Java project runs in ecipse but fails when exported - java

Hey everyone thanks for all the help so far !. I have finally finished this project and it runs fine in eclipse but when I export it I get this error from stack trace also any help on how this could be improved in terms of architecture is much appreciated.
Exception is Exception in thread "LWJGL Application" com.badlogic.gdx.utils.GdxRuntimeExcepti
on: com.badlogic.gdx.utils.GdxRuntimeException: File not found: assets\font.fnt
It runs fine in eclipe but fails when exported
public class ConnectFourApplication extends Game implements ApplicationListener {
private Screen screen;
private Game game;
public static void main(String[] args) {
new LwjglApplication(new ConnectFourApplication(), "PennyPop", 1280, 720,
public ConnectFourApplication(){
game = this;
public void create() {
screen = new MainScreen(game);
public void dispose() {
/** Clears the screen with a white color */
private void clearWhite() {, 1, 1, 1);;
public void pause() {
public void render() {
public void resize(int width, int height) {
screen.resize(width, height);
public void resume() {
public class MainScreen implements Screen {
private final Stage stage;
private final SpriteBatch spriteBatch;
//Parameter for drawing the buttons
private final BitmapFont font;
private final TextureAtlas buttons;
private final Button SFXButton;
private final Button APIButton;
private final Button GameButton;
private final Skin images;
//Parameter for Sound
private final SFXClick;
//Parameter for the api call
private final String WeatherUrl;
private final HttpRequest request;
private final City SanFrancisco;
//The screen to load after the game button is hit
private Screen gamescreen;
private Game game;
public MainScreen(Game game) { = game;
//Set up our assets
spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch();
stage = new Stage(,, false, spriteBatch);
font = new BitmapFont(Gdx.files.internal("assets/font.fnt"),
Gdx.files.internal("assets/font.png"), false);
buttons = new TextureAtlas("assets/GameButtons.pack");
images = new Skin(buttons);
SFXButton = new Button(images.getDrawable("sfxButton"));
SFXButton.setPosition(295, 310);
APIButton = new Button(images.getDrawable("apiButton"));
APIButton.setPosition(405, 310);
GameButton = new Button(images.getDrawable("gameButton"));
GameButton.setPosition(515, 310);
SFXClick ="assets/button_click.wav"));
//Add our actors to the stage
//Set up our Url request to be used when clicking the button
WeatherUrl = ",US";
request = new HttpRequest(HttpMethods.GET);
SanFrancisco = new City("Unavailable","Unavailable","0","0"); //init san fran to be displayed before they have clicked the button
public void dispose() {
public void render(float delta) {
//Begin sprite batch
//Set our on click listeners for our buttons
if (SFXButton.isPressed());
//Set font color and render the screen
font.draw(spriteBatch, "PennyPop", 455 - font.getBounds("PennpyPop").width/2,
460 + font.getBounds("PennyPop").height/2);
font.draw(spriteBatch, "Current Weather", 900 - font.getBounds("PennpyPop").width/2,
460 + font.getBounds("PennyPop").height/2);
font.draw(spriteBatch, SanFrancisco.Name, 940 - font.getBounds("PennpyPop").width/2,
420 + font.getBounds("PennyPop").height/2);
font.draw(spriteBatch, SanFrancisco.CurrentCondition, 950 - font.getBounds("PennpyPop").width/2,
300 + font.getBounds("PennyPop").height/2);
font.draw(spriteBatch, SanFrancisco.Temperature + " Degrees,", 920 - font.getBounds("PennpyPop").width/2,
270 + font.getBounds("PennyPop").height/2);
font.draw(spriteBatch, SanFrancisco.WindSpeed, 1200 - font.getBounds("PennpyPop").width/2,
270 + font.getBounds("PennyPop").height/2);
//End or sprite batch
//Handles calling our API
public void CallApi(){
//Sends our stored HTTPRequest object, new HttpResponseListener() {
public void handleHttpResponse(HttpResponse httpResponse) {
//Uses our private response reader object to give us a the JSON from the api call
JSONObject json = HttpResponseReader(httpResponse);
//Gets the name of the city
SanFrancisco.Name = (String) json.get("name");
//Parsed through our returned JSON for the weather key
JSONArray WeatherArray = (JSONArray) json.get("weather");
//Gets the actual weather dictionary
JSONObject Weather = (JSONObject) WeatherArray.get(0);
//Finally get the value with the key of description and assign it
//To the San Fran current conditions field
SanFrancisco.CurrentCondition = (String) Weather.get("description");
//Gets the actual main dictionary
JSONObject main = (JSONObject) json.get("main");
//Finally get the values based on the keys
SanFrancisco.Temperature = (String) Double.toString((double) main.get("temp"));
//Finally get the wind speed
JSONObject wind = (JSONObject) json.get("wind");
SanFrancisco.WindSpeed = (String) Double.toString((double) wind.get("speed"));
public void failed(Throwable t) {"Failed ", t.getMessage());
//When the button game button is clicked should load the connect four game
public void LoadGame(){
game.setScreen(new GameScreen(game));
//Converts our HttpResponse into a JSON OBject
private static JSONObject HttpResponseReader(HttpResponse httpResponse){
BufferedReader read = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(httpResponse.getResultAsStream()));
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
