of adding some Checkbox and text.
My idea was to use docx4j, but before to learn the ropes I want to ask if this is possible and which is the best way.
May it be better to save the document as a PDF and then use this as base for processing?
Yes, you can manipulate checkboxes using docx4j.
Be aware that there are several different kinds of checkboxes:
legacy checkbox
content control checkbox
checkbox character
and the details depend on which type are present.
For more, you should post a snippet of the relevant OpenXML (and as they say here on SO, code showing what you've tried).
Is it necessary to use only docx4j?
Recently i tried a solution that helps me manage a Word document with checkboxes and save it as a PDF file. I used Plumsail Documents. The case is about how to populate a Word template using a form with checkboxes. You can connect your app via Zapier or Power Automate to activate checkboxes depending on value from your app. You can set the resulting file as a PDF and deliver it by email and across any system using Zapier and Power Automate.
The great is that Plumsail Documents has a templating engine that allows it to operate pictures.
Your case may be like this:
Create a form in Plumsail Form. It will allow you to activate checkboxes depending on your needs, or your users' needs.
Create a process in Plumsail Documents, upload your Word document and set it as a template. Just put placeholders where you want to change or fill a document with some values or data. Set the resulting document in PDF format.
Set the delivery method. Save across apps or deliver by email.
I recommend you to read the article. That solution is not free, but there is a free 30-day trial, so you will have enough time to try it.
I'm creating a Web-based label printing system. For every label, there should be a unique s/n. So when a user decided to create 1000 labels (with the same data), all of it should have unique s/n, therefore the pdf will have 1000 pages, which increases the file size.
My problem is when the user decided to create more copies, the file size will get bigger.
Is there any way that I can reduce the file size of the pdf using Itext? Or is there any way that I can generated the pdf and output it in the browser without saving it neither to server/client's HDD?
Thanks for the help!
On approach is to compress the file. It should be highly compressible.
(I imagine that you should be able to generate the PDF on the server side without writing it to disc, though you could use a lot of memory / Java heap in the process. I don't think it is possible to deliver a PDF to the browser without the file going to the client PC's hard drive in some form.)
If everything except the s/n is the same for the thousands of labels, you only have to add the equal things one time as a template and put the s/n text on top of it.
Take a look at PDFTemplate in itext. If I recall correctly that creates and XObject for the recurring drawing/label/image.... and it is exactly the same object every time you use it.
Even with thousands of labels, the only thing that grows your document size is the s/n (and every page) but the graphics or text of the 'label' is only added once. That should reduce your file size.
I am working on a project here that ingests internal resumes from people at my company, strips out the skills and relevant content from them and stores it in a database. This was all done using docx4j and Grails. This required the resumes to first be submitted via a template that formatted everything just right so that the ingest tool knew what to look for to strip the data.
The 2nd portion of this, is what if we want to get out a "reduced" resume from the database. In other words, I want to search the uploaded content I now have, and only print out new resumes for people who have Java programming experience lets say. So I can go into my database, find the people who originally had java as a skill, and output a new set of resumes that are also still in a nice templated format, and only have the relevant info in them, instead of ALL the content.
I have been writing some software to do this in Java that will basically use a docx template, overwriting the items in customXML which are bound to the content controls in the doc, so the new data shows up and can eb saved as a new docx with that custom data.
This seems really cumbersome to me, and has some limitations. For one, lets say my template has a place for 3 Skills, and the particular person has 8 skills. There seems to be no good way to add those 5 additional skills to the docx other than painstakingly inserting the data with all of the formatting XML tags and such. This is a real pain, because if the template changes, I dont want to have to go back into my software and edit source code to change that additional data input XML tag to bold instead of italic.
I was doing some reading up on using Infopath to create a form that I could use to get the input, connecting to some sharepoint data source or something to store the stripped out data. However, I can't seem to find out if it is possible using sharepoint to get the data back out, in a nice formatted way. What would the general steps for this be? It seems like I couldnt find very much about this topic with any quick googling.
You could set up the skills:
and use a "repeat" content control pointing to the container. This would handle any number of <skill> entries.