Eclipse freezes all the time with Ubuntu - java

I have always avoided using Eclipse because I have had nothing but bad experiences with it. I have used it in three different computers, two with Ubuntu 13 and now in a new laptop with Ubuntu 14.
The problem I got is always the same: Eclipse just freezes, stops working. Back then with Eclipse for Java EE developers with some BPEL plugins it just randomly froze every 20 minutes and I had to force close it and it always messed the configuration.
Now I am using Eclipse for Android apps development. First I tried with standard Eclipse, and not only I got a lot of errors in the code with just creating a new Android project, but the interface would dissapear and come back partially when I hovered the mouse over that gone part, but it also froze when it wanted.
Then at some point just creating a new Android project froze the whole program. I just tried downloading Eclipse Java EE and the same thing happens: creating a new Android app project freezes Eclipse and all I get is a half-created, corrupted project.
I tried maximizing the memory Eclipse used and added a little hack I found around StackOverflow that is supposed to help. But none of these solutions did any good.
Here's my eclipse.ini:
Any help?

I've had a similar problem using Eclipse Luna on my ubuntu 12.04, then I found this blog page which gave me a solution.
Just create a script:
Fill it with this content:
export SWT_GTK3=0
./eclipse -showlocation
Put this script in your eclipse directory then make it executable
chmod +x
and finally run it. Hope that helps.

I too had similar problems with eclipse when i switched to kubuntu as eclipse kept crashing...Download the latest version of Eclipse from their site which is (Elipse Luna) and install all the required plugins for android development and it should work smoothly....I guess you're using Eclipse juno.

Deleting the whole content of the workspace, including the .metadata folder solved the problem.


Java 9 Eclipse 4.7 Portable export error "resource not found", "Could not find main method from given launch configuration."

A few days ago I installed Oracle JDK 9. I tried to use Eclipse, but it didn't work. I looked around and found this link. So I updated my Eclipse with the link showed after
To try out Java 9 support in Eclipse, you can follow any of these:
by clicking on Help -> Install New Software... and then inserting the link. This went fine and I already could started coding and I could also run it.
But I didn't manage to do the second step, because dragging the Install button did nothing.
(Second step:)
Update your Eclipse 4.7 build for committers using Eclipse Marketplace entry (currently, needs some additional steps):
Then I realised that I didn't have the Eclipse Marketplace Client, so I installed it and then it went fine.
But here is the problem:
When I try to Export it as a runnable jar file I get this error: "JAR creation failed. See details for additional information.
No resources selected
Jar export finished with problems. See details for additional information.
Could not find main method from given launch configuration.
I already tried creating new Launch Configurations, Making a completly new empty project, and creating a new workspace. Nothing did work.
Has anyone an Idea why this doesn't work and what I can do to fix this?
My eclipse.ini:
C:/Program Files/Java/jdk-9/bin/javaw.exe
As also confirmed in the comments, the issue is filed as BUG#525711 in Eclipse.
Update:- It has been verified as fixed in M20171115-1700, which primarily means that if one is using nightly or builds released after November 15, 2017 they should be able to create JAR using Eclipse.
=> Though another point to note here shall be that this causes a subsequent BUG#527114 for failure in handling multiple modules while creating the JAR.
I would guess one shall mostly expect these updated in the Eclipse Photon build in future.
I have Build id: 20171218-0600 and the problem is still (or again) in there.
The original bug (525711) has been reopened as (526037):

How to fix Eclipse Java Virtual Machine Launcher Error?

