I need some help on a program i'm supposed to create. i'm supposed to create a program that reads two strings of any length that are user inputted and it subtracts or adds them together. i'm NOT allowed to convert these strings into numbers before the operation. this is what I got so far.My teacher mentioned something like converting the strings into uni-code to add and subtract them but i have no idea how to do it as we haven't even learned uni-code. HERE IS MY CODE:
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Number {
private char Sign;
private String Whole;
private String Fraction;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner Keyboard = new Scanner (System.in);
System.out.println("This program adds or subtracts numbers of any lengths, please add two numbers: ");
String num1 = Keyboard.nextLine();
System.out.println("Enter the second number: ");
String num2 = Keyboard.nextLine();
String sum = " ";
int length = num1.length();
int carry = 0;
public Number Add(Number RHS) {
for (int i = length -1 ; i >= 0; i--) {
char c1 = num1.charAt(i);
char c2 = num2.charAt(i);
int tempSum = (c1 - 48) + (c2 - 48) + carry;
carry = tempSum / 10;
int sumDigit = tempSum % 10;
sum = (char) (sumDigit + 48) + sum;
if (carry == 1) {
sum = "1" + sum;
public Number (double n) {
Whole = " ";
Fraction = " ";
if (n >= 0) {
Sign = '+';
Sign = '-';
n = Math.abs(n);
String numString = new Double(n).toString();
int position = numString.indexOf(".");
public static String add(String as, String bs){
ArrayList<String> BigNum = new ArrayList<>();
int m = as.length()-1;
int n = bs.length()-1;
int min = m > n ? n : m ;
int max = 0;
String s;
if(n > m){
s = bs;
max = n;
}else{s = as ; max = m;}
Integer carry = 0;
int a = Integer.parseInt(Character.toString(as.charAt(m)));
int b = Integer.parseInt(Character.toString(bs.charAt(n)));
Integer c = a + b + carry;
if(c > 9){
carry = 1;
c %=10;
}else carry = 0;
n--; m--; min--; max--;
if ( min < 0 ) {
if(carry !=0 && max < 0 )
Integer c = carry;
while(max >= 0) {
c += Integer.parseInt(Character.toString(s.charAt(max)));
c = 0;
String s2 = "";
for (int i = BigNum.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) {
s2 +=BigNum.get(i);
return s2;
This is my first CS class ever, and I'm trying to learn everything the best that can. In this loop I am trying to find valid mastercard numbers using Luhn's formula. The program works, but it's been bugging me that my final for loop outputs 1 number over the correct value, unless I subtract 1 from z after the loop finishes iterating. For example: if the sum = 56 , then z would = 5 , when the correct answer would be 4. How can I fix this going forward?
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;
public class MCGenerator {
public static void main(String [] args) {
Scanner scnr = new Scanner(System.in);
Random rand = new Random();
System.out.print("How many Mastercard numbers would you like to generate? ");
int quantity = scnr.nextInt();
int x;
int use;
int range;
int appendI;
Long appendL;
String firstDigits;
String append;
String preliminary;
int y;
int c;
int sum;
int z;
int findDigit;
String lastNum;
String cardNumber;
System.out.println("\nHere you go, have fun: ");
for(x = 0; x < quantity; x++ ) {
use = rand.nextInt(2 - 1 + 1) +1;
if(use == 1) {
range = rand.nextInt(55 - 51 + 1) + 51;
else {
range = rand.nextInt(272099 - 222100 +1) + 222100;
if(range < 56) {
appendL = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextLong(1000000000000L, 10000000000000L);
append = String.valueOf(appendL);
else {
appendI = rand.nextInt(999999999 - 100000000 + 1) + 100000000;
append = String.valueOf(appendI);
firstDigits = String.valueOf(range);
preliminary = firstDigits + append;
for(y = 0, sum = 0; y < 15; y++ ) {
c = preliminary.charAt(y) - '0';
if(y % 2 == 0){
c *= 2;
if(c > 9) {
c -= 9;
sum += c;
for(z = 0, findDigit = sum; findDigit > 0; z++){
findDigit = sum + z;
findDigit %= 10;
z -= 1;
lastNum = String.valueOf(z);
cardNumber = preliminary + lastNum;
I need to add two very large numbers without using BigInteger. I am taking two string parameters but the below code only works with strings of equal length otherwise it throws IndexOutOfBoundsException. How can I fix that by adding big numbers irrespective of their length?
