make mail mark as unread after polling - Apache Camel - java

Am using apache camel, With Polling consumer, when poll my mail is mark as read.
options : delete=false&peek=false&unseen=true
After polling , when i am processing the attachment, if any error occurs , i want to make the mail as "unread". So that i can pool again later.
public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
Map<String, DataHandler> attachments = exchange.getIn().getAttachments();
Message messageCopy = exchange.getIn().copy();
if (messageCopy.getAttachments().size() > 0) {
for (Map.Entry<String, DataHandler> entry : messageCopy.getAttachments().entrySet()) {
DataHandler dHandler = entry.getValue();
// get the file name
String filename = dHandler.getName();
// get the content and convert it to byte[]
byte[] data =
exchange.getContext().getTypeConverter().convertTo(byte[].class, dHandler.getInputStream());"Downloading attachment, file name : " + filename);
InputStream fileInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(data);
try {
// Processing attachments
// if any error occurs here, i want to make the mail mark as unread
} catch (Exception e) {;
I noticed the option peek, by setting it to true, It will not make the mail mark as read during polling, in that case is there any option to make it mark as read after processing.

To get the result that you want you should have options
The peek=true option is supposed to ensure that messages remain the exact state on the mail server as they where before polling even if there is an exception. However, currently it won't work. This is actually a bug in Camel Mail component. I've submitted a patch to and this will probably be fixed in a future release.
As a workaround you can set mapMailMessages=false but then you will have to work with the email message content yourself. In Camel 2.15 onward you also have postProcessAction option and with that you could probably remove the SEEN flags from messages with processing errors. Still, I would recommend waiting for the fix though.

We can set the mail unread flag with the following code
public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
final Message mailMessage = exchange.getIn(MailMessage.class).getMessage();
mailMessage.setFlag(Flag.SEEN, false);


Setting IBM MQ custom property in JMS doesn't work

Tried setting an IBM MQ custom property in JMS while sending messages. It doesn't work.
I'm looking for an equivalent of the following in JMS/Apache camel.
mQMessage.setStringProperty( "customProperty", "123" );
Tried the following 3 options:
1) exchange.getIn().setHeader( "customProperty", "123" );
2) exchange.getIn().setProperty( "customProperty", "123" );
3) mQQueueConnectionFactory.setStringProperty( "customProperty", "123" );
The following code to read the property throws error because the property doesn't exist it seems.
mQMessage.getStringProperty( "messageGlobalSequenceNumber" )
throws the following error: MQJE001: Completion Code '2', Reason '2471'.
Are you sure that the property that you are trying to retrieve actually exists for that message? Because Reason Code of 2471 (MQRC_PROPERTY_NOT_AVAILABLE) clearly says that the named property does not exist.
The correct way to create a message property in JMS (for IBM MQ) is as follows:
* Send a message to a queue.
* #param session
* #param myQ
* #throws JMSException
private void sendMsg(QueueSession session, Queue myQ) throws JMSException
QueueSender sender = null;
TextMessage msg = session.createTextMessage();
msg.setText("This is a test message.");
msg.setStringProperty("MyProp01", "somevalue");
sender = session.createSender(myQ);
if (sender != null)
catch (Exception ex)
System.out.println("sender.close() : " + ex.getLocalizedMessage());
Did you use an MQ tool to check the property values of the message? I ran the above code then checked the message on the queue with MQ Visual Edit and here is a screen-shot:
Or a screen-shot of the opened selected message showing the Named Properties (aka message properties):