String line = "";
try {
while ((line = read.readLine()) != null) {
JSONObject json;
try {
json = (JSONObject)new JSONParser().parse(result.toString());
return json;
} catch (ParseException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
public void resize(int width, int height) {
stage.setViewport(width, height, false);
public void hide() {
public void show() {
public void pause() {
// Irrelevant on desktop, ignore this
public void resume() {
// Irrelevant on desktop, ignore this
public class GameScreen implements Screen {
//Our stage and sprites
private final Stage gamestage;
private final SpriteBatch gamesprites;
//Parameter for drawing the pieces
private final BitmapFont gamefont;
private final TextureAtlas pieces;
private final Skin piecesskin;
//this will be the sprite and texture for our red connect four buttons
private Texture redtexture;
private Sprite redsprite;
//this will be the sprite and texture for our red connect four buttons
private Texture yellowtexture;
private Sprite yellowsprite;
//Setup the board
//renders the line
private ShapeRenderer boardlineshape;
//setup the line locations
private int linestartx;
private int linestarty;
private int lineendx;
private int lineendy;
private int linexdistance;
private int lineydistance;
//for this game we will define a board size as the amount of lines the board should contain
private double boardsize;
//Lines required to win
private int linestowin;
private String playersturnstring;
private OrthographicCamera camera;
//Holds all the parameters for our players
//Keeps track of who's turn it is, if 0 player one if 1 player two
private int playersturn;
//Holds the location of all of player ones pieces
//Needs to be two Dimensional to hold x and y values
private int[][] playeronepieces;
private int playeronepieceindex;
//Holds the location of all of player twos pieces
//Needs to be two Dimensional to hold x and y values
private int[][] playertwopieces;
private int playertwopieceindex;
//make the number of pieces per player variable so it can be changed for the future
private int numberofpiecesperplayer;
private Game game;
public boolean gameover;
private boolean isready;
private int[][] RowsAndColumns;
private int columnvalue = 538;
public GameScreen(Game game){ = game;
//Set up our assets
gamesprites = new SpriteBatch();
gamestage = new Stage(,, false, gamesprites);
//Sets up our font
gamefont = new BitmapFont(Gdx.files.internal("assets/font.fnt"),
Gdx.files.internal("assets/font.png"), false);
pieces = new TextureAtlas("assets/GameButtons.pack");
piecesskin = new Skin(pieces);
//set up our camera
camera= new OrthographicCamera(,;
//sets up our red connect four piece
redtexture = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("assets/red.png"));
redsprite = new Sprite(redtexture);
//sets up our yellow connect four piece
yellowtexture = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("assets/yellow.png"));
yellowsprite = new Sprite(yellowtexture);
//setup the board
linestartx = 300;
linestarty = 100;
lineendx = 300;
lineendy = 600;
linexdistance = 100;
lineydistance = 100;
//setup the pieces
numberofpiecesperplayer = 60;
//initialize anything else we need for the game
playersturnstring = "";
//start with player one's turn
playersturn = 0;
//setup or pieces locations as blank
playeronepieces = new int[2][numberofpiecesperplayer]; //create two arrays one for x values one for y
playeronepieceindex = 0;
playertwopieces = new int[2][numberofpiecesperplayer]; //create two arrays one for x values one for y
playertwopieceindex = 0;
gameover = false;
isready = false;
linestowin = 4;
//Should initialize our game board
public void SetUpGameBoard(int boardsize,int linestowin, Color linecolor){
this.boardsize = boardsize;
this.linestowin = linestowin;
boardlineshape = new ShapeRenderer();
//holds the board cells
RowsAndColumns = new int[2][(int) boardsize];
public void dispose() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void hide() {
public void pause() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void render(float delta) {
//set the stage
//if the mouse is clicked and the game is not over send us back to the main screen
if (Gdx.input.justTouched() && gameover == true){
//if the game is over and the user clicks send us back to the main screen
game.setScreen(new MainScreen(game));
//if the mouse is clicked and the game is not over add a piece to player one
if (Gdx.input.justTouched() && gameover != true){
AddPiece(Gdx.input.getX(), Gdx.input.getY());
//Draw our board
///Draw all of the lines for our board
//Starts our game sprite batch
//Draw all of player ones pieces
//Draw all of player twos pieces
gamefont.draw(gamesprites, playersturnstring, 515, 650);
//End our game sprite batch
//Lastly check to make sure our the game is not over
isready = true;
//draw the board
private void DrawBoard(int linestartx, int linestarty, int lineendx, int lineendy){
//For each line in our board draw a line
for(int i =0; i < boardsize; i++)
//first we will draw the vertical lines then we will change to the horizontal lines
boardlineshape.line(linestartx, linestarty,lineendx, lineendy);
//if the x value exceeds a certian amount then change to the horizontal lines
//increment the start x position to draw another line