public static String add(String a, String b) {
int carry = 0;
String result = "";
for (int i = a.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
int digitA = a.charAt(i) - 48;
int digitB = b.charAt(i) - 48;
int resultingNumber = digitA + digitB + carry;
if (resultingNumber >= 10) {
result = (resultingNumber % 10) + result;
carry = 1;
} else {
result = resultingNumber + result;
carry = 0;
if (carry > 0) {
result = carry + result;
return result;
There is no need to pad any of the parameters with zeroes. Also, for better performance, don't use String + String.
Create a char[] for the result. Since the result can be 1 longer than the longest input, create it at that size.
Then iterate from end of input strings, setting each character in the result.
Then eliminate any leading zeroes, resulting from inputs not overflowing or from inputs having leading zeroes.
Finally, create a String from the char[] using the String(char[] value, int offset, int count) constructor.
Like this:
public static String add(String a, String b) {
int i = a.length();
int j = b.length();
int k = Math.max(i, j) + 1; // room for carryover
char[] c = new char[k];
for (int digit = 0; k > 0; digit /= 10) {
if (i > 0)
digit += a.charAt(--i) - '0';
if (j > 0)
digit += b.charAt(--j) - '0';
c[--k] = (char) ('0' + digit % 10);
for (k = 0; k < c.length - 1 && c[k] == '0'; k++) {/*Skip leading zeroes*/}
return new String(c, k, c.length - k);
public static void main(String[] args) {
test("1234", "2345"); // test equal-sized inputs, no carry-over
test("12345", "12345"); // test equal-sized inputs, with carry-over
test("54321", "54321"); // test equal-sized inputs, longer result
test("99999", "99999"); // test max result
test("5", "1234"); // test odd-sized inputs, no carry-over
test("5", "12345"); // test odd-sized inputs, with carry-over
test("1", "99999"); // test with a carry-over to longer result
test("001", "00002"); // test leading zeroes in input are eliminated
test("000", "00000"); // test leading zero removal leaves 1 zero
public static void test(String a, String b) {
// Test add is commutative, i.e. a+b = b+a
System.out.printf("%s + %s = %s = %s%n", a, b, add(a, b), add(b, a));
1234 + 2345 = 3579 = 3579
12345 + 12345 = 24690 = 24690
54321 + 54321 = 108642 = 108642
99999 + 99999 = 199998 = 199998
5 + 1234 = 1239 = 1239
5 + 12345 = 12350 = 12350
1 + 99999 = 100000 = 100000
001 + 00002 = 3 = 3
000 + 00000 = 0 = 0
You can prepend the shorter string with zeros to make it match the length of the other number:
private static String leftPad(String s, int length) {
if (s.length() >= length)
return s;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < length - s.length(); i++)
return sb.toString() + s;
public static String add(String originalA, String originalB) {
int maxLength = Math.max(originalA.length(), originalB.length());
String a = leftPad(originalA, maxLength);
String b = leftPad(originalB, maxLength);
... rest of your method
You can left pad with zeroes the strings like this:
int longestString = Math.max(a.length(), b.length());
a = String.format("%1$" + longestString + "s", a).replace(' ', '0');
b = String.format("%1$" + longestString + "s", b).replace(' ', '0');
This will add leadings spaces to fill the "gap" and then replace them with zeroes.
public class Mission09 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(add("1", "1333"));
public static String add(String a, String b) {
int carry = 0;
String result = "";
int longestString = Math.max(a.length(), b.length());
a = String.format("%1$" + longestString + "s", a).replace(' ', '0');
b = String.format("%1$" + longestString + "s", b).replace(' ', '0');
for (int i = a.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
int digitA = a.charAt(i) - 48;
int digitB = b.charAt(i) - 48;
int resultingNumber = digitA + digitB + carry;
if (resultingNumber >= 10) {
result = (resultingNumber % 10) + result;
carry = 1;
} else {
result = resultingNumber + result;
carry = 0;
if (carry > 0) {
result = carry + result;
return result;
System.out.println(add("1", "1333"));
System.out.println(add("12222", "1333"));
I'm trying to implement a luhn formula in my java servlet application. I tried other 'valid' credit cards numbers scattering in the internet and didn't work. I just want to know if I got it correctly. Any help would be appreaciate!