So like the title says, Im having an issue with eclipse JVM launcher. Last night, everything was working fine, as far as I know, nothing at all has changed on my pc since then. However, I woke up this morning to find that when I run any of my projects in eclipse I recive this error: Java Virtual Machine Launcher- Error: could not open C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_60\lib\amd6jvm.cfg
I have already verified the integrity of my Path variable, (C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_65\bin) Now at this point, you may notice, my jdk is on version 65. So is my JRE and java installation. I dont understand why eclipse is using jre 60. I also checked the preferences and changed the jre version too 65. No luck. Furthermore, I ran a simple java file without using eclipse through the command line and that ran/compiled just fine. I tried adding the -vm tag (It didn't already exist there) to eclipse.ini and setting it too the jvm but it didn't help. (I than removed it) I have no idea what to do... Please help, I've tried everything I know how to do. Thanks!
My eclipse.ini file below:
I have already tried reinstalling java, eclipse and jdk.
For windows user, if your getting this error:
Java Virtual Machine Launcher- Error: could not open C:\Program
it indicates there is no jre1.8.0_60 version in your system. So you need to set the JRE version which is already there in our system by executing the below command:
Go to cmd prompt
go to the eclipse folder (which you have installed) by executing:
cd eclipse-folder-path
execute below command: eclipse -vm jre_path
eclipse -vm "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_131\jre\bin\javaw"
Ok, so after a bit of digging, I managed to fix the problem. In eclipse, I went to Windows>Preferences>Java>Installed JREs>Execution Enviorments>JavaSE-1.8>Compatible JREs>jre1.8.0_65(perfect match). I have no idea why or how that changed, (or why it worked) but hey, I'm not complaining. For anyone else with the same issue, first do everything I said in the question body, then try this. It hopefully will work for you too.
I just figured out the cause of the issue as well. I opened the workspace on another computer (my workspace is on a shared drive) running java 1.8.0_60 while this computer is running java 1.8.0_65. Obviously, eclipse had to change the version therefore causing problems.

Eclipse - "Java was started but returned exit code=1" [duplicate]

