The java backend code to the xml code - java

I have a basic android application that has several pages accessible from the home page, anyways I change the layout by doing
public void main(View view) {
and changing the layout to the main game page. Now I want to add characters to it and so I added protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
Paint green = new Paint();
Rect theRect = new Rect();
canvas.drawRect(theRect, green);
but I only want to call it for the "main" or the scene/layout that the game is played in. It appears to not be called at all and that may be due to the fact that I do not completely understand the relationship between the xml and multiple java files and functions. I'm new to android so this may be a stupid question, I just couldn't find anything with multiple web searches, with no luck.

You can add your game view into activity class:
Class GameView extends View/SurfaceView
//-- contains onDraw() method
To add this game view into your activity, you have to do
get reference of layout in whioch you want to add this gameview.
eg: LinearLayout layout=(LinearLayout) findViewById(;
Add GameView into this layout
eg: layout.addView(new GameView());
For more detail, you can get reference from
Hope this helps you


Drawing a shape?

I have tried to draw a shape for a long time without an answer. I used setContentView(view) for that view. However, I have another setContentView:
setContentView(R.layout.activity_main);//Buttons, Views from XML...
setContentView( mCustomDrawableView);//Custom Shape
Problem is, it only shows ONE view, the shape. The Buttons defined on XML are gone. Basically whichever setContentView(view) is called last is the only View who is drawed. I've also tried many other ways to draw the shape without an answer that works.
I have seen that multiple setContentView do overlap each other, but this is the only way that partially works. Any way to display both Views or another way to draw a shape and my XML Views?
My shape is made in java, not XML
Here is my customShape Class:
public class CustomDrawableView extends View {
private ShapeDrawable mDrawable;
public CustomDrawableView(Context context) {
int x = 10;
int y = 10;
mDrawable = new ShapeDrawable(new RectShape());
// If the color isn't set, the shape uses black as the default.
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
OK ... setContentView is something which takes a layout/view/whatever and the input defines the contents of the activity/fragment your are setting it to.
So of course your first call does the whole layout, and the second wipes that and sets the content to what you're sending to it.
The thing is to have your view and then add it to a layout. If you have any view in your initial setContentView xml named (+id) and defined (Layout x = getfromid( you can then add your view to that layout with x.addview(myview) or x.addview(CustomDrawableView(context)).
-edit for clarification-
An Activity/Fragment has a Layout which you set using setContentView. You do this once, normally. A Layout defines where Views are placed.
So, you setContentView(your.xml) in onCreate. If you have a programmatic View class, you can then do two things: add new YourView to a named and specified layout in your act/frag (using any layout defined in xml, passed to your frag/act in the xml passed in setContentView and then defined by Layout x = findViewById( 'android:id="#+id/x") in code.
Then you can x.addview(new MyView(context)) or Myview z = new MyView(context) and x.addView(z);
When you get better, you can also just add your custom View to the original layout by adding it to the original xml definition.
Sigh. OK. Here it is:
In your activities java file:
RelativeLayout myRellayout;
public void onCreate(){
myRelLayout = findViewByID(;
myRelLayout.addView(new MyCustomView(this));
//or define your custom view and the add it by:
//MyCustomView mcv = new MyCustomView(this);
And your xml should contain any layout like this:

