I'm working on a Groovy Grails application and specifically at the moment I'm working on a service that will allow me to generate PLSQL. I'm having some issues however with working out how to solve this Null pointer exception with my unit test below.
Here is the error message:
at com.bt.mlp.TemplatingService.$tt__buildTemplateStepSql(TemplatingService.groovy:59) at com.bt.mlp.TemplatingServiceSpec.Can create PLSQL for TemplateStep(TemplatingServiceSpec.groovy:113)
If I click on the first NullPointer it takes me to def result = in the second block of code.
If I click on the second NullPointer it takes me to def result = service.buildTemplateStepSql(templateStep) in the unit test.
Unit Test:
void "Can create PLSQL for TemplateStep" () {
def validString =
select sysid into v_mt_sysid from template where name = 'Add FASTE 60 Card';
,IN_STEP => 'step'
,IN_DISPLAY_LABLE => 'Capture plan inputs'
,IN_WINDOW_LABLE => 'Capture plan inputs'
,IN_CANCEL_PROCEDURE => 'Cancel Procedure'
,IN_END_PLAN_PHASE => 'Designed'
,IN_SWF_NAME => 'Name'
,OUT_TS_SYSID => v_ts_sysid );
def templateStep = TemplateStep.findByStep("step")
def result = service.buildTemplateStepSql(templateStep)
result == validString
Code being tested:
def buildTemplateStepSql(TemplateStep templateStep) {
println templateStep
def result =
select sysid into v_mt_sysid from template where name = 'Add FASTE 60 Card';
,IN_STEP => '${templateStep.step}'
,IN_VALIDATION_PROCEDURE => '${templateStep.validationProcedure}'
,IN_ACTION_PROCEDURE => '${templateStep.actionProcedure}'
,IN_TRANSACTION_TABLE => '${templateStep.transactionTable}'
,IN_DISPLAY_LABLE => '${templateStep.displayLable}'
,IN_WINDOW_LABLE => '${templateStep.windowLable}'
,IN_CANCEL_PROCEDURE => '${templateStep.cancelProcedure}'
,IN_END_PLAN_PHASE => '${templateStep.endPlanPhase}'
,IN_MFOUT_FLAG => '${templateStep.mfOutFlag}'
,IN_STEP_SEQ => '${templateStep.stepSeq}'
,IN_SWF_NAME => '${templateStep.swfName}'
,OUT_TS_SYSID => v_ts_sysid );
return result
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I have a yaml file that I want to read its contents in scala , so I parse it using io.circe.yaml to json
var js = yaml.parser.parse(ymlText)
var json=js.valueOr(null)
var jsonstring=json.toString
val json2 = parse(jsonstring)
the yamltext is like this:
Subcategory11 : 1.5
Subcategory12 : 0
Subcategory13 : 0
Subcategory14 : 0.5
Subcategory21 : 1.5
Subcategory22 : 0.3
Subcategory23 : 0
Subcategory24 : 0
what I want is to filter the subcategories that has Zero values, I've used this code:
val elements = (json2 \\"ALL" ).children.map(x=>(x.values))
var subCategories=elements.map{case(a,b)=>(b)}
var cats=elements.map{case(a,b)=>(b.asInstanceOf[Map[String,Double]])}
But the last line gives me this error:
scala.math.BigInt cannot be cast to java.lang.Double
I'm not sure why you do toString + parse and which parse is used but you probably don't need it. Also you didn't describe your expected result so here are a few guesses of what you might need:
import java.io._
import io.circe._
import io.circe.yaml._
import io.circe.parser._
def test(): Unit = {
// test data instead of a file
val ymlText =
| Category1:
| Subcategory11 : 1.5
| Subcategory12 : 0
| Subcategory13 : 0
| Subcategory14 : 0.5
| Category2:
| Subcategory21 : 1.5
| Subcategory22 : 0.3
| Subcategory23 : 0
| Subcategory24 : 0
var js = yaml.parser.parse(new StringReader(ymlText))
var json: Json = js.right.get
val categories = (json \\ "ALL").flatMap(j => j.asObject.get.values.toList)
val subs = categories.flatMap(j => j.asObject.get.toList)
val elements: List[(String, Double)] = subs.map { case (k, v) => (k, v.asNumber.get.toDouble) }
.filter {
case (k, v) => v > 0.0
println(s"elements: $elements")
val allCategories = (json \\ "ALL").flatMap(j => j.asObject.get.toList).toMap
val filteredTree: Map[String, Map[String, Double]] = allCategories
.mapValues(catJson => catJson.asObject.get.toList.map { case (subName, subJson) => (subName, subJson.asNumber.get.toDouble) }
.filter { case (subName, subValue) => subValue > 0.0 }
println(s"filteredTree : $filteredTree")
And the output for that is:
elements: List((Subcategory11,1.5), (Subcategory14,0.5), (Subcategory21,1.5), (Subcategory22,0.3))
filteredTree : Map(Category1 -> Map(Subcategory11 -> 1.5, Subcategory14 -> 0.5), Category2 -> Map(Subcategory21 -> 1.5, Subcategory22 -> 0.3))
Hope one of those version is what you needed.
