Netty decoder result - send proper response codes for bad request - java

I'm looking at the HttpStaticFileServerHandler example at Netty Github. On messageRecieved, if the decoder result is not success, bad request is thrown. So the response code goes as 400. I would like to send 414 when the request uri is too long.
I've tried,
Throwable cause = requestMessage.getDecoderResult().cause();
String message = cause != null ? cause.getMessage() : "";
HttpResponseStatus responseStatus = cause instanceof TooLongFrameException?
HttpResponseStatus.REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG : HttpResponseStatus.BAD_REQUEST;
Is there a better way? I believe TooLongFrameException is thrown for other cases as well. So in those cases it may not be right. Parsing the error message also doesn't look good. Wondering if this can be done in a better/elegant way.

A bit further down in that handler is the code block:
final String uri = request.uri();
final String path = sanitizeUri(uri);
if (path == null) {
sendError(ctx, FORBIDDEN);
Could you use this block with a uri.length() check and relevant sendError?


How to handle case when API response returns a null body in Java?

I am calling a File Server's REST API using POST method and sending it file content to be uploaded. The REST API should ideally save the file and send a response which contains fileName.
My code is something like this.
public String uploadFile() {
UploadResponse response = restTemplate.postForObject(
new HttpEntity<>(fileContent, headers),
return response.getFileName();
In the above code, the compiler complains that UploadResponse response could be null, and I should handle that.
I plan to handle it with the below code.
public String uploadFile() {
UploadResponse response = restTemplate.postForObject(
new HttpEntity<>(fileContent, headers),
if(response != null) {
return response.getFileServiceId();
else {
throw new RuntimeException("File upload failed");
However, I am not sure if it is the right way to handle this. I don't feel this is a Runtime Exception. Please guide me as how should I handle the case that response could be null.
You can use Optional to avoid null checks in your code.
You can read this really insightful Q/A here -

Parsing curl response with Java

Before writing something like "why don't you use Java HTTP client such as apache, etc", I need you to know that the reason is SSL. I wish I could, they are very convenient, but I can't.
None of the available HTTP clients support GOST cipher suite, and I get handshake exception all the time. The ones which do support the suite, doesn't support SNI (they are also proprietary) - I'm returned with a wrong cert and get handshake exception over and over again.
The only solution was to configure openssl (with gost engine) and curl and finally execute the command with Java.
Having said that, I wrote a simple snippet for executing a command and getting input stream response:
public static InputStream executeCurlCommand(String finalCurlCommand) throws IOException
return Runtime.getRuntime().exec(finalCurlCommand).getInputStream();
Additionally, I can convert the returned IS to a string like that:
public static String convertResponseToString(InputStream isToConvertToString) throws IOException
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
IOUtils.copy(isToConvertToString, writer, "UTF-8");
return writer.toString();
However, I can't see a pattern according to which I could get a good response or a desired response header:
Here's what I mean
After executing a command (with -i flag), there might be lots and lots of information like in the screen below:
At first, I thought that I could just split it with '\n', but the thing is that a required response's header or a response itself may not satisfy the criteria (prettified JSON or long redirect URL break the rule).
Also, the static line GOST engine already loaded is a bit annoying (but I hope that I'll be able to get rid of it and nothing unrelated info like that will emerge)
I do believe that there's a pattern which I can use.
For now I can only do that:
public static String getLocationRedirectHeaderValue(String curlResponse)
String locationHeaderValue = curlResponse.substring(curlResponse.indexOf("Location: "));
locationHeaderValue = locationHeaderValue.substring(0, locationHeaderValue.indexOf("\n")).replace("Location: ", "");
return locationHeaderValue;
Which is not nice, obviosuly
Thanks in advance.
Instead of reading the whole result as a single string you might want to consider reading it line by line using a scanner.
Then keep a few status variables around. The main task would be to separate header from body. In the body you might have a payload you want to treat differently (e.g. use GSON to make a JSON object).
The nice thing: Header and Body are separated by an empty line. So your code would be along these lines:
boolean inHeader = true;
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder;
String lastLine = "";
// Technically you would need Multimap
Map<String,String> headers = new HashMap<>();
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(yourInputStream);
while scanner.hasNextLine() {
String line = scanner.nextLine();
if (line.length() == 0) {
inHeader = false;
} else {
if (inHeader) {
// if line starts with space it is
// continuation of previous header
treatHeader(line, lastLine);
} else {
String body = b.toString();