Can my selenium framework consume an incoming message

I would like to know how my Selenium framework can dequeue a message sitting in a message queue. I have built an application to send a JSON string containing k/v pairs to a message queue.
My architecture is as follows and separate apps:
A JSP Web Application exists accepting parameters resulting in a JSON string
A message sender exists and takes the JSON string and publishes it to a Queue
A message consumer exists and consumes the Messages. Its basically just sitting here
A Selenium Java Framework exists, but I would like to process the messages and for each message it will interpret the k/v pairs and kicks off the script.
I would like to use the messages already in the queue and process these messages within the selenium framework, how can I achieve this?
I will appreciate the help. I have edited the question with the code
This is the code snippet to send the JSON Message
public class MessageSender {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
SingleNumberLogin generateLogin = new SingleNumberLogin();
//function call to build the JSON object
String jsonQueue = generateLogin.buildJASONObject();
ConnectionFactory conFactory = new ConnectionFactory();
try {
Connection connInterface = conFactory.newConnection();
Channel mqChannel = connInterface.createChannel();
//Just assigning json to another string, then publish the message
String myMessage = jsonQueue;
mqChannel.basicPublish("","MyQueue",false ,false, null,myMessage.getBytes());
}catch (
IOException | TimeoutException e)
code snippet for consumer code that I have inserted into the startup function of the automation script, so if a message arrives a single test case is executed
public static void initializeTestBaseSetup() throws Exception, IOException, TimeoutException {
ConnectionFactory conFactory = new ConnectionFactory();
Connection connInterface = conFactory.newConnection();
Channel mqChannel = connInterface.createChannel();
mqChannel.basicConsume("MyQueue", true, (consumerTag, message) -> {
//convert to byte array
String m = new String (message.getBody(), "UTF-8");
System.out.println("Message received" + m);
}, consumerTag -> {
Output JSON
JSON Message received 2020-08-28T20:39:30.845{
"NUMBER": "0000011111",
"Type": "BAU",
"User": "MyUser ",
"Email": "",
When tested in isolation, it works perfectly fine, what I mean is that I send the message and check that the consumer receives it, adding the consumer code to my framework is where i am stuck.
I would suggest you don't think about what you have as a "selenium framework" - think of it as a "java framework".
Selenium is a set of libraries that allow you automate the web browser at a GUI level. The framework is the coded solution to facilitate creation and management of your test suite - it doesn't have to be limited to selenium and chances that's already just one of its components.
Trying to answer your question directly:
SELENIUM cannot read messages
JAVA can read messages
If your rabbitmq has a web front end then you may be able to use selenium for it, but this isn't a very efficient or a logical solution.
What you might want to consider, and what i would do, is extending your framework to use the rabbitmq libraries to process messages as you need. These libraries are designed for this task.
You say:
I would like to process the messages and for each message it will
interpret the k/v pairs and kicks off the script.
I understand this to mean that the messages are the pre-req data for the tests. If you want to read the values of a message before the test you can either:
Place the get/read in a generic #Before method
or if it's a specific message per test case, add it into the start of the test.
You're working in java so you can do whatever you want really.
To get you started, the rabbitmq tutorial starts here.
This is there hello world example for reading messages from the queue:
public class Recv {
private final static String QUEUE_NAME = "hello";
public static void main(String[] argv) throws Exception {
ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory();
Connection connection = factory.newConnection();
Channel channel = connection.createChannel();
channel.queueDeclare(QUEUE_NAME, false, false, false, null);
System.out.println(" [*] Waiting for messages. To exit press CTRL+C");

