Why this for statement shows Dead code in Java? - java

In this class, I defined a constructor that initializes an array and fill it with Point2D.Double. I want to define a toString method that outputs the Point2D.Double in the array. So inside the toString method, I make a for loop that returns every Point2D.Double in the array. The problem is, I don't know why Eclipse tells me that the update in the for statement is dead code.
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
public class SimplePolygon {
public int n; // number of vertices of the polygon
public Point2D.Double[] vertices; // vertices[0..n-1] around the polygon
// boundary
public SimplePolygon(int size) {
n = size;
vertices = new Point2D.Double[n]; // creates array with n size. Elements are doubles.
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
Point2D.Double point = new Point2D.Double(Math.random() * 6, Math.random() * 6);
vertices[i] = point;
public String toString() {
for(int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
return "" + vertices[i];
return "";

I too was puzzled by this. (And the other answers!) So I cut-and-pasted it into Eclipse to see what it actually says.
And what Eclipse is actually says is that i++ is unreachable in this line.
for(int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
And in fact, that is correct! If you ever enter the loop body, the body will unconditionally return. Hence the i++ can never be executed.
Note also that this is a warning not an error. This code is not invalid according to the JLS rules about unreachability.
You are right to be puzzled by the other explanations. The final return statement is reachable. Consider the case where the class is instantiated with a negative value for n (or size). In that case, the for loop body will never be executed, and control will go to the final return.
However, their suggestions as to how to fix the problem are correct. You should not have a return in the loop body.

The problem is because of the return statement in the for loop. Remember, whenever you use return, you immediately end the method and stop running any code. That means that your toString method will loop exactly only once, returning only vertices[0]. The second return below the loop never has a chance to execute, so is considered dead code.
This is actually incorrect! See Stephan's answer for a better/accurate explanation of what's going on.
Regardless, you still need to fix your code. Instead of returning something inside the loop, you probably want to combine the values and return them all at once at the very end. An easy way to do this might be:
public String toString() {
String output = "";
for(int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
output += vertices[i] + " ";
return output;
Now, instead of returning immediately, we're accumulating values in the loop and returning at the very end.
(Note that the code here isn't very efficient -- you'd probably want to use something like String.join or StringBuilder instead, but if you're a beginner, this works for now)


Variable in for loop is giving a message that "The value of the local variable i is not used"

I wrote a for loop that is supposed to determine if there is user input. If there is, it sets the 6 elements of int[] valueArr to the input, a vararg int[] statValue. If there is no input, it sets all elements equal to -1.
if (statValue.length == 6) {
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
valueArr[i] = statValue[i];
} else {
for (int i : valueArr) {
i = -1;
I am using Visual Studio Code, and it is giving me a message in for (int i : valueArr) :
"The value of the local variable i is not used."
That particular for loop syntax is still new to me, so I may be very well blind, but it was working in another file:
for(int i : rollResults) {
sum = sum + i;
I feel that I should also mention that the for loop giving me trouble is in a private void method. I'm still fairly new and just recently started using private methods. I noticed the method would give the same message when not used elsewhere, but I do not see why it would appear here.
I tried closing and reopening Visual Studio Code, deleting and retyping the code, and other forms of that. In my short experience, I've had times where I received errors and messages that should not be there and fixed them with what I mentioned, but none of that worked here.
for (int i : valueArr) {
.... CODE HERE ...
This sets up a loop which will run CODE HERE a certain number of times. Inside this loop, at the start of every loop, an entirely new variable is created named i, containing one of the values in valueArr. Once the loop ends this variable is destroyed. Notably, i is not directly the value in valueArr - modifying it does nothing - other than affect this one loop if you use i later in within the block. It does not modify the contents of valueArr.
Hence why you get the warning: i = -1 does nothing - you change what i is, and then the loop ends, which means i goes away and your code hasn't changed anything or done anything, which surely you didn't intend. Hence, warning.
It's not entirely clear what you want to do here. If you intend to set all values in valueArr to -1, you want:
for (int i = 0; i < valueArr.length; i++) valueArr[i] = -1;
Or, actually, you can do that more simply:
Arrays.fill(valueArr, -1);
valueArr[i] = -1 changes the value of the i-th value in the valueArr array to -1. for (int i : valueArr) i = -1; does nothing.