I have a simple Schedule like below which should run every 30 minutes from 6pm to 10:30pm.
import javax.ejb.Schedule;
import javax.ejb.Schedules;
import javax.ejb.Singleton;
public class XxxJob {
#Schedule(minute = "0,30", hour = "18-22", dayOfWeek = "Mon-Fri",
timezone = "Europe/London", persistent = false)
public void process() {
But when I check the details of the timer on the Wildfly console, I see this:
{"time-remaining" => 30039141L,"next-timeout" => 1498757400000L,"calendar-timer" => true,"persistent" => false,"schedule" => {"year" => "*","month" => "*","day-of-month" => "*","day-of-week" => "Mon-Fri","hour" => "18-22","minute" => "0,30","second" => "0","timezone" => "Europe/London","start" => undefined,"end" => undefined}}
It says the next run (next-timeout) is at 1498757400000L (epoch millis) but that corresponds to 2017-06-29T18:30+01:00[Europe/London] and not 18:00.
Why is the timer scheduled to run at 18:30 and not at 18:00?
Note 1: if I amend the schedule to only run at 18:00 it works as expected:
#Schedule(minute = "0", hour = "18", dayOfWeek = "Mon-Fri",
timezone = "Europe/London", persistent = false)
Note 2: if I remove the #Schedules annotation it works as expected too.
I am trying to write a scala program to generate an output file omega0_Real.txt which contains pre-calculated values of the cosine function for inputs ranging from 0 to pi/2 radians. Each of these calculated values are 72 bit long and are stored in hex format. The code I have written so far is as follows:
import java.io._
import scala.math._
object omega0_Real {
def main (args: Array[String]) {
val arg = (0.0).to(2-pow(2, -10), pow(2, -10))
val cosArg = arg.map (i => cos(i))
val cosBit = cosArg.map (i => List.tabulate(72)(j = (BigDecimal((i*pow(2,j))).toBigInt % 2)))
val cosStr = cosBit.map (i => i mkString)
val cosBig = cosStr.map (i => BigInt(i, 2))
val cosBigStr = cosBig.map (i => i.toString(16))
val cosList = cosBigStr.toList
val file = "omega0_Real.txt"
val writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(file)))
for (x <- cosList) {
writer.write(x + "\n")
which gives the error: java.lang.NumberFormatException: Illegal embedded sign character followed by many others. Please help me debug this code.
PS: I ran this code line-by-line on sbt console but it did not give any error, although the values generated were erroneous.
I've put together a proof of concept which aims to provide a skeleton SBT multimodule project which utilizes DataNucleus JDO Enhancer with mixed Java and Scala sources.
The difficulty appears when I try to enhance persistence classes from SBT. Apparently, I'm not passing the correct classpath when calling Fork.java.fork(...) from SBT.
See also this question:
How can SBT generate metamodel classes from model classes using DataNucleus?