public static boolean luhn(String input){
char[] creditCard = input.toCharArray();
int checkSum = 0;
boolean alternate = false;
for (int i = creditCard.length - 1; i >= 0; i --){
int m = (int)Integer.parseInt(Character.toString(creditCard[i]));
if (alternate){
m *= 2;
if (m > 9){
m = (m & 10) + 1;
checkSum += m;
alternate = true;
if ( (checkSum % 10) == 0){
return true;
return false;
here the working code
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
boolean repeat;
List<Integer> digits = new ArrayList<Integer>();
do {
repeat = false;
System.out.print("Enter your Credit Card Number : ");
String input = in.next();
for (int i = 0; i < input.length(); i++) {
char c = input.charAt(i);
if (c < '0' || c > '9') {
repeat = true;
} else {
digits.add(Integer.valueOf(c - '0'));
} while (repeat);
int[] array = new int[digits.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
array[i] = Integer.valueOf(digits.get(i));
boolean valid = check(array);
System.out.println("Valid: " + valid);
to check for luhn algo
public static boolean check(int[] digits) {
int sum = 0;
int length = digits.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
// get digits in reverse order
int digit = digits[length - i - 1];
// every 2nd number multiply with 2
if (i % 2 == 1) {
digit *= 2;
sum += digit > 9 ? digit - 9 : digit;
return sum % 10 == 0;
or a more refracted program might be as below
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Luhn {
private static Scanner input;
public static void main(String... args) {
input = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Enter number to validate:\n");
String pnr = input.nextLine();
boolean result = luhn(pnr);
static boolean luhn(String pnr){
// this only works if you are certain all input will be at least 10 characters
int extraChars = pnr.length() - 10;
if (extraChars < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number length must be at least 10 characters!");
pnr = pnr.substring(extraChars, 10 + extraChars);
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < pnr.length(); i++){
char tmp = pnr.charAt(i);
int num = tmp - '0';
int product;
if (i % 2 != 0){
product = num * 1;
product = num * 2;
if (product > 9)
product -= 9;
sum+= product;
return (sum % 10 == 0);
private static void printMessage(boolean valid) {
if (valid){
I'm supposed to create a program where a user enters two numbers that could be negative or positive and could contain decimal places or not. Theoretically, when you add say "256.78 + 78.6783" it is supposed to carry the one like a normal addition problem and finish the operation.
I have figured out how to add numbers of any length only when they are positive which took me FOREVER, but when I add negative numbers or even subtract the number I don't get the correct result. This is supposed to work with any set of two numbers that a user enters.
Here is my code so far, any suggestions?
P.S. I'm NOT allowed to convert these numbers to int's or double's before the operation so Parsing them is out of the question.
