From (Android Handler class), long),
the description of the method postAtTime is "Causes the Runnable r to be added to the message queue, to be run at a specific time given by uptimeMillis. The time-base is uptimeMillis()." The parameter uptimeMillis is "The absolute time at which the callback should run, using the uptimeMillis() time-base". My question is if there are still runnables/messages that still need to be run when postAtTime triggers, will those runnables/messages just be discarded(removed from the queue). My question comes from my experience with queues: you only have access to the front of the queue, so I am assuming that that specific message/ runnable gets moved to the front of the queue. What happens to all the ones it skips over? API didn't address this
Think of the time parameter as "no earlier than", not as an exact time.
The runnable is put into the queue and becomes eligible to run at the specified time. It is actually run only after any messages in front of the queue have finished processing.
For further details, you can read the source.
I have a task to implement a distributed Queuing System something like the Amazon SQS.
If there is GET Request, I have to deliver the message to the user from the main queue and put the message in the invisible queue. And immediately a DELETE Request should come and I should delete the message from the invisible queue.
In case there is no DELETE Request, I am supposed to increase the redelivery count and send the message back to the main queue. This will happen till the redelivery count becomes 5 after which I will delete the message permanently.
Now my doubt is, how do I know that there has been no DELETE request which means that I should send the message back to the main queue?
My program works for the case where the DELETE Request follows the GET Request. I am using java for this implementation.
First of all, at the design level, the get and delete should be done in one action. Notice that in the JDK, the pull() operation of Queue will do get and delete. if you insist on separate actions, at the very least you should support an optional get-and-delete request type.
now, there is a problem when you want to detect an action that did not happen because it can forever "maybe happen in the future". So you need to set a window of time after which you decide that the expected action did not happen.
what is usually done is that you attach a "received" timestamp to the request (and also re-deliver count) before putting it in the invisible queue (a better name would be "pending delete requests" queue) you can wrap the request in a custom java class that adds the properties.
actually, I don't think a queue is a good choice for a collection. when a delete request does come, you need random access to the request. so perhaps a hash map is a better choice.
you will need to implement a Timer that invokes tasks every x seconds. the tasks will scan the pendingDeleteRequests map for requests that did not recevie delete in the allowed window of time and remove from the map.
last note: some messaging systems have "dead letter" feature, which is a destination where notices of failed deliveries are sent. this will help in debugging of problems.
Here is the problem,
I have a network request which downloads some information. However, it is essential that this request is called only once during some period of time ( you will get the idea later on ) and all subscribers get the same result. My first thought was to use the share() operator, so it would multicast the result while keeping a single request source. But I am not sure what is going to happen if I try to subscribe to it again after the share operator already disposed the resources due to refCount dropping to 0.
The thing I am trying to accomplish here is that every request that I make, is dependent on the current state of information stored and those requests update this information. Once I make the first request, I need to keep a reference to it and inform every subscriber that subscribes until the time of request completion. After the request is finished, all subscribers gets their notification and unsubscribes... However, if there is a new subscription after the disposal I need it to repeat the request, thus resubscribing to the original source observable that was modified using share
Is something like this possible with simple share operator, or do I need to create a subject and control the emissions manually ?
There is a nice library RxReplayingShare, which I think makes exactly, what you are trying to achieve.
It passes the same result to all Subscriber's, when at least one is subscribed. When there are no subscribers anymore, the Observable completes. When subscribing again, the original Observable is called.
The RxMarble shows it better than the description.
I have a an issue that's very weird to me.
I'm writing a multithreaded client-server framework, and so far, it works pretty well, except one thing.
Consider the following image:
The client can request tasks, which are added to a queue. If any elements are in this queue, they are polled and added to an "executing" queue. The task in question is then executed on a separate thread using an ExecutorService.
The "executing" queue is checked for tasks that has completed whatever it is they're doing, and moved to a "completed" queue. This queue is checked, and replies are dispatched to the appropriate clients.
This all works, except when there are more than one task running in the system.
Each task is held in a TaskRequest object and each task can refer back to its "host" TaskRequest. However, it appears as though the reference from the task is different from the reference of the... well... actual TaskRequest
On the image, I've highlighted the TaskRequest and the resultBag to show they have different addresses and IDs.
This, as I mentioned, is only the case when more than one task is in the system and it is beyond flabbergasting to me.
The complete field is not updating, despite me having checked this by outputting value of the variable after it is set.
Why is the "host" object not updating?
Below is the code for the classes in question, Pastebinned to reduce space.
TaskRequest code
TaskBase code (extended by other tasks)
TaskQueue code (keeping of all the tasks, requested, executing and completed, respectively)
TaskExecutor code (running over the TaskQueue instance, executing tasks, etc)
I am sorry for posting a bit of a wall of text.