linestartx += linexdistance;
lineendx += lineydistance;
//if the x start is over 1200 we have drawn the last vertical line so switch to th
//horizontal lines
if(linestartx > 1000)
//set our x values and render our horizontal lines
lineendx = linestartx - linexdistance;
linestartx = this.linestartx;
linestarty = this.linestarty;
lineendy = this.linestarty;
for(int index =0; index < boardsize -2; index++){
//increment the start y position to draw another line
boardlineshape.line(linestartx, linestarty,lineendx, lineendy);
linestarty += lineydistance;
lineendy += lineydistance;
//Draws all the current pieces for player one
private void DrawPlayerOnePieces(){
//For all of player one's pieces
for(int i = 0; i < playeronepieces[1].length;i++)
//of its not an empty piece draw it
if(playeronepieces[0][i] != 0){
gamesprites.draw(redtexture, playeronepieces[0][i], playeronepieces[1][i]);
//Draws all the current pieces for player two
private void DrawPlayerTwoPieces(){
//For all of player two's pieces
for(int i = 0; i < playertwopieces[1].length;i++)
//of its not an empty piece draw it
if(playertwopieces[0][i] != 0){
gamesprites.draw(yellowtexture, playertwopieces[0][i], playertwopieces[1][i]);
//Adds a piece to whichever players current turn it is
private void AddPiece(int clickx, int clicky){
int computedx = GetComputedX(clickx,linestartx);
int computedy = GetComputedY(clicky,linestarty);
if(playeronepieceindex != 60)
//makes sure they are clicking inside our board and that there is not already a piece on that part of the board
(clickx > linestartx && clickx < linestartx + ((boardsize - 1) * linexdistance))&&
(clicky > linestarty && clicky < lineendy)&&
(CheckIfPieceExists(computedx,computedy,playeronepieces) == false) &&
(CheckIfPieceExists(computedx,computedy,playertwopieces) == false)
if(playersturn == 0)
playeronepieces[0][playeronepieceindex] = computedx; //set the x value
playeronepieces[1][playeronepieceindex] = 700 - computedy; //set the y value
playersturnstring = "Player Two's turn";
else if(playersturn == 1)
playertwopieces[0][playertwopieceindex] = computedx; //set the x value
playertwopieces[1][playertwopieceindex] = 700 - computedy; //set the y value
playersturnstring = "Player One's turn";
//every time we add a piece change the players turn
//puts our x value in the center of its cell
public int GetComputedX(int touchx, int linestartx){
//compute our x depending on the nearest line
int lineendx = linestartx + linexdistance;
//for the images width
int imagewidth = redtexture.getWidth();
for(int i = 0; i < boardsize; i++)
//if the touched x is in this range than assign the computed x value to
//half the cell
if(touchx > linestartx && touchx < lineendx){
touchx = (lineendx - (linexdistance/2)) - (imagewidth/2);
linestartx += linexdistance;
lineendx += linexdistance;
return touchx;
//puts our y value in the center of the cell
public int GetComputedY(int touchy, int linestarty)
//compute our x depending on the nearest line
int lineendy = linestarty + lineydistance;
//for the images width
int imageheight = redtexture.getHeight();
//computer our x depending on the nearest line
for(int i =0; i < boardsize; i++)
//if the touched x is in this range than assign the computed x value to
//half the cell
if(touchy > linestarty && touchy < lineendy){
touchy = ((lineendy - (lineydistance/2)) + (imageheight/4));
linestarty += lineydistance;
lineendy += lineydistance;
return touchy;
//Sets the next players turn
private void RestPlayersTurn(int playerturn){
if(playerturn == 2){
playersturn = 0;
//check for game over
private void CheckForGameOver(){
//check if player one has a connect four
private void CheckForConnectFourHorizontal(){
int rowvalue = 318;
int columnvalue = 534;
//for each column on the board check the row for a horizontal connect four for player one
for(int i = 0; i < RowsAndColumns[1].length; i++)
rowvalue = 318;
columnvalue = columnvalue - 100;
rowvalue = 318;
columnvalue = 534;
//for each column on the board check the row for a horizontal connect four for player two
for(int i = 0; i < RowsAndColumns[1].length; i++)
rowvalue = 318;
columnvalue = columnvalue - 100;
private void CheckForConnectFourVertical(){
int rowvalue = 318;
int columnvalue = 534;
//for each column on the board check the row for a horizontal connect four
for(int i = 0; i < RowsAndColumns[1].length; i++)
rowvalue = rowvalue + 100 ;
columnvalue = 534;
rowvalue = 318;
columnvalue = 534;
//for each column on the board check the row for a horizontal connect four
for(int i = 0; i < RowsAndColumns[1].length; i++)
rowvalue = rowvalue + 100 ;
columnvalue = 534;
private void CheckForConnectFourDiagonal(){
int rowvalue = 318;
int columnvalue = 534;
int originalrowvalue = 318;
//finally do this for every column
for(int index = 0; index < RowsAndColumns[0].length; index++ ){
//for each row on the board check the next four diagonal
for(int i = 0; i < RowsAndColumns[1].length; i++)
rowvalue = rowvalue + 100;
rowvalue = originalrowvalue;
columnvalue -= 100;
rowvalue = 318;
columnvalue = 534;
originalrowvalue = 318;
//finally do this for every column
for(int index = 0; index < RowsAndColumns[0].length; index++ ){
//for each row on the board check the next four diagonal
for(int i = 0; i < RowsAndColumns[1].length; i++)
rowvalue = rowvalue + 100;