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.datanucleus.util.Localiser
at org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl.loadPersistenceUnit(MetaDataManagerImpl.java:1104)
at org.datanucleus.enhancer.DataNucleusEnhancer.getFileMetadataForInput(DataNucleusEnhancer.java:768)
at org.datanucleus.enhancer.DataNucleusEnhancer.enhance(DataNucleusEnhancer.java:488)
at org.datanucleus.api.jdo.JDOEnhancer.enhance(JDOEnhancer.java:125)
at javax.jdo.Enhancer.run(Enhancer.java:196)
at javax.jdo.Enhancer.main(Enhancer.java:130)
[info] Compiling 2 Java sources to /home/rgomes/workspace/poc-scala-datanucleus/model/target/scala-2.11/klasses...
java.lang.IllegalStateException: errno = 1
at $54321831a5683ffa07b5$.runner(build.sbt:230)
at $54321831a5683ffa07b5$$anonfun$model$7.apply(build.sbt:259)
at $54321831a5683ffa07b5$$anonfun$model$7.apply(build.sbt:258)
at scala.Function1$$anonfun$compose$1.apply(Function1.scala:47)
at sbt.$tilde$greater$$anonfun$$u2219$1.apply(TypeFunctions.scala:40)
at sbt.std.Transform$$anon$4.work(System.scala:63)
at sbt.Execute$$anonfun$submit$1$$anonfun$apply$1.apply(Execute.scala:226)
at sbt.Execute$$anonfun$submit$1$$anonfun$apply$1.apply(Execute.scala:226)
at sbt.ErrorHandling$.wideConvert(ErrorHandling.scala:17)
at sbt.Execute.work(Execute.scala:235)
at sbt.Execute$$anonfun$submit$1.apply(Execute.scala:226)
at sbt.Execute$$anonfun$submit$1.apply(Execute.scala:226)
at sbt.ConcurrentRestrictions$$anon$4$$anonfun$1.apply(ConcurrentRestrictions.scala:159)
at sbt.CompletionService$$anon$2.call(CompletionService.scala:28)
For the sake of completeness and information, below you can see a java command line generated by SBT which can be executed by hand on a separate window, for example. It just works fine.
$ java -cp /home/rgomes/.ivy2/cache/org.scala-lang/scala-library/jars/scala-library-2.11.6.jar:/home/rgomes/.ivy2/cache/com.google.code.gson/gson/jars/gson-2.3.1.jar:/home/rgomes/.ivy2/cache/javax.jdo/jdo-api/jars/jdo-api-3.0.jar:/home/rgomes/.ivy2/cache/javax.transaction/transaction-api/jars/transaction-api-1.1.jar:/home/rgomes/.ivy2/cache/org.datanucleus/datanucleus-core/jars/datanucleus-core-4.0.4.jar:/home/rgomes/.ivy2/cache/org.datanucleus/datanucleus-api-jdo/jars/datanucleus-api-jdo-4.0.4.jar:/home/rgomes/.ivy2/cache/org.datanucleus/datanucleus-jdo-query/jars/datanucleus-jdo-query-4.0.4.jar:/home/rgomes/.ivy2/cache/org.datanucleus/datanucleus-rdbms/jars/datanucleus-rdbms-4.0.4.jar:/home/rgomes/.ivy2/cache/com.h2database/h2/jars/h2-1.4.185.jar:/home/rgomes/.ivy2/cache/org.postgresql/postgresql/jars/postgresql-9.4-1200-jdbc41.jar:/home/rgomes/.ivy2/cache/com.github.dblock.waffle/waffle-jna/jars/waffle-jna-1.7.jar:/home/rgomes/.ivy2/cache/net.java.dev.jna/jna/jars/jna-4.1.0.jar:/home/rgomes/.ivy2/cache/net.java.dev.jna/jna-platform/jars/jna-platform-4.1.0.jar:/home/rgomes/.ivy2/cache/org.slf4j/slf4j-simple/jars/slf4j-simple-1.7.7.jar:/home/rgomes/.ivy2/cache/org.slf4j/slf4j-api/jars/slf4j-api-1.7.7.jar:/home/rgomes/workspace/poc-scala-datanucleus/model/src/main/resources:/home/rgomes/workspace/poc-scala-datanucleus/model/target/scala-2.11/klasses javax.jdo.Enhancer -v -pu persistence-h2 -d /home/rgomes/workspace/poc-scala-datanucleus/model/target/scala-2.11/classes
May 13, 2015 3:30:07 PM org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancerImpl save
INFO: Writing class file "/home/rgomes/workspace/poc-scala-datanucleus/model/target/scala-2.11/classes/model/AbstractModel.class" with enhanced definition
May 13, 2015 3:30:07 PM org.datanucleus.enhancer.DataNucleusEnhancer addMessage
INFO: ENHANCED (Persistable) : model.AbstractModel
May 13, 2015 3:30:07 PM org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancerImpl save
INFO: Writing class file "/home/rgomes/workspace/poc-scala-datanucleus/model/target/scala-2.11/classes/model/Identifier.class" with enhanced definition
May 13, 2015 3:30:07 PM org.datanucleus.enhancer.DataNucleusEnhancer addMessage
INFO: ENHANCED (Persistable) : model.Identifier
May 13, 2015 3:30:07 PM org.datanucleus.enhancer.DataNucleusEnhancer addMessage
INFO: DataNucleus Enhancer completed with success for 2 classes. Timings : input=112 ms, enhance=102 ms, total=214 ms. Consult the log for full details
Enhancer Processing -v.