public class Number {
static Scanner kbd = new Scanner (System.in);
private String sign;
private String whole;
private String decimal;
private String fraction;
private static double firstNumber;
private static double secondNumber;
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Please enter the first number: ");
firstNumber = kbd.nextDouble();
System.out.println("Next, enter the second number: ");
secondNumber = kbd.nextDouble();
Number x = new Number (firstNumber);
Number y = new Number (secondNumber);
Number sum = x.add(y);
System.out.println("x = " + x);
System.out.println("y = " + y);
System.out.println("x + y = " + sum);
Number subtract = x.subtract(y);
System.out.println("x - y = " + subtract);
public Number()
whole = "0";
decimal = "0";
sign = "+";
public String toString()
return sign + whole + "." + decimal;
public Number (double n)
whole = "0";
decimal = "0";
sign = "+";
String numString = new Double(n).toString();
if (numString.charAt(0) == '-') {
sign ="-";
numString = numString.substring(1);
int position = numString.indexOf(".");
if (position == -1)
whole = numString;
whole = numString.substring(0,position);
decimal = numString.substring(position+1);
fraction = "";
public Number add (Number RHS) {
this.fixWhole (RHS);
return this.addNum (RHS);
public Number subtract (Number RHS) {
return this.subtractNum (RHS);
private void fixWhole (Number RHS) {
int firstWholeNum = this.whole.length();
int secondWholeNum = RHS.whole.length();
int difference = firstWholeNum - secondWholeNum;
if (difference > 0) {
for (int i = 1; i <= difference; i++)
RHS.whole = "0" + RHS.whole;
else if (difference < 0 ) {
difference = Math.abs(difference);
for (int i = 1; i <= difference; i++)
this.whole = "0" + this.whole;
private void fixDecimal (Number RHS ) {
int firstDecimalNum = this.decimal.length();
int secondDecimalNum = RHS.decimal.length();
int difference = firstDecimalNum - secondDecimalNum;
if (difference > 0) {
for (int i = 1; i <= difference; i++)
RHS.decimal = RHS.decimal + "0";
else if (difference < 0 )
difference = Math.abs(difference);
for (int i = 1; i <= difference; i ++)
this.decimal = this.decimal + "0";
private Number addNum (Number RHS ) {
Number sum = new Number();
sum.decimal = "";
int carry = 0;
int decimalNum = this.decimal.length();
for (int i = decimalNum - 1; i >= 0; i --) {
char c1 = this.decimal.charAt(i);
char c2 = RHS.decimal.charAt(i);
int tempSum= (c1 - 48) + (c2 - 48) + carry;
carry = tempSum/ 10;
int sumDigit = tempSum % 10;
sum.decimal = (char) (sumDigit + 48) + sum.decimal;
sum.whole = "";
int wholeNum = this.whole.length();
for (int i = wholeNum - 1; i >= 0; i --) {
char c1 = this.whole.charAt(i);
char c2 = RHS.whole.charAt(i);
int tempSum = (c1 - 48) + (c2 - 48 ) + carry;
carry = tempSum / 10;
int sumDigit = tempSum % 10;
sum.whole = (char) (sumDigit + 48) + sum.whole;
if (carry != 0)
sum.whole = "1" + sum.whole;
return sum;
private Number subtractNum (Number RHS ) {
Number sum = new Number();
sum.decimal = "";
int carry = 0;
int decimalNum = this.decimal.length();
for (int i = decimalNum - 1; i >= 0; i --) {
char c1 = this.decimal.charAt(i);
char c2 = RHS.decimal.charAt(i);
int tempSum= (c1 - 48) - (c2 - 48) - carry;
carry = tempSum/ 10;
int sumDigit = tempSum % 10;
sum.decimal = (char) (sumDigit - 48) + sum.decimal;
sum.whole = "";
int wholeNum = this.whole.length();
for (int i = wholeNum - 1; i >= 0; i --) {
char c1 = this.whole.charAt(i);
char c2 = RHS.whole.charAt(i);
int tempSum = (c1 - 48) - (c2 - 48 ) + carry;
carry = tempSum / 10;
int sumDigit = tempSum % 10;
sum.whole = (char) (sumDigit + 48) + sum.whole;
if (carry != 0)
sum.whole = "1" + sum.whole;
return sum;
take both the numbers as strings and store the signs into the sign string into the corresponding Numbers objects and call your method like
System.out.println("Please enter the first number: ");
firstNumber = kbd.nextString();
System.out.println("Next, enter the second number: ");
secondNumber = kbd.nextString();
Number x = new Number (firstNumber.substring(1),firstNumber.charAt(0));
Number y = new Number (secondNumber.substring(1),secondNumber.charAt(0));
/*convert the firstNumber.substring(1) and secondNumber.substring(1) to doubles using Double.parseDouble()*/
public String doTheOperation(Number other){
/*simply the double values and put the sign*/ in front of it and return it
do the simple double subtraction and by looking at your code i believe you can find out the bigger double among them
I tried to check the validation of credit card using Luhn algorithm, which works as the following steps:
Double every second digit from right to left. If doubling of a digit results in a two-digit number, add up the two digits to get a single-digit number.