rowvalue = originalrowvalue;
columnvalue -= 100;
private void CheckRowForConnectFour(int rowvalue, int columnvalue, int[][] playerpieces){
int consecutivepiecesinrow = 0;
int nonmatchedpieces = 0;
//for all the rows in this column
for(int index = 0; index < playerpieces[0].length; index++){ //go through the row
//for all of the pieces check to see if one matches this spot on the grid
for(int i = 0; i < playerpieces[0].length;i++)
//if both of these match this is a cell is occupied by a red peiece
if(playerpieces[0][i] == rowvalue && playerpieces[1][i] == columnvalue )
//add to the counter
nonmatchedpieces = 0;
break; //we found a piece here so break to the outer loop
else{ //if we found one add them to our counter otherwise if none of the items
//match then it doesnt exist in this array
//if the red player has no piece on this cell
if(nonmatchedpieces == playerpieces[0].length)
consecutivepiecesinrow = 0;
nonmatchedpieces = 0;
//if we hit for matched then end the game
if(consecutivepiecesinrow == 4){
playersturnstring = "Game Over";
gameover = true;
//check the next cell
rowvalue += 100;
private void CheckColumnForConnectFour( int rowvalue, int columnvalue, int[][] playerpieces)
int consecutivepiecesinrow = 0;
int nonmatchedpieces = 0;
//for all the rows in this column
for(int index = 0; index < RowsAndColumns[1].length; index++){ //go through the column
//for all of the pieces check to see if one matches this spot on the grid
for(int i = 0; i < playerpieces[1].length;i++)
//if both of these match this is a cell is occupied by a red peiece
if(playerpieces[0][i] == rowvalue && playerpieces[1][i] == columnvalue )
//add to the counter
nonmatchedpieces = 0;
break; //we found a piece here so break to the outer loop
else{ //if we found one add them to our counter otherwise if none of the items
//match then it doesnt exist in this array
//if the red player has no piece on this cell
if(nonmatchedpieces == playerpieces[0].length)
consecutivepiecesinrow = 0;
nonmatchedpieces = 0;
//if we hit for matched then end the game
if(consecutivepiecesinrow == 4){
playersturnstring = "Game Over";
gameover = true;
//check the next cell
columnvalue -= 100;
private void CheckDiagonalSegment(int rowvalue, int columnvalue, int[][] playerpieces){
private void CheckForForwardDiagonal(int rowvalue, int columnvalue,int[][] playerpieces){
int consecutivepiecesinrow = 0;
int nonmatchedpieces = 0;
//check for four to the right
for(int index = 0; index < RowsAndColumns[0].length; index++){ //for every square in the diagonal
for(int i = 0; i < playeronepieces[0].length;i++) // for every player peice check for a red
//if both of these match this is a cell is occupied by a red peiece
if(playerpieces[0][i] == rowvalue && playerpieces[1][i] == columnvalue )
//add to the counter
nonmatchedpieces = 0;
break; //we found a piece here so break to the outer loop
else{ //if we found one add them to our counter otherwise if none of the items
//match then it doesnt exist in this array
//if the red player has no piece on this cell
if(nonmatchedpieces == playerpieces[0].length)
consecutivepiecesinrow = 0;
nonmatchedpieces = 0;
//if we hit for matched then end the game
if(consecutivepiecesinrow == 4){
playersturnstring = "Game Over";
gameover = true;
rowvalue += 100;
columnvalue -= 100;
public void CheckForBackwardDiagonal(int rowvalue, int columnvalue,int[][] playerpieces){
int consecutivepiecesinrow = 0;
int nonmatchedpieces = 0;
//checks the diagonal to the left
for(int index = 0; index < RowsAndColumns[0].length; index++){ //for every square in the diagonal
for(int i = 0; i < playerpieces[0].length;i++) // for every player peice check for a red
//if both of these match this is a cell is occupied by a red peiece
if(playerpieces[0][i] == rowvalue && playerpieces[1][i] == columnvalue )
//add to the counter
nonmatchedpieces = 0;
break; //we found a piece here so break to the outer loop
else{ //if we found one add them to our counter otherwise if none of the items
//match then it doesnt exist in this array
//if the red player has no piece on this cell
if(nonmatchedpieces == playerpieces[0].length)
consecutivepiecesinrow = 0;
nonmatchedpieces = 0;
//if we hit for matched then end the game
if(consecutivepiecesinrow == 4){
playersturnstring = "Game Over";
gameover = true;
rowvalue -= 100;
columnvalue -= 100;
//checks if a piece is already in this position on the board
public boolean CheckIfPieceExists(int row,int column,int[][] playerpieces){
//for all of the pieces check to see if one matches this spot on the grid
for(int i = 0; i < playerpieces[0].length;i++)
//if both of these match this is a cell is occupied by a red peiece
if(playerpieces[0][i] == row && playerpieces[1][i] == column )
//there is already a piece here
return true;
return false;
public void resize(int arg0, int arg1) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void resume() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void show() {
//set the processor to the new screen
//render our game screen

The Problem is related to that line
font = new BitmapFont(Gdx.files.internal("assets/font.fnt"),
Gdx.files.internal("assets/font.png"), false);
The file search patch (and classpath) is handled in a different way when starting applications from within your eclipse workspace.