imageButton in RecyclerView not displaying

I've been a lurker on your forums for some time now, and they have helped me enormously on a variety of issues I've had, so thanks! :D
I'm trying to create my first app for android and it's a card game named shithead that my friends and I used to play often.
I've decided to use a RecyclerView to display your hand. I need to be able to dynamically add buttons (with card images) to the display at runtime. From what I can tell, I need an adapter for this.
Using the handy guide at "https://" and attempting to modify it for my own purposes I've come very close to a test run of making this work. When I run the program on an emulator in Android Studio, it gives me the following display:
images displayed as grey rectangles
I feel like I've got to be really close, and I'm simply missing some crucial syntax for working with android or android studio.
In my Card object I build a String idText that correlates to the card images I have saved in my project's mipmap-hdpi, mipmap-xhdpi etc. folders (mipmap-hdpi shown below)
mipmap-hdpi folder in Android Studio
public Card(int suitInput, int rankInput)
suit = suitInput;
rank = rankInput;
faceUp = false;
text = RankString[rank] + " of " + SuitString[suit];
idText = "i_" + RankString[rank] + "_of_" + SuitString[suit];
I also have a function getImageId in my Card Class:
public static int getImageId(Context context) {
return context.getResources().getIdentifier("drawable/#+id/" + idText, null, context.getPackageName());
my onBindViewHolder method in my CardAdapter is below:
public void onBindViewHolder(CardAdapter.ViewHolder viewHolder, int position)
//get the data model based on position
Card card = mCards.get(position);
//Set item views baased on views and data model
ImageButton imageButton = viewHolder.cardButton;
TextView textView = viewHolder.cardText;
my MainActivity class does very little as of yet. It initializes one player, me, and a Deck of Card objects. It then gives me 6 cards off the top of the unshuffled deck, AKA 2 - 7 of diamonds. It then initializes the CardAdapter.
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
Player me;
Deck deck;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
//lookup the recyclerview in activity layout
RecyclerView rvCards = (RecyclerView) findViewById(;
me = new Player("Dr_StrangeKill");
deck = new Deck();
//create adapter passing in sample user data
CardAdapter adapter = new CardAdapter(this, me.hand);
//Attach the adapter to the recyclerView to populate items
//Set layout manager to position the items
rvCards.setLayoutManager(new LinearLayoutManager(this));
The Deck, Player, and Card objects all appear to be working as intended insofar as the values of the code are concerned, as the resultant display correctly shows that 'Dr_StrangeKill' has received 2 - 7 of Diamonds, but doesn't show the card images themselves! This is my first time working with images in any IDE (eclipse, visual studio, android studio), and I feel like i'm very close but off in some small but crucial way. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I suggest you put your images in a drawable folder because mipmap folder is for launcher icons, if you want to support different screen densities, here's a link that shows you how to create a drawable folder for each screen density, after that you should get your image identifier like this:
context.getResources().getIdentifier(idText, "drawable", context.getPackageName());
It looks like you're trying to get the identifier of the image resource by name. In that case you could try:
return context.getResources().getIdentifier(idText, "mipmap", context.getPackageName());
But doing that is not recommended. See docs for getIdentifier(), java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
You could just add the id (an int) to your card object and instantiate like new Card(R.mipmap.hearts_2,2,"hearts") or however you're instantiating (seems like you're using public fields and no constructor) and grab that id in your adapter to set on the imageview.

Add a Line/Image above ActionBar

I want to add a line above the action bar like in the "pocket"-app. How can i do this?
Here is a picture for example:
Taking advantage of an Activity's WindowManager, we can draw any view we want on top. Here's some (half-pseudo) code that should help:
// Create an instance of some View that does the actual drawing of the line
View customView = new CustomView(<some context>);
// Figure out the window we have to work with
Rect rect = new Rect();
// Make sure the view is measured before doing this
int requestedHeight = customView.getLayoutParams().height;
// setup the params of the new view we'll attach
WindowManager.LayoutParams wlp = new WindowManager.LayoutParams(
rect.width(), requestedHeight,
WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_NOT_FOCUSABLE |
WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_NOT_TOUCHABLE |
// set the parameters so we fit on the top left of the window
wlp.x = 0;
wlp.y =;
wlp.gravity = Gravity.TOP;
// finally add it to the screen
getWindowManager().addView(header, wlp);
The only thing to be careful is that you can't run that code from onCreate() or any lifecycle method of the Activity because the Window won't have been created yet (You'll get a BadTokenException). One way might be post a Runnable on the Window's DecorView so that your code to add the CustomView runs after the Window is created:
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
getWindow().getDecorView().post(<Runnable that execs code above>);
As for the actual CustomView that will display that multi-coloured bar, I feel like that's a good exercise :-)
All you'd need to do is have the onDraw() method use canvas.drawRect() with specific x and widths.
Hope that helps.
What Pocket does
As for how Pocket actually does it. If you use HierarchyViewer on the Pocket app, you'll be able to determine that Pocket uses a custom class for their ActionBar. Since they already rebuild all the features of the ActionBar for their needs, in their case, adding the line is like adding a regular View to some ViewGroup.