Path manipulation issue Fortify

Hi i have scanned an application using Fortify tool, in the generated reports i got path manipulation issue in the following method.
Note: In the report it is not showing the error line no. can anyone suggest me how to resove it?
private MimeMessage prepareMessage(EmailMessage req) throws EmailProviderException {
long start=System.currentTimeMillis(),finish=0;
try {
MimeMessage message = emailSender.createMimeMessage();
// create a multipart message
MimeMessageHelper helper = new MimeMessageHelper(message, true);
// set email addresses
// set subject and body
String emailBody = req.getEmailBody();
String emailMime = req.getEmailMimeType();
MimeBodyPart messagePart = new MimeBodyPart();
DataSource bodyDataSource = new ByteArrayDataSource(emailBody, emailMime);
messagePart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(bodyDataSource));
// add attachments
List<EmailAttachment> lAttach = req.getEmailAttachment();
if (lAttach != null) {
for (EmailAttachment attachMnt: lAttach) {
DataSource dSource = new ByteArrayDataSource(attachMnt
.getContent(), attachMnt
helper.addAttachment(attachMnt.getFileName(), dSource);
finish=System.currentTimeMillis(); FedExLogEntry("prepareMessage took {0}ms",new Object[]{finish-start}));
return message;
} catch (Exception e) {
// covers MessagingException, IllegalStateException, IOException, MailException
String emsg = new StringBuilder("Unable to prepare smtp message.")
logger.warn(emsg, e);
throw new EmailProviderException(emsg, e);
Hmm. If Fortify is having issues trying to show you the correct line where the issue exists, then it's possible that fortify ran in to a parsing error when it was scanning and rendering the results to your FPR. One thing you could try is to rescan your application under a different build-id and generate a new FPR. Beyond that, I don't know. Sorry.
Something else that I'd recommend would be to inspect your log file to see if there were any errors or warnings during translation/scan.
But after looking at your code sample, I'm thinking that Fortify is tainting the parameter req and flagging the the operation that is occurring when it's trying to add the file as an attachment. Most likely your sink is going to be at
helper.addAttachment(attachMnt.getFileName(), dSource);
You'd want to validate the file names of the attachment themselves prior to trying to save them to disk.

How to handle multipart/alternative mail with JavaMail?