Java recursion class variable value is reset to 0

I was trying to implement the coin change problem using recursion. I have written the following code and am facing a problem with the static class variable. 'answer' is a class variable and i am trying to add the return value to it in the loop. This works fine within the while loop but after the while loop ends the answer is reset to 0;
while (i * currentCoin <= sum) {
System.out.println("inside while; answer is " + answer);
answer = answer
+ findCombinations(
sum - i * currentCoin,
new ArrayList<Integer>(denominations.subList(1,
Below is all the code that I have written. You can copy and run it to check.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
public class CoinChangeHashMap {
static int answer = 0;
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] array = new int[] { 7, 3, 2 };
ArrayList<Integer> input = new ArrayList<Integer>();
getList(array, input);
findCombinations(12, input);
private static void getList(int[] array, ArrayList<Integer> input) {
for (int i : array) {
public static int findCombinations(int sum, ArrayList<Integer> denominations) {
if (denominations.size() == 1) {
if (sum % denominations.get(0) == 0) {
return 1;
return 0;
int i = 0;
int currentCoin = denominations.get(0);
while (i * currentCoin <= sum) {
System.out.println("inside while; answer is " + answer);
answer = answer
+ findCombinations(
sum - i * currentCoin,
new ArrayList<Integer>(denominations.subList(1,
return 0;
**The output that I get is 0. but the expected output is 4. While debugging the output that I got is **
inside while; answer is 0
inside while; answer is 0
inside while; answer is 1
inside while; answer is 1
inside while; answer is 2
inside while; answer is 2
inside while; answer is 0
inside while; answer is 0
inside while; answer is 0
Any Help is appreciated.
The problem is related to your odd code structure, in which you convey the outcome of your recursive call sometimes by modifying static variable answer, and sometimes via the method's return value.
If you analyzed the problem more closely, you would discover that it is not upon exit from the loop that the partial results are lost, but rather some time after return from the method. Therefore, consider carefully the way you update the answer:
answer = answer + findCombinations( /* ... */ );
At the top-most level of your recursion, answer is initially 0. When Java evaluates the above expression, it evaluates first the left operand and then the right operand, then it adds them. That is, it evaluates answer, getting the result 0, before it performs the recursive call. The value of answer may be updated in the course of the recursive call, but those changes come too late. Only the bottom-most level of the recursion ever returns a value different from zero, so if the recursive call itself recurses at least one level deeper then it will return zero. In that case, the sum is computed as 0 + 0, and assigned to answer, clobbering any update the method performed.
You could resolve the problem by swapping the order of the operands in your sum, but it would be better, and not much harder, to get rid of the static variable altogether. Use a local variable within the method to accumulate results, and in all cases convey the total back to the caller via the method's return value.

Working of Return statement in a method in Java

I am trying to understand the working of return statement in JAVA.
My doubt is if inside a method with a Non void return type, I have a decision block which also has a return statement of its own, Still I have to return some value .
For understanding here is a sample code I have written :-
public int bunnyEars(int bunnies) {
//int count=0;
if (bunnies >=1) {
count = count + 2;
bunnyEars(bunnies -1);
return count1;
return count2 ;
In the mentioned code I just want to return the no. of bunnies which I am being able to do from inside the bunnyEars method count1. But still JAVA wont allow to have a non-void method without a return type which is totally understood and I have to add count2 return also. Now I am suspecting that I am having a conceptual understanding failure here. Kindly let me know if I am missing something? Kindly let me know If I am missing some more info here.
[Edited] Full code:
public class Test5 {
//public int ears=1;
public int count=0;
public int bunnyEars(int bunnies) {
//int count=0;
if (bunnies >=1) {
count = count + 2;
bunnyEars(bunnies -1);
return count;
return count ;
public static void main(String args[]){
Test5 test5= new Test5();
Yes you need to return count2 which should be zero. Which means if there are no bunnies then there are no ears. So which returning you should be returning some value irrespective of the conditional block.
So in this case
return count1;
represents the number of ears if the bunnies are represent, while
return count2;
represents the number of ears when there are no bunnies, which should be 0.
I hope that gives you some clarification
I think your conceptual misunderstanding lies with understanding the flow of the program.
Supposed you were to use this method by calling:
Then, once you enter the method, the first thing the program does is check if 3 >= 1. Since this is true, you proceed into the code inside the {..} (called a 'block'). Inside this block, you increment count by 2. I am assuming count is defined elsewhere in the class, but suppose the current value for count is 10. Then, the new value of count will be 12.
After this, the program executes the line:
bunnyEars(bunnies - 1)
Which translates to:
Now, basically, you are calling the same method again, but passing in 1 instead of 2.
Once again, the program checks to see that 1 >= 1, which is true. So it goes into the
if-block which, again, increments count by 2. So now, count = 14. Then it calls the
same method again but this time passing in 0.
Since 0 >= 1 evaluates to false, you the program skips the if-block and continues
execution after the block. So know, you are in the method bunnyEars(), but you have
completely skipped over your "return" statement. But, alas, bunnyEars MUST return an int.
So this is why you must have a return after the block. In your case, bunnyEars(0) returns count2 and the program-execution returns to where you called bunnyEars(0).
Read up on recursive calls. The basic idea of a recursive method is that, inside the recursive method, you must have some case that terminates the recursion (otherwise you will loop forever).
For example, the following code will go on forever:
public int sum(int in)
return in + sum(in - 1);
This will keep going on forever, because sum(1) will call sum(0) which calls sum(-1).
So, I must have a condition that terminates the recursion:
public int sum(int in)
if(in == 0) return 0;
return in + sum(in - 1);
Now, I have a terminating-case. So if I call sum(1), it will call sum(0) which returns 0. So my result is 1 + 0 = 1.
sum(2) = 2 + sum(1) = 2 + 1 + sum(0) = 2 + 1 + 0
sum(3) = 3 + sum(2) = 3 + 2 + sum(1) = 3 + 2 + 1 + sum(0) = 3 + 2 + 1 + 0 = 6
Hope this helps!
So as I understand it, your question is why you still need to return count2 if you return count1. The answer is basically 'what happens if you don't enter the if block?'. In that case, without return count2, you wouldn't have a return value, which is what Java is complaining about. If you really don't want two return statements, you could probably do something like:
public int bunnyEars(int bunnies) {
int count=0;
if (bunnies >=1) {
count = count + 2;
bunnyEars(bunnies -1);
return count ;
On a side note, this and the code you posted in your question won't work for regression purposes, but the one in your comment does, and there it looks like you have a static variable for count, in which case you could set the return type to void and just print count.