The font is not exported (or not present) in your installed application.
Try to print the file path to console or debug your application. I assume that the file-root is different.
the font is not exported correctly and has to be aded to the

It runs fine in eclipe but fails when exported
The correct way to export is:
File -> Export -> Java -> Runnable JAR file.
Be sure to check:
Package required libraries into Generated JAR.
That way, your assets will be packaged in the jar and the font will be found.


How would I create a HashMap for a TicTacToe game

I am creating a TicTacToe game with 2 boards, only one is playable to the user. If a user clicks on cell[2][3] on grid 1 a token will be drawn on grid 1 and on cells[2][3] on grid 2. I was thinking of using a HashMap to assign indexes to each cell. Like cell[2][3] and cells[2][3] would each be assigned to index 9. How would I implement this is my code? Would I even use a Hashmap for what I am trying to do? I am unfamiliar with this concept so I might just be overthinking this.
Note: Cell[][] is the cells for grid 1 and Cells[][] are for grid 2. Cells[][] have randomized indexes in it so it can be randomly assigned to the board.
Edit: If I want to link cell(2)(3) and cells(2)(3) I would change integer to Cell when I initialize hashmap. Then I would do HMap. put(cell[2][3], cells[2][3]) right?
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.border.LineBorder;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.HashMap;
public class Bull extends JFrame{
private char currentPlayer = ' ';
// Creates array of cells called Cell[][] cell
private Cell[][] cell = new Cell[3][3];
// Creates array of cells called Sale[][] cells
private Cells[][] cells = new Cells[3][3];
// Creates a boolean array
private boolean t[][] = new boolean[3][3];
// Creates index array
private int z[] = new int[8];
//Initializes Random
Random rand = new Random();
// Initializes variables which will be used to create random ints
int f;
int g;
// Initializes JlblStatus
private JLabel jlblStatus = new JLabel(" ");
private JLabel jlblIndex = new JLabel(" ");
// Method that builds the JFrame and JPanels
public Bull(){
// Do I change Integer to array?
HashMap<Integer, Integer> HMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
// Title of the JFrame
JFrame frame = new JFrame("Shadow Tic Tac Toe Game");
// Makes the JFrame full screen
// If x button is clicked than the JFrame closes
// Initializes JPanel1
JPanel panel1 = new JPanel();
// Initializes JPanel2
JPanel panel2 = new JPanel();
// Adds panel1 which will hold the first TicTacToe game.
panel1.setLayout(new GridLayout(3,3,0,0));
for(int d = 0; d < 3; d++){
for(int c = 0; c < 3; c++){
panel1.add(cell[d][c] = new Cell());
// Sets size of the cells in JPanel1
cell[d][c].setPreferredSize(new Dimension(250,250));
panel2.setLayout(new GridLayout(3,3,0,0));
int n = 0;
while(n < 9){
while(t[f][g] == false){
t[f][g] = true;
panel2.add(cells[f][g] = new Cells());
cells[f][g].setPreferredSize(new Dimension(250,250));
System.out.println("\t" + g);
// Adds Panel1 to the JFrame
frame.add(panel1, BorderLayout.WEST);
// Adds Panel2 to the JFrame
frame.add(panel2, BorderLayout.EAST);
// Updates the status of the game here (win/lose/draw/whose turn it is
frame.add(jlblStatus, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
// Sets size of the message area at the bottom of the frame
jlblStatus.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100,100));
// Shows the Instructions of the game
// Calls method Chose() which allows the player to chose which token they will play as
// Sets it so the JFrame is visible to the user
// Method that creates the Instructions for the game. Will be shown to the user prior to the user picking his token
public void Instructions(){
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"INSTRUCTIONS" + "\nThis game is called a 'Shadow Tic Tac Toe Game'. In this game there will be two Tic Tac Toe game boards, though only one is playable. \nBut you can win on either board. Lets say you place your token on the center tile at cell(2,3). \nAn X will be drawn on that spot on board 1 and on a randomized spot on the second game board at cell(2,3). \nYou will be able to see the cell indexes before you click on a cell so you can form a strategy");
// Method that lets the user chose his/her token
public void Chose(){
int f = 2;
// While f == 2 the loop will run
while(f == 2){