2 * 2 = 4
2 * 2 = 4
4 * 2 = 8
1 * 2 = 2
6 * 2 = 12 (1 + 2 = 3)
5 * 2 = 10 (1 + 0 = 1)
8 * 2 = 16 (1 + 6 = 7)
4 * 2 = 8
Now add all single-digit numbers from Step 1.
4 + 4 + 8 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 7 + 8 = 37
Add all digits in the odd places from right to left in the card number.
6 + 6 + 0 + 8 + 0 + 7 + 8 + 3 = 38
Sum the results from Step 2 and Step 3.
37 + 38 = 75
If the result from Step 4 is divisible by 10, the card number is valid; otherwise, it is invalid. For example, the number 4388576018402626 is invalid, but the number 4388576018410707 is valid.
Simply, my program always displays valid for everything that I input. Even if it's a valid number and the result of sumOfOddPlace and sumOfDoubleEvenPlace methods are equal to zero. Any help is appreciated.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class CreditCardValidation {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
int count = 0;
long array[] = new long [16];
count = 0;
array = new long [16];
System.out.print("Enter your Credit Card Number : ");
long number = in.nextLong();
for (int i = 0; number != 0; i++) {
array[i] = number % 10;
number = number / 10;
while(count < 13);
if ((array[count - 1] == 4) || (array[count - 1] == 5) || (array[count - 1] == 3 && array[count - 2] == 7)){
if (isValid(array) == true) {
System.out.println("\n The Credit Card Number is Valid. ");
} else {
System.out.println("\n The Credit Card Number is Invalid. ");
} else{
System.out.println("\n The Credit Card Number is Invalid. ");
public static boolean isValid(long[] array) {
int total = sumOfDoubleEvenPlace(array) + sumOfOddPlace(array);
if ((total % 10 == 0)) {
for (int i=0; i< array.length; i++){
return true;
} else {
for (int i=0; i< array.length; i++){
return false;
public static int getDigit(int number) {
if (number <= 9) {
return number;
} else {
int firstDigit = number % 10;
int secondDigit = (int) (number / 10);
return firstDigit + secondDigit;
public static int sumOfOddPlace(long[] array) {
int result = 0;
for (int i=0; i< array.length; i++)
while (array[i] > 0) {
result += (int) (array[i] % 10);
array[i] = array[i] / 100;
System.out.println("\n The sum of odd place is " + result);
return result;
public static int sumOfDoubleEvenPlace(long[] array) {
int result = 0;
long temp = 0;
for (int i=0; i< array.length; i++){
while (array[i] > 0) {
temp = array[i] % 100;
result += getDigit((int) (temp / 10) * 2);
array[i] = array[i] / 100;
System.out.println("\n The sum of double even place is " + result);
return result;
You can freely import the following code:
public class Luhn
public static boolean Check(String ccNumber)
int sum = 0;
boolean alternate = false;
for (int i = ccNumber.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
int n = Integer.parseInt(ccNumber.substring(i, i + 1));
if (alternate)
n *= 2;
if (n > 9)
n = (n % 10) + 1;
sum += n;
alternate = !alternate;
return (sum % 10 == 0);
Link reference: https://github.com/jduke32/gnuc-credit-card-checker/blob/master/CCCheckerPro/src/com/gnuc/java/ccc/Luhn.java
Google and Wikipedia are your friends. Instead of long-array I would use int-array. On Wikipedia following java code is published (together with detailed explanation of Luhn algorithm):
public static boolean check(int[] digits) {
int sum = 0;
int length = digits.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
// get digits in reverse order
int digit = digits[length - i - 1];
// every 2nd number multiply with 2
if (i % 2 == 1) {
digit *= 2;
sum += digit > 9 ? digit - 9 : digit;
return sum % 10 == 0;
You should work on your input processing code. I suggest you to study following solution:
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
boolean repeat;
List<Integer> digits = new ArrayList<Integer>();
do {
repeat = false;
System.out.print("Enter your Credit Card Number : ");
String input = in.next();
for (int i = 0; i < input.length(); i++) {
char c = input.charAt(i);
if (c < '0' || c > '9') {
repeat = true;
} else {
digits.add(Integer.valueOf(c - '0'));
} while (repeat);
int[] array = new int[digits.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
array[i] = Integer.valueOf(digits.get(i));
boolean valid = check(array);
System.out.println("Valid: " + valid);
I took a stab at this with Java 8:
public static boolean luhn(String cc) {
final boolean[] dbl = {false};
return cc
.map(c -> Character.digit((char) c, 10))
.map(i -> ((dbl[0] = !dbl[0])) ? (((i*2)>9) ? (i*2)-9 : i*2) : i)
.sum() % 10 == 0;
Add the line
.replaceAll("\\s+", "")
If you want to handle whitespace.
