I'm absolutely newbie in Pentaho and I tried to install this tool.
My problem was when configure the data source. When connect and set the parameters to the DB, connect good and charge all the tables. After, when configure in step 3 the joins for the tables I don't get the columns for this.
In the line command appear the next message when select the tables:
Couldn't close query: resulset or prepared statements You have an
error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your
MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'OPTION
The installation was in Windows 7 x86 with MySQL 5.6, Java JDK 1.7 and Pentaho 5.1
The connect to MySQL was with ODBC 5.3
Thanks'you all!! :D
You can solve it by adding ANSI_QUOTES to sql_mode in MySQL. Also, use the newest JDBC/ODBC.
Try "SHOW VARIABLES" in mysql console (or workbench) to be sure that ANSI_QUOTES is avalaible.
Upgrading the driver in PENTAHO\biserver-ce\tomcat\lib worked for me. They had the 5.1.17 version and the current one is 5.1.34 at the momento of this answer is written.
You may download it from the Oracle web page.
I try to connect my Springboot application to my local MSSQL Server with hibernate. For now I've set up a local ms sql server. I couldn't establish a connection to my database using IntelliJ CE and the JPA buddy.
On the net I found a guide that used IntelliJ UE. I installed the 30 day trial and with the ultimate version I could establish a connection with the database (using View->Tool Windows->Database, SSL is not enabled).
Even though the URL is kinda messy with "...server://./db". If I replace the '//./' with '//localhost/' it does not work anymore.
Now, I soon won't have access to the ultimate version anymore. So, my question is: How do I get the same behaviour with the JPA buddy and IntelliJ Community Edition?
I guess that it is related to the selected driver 'MS SQL Server ->LocalDB<-'.
When I use the following JPA settings, it does not work in the community version (it doesnt matter if I use the 'jtds' driver or not):
In both cases I get "Error during login for the user 'dbuser'". (The server is local and I don't have SSL enabled, therefore the ';encrypt=false')
I also tried to use the application.properties with the following content:
But this didn't work either.
Any help is appreciated.
I want to connect to an old Oracle9i Release database with SQLDeveloper 21.4.3 and I followed this answer How to change default JDBC driver of Oracle SQL Developer?.
The difference is just the versions of SQLDeveloper (21 instead of 20) and Oracle Instant Client (21.3 instead of In my case both are the latest ones.
My OS is also Windows 10, 64bit.
Testing the client and connection as described are successful. But when actually connecting to the database SQLDeveloper hangs and can only be closed by TaskManager.
I tried both connection types: simple and with user defined URL jdbc:oracle:thin:# This URL works in other applications like SQL Workbench/J using oracle driver ojdbc14_g.jar.
I also tried to set this jar file in SQLDeveloper preferences as external jdbc driver. But I guess here only non oracle drivers like postgreSQL make sense, but don't know. It doesn't make a difference anyway.
Thanks for any suggestion!
You cannot connect an Oracle Client version 21 to an (more than 20 years old) Oracle 9i database. See Client / Server Interoperability Support Matrix for Different Oracle Versions
Maybe ask Oracle support to get an older version of SQL Developer.
Oracle provided me a link for older
Instant Client Versions.
Version 11.2 works fine with SQLDeveloper 20.2.
SQLDeveloper 21 only supports client versions 19 and higher.
I want my java program to handle Oracle SQL queries. For that, I have written the following code.
on running this code it shows the following errors.
I don't know how to connect my Eclipse IDE with the Oracle. How could I connect my Eclipse IDE to the Oracle and how to get rid of these errors? And I don't want to connect to any online oracle servers, I googled and get suggestions for connecting to online servers.
How could I connect my Oracle 11g with my Eclipse Kepler in Windows 8?
Please check below :
Driver version and DB version should be same.
Try login with sqlplus or some clients like Toad, SQL developer.
The number of connections allowed may exceeded, result in TNS listener error, that you may got minus one from read call error in stacktrace. If connections are exceeded kill inactive connections.
Try establishing connection like below
Above exception your are getting when operating system has some internal environment problem.
I have got same problem with type 4 driver. But type 1 driver not giving this exception. So start using the type 1 oracle driver.
You can check the sid port in tnsnames.ora file which is in below location.
Im running an old ETL program wrote in Java. that program worked ok when I stored data results into Mysql 5.1 using JDBC connector. But when I tried to store data in Mysql 5.6 I'm receiving the following error:
You have an error in your SQL Syntax: check the manual that corresponds
to your mysql server version for the right syntax use near
'maxValue = maxValue + 10 WHERE primaryKeyName = 'run_Id'' at line 1."
I checked mysql website and maxValue is a reserved word in version 5.6. and in version 5.1 (link: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/keywords.html ) so it seems not a direct problem based on maxValue name in different mysql version.
I cannot understand why I'm receiving this error, additionally based on the fact that its a compiled program I don't have many code files to modify.
based on #wchiquito input i checked and in 5.1 is key but not reserved. anyone knows a turn around to surpass reserved words with legacy software?.
Using jtds 1.2.5 I have this error when I stablish a connection: "No message resource found for message property prop.sokeepalive"
At first, I was using 1.2.2 version but I have this error message. "Error getting jdbc connection: The USE database statement failed because the database collation Serbian_Latin_100_CI_AS is not recognized by older client drivers. Try upgrading the client operating system or applying a service update to the database client software, or use a different collation. See SQL Server Books Online for more information on changing collations."
As solution, I tried to use 1.2.5 version getting the error mentioned at the beggining.
I was looking for hints in jtds documentation, but I can not resolve the problem.
any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
Try running client JVM with -Duser.language=en -Duser.region=US -Duser.country=US options.
This would switch to everywhere-supported US locale.
Maybe this easy solution would be acceptable in your case.
At least, this would reveal if the problem is in lack of i18n messages resource bundle for current locale in jtds package, as I guess.
Try to just copy jtds.jar/net/sourceforge/jtds/jdbc/Messages.properties and add it to classpath or right inside jtds.jar as net/sourceforge/jtds/jdbc/Messages_sr_RS.properties.
Some explaining links:
Message bundle choosing process
net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Messages source
Update 2
Message bundle choosing process should switch to default provided resource anyway.
My second guess is that Messages.properties of jtds package gets eclipsed by some unrelated file with the same name.
Check your classpath.
You should be able to debug net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Messages in order to find what's happening on for sure.
I have tried other jtds versions. from 1.2.2 yo 1.3.1 (recompiled to java 1.6) and all of them has the same error.
"Error getting jdbc connection: The USE database statement failed because the database collation Serbian_Latin_100_CI_AS is not recognized by older client drivers. Try upgrading the client operating system or applying a service update to the database client software, or use a different collation. See SQL Server Books Online for more information on changing collations."
Perhaps jdts does not support this collation.