Android overlaying GLSurfaceView with camera's SurfaceView

I'm looking to put an openGL model (via GLSurfaceView) on top of the camera, which has its own SurfaceView. Surely this must be possible, apps like Layar do this.
Here is what I am trying:
public class MainActivity extends Activity {
private CameraSurfaceView mCameraSurfaceView;
private GLSurfaceView mCubeGLSurfaceView;
private FrameLayout mFrameLayout;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
mFrameLayout = new FrameLayout(this);
mCameraSurfaceView = new CameraSurfaceView(this);
mCubeGLSurfaceView = new GLSurfaceView(this);
mCubeGLSurfaceView.setRenderer(new CubeRenderer());
Right now: just the camera shows up. I've read online about the SetZOrderMediaOverlay attribute for GLSurfaceView; setting it TRUE in the above code has the 3D cube show up with a black background (i.e. no camera preview shown).
Here is the Cube OpenGL code I'm using:
Here is the CameraSurfaceView code:
Other tests I've tried: changing the addView order of the respective surfaceviews doesn't help; it only shows the camera (I read somewhere changing the addView order may help).
Thanks for any help!
Since you state that only the camera preview is currently visible it may be that you have not ordered your views correctly. This is what I have done to create what you desire.
In the Activity create
instance of MySurfaceView derived from GLSurfaceView
instance of MyCameraPreview derived from SurfaceView
in my Activity's onCreate method I do the following:
mySurfaceView = new MySurfaceView(this);
addContentView(mySurfaceView, new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT));
myCameraPreview = new MyCameraPreview(this, myCamera);
addContentView(myCameraPreview, new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT));
Please note that using this method you do not use a layout xml.
This will create your two views on top of each other with the camera preview in the background.
Now you need to get the MySurfaceView to draw a transparent background so the camera preview will show behind the objects you render. If you are using OpenGL ES 2.0 add this to the constructor of your MySurfaceView class.
I just worked through this process myself so I may have missed some details.

When in the Activity life cycle are UI elements available to be measured?

I am defining some animations based on the inflated dimensions of some UI controls. What is the earliest point in the Activity life cycle I can tap into to know when the UI elements have been sized and I can query them for their dimensions?
Right after you set the Content of you Activity via the setContentView() method is the earliest I've been able to grab information from my widgets (size, text and others).
Per Rich's request:
You can determine when the width and height by using the GlobalLayoutListener like so:
final View myView = findViewById(;
ViewTreeObserver vto = myView.getViewTreeObserver();
vto.addOnGlobalLayoutListener(new OnGlobalLayoutListener() {
public void onGlobalLayout() {
int viewHeight = myView.getHeight();
int viewWidth = myView.getWidth();
// Do what you want with the width and height
ViewTreeObserver obs = myView.getViewTreeObserver();
Full (better) answer: How to retrieve the dimensions of a view?
If you want to drill down to the point that widget have JUST been placed you have to extend each widget you want to monitor.
Then override onDraw method and capture if that view has been drawn one time
private boolean imVisible=false;
public boolean imVisible() {
return imVisible;
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
Then you can do a for loop to the widgets of interest and you know they are drawn at their position with dimentions.
A far better solution is when the onDraw gets called the first time fire a listener that is drawn. You have to set an array of listeners that watch the progress of the widgets. That way the exact moment that the last widget is on the screen... you know it.