String input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("CHOSE" + "\nPlease select your token. \nPress 1 for X and 2 for O.");
// Reads in the user input. Input put into a variable called pawn
int pawn = Integer.parseInt(input);
// If user input 1 his/her token will be X. F will equal 3 so the loop does not run again
currentPlayer = 'X';
f = 3;
// If user input 2 his/her token will be O. F will equal 3 so the loop does not run again
}else if(input.equals("2")){
currentPlayer = 'O';
f = 3;
// If user does not enter in either a 1 or 2 an error message will appear. f wil equal 2 so the loop runs again and asks the user to chose his/her token again
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"ERROR INVALID RESPONSE");
f = 2;
public class Cells extends JPanel{
private char tok = ' ';
public Cells(){
// Sets the border for the cells to the color black
setBorder(new LineBorder(,1));
public void setTok(char d){
tok = d;
public char getTok(){
return tok;
protected void Paint(Graphics g){
if(tok == 'X'){
g.drawLine(10,10,getWidth() - 10, getHeight()-10);
}else if (tok == 'O'){
g.drawOval(10,10,getWidth()-20, getHeight()-20);
public class Cell extends JPanel{
private char token = ' ';
public void setToken(char c){
token = c;
public char getToken(){
return token;
public Cell(){
// Sets the border for the cells to the color black
setBorder(new LineBorder(, 1));
addMouseListener(new MyMouseListener());
protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
if (token == 'X') {
g.drawLine(10,10, getWidth() - 10, getHeight() - 10);
g.drawLine(getWidth() - 10,10,10, getHeight() - 10);
else if (token == 'O') {
g.drawOval(10, 10, getWidth() - 20, getHeight() - 20);
private class MyMouseListener extends MouseAdapter{
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e){
// If cell is empty and game is not over
if (token == ' ' && currentPlayer != ' ') {
setToken(currentPlayer); // Set token in the cell
for(int d = 0; d < 3; d++){
for(int c = 0; c < 3; c++){
if(cell[d][c].getToken() == 'X'){
}else if(cell[d][c].getToken() == 'O'){
}else if(cell[d][c].getToken() == ' '){
cells[d][c].setTok(' ');
jlblStatus.setText("The game is over! " + currentPlayer + " won the game! Congragulations " + currentPlayer + " !");
currentPlayer = ' ';
}else if(Full()){
jlblStatus.setText("The game is over, it ends in a draw!");
currentPlayer = ' ';
if(currentPlayer == 'X'){
currentPlayer = 'O';
currentPlayer = 'X';
jlblStatus.setText("It is " + currentPlayer + " 's turn");
public boolean Full(){
for(int d = 0; d < 3; d++)
for(int c = 0; c < 3; c++)
if(cell[d][c].getToken() == ' ')
return false;
return true;
public boolean Won(char token){
for(int d = 0; d < 3; d++){
if(cell[d][0].getToken() == token && cell[d][1].getToken() == token && cell[d][2].getToken() == token){
return true;
for(int c = 0; c < 3; c++){
if(cell[0][c].getToken() == token && cell[1][c].getToken() == token && cell[2][c].getToken() == token){
return true;
if(cell[0][0].getToken() == token && cell[1][1].getToken() == token && cell[2][2].getToken() == token){
return true;
if(cell[0][2].getToken() == token && cell[1][1].getToken() == token && cell[2][0].getToken() == token){
return true;
return false;
public static void main(String [] args){
new Bull();
So essentially you want to map a cell on one grid (that the player can play on) to some cell on another grid (the shadow grid)?
You could do this just using another 2D array that stores what indices a cell maps to in the other grid, but you would need to return a point object containing x and y coordinates. But that method is sorta annoying to keep track of and has its limitations.
If you want to do it with a HashMap<Point, Point> of one Point in one grid to a Point in another grid, then you would have to override hashCode() and equals() of Point and do something like this:
HashMap<Point, Point> mapPointToPoint = new HashMap<>();
// (0,0) maps to shadow grid (1,2)
mapPointToPoint.put(new Point(0,0), new Point(1,2));
mapPointToPoint.put(new Point(0,1), new Point(2,1));
// ... more mappings for all the cells
// to get
Point pointInPlayableGrid = new Point(0,0);
Point pointInShadowGrid = mapPointToPoint.get(pointInPlayableGrid);
// pointInShadowGrid == (1,2) since that's what it was mapped to
However, if you wanted to have multiple shadow grids then you'd need to have a map from points in the playable grid to the points in the shadow grids for each shadow grid.