Enhancer adding Persistence Unit persistence-h2.
Enhancer processing output directory /home/rgomes/workspace/poc-scala-datanucleus/model/target/scala-2.11/classes.
Enhancer found JDOEnhancer of class org.datanucleus.api.jdo.JDOEnhancer.
Enhancer property key:VendorName value:DataNucleus.
Enhancer property key:VersionNumber value:4.0.4.
Enhancer property key:API value:JDO.
Enhancer enhanced 2 classes.
Below you can see some debugging information which is passed to Fork.java.fork(...):
args=-v -pu persistence-h2 -d /home/rgomes/workspace/poc-scala-datanucleus/model/target/scala-2.11/classes
bootJars ---------------------------------------------
envVars ----------------------------------------------
The project is available in github for your convenience at
Just download it and type
./sbt compile
Any help is immensely appreciated. Thanks
You can either use java.lang.ProcessBuilder or sbt.Fork.
See below a generic javaRunner you can add to your build.sbt which employs java.lang.ProcessBuilder.
See also a generic sbtRunner you can add to your build.sbt which employs sbt.Fork. Thanks to #dwijnand for providing insightful information for making sbtRunner work as expected.
def javaRunner(mainClass: String,
args: Seq[String],
classpath: Seq[File],
cwd: File,
javaHome: Option[File] = None,
runJVMOptions: Seq[String] = Nil,
envVars: Map[String, String] = Map.empty,
connectInput: Boolean = false,
outputStrategy: Option[OutputStrategy] = Some(StdoutOutput)): Seq[File] = {
val java_ : String = javaHome.fold("") { p => p.absolutePath + "/bin/" } + "java"
val jvm_ : Seq[String] = runJVMOptions.map(p => p.toString)
val cp_ : Seq[String] = classpath.map(p => p.absolutePath)
val env_ = envVars.map({ case (k,v) => s"${k}=${v}" })
val xcmd_ : Seq[String] = Seq(java_) ++ jvm_ ++ Seq("-cp", cp_.mkString(java.io.File.pathSeparator), mainClass) ++ args
println(xcmd_.mkString(" "))
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
val cmd = xcmd_.asJava
val pb = new java.lang.ProcessBuilder(cmd)
val process = pb.start()
def cancel() = {
println("Run canceled.")