Dynamic Rest Client in Java

I'm trying to create a dynamic Rest client, where I can set the HTTP Method(GET-POST-PUT-DELETE), Query Params and body(Json, plain, XML), this is basically what I need, for the request I think i know how I can do it, but my concern is for reading the answer, since I know what I should get ( format) but I dont know how to read it properly, so far I return an object, below the code (only for POST, but the idea is the same):
Response responseRest = null;
Client client = null;
try {
client = new ResteasyClientBuilder().establishConnectionTimeout(TIME_OUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS).socketTimeout(TIME_OUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS).build();
WebTarget target =;
MediaType type = assignResponseType(request.getTypeResponse());
switch (request.getProtocol()) {
case POST: {
if (request.getParamQuery() != null) {
for (VarRequestDTO varRequest : request.getParamQuery()) {
target = target.queryParam(varRequest.getName(), varRequest.getValue());
responseRest = target.request().post(Entity.entity(new ResponseWrapper(), type));
//HTTP METHOD No supported
Object result = responseRest.readEntity(Object.class);
catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
if (responseRest != null) {
if (client != null) {
What I basically I need is to return the object in the format needed, and where is called it's supposed to do a cast to the correct format, I just need it to be dynamic and used for any service.
Every request that a ReST client makes to a ReST service, it passes an "Accept" header.
This is to indicate to the service the MIME-type of the resource the client is willing to accept.
In the above case, what are the acceptable formats (json/ plain text/ etc.) for you?
Depending on the "accept" format you choose, and the "Content-type" header that you receive, you can write a deserializer to accept that data and process.
Also, instead of returning an Object which is too generic, consider returning a readable Stream to the caller.

HTTP 500 error when invoking Apache Stanbol REST endpoint in Solr Analyzer

I am writing a Solr custom analyzer to post a value of a field to Apache Stanbol for enhancement during indexing phase.
In my custom analyzer's incrementToken() method I have below code. I'm posting the value of the token to Stanbol enhancer endpoint using a Jersey REST client. Instead of the expected enhacement result I always get a HTTP 500 error response when running the analyzer.
But the same REST client logic works when executing it in a Java application main method.
Can someone please help me identify where the problem is? Could it be a Java permission problem, invoking a web endpoint within the Solr analyzer?
public boolean incrementToken() throws IOException {
if (!input.incrementToken()) {
return false;
char[] buffer = charTermAttr.buffer();
String content = new String(buffer);
Client client = Client.create();
WebResource webResource = client.resource("http://localhost:8080/enhancer");
ClientResponse response = webResource.type("text/plain").accept(new MediaType("application", "rdf+xml")).post(ClientResponse.class, content);
int status = response.getStatus();
if (status != 200 && status != 201 && status != 202) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed : HTTP error code : "
+ response.getStatus());
String output = response.getEntity(String.class);
char[] newBuffer = output.toCharArray();
charTermAttr.copyBuffer(newBuffer, 0, newBuffer.length);
return true;
This seems to be a weird intermittent issue when I use the Solr Analysis UI (http://localhost:8983/solr/#/collection1/analysis) for testing my Analyzer.
It works fine when I hard code the input value in the Analyzer and index. I gave the same input : "Tim Bernes Lee is a professor at MIT" hard coded in the Analyzer class and from the Solr Analysis UI. The UI response failed intermittently when I adjust the field value.
This could be a problem with character encoding of the field value it seems.

Single-threaded Java Websocket for Testing

We are developing an application with Scala and Websockets. For the latter we use Java-Websocket. The application itself works great and we are in the middle of writing unit tests.
We use a WebSocket class as follows
class WebSocket(uri : URI) extends WebSocketClient(uri) {
var response = ""
def onOpen(handshakedata : ServerHandshake) {
def onMessage(message : String) {
println("Received: " + message)
response = message
def onClose(code : Int, reason : String, remote : Boolean) {
def onError(ex : Exception) {
A test might look like this (pseudo code)
websocketTest {
ws = new WebSocket("ws://")
res = ws.getResponse()
Sending and receiving data works. However, the problem is that connecting to the websocket creates a new thread and only the new thread will have access to response using the onMessage handler. What is the best way to either make the websocket implementation single-threaded or connect the two threads so that we can access the response in the test case? Or is there another, even better way of doing it? In the end we should be able to somehow test the response of the websocket.
There are a number of ways you could try to do this. The issue will be that you might get an error or a successful response from the server. As a result, the best way is probably to use some sort of timeout. In the past I have used a pattern like (note, this is untested code):
use response in the onMessage like you did
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
long timeout = 5000;//5 seconds
while((system.currentTimeMillis()-start)<timeout && response==null)
if(response == null) .. timed out
else .. do something with the response
If you want to be especially safe you can use an AtomicReference for the response.
Of course the timeout and sleep can be minimized based on your test case.
Moreover, you can wrap this in a utility method.