So instead, since you already have the Cell class, why not just have each Cell store a List<Cell> of all the cells that it maps to. This is also very flexible because you could even have a single playable Cell map to multiple cells in a single shadow grid, and on hover of the playable Cell you could just go through the list of shadow Cells it maps to and highlight them too.
public class Cell extends JPanel{
private Cell shadowCell;
public void setCellThisMapsTo(Cell otherCell){ this.shadowCell = otherCell; }
public Cell getCellThisMapsTo(){ return shadowCell; }
// ... all the other stuff
// ... wherever you initialize the playable and shadow grid
// get a list of the shadow Cells, randomized order
Cell[][] shadowGrid; // however you init this
Cell[][] playableGrid; // however you init this
LinkedList<Cell> shadowCells = new LinkedList<>();
for(int x = 0; x < 3; x++){
for(int y = 0; y < 3; y++){
for(int x = 0; x < 3; x++){
for(int y = 0; y < 3; y++){
Cell playableCell = playableGrid[x][y];
Cell shadowCell = shadowCells.removeFirst();
playableCell.setCellThisMapsTo(shadowCell );
// Now all the playable cells map to a random shadow cell
Cell playableCell = playableGrid[0][0];
Cell shadowCell = playableCell.getCellThisMapsTo();
The shadow Cells will not map to any other cells, so shadowCell.getCellThisMapsTo() would return null. But this method would makes it easy to map playable cells to shadow cells and keep track of them, without even using a HashMap nor having to keep track of Points mapping to Points.
Here is my definition for Point. If you want to put something in a hash map based on its values (rather than its object reference), then it is important to override hashCode() and equals():
class Point {
public final int x;
public final int y;
public Point(int x, int y){
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
// !!! OVERRIDE hashCode() and equals() so you can use this properly in a HashMap !!!
public int hashCode() {
int hash = 7;
hash = 71 * hash + this.x;
hash = 71 * hash + this.y;
return hash;
public int equals(Object o) {
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (getClass() != o.getClass())
return false;
Point p = (Point) o;
return this.x == p.x && this.y == p.y;

JFrame defined in one class, JComponent extended in another

Relatively new to Java, coding for a school project.
I'm using JFrame and JComponent, drawing patterns and strings and all that fun stuff.
Currently, I have a class written that extends JComponent. This is the class where I am defining most of my shapes. The issue is that I initialized my Jframe
(Code: JFrame myFrame = new JFrame() ) in the main of one class, but I need to access myFrame.getWidth() in the JComponent class that I'm working in.
How can I access variables getWidth() and getHeight() in "public class MyJComponent extends JComponent" , when I defined myFrame in 'public class Lab2' ??
Edit for code:
public class Lab2 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello Java");
JFrame myFrame = new JFrame();
myFrame.setSize(500, 500);
myFrame.setTitle("Color Test");
MyJComponent myComponent = new MyJComponent(500, 500);
myFrame.getContentPane().setBackground(Color.white); //sets background color.
myFrame.setVisible(true); // setVisible() *after* add() is the norm
//Deciding geometry of hidden shape. paintComponent is called once per run, this is called afterwards.
public class MyJComponent extends JComponent {
int[] circleX;
int[] circleY;
int[] circleR;
final int MIN_RADIUS = 5;
final int MAX_RADIUS = 15;
final int MIN_SEPARATION = 1;
final int MAX_ATTEMPTS = 5000;
final int MAX_CIRCLES = 1000;
Random rand;
int initialWidth;
int initialHeight;
int numCircles; // actual number of circles drawn
// are circles at index i and index j separated by *<= tolerance* pixels?
boolean twoCirclesOverlap(int i, int j, int tolerance) {
double distanceBetweenCenters =
Math.sqrt((circleX[i] - circleX[j]) * (circleX[i] - circleX[j]) +
(circleY[i] - circleY[j]) * (circleY[i] - circleY[j]));
return (distanceBetweenCenters <= (circleR[i] + circleR[j] + tolerance));
// are any existing circles separated from the proposed one at index i by *<= tolerance* pixels?
boolean anyCirclesOverlap(int i, int tolerance) {
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
if (twoCirclesOverlap(i, j, tolerance)) {
return true;
return false;
// attempt to randomly place the largest-possible circle that does not overlap any existing one
boolean tryToPlaceCircle(int i) {
for (int j = 0; j < MAX_ATTEMPTS; j++) {
// pick a random position, set initial radius to minimum
circleX[i] = rand.nextInt(initialWidth);
circleY[i] = rand.nextInt(initialHeight);
circleR[i] = MIN_RADIUS;
// grow circle until it touches another or reaches max size
while (!anyCirclesOverlap(i, MIN_SEPARATION) && circleR[i] < MAX_RADIUS)
// it was touching from the start -- must try again
if (circleR[i] == MIN_RADIUS) {
// grew to max size -- well done
else if (circleR[i] == MAX_RADIUS) {
return true;
// grew some, but then touched
else {
circleR[i]--; // retract to the step before touch
return true;
// all attempts failed
return false;
MyJComponent(int width, int height) {
circleX = new int[MAX_CIRCLES];
circleY = new int[MAX_CIRCLES];
circleR = new int[MAX_CIRCLES];
initialWidth = width;
initialHeight = height;
rand = new Random();
numCircles = 0;
while (numCircles < MAX_CIRCLES && tryToPlaceCircle(numCircles)) {
//Override paintComponent
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
for (int i = 0; i < numCircles; i++) {
g.drawOval(circleX[i] - circleR[i], circleY[i] - circleR[i], 2 * circleR[i], 2 * circleR[i]);
//Shape decision
public void shapeDecision() {
double randomShapeDecider = Math.random();
if (randomShapeDecider > .50) {
//shape is circle, define it's properties
hiddenCircleDiameter = myFrame.getWidth();
else {
//shape is rectangle
hiddenRectangleWidth = myFrame.getWidth();

Differentiating between highlighted and regular chessboard squares

I have a chessboard, made by overriding the paint() method of a class extending Panel. I highlight all the possible squares a chess piece can go to on the board, and store the pixel values of the upper left corners of the highlighted squares in the:
private ArrayList<Integer> highlightedSquares = new ArrayList<Integer>();
topLeftVal is an array with all of the top left corner values of the squares. In the mouseClicked method of the mouseAdapter, I want to know when a highlighted square (and only a highlighted square) is clicked, and then call repaint(). However, for some reason the program also accepts many squares that are not highlighted.