This is a picture of the error code
Here is the content of the error message:
Java was started but returned exit code=1
-os win32
-ws win32
-arch x86_64
-name Eclipse
-exitdata 1c50_48
-vm C:\WINDOWS\system32\javaw.exe
I just downloaded and dearchived android SDK for Windows. I`m currently using W8 64x.
The error message points to a problem with your Java version. Do you have a JDK installed?
Try adding the following (noting the new line):
/!\ make sure, that the -vm option occurs before the -vmargs command.
Everything after -vmargs is passed directly to the JVM.
-vmargs... your eclipse.ini file, pointing to the JDK you want to use, and check that the required Java version is at least as new as your JDK. This is the path for a Windows system. More on paths can be found here (scroll down).
If you don't know where the eclipse.ini file is: regularly it is in the folder of your eclipse.exe.
Edit2: #KadoLakatt: the reason why installing the latest Java Version worked for you is because Eclipse checks the standard path for a JVM if it doesn't find a -vm entry (see here). However I'd not recommend that, since you might be wrong guessing the JVM used. If you update Java (automatically?) you might run into problems in your Eclipse wondering what you might have changed. Better set it to a specific folder in your eclipse.ini to be certain.
I received this error out of the blue. Eclipse stopped working even though I made no config changes and did not install any new jdk's.
Here was my eclipse.ini file :
C:/Program Files (x86)/Java/jre7/bin/javaw.exe
To get Eclipse to start successfully I removed
C:/Program Files (x86)/Java/jre7/bin/javaw.exe
So here is my updated file :
I have no idea why removing osgi.requiredJavaVersion=1.6 fixed this as my jvm version is 1.6. From the doc
The minimum java version that is required to launch Eclipse. The default value is "1.4.1".
I think my java version was set correctly. Anyway Eclipse starts and runs for me now......
it can be like this as well:
C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\server\jvm.dll
Working combinations of OS, JDK and eclipse bitness.
32-bit OS , 32-bit JDK , 32-bit Eclipse (32-bit only)
64-bit OS , 32-bit JDK , 32-bit Eclipse
64-bit OS , 64-bit JDK , 64bit Eclipse (64-bit only)
Kindly use 1 of the above combinations.
Adding -vm parameters works for me.
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_45\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll
For those of you who tried all the above answers without any success, try lowering your -Xms value. I am required to support an older Eclipse (Weblogic Eclipse 10.3.6) - I had the following .ini on my Windows 7 machine and my Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise VM (the Java version below points to a 32-bit Java) that had worked and were working perfectly, respectively.
So a 32-bit Java for a 32-bit Eclipse, but still exit code 1. Based on all answers I had seen here, and the only change being a new laptop with Windows 10, the only possible explanation was that the new OS and the Eclipse were disagreeing on something. So I started playing around with each of the values, and it worked when I lowered both Xms and Xmx to 512m. I have a hunch that possibly the new Windows OS is preventing a higher initial heap size based on some run condition (the higher -Xms does work on Windows 10 on all other similar devices I came across) - so any other explanation is welcome. Meanwhile following is the only value I tweaked to successfully launch Eclipse.
I've encountered similar problems. The reason is that the path to my eclipse includes Chinese characters. Once those characters are deleted, the problem is solved. Please check if there are characters other than English in your path.
I had same issue in my windows 7, 64-bit machine. Then I downloaded and installed 64 bit jdk for Java(which includes jre). This solved the issue.
I too faced the similar issue , not solved after adding the command in eclipse.ini file. My root cause is different. I was experimenting on sequence diagrams using objectaid. This is throwing an exception and disturbed my workspace. You may have different issue when working on new plugins. Better you check the log file located in your project work-space C:\path\to\workspace\.metadata\.log
This can be resolved by adding the following line to the eclipse.ini file
I had the same issue which was caused due to crash shutdown of my windows 10. Earlier in the path I had Oracle path ie the path inserted by Oracle at the time of installation of JDK. I removed it and changed the path to the JDK location. This solved the problem.
Mine is a 64 bit system with 64bit java installation.
what worked for me was the following:
Goto the eclipse installation directory
right click the eclipse icon and click "send to desktop as shortcut"
Then right click on the shortcut icon in the desktop and then > properties > shortcut tab
In the target field point it to the correct java 64 bit installations home path using the vm argument with the java_home path enclosed in quotes like so :
D:\Scala_eclipse\eclipse.exe -vm "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_11"
This almost always solves all my Eclipse (scala eclipse as well) related problems.
As mentioned in the answer , please make sure you are using the right combination of eclipse and java
If you have java 8 installed it might be related to the following issue:
Simply removing/renaming the "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath" worked for me.
Directly changing eclipse file is not a good idea, no matter facet or ini, unless it could be changed in eclipse. Had the same problem, with jdk1.8 installed. Change it to jdk 1.7.
Besides, according to, both LUNA and MARS need 1.7. So just ensure you have it installed.
1 ) Open the SpringToolSuite4.ini File.
2 ) Search For the openFile.
3 ) Provide the jvm.dll file location in SpringToolSuite4.ini
4 ) Note : Provide the New Line between -vm and your jvm.dll file location shown below.
C:\Program Files\Java\jre8\bin\server\jvm.dll
i had Java Run time environment and Java SDK both on my machine. I removed Java Run time environment and it resolved my error.
Earlier this error, i was using elipse with Java SDK only and later had installed JRE specifically for one need.
just to add here...For the guys those who still couldn't start eclipse due same error, please check eclipse.ini file again and see have you forgot to put M after memory size.
For example:
-Xmx1024 M
-Xmx1024 mb
are incorrect, it should be -Xmx1024M. I have been trying different ideas from SOF and from other forums, and in this cut/paste I forgot that I missed M (such a little thing to miss), so I thought I should share. If it works for some of you please up-vote.
I had this issue recently, but I hadn't changed any java or updated the java version, May be this issue happened because of crash shutdown of the system.
And after reading a couple of answers here I decided to change the java version from 1.6 to 1.7 in the eclipse.ini file.
After this change the Eclipse started well and it worked. Since I didnt had changed anything i decided to change it back to 1.6 to what it was originally.
Then I started eclipse and guess what it worked. So Looks like in my case just touching/modifiying the eclipse.ini file worked.
I hope this answer is helpful to somebody.
If none of the solutions works, please check if you have more than one version of java installed on your machine. Please keep only one version which you prefer and everything should work fine.
None of the above answers helped for me. I discovered that, in general, an error like that could mean that your eclipse.ini has an invalid entry. So, all the above answers could be correct, depending on your particular case. In my case, it turned out I added a locale argument with a typo in it.
I tried to change the path in the parameter -vm, but it did not help. Then I deleted the parameter -vm and -vmargs from the eclipse.ini.
It worked for me
My path of -javaagent argument was having Spacial characters like '&'. I placed the Lambok jar in different place and gave the path to that place. It worked for me.
previously it was
-javaagent:C:\Software & Tool\lambok.jar
i changed it to
Please check your computer and if Java JRE not install download and install it.
If install please check is it 32 bit or 64 bit as per your operating system
To check for 32 or 64-bit JVM, run:
$ java -d64 -version
$ java -d32 -version
Error: This Java instance does not support a X-bit JVM.
Please install the desired version.
Open the Eclipse Installation Folder on Windows Machine
Find the eclipse.ini
Open the eclipse.ini File and add the below two lines before -vmargs
This work for me in eclipse js and eclipse php:
I had a similar issue. I opened my eclipse.ini file and noticed that I configured at the end some lines for the lombok library in the past. The path to my lombok jar file was no more valid. After correcting it, my eclipse was working like a charm again. In conclusion, my piece of advice would be to verify that all the paths configured in this file are valid.
eclipse.ini :
JAVA Path could be incorrect
Trying above solution didn't help me.
So i checked java --version on command prompt, which gave virtualization conflict. It seemed installation of virtualization software on system had messed up environment variables.
Hence I checked JAVA_HOME which was on correct path, then checked system variable PATH which had correct JAVA bin path as well, so removed 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath' and checked java --version on command prompt again, which gave correct value and also fixed above issue of eclipse start.
On Windows 10, removing
from the eclipse.ini fixed the issue for me
Go to eclipse folder and then go Configuration Setting file
change the below path under -vm tag in config file
Note- you need to mention new java path with bin and then javaw.exe like below
java path/bin/javaw.exe
It should work. Thanks.
if it says
c:/program files/java/jre/bin/server/jvm.dll not found
then copy the jre from jdk folder and paste it outside the jdk folder . and then try again...