I wrote an application which gets all emails from an inbox, filters the emails which contain a specific string and then puts those emails in an ArrayList.
After the emails are put in the List, I am doing some stuff with the subject and content of said emails. This works all fine for e-mails without an attachment. But when I started to use e-mails with attachments it all didn't work as expected anymore.
This is my code:
public void getInhoud(Message msg) throws IOException {
try {
cont = msg.getContent();
} catch (MessagingException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(ReadMailNew.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
if (cont instanceof String) {
String body = (String) cont;
} else if (cont instanceof Multipart) {
try {
Multipart mp = (Multipart) msg.getContent();
int mp_count = mp.getCount();
for (int b = 0; b < 1; b++) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
System.out.println("Exception arise at get Content");
public void dumpPart(Part p) throws Exception {
email = null;
String contentType = p.getContentType();
System.out.println("dumpPart" + contentType);
InputStream is = p.getInputStream();
if (!(is instanceof BufferedInputStream)) {
is = new BufferedInputStream(is);
int c;
final StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
while ((c = != -1) {
if (!sw.toString().contains("<div>")) {
mpMessage = sw.toString();
The content from the e-mail is stored in a String.
This code works all fine when I try to read mails without attachment. But if I use an e-mail with attachment the String also contains HTML code and even the attachment coding. Eventually I want to store the attachment and the content of an e-mail, but my first priority is to get just the text without any HTML or attachment coding.
Now I tried an different approach to handle the different parts:
public void getInhoud(Message msg) throws IOException {
try {
Object contt = msg.getContent();
if (contt instanceof Multipart) {
System.out.println("Met attachment");
handleMultipart((Multipart) contt);
} else {
System.out.println("Zonder attachment");
} catch (MessagingException ex) {
public static void handleMultipart(Multipart multipart)
throws MessagingException, IOException {
for (int i = 0, n = multipart.getCount(); i < n; i++) {
System.out.println("Count "+n);
public static void handlePart(Part part)
throws MessagingException, IOException {
String disposition = part.getDisposition();
String contentType = part.getContentType();
if (disposition == null) { // When just body
System.out.println("Null: " + contentType);
// Check if plain
if ((contentType.length() >= 10)
&& (contentType.toLowerCase().substring(
0, 10).equals("text/plain"))) {
} else if ((contentType.length() >= 9)
&& (contentType.toLowerCase().substring(
0, 9).equals("text/html"))) {
} else if ((contentType.length() >= 9)
&& (contentType.toLowerCase().substring(
0, 9).equals("text/html"))) {
System.out.println("Ook html gevonden");
System.out.println("Other body: " + contentType);
} else if (disposition.equalsIgnoreCase(Part.ATTACHMENT)) {
System.out.println("Attachment: " + part.getFileName()
+ " : " + contentType);
} else if (disposition.equalsIgnoreCase(Part.INLINE)) {
System.out.println("Inline: "
+ part.getFileName()
+ " : " + contentType);
} else {
System.out.println("Other: " + disposition);
This is what is returned from the System.out.printlns
Null: multipart/alternative; boundary=047d7b6220720b499504ce3786d7
Other body: multipart/alternative; boundary=047d7b6220720b499504ce3786d7
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="047d7b6220720b499504ce3786d7"
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1"
'Text of the message here in normal text'
Content-Type: text/html; charset="ISO-8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
'HTML code of the message'
This approach returns the normal text of the e-mail but also the HTML coding of the mail. I really don't understand why this happens, I've googled it but it seems like there is no one else with this problem.
Any help is appreciated,
I found reading e-mail with the JavaMail library much more difficult than expected. I don't blame the JavaMail API, rather I blame my poor understanding of RFC-5322 -- the official definition of Internet e-mail.
As a thought experiment: Consider how complicated an e-mail message can become in the real world. It is possible to "infinitely" embed messages within messages. Each message itself may have multiple attachments (binary or human-readable text). Now imagine how complicated this structure becomes in the JavaMail API after parsing.
A few tips that may help when traversing e-mail with JavaMail:
Message and BodyPart both implement Part.
MimeMessage and MimeBodyPart both implement MimePart.
Where possible, treat everything as a Part or MimePart. This will allow generic traversal methods to be built more easily.
These Part methods will help to traverse:
String getContentType(): Starts with the MIME type. You may be tempted to treat this as a MIME type (with some hacking/cutting/matching), but don't. Better to only use this method inside the debugger for inspection.
Oddly, MIME type cannot be extracted directly. Instead use boolean isMimeType(String) to match. Read docs carefully to learn about powerful wildcards, such as "multipart/*".
Object getContent(): Might be instanceof:
Multipart -- container for more Parts
Cast to Multipart, then iterate as zero-based index with int getCount() and BodyPart getBodyPart(int)
Note: BodyPart implements Part
In my experience, Microsoft Exchange servers regularly provide two copies of the body text: plain text and HTML.
To match plain text, try: Part.isMimeType("text/plain")
To match HTML, try: Part.isMimeType("text/html")
Message (implements Part) -- embedded or attached e-mail
String (just the body text -- plain text or HTML)
See note above about Microsoft Exchange servers.
InputStream (probably a BASE64-encoded attachment)
String getDisposition(): Value may be null
if Part.ATTACHMENT.equalsIgnoreCase(getDisposition()), then call getInputStream() to get raw bytes of the attachment.
Finally, I found the official Javadocs exclude everything in the com.sun.mail package (and possibly more). If you need these, read the code directly, or generate the unfiltered Javadocs by downloading the source and running mvn javadoc:javadoc in the mail project module of the project.
Did you find these JavaMail FAQ entries?
How do I read a message with an attachment and save the attachment?
How do I tell if a message has attachments?
How do I find the main message body in a message that has attachments?
Following up on Kevin's helpful advice, analyzing your email content Java object types with respect to their canonical names (or simple names) can be helpful too. For example, looking at one inbox I've got right now, of 486 messages 399 are Strings, and 87 are MimeMultipart. This suggests that - for my typical email - a strategy that uses instanceof to first peel off Strings is best.
Of the Strings, 394 are text/plain, and 5 are text/html. This will not be the case for most; it's reflective of my email feeds into this particular inbox.
But wait - there's more!!! :-) The HTML sneaks in there nevertheless: of the 87 Multipart's, 70 are multipart/alternative. No guarantees, but most (if not all of these) are TEXT + HTML.
Of the other 17 multipart, incidentally, 15 are multipart/mixed, and 2 are multipart/signed.
My use case with this inbox (and one other) is primarily to aggregate and analyze known mailing list content. I can't ignore any of the messages, but an analysis of this sort helps me make my processing more efficient.