Changing recursive method to iterative

i have recrusive function which works fine. The problem is it gives stackoverflow error when the number of lines are huge. I want to put it in iterative, probably using a for loop. Need some help in doing it.
private TreeSet validate(int curLine, TreeSet errorSet) {
int increment = 0;
int nextLine = 0;
if (curLine == lines.length || errorSet.size() != 0) {
return errorSet;
} else {
String line = lines[curLine];
//validation starts. After validation, line is incremented as per the requirements
increment = 1 //As per requirement. Depends on validation results of the line
if (increment > 0) {
}catch(Exception ex){
nextLine = (curLine + increment);
validate(nextLine, errorSet);
return errorSet;
Poster's description of the method:
The method does validates textlines, these lines has instructions of how much line has to be skipped, if the line is valid. So, if the line is valid that many of lines will be skipped using the increment. if the line is not valid increment will be 0.
I'm not sure why this was ever recursive in the first place. This is perfectly suited for the use of a FOR loop. use something like so:
private TreeSet validate(int curLine, TreeSet errorSet) {
int increment = 0;
if (errorSet.size() != 0)
return errorSet;
for (int curLine = 0; curLine < lines.Length; curLine += increment)
// put your processing logic in here
// set the proper increment here.
If the increment is always going to be 1, then you can just use curr++ instead of curLine += increment
for(String line : lines) {
// validate line here
if(!errorSet.isEmpty()) {
The solution for your problem could be simple for loop or while, with logical expression for stop condition. Typically we use for loop when we have to pass through all elements of Iterable or array. In case when we are not aware how many loops we are going to do we use a while loop. Advantage of for loop over while, is that we for free have localized variables so we ca not use them out side of the loop, therefore we reduce possibility to have some bug.
You problem is that you have to break the program on two conditions:
When errorSet is not empty.
When the array of lines have no longer items.
As contradiction, we can say that your program should continue:
Until errorSet is empty,
and until line number is smaller than array size where they are stored.
This provide us to simply expression
lineNumber < lines.length()
We can combine them using logical operator && and use as a stop rule in for loop.
for(int lineNumber= 0; errorSet.isEmpty() && lineNumber< lines.length(); lineNumber++) {
//code to operate
Typically for logical expression is used operator &&, that assure that every part of the logical expression is evaluated. An alternative for this is &, that in case of false do not operate longer and return false. We could be tempted to use this operator for this expression but i would be bad idea. Because when we would traversed all lines without error code will generate IndexOutOfBoundException, if we switch the places then we would not have any optimization as first expression would be evaluated same number of times.

Java: perform for statement until given variable has reached a certain value?

I want to have a for statement that repeats until a given int reaches a certain value.
For example...
for (int variable = 0; variable < other_variable; variable++) {
The problem with this is that the for statement will never end. It will continue to repeat endlessly. What have I done wrong?
This is my code...
boolean itemexist_check = false;
do {
int i2 = m_area.m_items.size();
for (int i = 0; i < i2; i++) {
String s2 = m_area.m_items.get(i).returnName();
if (s2.contains(s)) {
System.out.println("You take the " + s2 + ".");
itemexist_check = true;
else {
//do nothing, repeat loop
while (itemexist_check == false);
In this code, m_area.m_items.size() would return 1, so i2 would be 1.
There are several possibilities:
you change variable inside the body of the loop;
you change other_variable inside the body of the loop;
other_variable is set to a large value, in which case the loop might take a long time to terminate;
your code never completes a certain iteration of the loop, for example:
it's getting stuck inside a nested loop as suggested by #Eng.Fouad in the comments, or
it's waiting for a lock, or
it's blocking inside an I/O call that never completes (or takes a long time to complete) etc.
Without knowing the typical value of other_variable and seeing the body of the loop it's anyone's guess.
On a side note,
String s2 = m_area.m_items.get(i).returnName();
is going to cause an exception if invoked in a subsequent or later repetition after
is invoked, because every time m_area.m_items.remove(i) is invoked, the list/array loses an item and its size reduces, which is never reflected in the iteration boundary check.
Surely it is the do/while loop that isn't terminating? That for loop cannot possibly run forever.
You should try a
do {
}while(condition is true)
loop. However that said, you have to implement checks assuming that there will be runaway data or conditions resulting in an infinite loop. Just my 2 cents