Seems to produce identical results to
return LuhnCheckDigit.LUHN_CHECK_DIGIT.isValid(cc);
From Apache's commons-validator.
There are two ways to split up your int into List<Integer>
Use %10 as you are using and store it into a List
Convert to a String and then take the numeric values
Here are a couple of quick examples
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
final int num = 12345;
final List<Integer> nums1 = splitInt(num);
final List<Integer> nums2 = splitString(num);
private static List<Integer> splitInt(int num) {
final List<Integer> ints = new ArrayList<>();
while (num > 0) {
ints.add(0, num % 10);
num /= 10;
return ints;
private static List<Integer> splitString(int num) {
final List<Integer> ints = new ArrayList<>();
for (final char c : Integer.toString(num).toCharArray()) {
return ints;
I'll use 5 digit card numbers for simplicity. Let's say your card number is 12345; if I read the code correctly, you store in array the individual digits:
array[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
Since you already have the digits, in sumOfOddPlace you should do something like
public static int sumOfOddPlace(long[] array) {
int result = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < array.length; i += 2) {
result += array[i];
return result;
And in sumOfDoubleEvenPlace:
public static int sumOfDoubleEvenPlace(long[] array) {
int result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i += 2) {
result += getDigit(2 * array[i]);
return result;
this is the luhn algorithm implementation which I use for only 16 digit Credit Card Number
char[] c = ccnum.toCharArray();
int[] cint = new int[16];
for(int i=0;i<16;i++){
cint[i] = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(c[i]))*2;
if(cint[i] >9)
cint[i] = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(c[i]));
int sum=0;
for(int i=0;i<16;i++){
result.setText("Card is Valid");
result.setText("Card is Invalid");
result.setText("Card is Invalid");
If you want to make it use on any number replace all 16 with your input number length.
It will work for Visa number given in the question.(I tested it)
Here's my implementation of the Luhn Formula.
* Runs the Luhn Equation on a user inputed CCN, which in turn
* determines if it is a valid card number.
* #param c A user inputed CCN.
* #param cn The check number for the card.
* #return If the card is valid based on the Luhn Equation.
public boolean luhn (String c, char cn)
String card = c;
String checkString = "" + cn;
int check = Integer.valueOf(checkString);
//Drop the last digit.
card = card.substring(0, ( card.length() - 1 ) );
//Reverse the digits.
String cardrev = new StringBuilder(card).reverse().toString();
//Store it in an int array.
char[] cardArray = cardrev.toCharArray();
int[] cardWorking = new int[cardArray.length];
int addedNumbers = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < cardArray.length; i++)
cardWorking[i] = Character.getNumericValue( cardArray[i] );
//Double odd positioned digits (which are really even in our case, since index starts at 0).
for (int j = 0; j < cardWorking.length; j++)
if ( (j % 2) == 0)
cardWorking[j] = cardWorking[j] * 2;
//Subtract 9 from digits larger than 9.
for (int k = 0; k < cardWorking.length; k++)
if (cardWorking[k] > 9)
cardWorking[k] = cardWorking[k] - 9;
//Add all the numbers together.
for (int l = 0; l < cardWorking.length; l++)
addedNumbers += cardWorking[l];
//Finally, check if the number we got from adding all the other numbers
//when divided by ten has a remainder equal to the check number.
if (addedNumbers % 10 == check)
return true;
return false;
I pass in the card as c which I get from a Scanner and store in card, and for cn I pass in checkNumber = card.charAt( (card.length() - 1) );.