Eclipse ADT running out of memory and keeps crashing?

I've been using ADT for a while now and things have been going smoothly enough. All of a sudden, Eclipse declares that it's short on memory "Java heap space" troubles and whatnot... I've searched all over and every piece of advice seems to point to editing the file eclipse.ini.
Most of the advice said to turn the memory up to 512m. I did that, but it wasn't fixing anything. So I upped it to 1024m. Still no luck, so I upped it again to 2048m. Still no success! My eclipse.ini now looks like this:
ADT still crashes. It seems like 2048m should be plenty of memory already, but ADT still complains about it. So is there another problem that could be prompting this symptom? Keep in mind that my app was working just fine minutes before the IDE started going bonkers.
I've also tried deleting the entire ADT folder from Applications (I use a Mac), re-placed it back with a different copy of the ADT again. This also did nothing.
I had the same Problem. I solved it by making space in my c drive.
You can try this:
Run Ccleaner and make some space in your C drive
Create your AVD with 512 memory
I eventually found the culprit: an errant JAR file in the project library. After deleting it, things ran normally again.
Back up your dev environment
Install latest version of eclipse with adt into a new folder.
When you start the new version of eclipse point it to your old workspace.
One of things I do is set every project to the same api level. Api 19.

Java 1.6 in Mac does not have SwingWorker

I'm having problems migrating my Java files from Ubuntu to Mac. Mac complains about my use of SwingWorker---it can't find javax.swing.SwingWorker .
In Mac's terminal, doing java -version tells me I have version 1.6.0_03-p3. In Ubuntu, I have 1.6.0_20. Is it that big a difference? How do I upgrade Mac's Java so I can use SwingWorker?
I followed the link at TofuBeer's reply. My eclipse.ini now reads as
I've restarted Eclipse but it still does not recognize SwingWorker. Is there anything wrong with my eclipse.ini? I tried to navigate to the path indicated under -vm. I noticed that in Versions, the folder for 1.6.0 is just a shortcut (not an actual directory). Will that affect anything?
(Barring the fact that the folder 1.6.0 in Versions is just a shortcut, the path indicated does exist.)
It does!
At least on v1.6.0_26, probably wasn't there on 1.6.0_03-p3 try updating your Java version, should be as simple as running Software update:
Are you building at the command line, or in an application such as Eclipse or Netbeans? I'd check that you don't have multiple copies of Java installed, including an older 1.5 version that may not have SwingWorker.
I don't use Eclipse, but take a look here for checking the JDK it is using.