I have an requirement where I have to send the alerts when the record in db is not updated/changed for specified intervals. For example, if the received purchase order doesn't processed within one hour, the reminder should be sent to the delivery manager.
The reminder/alert should sent exactly at the interval (including seconds). If the last modified time is 13:55:45 means, the alert should be triggered 14:55:45. There could be million rows needs to be tracked.
The simple approach could be implementing a custom scheduler and all the records will registered with it. But should poll the database to look for the change every second and it will lead to performance problem.
Another basic approach would be a creating a thread for each record and put it on sleep for 1 hour (or) Use some queuing concept which has timeout. But still it has performance problems
Any thoughts on better approach to implement the same?
probably using internal JMS queue would be better solution - for example you may want to use scheduled message feature with hornetq.
You can ask broker to publish alert message after exactly 1h. From the other hand during processing of some trading activity you can manually delete this message meaning that the trade activity has been processed without errors.
Use Timer for each reminder.i.e. If the last modified time is 17:49:45 means, the alert should be triggered 18:49:45 simply you should create a dynamic timer scheduling for each task it'll call exact after one hour.
It is not possible in Java, if you really insist on the "Real-timeness". In Java you may encouter Garbage collector's stop-the-world phase and you can never guarantee the exact time.
If the approximate time is also permissible, than use some kind of scheduled queue as proposed in other answers, if not, than use real-time Java or some native call.
If we can assume that the orders are entered with increasing time then:
You can use a Queue with elements that have the properties time-of-order and order-id.
Each new entry that is added to the DB is also enqueued to this Queue.
You can check the element at the start of the Queue each minute.
When checking the element at the start of the Queue, if an hour has passed from the time-of-order, then search for the entry with order-id in the DB.
If found and was not updated then send a notification, else dequeue it from the Queue .
i'm developing an app that make requests to the Musicbrainz webservice. I read in the musicbrainz manual to not make more than one request per second to the webservice or the client IP will be blocked.
What architecture do you suggest in order to make this restriction transparent to the service client.
I would like to call a method (getAlbuns for example) and it should only make the request 1sec after the last request.
I also want to call 10 request at once and the service should handle the queueing, returning the results when avaiable (Non-blocking).
Because of the required delay between invocations, I'd suggest a java.util.Timer or java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor. Timer is very simple, and perfectly adequate for this use case. But if additional scheduling requirements are identified later, a single Executor could handle all of them. In either case, use fixed-delay method, not a fixed-rate method.
The recurring task polls a concurrent queue for a request object. If there is a pending request, the task executes it, and returns the result via a callback. The query for the service and the callback to invoke are members of the request object.
The application keeps a reference to the shared queue. To schedule a request, simply add it to the queue.
Just to clarify, if the queue is empty when the scheduled task is executed, no request is made. The simple approach would be just to end the task, and the scheduler will invoke the task one second later to check again.
However, this means that it could take up to one second to start a task, even if no requests have been processed lately. If this unnecessary latency is intolerable, writing your own thread is probably preferable to using Timer or ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor. In your own timing loop, you have more control over the scheduling if you choose to block on an empty queue until a request is available. The built-in timers aren't guaranteed to wait a full second after the previous execution finished; they generally schedule relative to the start time of the task.
If this second case is what you have in mind, your run() method will contain a loop. Each iteration starts by blocking on the queue until a request is received, then recording the time. After processing the request, the time is checked again. If the time difference is less than one second, sleep for the the remainder. This setup assumes that the one second delay is required between the start of one request and the next. If the delay is required between the end of one request and the next, you don't need to check the time; just sleep for one second.
One more thing to note is that the service might be able to accept multiple queries in a single request, which would reduce overhead. If it does, take advantage of this by blocking on take() for the first element, then using poll(), perhaps with a very short blocking time (5 ms or so), to see if the application is making any more requests. If so, these can be bundled up in a single request to the service. If queue is a BlockingQueue<? extends Request>, it might look something like this:
Collection<Request> bundle = new ArrayList<Request>();
while (bundle.size() < BUNDLE_MAX) {
Request req = queue.poll(EXTRA, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
if (req == null)
/* Now make one service request with contents of "bundle". */
You need to define a local "proxy service" which your local clients will call.
The local proxy will receive requests and pass it on to the real service. But only at the rate of one message per second.
How you do this depends very much on the tecnoligy available to you.
The simplest would be a mutithreaded java service with a static and synchronised LastRequestTime long;" timestamp variable. (Although you would need some code acrobatics to keep your requests in sequence).
A more sophisticated service could have worker threads receiving the requests and placing them on a queue with a single thread picking up the requests and passing them on to the real service.