Okay, this can be solved with a type conversions to string and some Java 8
stuff. Don't forget numbers and the characters representing numbers are not the same. '1' != 1
public static int[] longToIntArray(long cardNumber){
return Long.toString(cardNumber).chars()
.map(x -> x - '0') //converts char to int
.toArray(); //converts to int array
You can now use this method to perform the luhn algorithm:
public static int luhnCardValidator(int cardNumbers[]) {
int sum = 0, nxtDigit;
for (int i = 0; i<cardNumbers.length; i++) {
if (i % 2 == 0)
nxtDigit = (nxtDigit > 4) ? (nxtDigit * 2 - 10) + 1 : nxtDigit * 2;
sum += nxtDigit;
return (sum % 10);
private static int luhnAlgorithm(String number){
int n=0;
for(int i = 0; i<number.length(); i++){
int x = Integer.parseInt(""+number.charAt(i));
n += (x*Math.pow(2, i%2))%10;
if (x>=5 && i%2==1) n++;
return n%10;
public class Creditcard {
public static void main(String args[]){
Scanner sc=new Scanner(System.in);
String cardno = sc.nextLine();
if(checkType(cardno).equals("U")) //checking for unknown type
checkValid(cardno); //validation
private static String checkType(String S)
int AM=Integer.parseInt(S.substring(0,2));
int D=Integer.parseInt(S.substring(0,4)),d=0;
for(int i=S.length()-1;i>=0;i--)
if(S.charAt(i)==' ')
if((AM==34 || AM==37) && d==15)
else if(D==6011 && d==16)
else if(AM>=51 && AM<=55 && d==16)
else if(((S.charAt(0)-'0')==4)&&(d==13 || d==16))
return "U";
return "";
private static void checkValid(String S) // S--> cardno
int i,d=0,sum=0,card[]=new int[S.length()];
if(S.charAt(i)==' ')
public static int digSum(int n)
int sum=0;
return sum;
Here is the implementation of Luhn algorithm.
public class LuhnAlgorithm {
* Returns true if given card number is valid
* #param cardNum Card number
* #return true if card number is valid else false
private static boolean checkLuhn(String cardNum) {
int cardlength = cardNum.length();
int evenSum = 0, oddSum = 0, sum;
for (int i = cardlength - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
int digit = Character.getNumericValue(cardNum.charAt(i));
if (i % 2 == 0) {
int multiplyByTwo = digit * 2;
if (multiplyByTwo > 9) {
/* Add two digits to handle cases that make two digits after doubling */
String mul = String.valueOf(multiplyByTwo);
multiplyByTwo = Character.getNumericValue(mul.charAt(0)) + Character.getNumericValue(mul.charAt(1));
evenSum += multiplyByTwo;
} else {
oddSum += digit;
sum = evenSum + oddSum;
if (sum % 10 == 0) {
System.out.println("valid card");
return true;
} else {
System.out.println("invalid card");
return false;
public static void main(String[] args) {
String cardNum = "4071690065031703";
public class LuhnAlgorithm {
* Returns true if given card number is valid
* #param cardNum Card number
* #return true if card number is valid else false
private static boolean checkLuhn(String cardNum) {
int cardlength = cardNum.length();
int evenSum = 0, oddSum = 0, sum;
for (int i = cardlength - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
int digit = Character.getNumericValue(cardNum.charAt(i));
if (i % 2 == 0) {
int multiplyByTwo = digit * 2;
if (multiplyByTwo > 9) {
/* Add two digits to handle cases that make two digits after doubling */
String mul = String.valueOf(multiplyByTwo);
multiplyByTwo = Character.getNumericValue(mul.charAt(0)) + Character.getNumericValue(mul.charAt(1));
evenSum += multiplyByTwo;
} else {
oddSum += digit;
sum = evenSum + oddSum;
if (sum % 10 == 0) {
System.out.println("valid card");
return true;
} else {
System.out.println("invalid card");
return false;
public static void main(String[] args) {
String cardNum = "8112189875";
Hope it may works.
const options = {
method: 'GET',
headers: {Accept: 'application/json', 'X-Api-Key': '[APIkey]'}
fetch('https://api.epaytools.com/Tools/luhn?number=[CardNumber]&metaData=true', options)
.then(response => response.json())
.then(response => console.log(response))
.catch(err => console.error(err));