val errno = try process.waitFor catch { case e: InterruptedException => cancel() }
if(errno==0) {
if (args.contains("-v")) cwd.list.foreach(f => println(f))
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException(s"errno = ${errno}")
def sbtRunner(mainClass: String,
args: Seq[String],
classpath: Seq[File],
cwd: File,
javaHome: Option[File] = None,
runJVMOptions: Seq[String] = Nil,
envVars: Map[String, String] = Map.empty,
connectInput: Boolean = false,
outputStrategy: Option[OutputStrategy] = Some(StdoutOutput)): Seq[File] = {
val args_ = args.map(p => p.toString)
val java_ = javaHome.fold("None") { p => p.absolutePath }
val cp_ = classpath.map(p => p.absolutePath)
val jvm_ = runJVMOptions.map(p => p.toString) ++ Seq("-cp", cp_.mkString(java.io.File.pathSeparator))
val env_ = envVars.map({ case (k,v) => s"${k}=${v}" })
def dump: String =
|args=${args_.mkString(" ")}
|runJVMOptions=${jvm_.mkString(" ")}
|classpath --------------------------------------------
|envVars ----------------------------------------------
def cmd: String =
s"""java ${jvm_.mkString(" ")} ${mainClass} ${args_.mkString(" ")}"""
val options =
javaHome = javaHome,
outputStrategy = outputStrategy,
bootJars = Seq.empty,
workingDirectory = Option(cwd),
runJVMOptions = jvm_,
connectInput = connectInput,
envVars = envVars)
val process = new Fork("java", Option(mainClass)).fork(options, args)
def cancel() = {
println("Run canceled.")
val errno = try process.exitValue() catch { case e: InterruptedException => cancel() }
if(errno==0) {
if (args.contains("-v")) cwd.list.foreach(f => println(f))
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException(s"errno = ${errno}")
Then you need to wire DataNucleus Enhancer as part of your build process. This is done via manipulateBytecode sub-task, as demonstrated below:
lazy val model =
// .settings(publishSettings:_*)
.settings(otestFramework: _*)
//-- .settings(deps_stream:_*)
// This trick requires SBT 0.13.8
manipulateBytecode in Compile := {
val previous = (manipulateBytecode in Compile).value
sbtRunner( // javaRunner also works!
mainClass = "javax.jdo.Enhancer",
args =
"-pu", "persistence-h2",
"-d", (classDirectory in Compile).value.absolutePath),
classpath =
(managedClasspath in Compile).value.files ++
(unmanagedResourceDirectories in Compile).value :+
(classDirectory in Compile).value,
cwd = (classDirectory in Compile).value,
javaHome = javaHome.value,
envVars = (envVars in Compile).value
For a complete example, including a few JDO annotated persistence classes and some rudimentary test cases, please have a look at
I think the issue is you're passing your dependency jars as boot jars not as the classpath.
From your poc project perhaps something like:
val jvm_ = runJVMOptions.map(p => p.toString) ++
Seq("-cp", cp_ mkString java.io.File.pathSeparator)
Now, I'm writing sample for learning scala slick. I'm using some github projs and stackoverflow (Q&A)s. Below my sample code:
import scala.slick.driver.PostgresDriver.simple._
import Database.threadLocalSession
object TestApp extends App{
case class MyTable(id: Option[Int], foo: String, bar: String)
object MyTables extends Table[MyTable]("mytable") {
def id = column[Int]("id", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc)
def foo = column[String]("foo", O.NotNull)
def bar = column[String]("bar", O.NotNull)
def * = id.? ~ foo ~ bar <> (MyTable, MyTable.unapply _)
def forInsert = foo ~ bar <>
({ (f, l) => MyTable (None, f, l) }, { ep:MyTable => Some((ep.foo, ep.bar)) })
val findByID = createFinderBy(_.id)
implicit val session = Database.forURL("jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/myserver",
session withTransaction {
MyTables.foo ~ MyTables.bar).insert("Homer", "Simpson")
MyTable(None, "Marge", "Bouvier"),
MyTable(None, "Carl", "Carlson"),
MyTable(None, "Lenny", "Leonard")
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: scala/Right
at scala.slick.driver.BasicProfile$class.createQueryTemplate(BasicProfile.scala:12)
at scala.slick.driver.PostgresDriver$.createQueryTemplate(PostgresDriver.scala:69)
at scala.slick.ql.Parameters.flatMap(Parameters.scala:9)
at scala.slick.driver.BasicTableComponent$Table.createFinderBy(BasicTableComponent.scala:30)
at TestApp$MyTables$.(TestApp.scala:16)
Create table in postgresql
id serial primary key,
foo VARCHAR(40) not null,
bar VARCHAR(40) not null,
I'm using this tools and libraries:
Scala IDE - 2.10
Java version - 1.7.0_11
Database - PostgreSQL 8.3
What's Wrong Here? Thanks in advance.