javamail mark gmail message as read

Note: added after answer:
Thanks.. Yeah I had tried the Flag.SEEN to true and saveChanges.. I also had read getContent marks it read. I tried using it in the for statement that loops through the messages. But I got the messages again from the folder anyways in the next loop. I was assuming the folder was live, so grabbing the content, then grabbing the messages again from the folder with the filter to not get any seen should work, but I was still getting the same message. I could try closing the folder and reopen as a test to see if it's marked. Also if I go over to my client and click the message, then my code stops seeing it even in the loop, so I was hoping to do the same in the code.
I'm using javamail to get email from a gmail account, it's working great, when I get the message I'd like to mark it as read, can anyone give me some direction? Here is my current code:
Properties props = System.getProperties();
props.setProperty("", "imaps");
try {
Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null);
Store store = session.getStore("imaps");
store.connect("", eUserName, ePassWord);
// Get folder
Folder folder = store.getFolder("INBOX");
if (folder == null || !folder.exists()) {
return null;
// Only pull unread
FlagTerm ft = new FlagTerm(new Flags(Flags.Flag.SEEN), false);
Message messages[]; // =;
for(int x = 0; x < timeOutInSeconds; x++) {
log.reportMessage("looking for emails");
try {
messages =;
if (messages.length > 0) {
for (Message message : messages) {
//log.reportMessage("found message: should not see again, marking read");
// want to mark as read
catch(Exception ex) {
// Close connection
return null;
catch (NoSuchProviderException ex) {
return null;
catch (MessagingException ex) {
return null;
First of all, you can't mark a message as read if you are using a POP3 server - the POP3 protocol doesn't support that. However, the IMAP v4 protocol does.
You might think the way to do this is to get the message, set the Flags.Flag.SEEN flag to true, and then call message.saveChanges(). Oddly, this is not the case.
Instead, the JavaMail API Design Specification, Chapter 4, section "The Flags Class" states that the SEEN flag is implicitly set when the contents of a message are retrieved. So, to mark a message as read, you can use the following code:;
Or another way is to use the MimeMessage copy constructor, ie:
MimeMessage source = (MimeMessage) folder.getMessage(1)
MimeMessage copy = new MimeMessage(source);
When you construct the copy, the seen flag is implicitly set for the message referred to by source.
One liner that will do it WITHOUT downloading the entire message:
single message:
folder.setFlags(new Message[] {message}, new Flags(Flags.Flag.SEEN), true);
all messages:
folder.setFlags(messages, new Flags(Flags.Flag.SEEN), true);
Other methods of calling getContent() or creating a copy with new MimeMessage(original) cause the client to download the entire message, and creates a huge performance hit.
Note that the inbox must be opened for READ_WRITE:;
Well this post is old but the easiest solution hasnĀ“t been posted yet.
You are accessing the Message.
message.setFlag(Flag.SEEN, true);
for (Message message : messages) {
and change the below line;
to this;
You may also consider having a public static int max_message_number, and storing in it the message[i].getMessageNumber(); as soon as you read a message. Then before reading any message just check if the max_message_number < message[i].getmessageNumber(). If true then don't print this message (as it has been already read)
message.setFlag( Flag.SEEN,true ) give "cannot find symbol"
message.setFlag( Flags.Flag.SEEN,true ) seems good.
If you are using a for loop to read or check a mail one by one, the code can be as follows to mark a gmail message as read:
Message[] unreadMessages = FlagTerm(new Flags(Flag.SEEN), false));
for (int q = 0; q < unreadMessages.length; q++) {
unreadMessages[q].setFlag(Flag.SEEN, true);
What this code does is that it makes it unread one by one.
And also folder/inbox needs to be READ_WRITE, instead of READ_ONLY:;
You can also try
head over to the gmail settings > Forwarding and POP/IMAP
from the dropdown of When messages are accessed with POP
select mark Gmail's copy as read and save the changes
To mark the mail as read, you just have to call the mailmessage.getContent() method.
Whether you use IMAP or POP, calling that method on a specific mail mark it as Read
The easiest way to do that is set the folder to be read or written into or from. Means like this...
Folder inbox = null;;
the Folder class should be imported.