Here is the code (I apologize for the formatting):
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e){
clickPointX = e.getX();
clickPointY = e.getY();
//iterate through highlightedSquares and if the clicked pt is in one of them, repaint
int q = 0;
int xCoor = 0, yCoor = 0;
for(int a : highlightedSquares){
if(q % 2 == 0)
xCoor = a;
yCoor = a;
if((xCoor <= clickPointX) && (clickPointX <= (xCoor + 80)) && (yCoor <= clickPointY) && (clickPointY <= (yCoor + 80))){ //I think this line is causing the problem?
for(int i = 0; i < topLeftVal.length;i++){
if(topLeftVal[i] == _pixX)
_x = i;
if(topLeftVal[i] == _pixY)
_y = i;
} //end of if inside else
} //end of else
} //end of foreach
} //end of mouseClicked
Here is an example implementation where I defined two classes -- Board and Square. Board is derived from JPanel. Square represents a single square on the board. My mouse click listener displays a message which indicates whether or not the clicked upon square is highlighted. Hopefully this will give you a good idea of how to modify your code to achieve the desired result.
public class TestMain {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
new TestMain().run();
public void run() {
// create and show a JFrame containing a chess board
JFrame window = new JFrame();
Board board = new Board();
board.getSquare(2, 4).setHighlighted(true);
board.getSquare(3, 4).setHighlighted(true);
window.getContentPane().add(board, BorderLayout.NORTH);
// *** Board represents the chess board
private class Board extends JPanel {
// *** the constructor creates the squares and adds a mouse click listener
public Board() {
setPreferredSize(new Dimension(squareSize * 8, squareSize * 8));
// create the squares
boolean rowStartRedFlag = true;
for (int row = 0; row < 8; row++) {
boolean redFlag = rowStartRedFlag;
for (int column = 0; column < 8; column++) {
squares [row] [column] = new Square(this, row, column, redFlag);
redFlag = !redFlag;
rowStartRedFlag = !rowStartRedFlag;
// add mouse click listener
this.addMouseListener(new MouseClickListener());
// *** mouse click listener
private class MouseClickListener extends MouseAdapter {
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
Square square = getSquareAt(e.getX(), e.getY());
String msg = square.isHighlighted() ? "Square is highlighted" : "Square is not highlighted";
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, msg);
// ** override paint
public void paint(Graphics g) {
draw ((Graphics2D) g);
// *** draw every square on the board
public void draw(Graphics2D g) {
for (int row = 0; row < squares.length; row++) {
for (int column = 0; column < squares [row].length; column++) {
squares [row] [column].draw(g);
// *** get square given row and column
public Square getSquare(int row, int column) {
return squares [row] [column];
// *** get square from coords
public Square getSquareAt(int x, int y) {
int column = getColumnAtX(x);
int row = getRowAtY(y);
return squares [row] [column];
// *** get column # given x
public int getColumnAtX(int x) {
int column = x / squareSize;
return Math.min(Math.max(column, 0), 7);
// *** get row # given x
public int getRowAtY(int y) {
int row = y / squareSize;
return Math.min(Math.max(row, 0), 7);
// ** get left x given column
public int getLeftFromColumn(int column) {
return column * squareSize;
// ** get top y give row
public int getTopFromRow(int row) {
return row * squareSize;
// *** get size of square side
public int getSquareSize() {
return squareSize;
private int squareSize = 25; // length of square side
private Square [][] squares = new Square [8][8];
// *** Squalre represents one square on the board
private class Square {
// ** constructor creates the square
public Square(Board board, int row, int column, boolean redFlag) {
this.board = board;
this.column = column;
this.row = row;
if (redFlag) {
color = Color.RED;
colorHighlighted = Color.PINK;
} else {
color = Color.BLACK;
colorHighlighted = Color.LIGHT_GRAY;
// ** set highlight flag
public void setHighlighted(boolean value) {
highlighted = value;
// *** see if square is highlighted
public boolean isHighlighted() {
return highlighted;
// *** draw the square
public void draw(Graphics2D g) {
Color fillColor = highlighted ? colorHighlighted : color;
int x = board.getLeftFromColumn(column);
int y = board.getTopFromRow(row);
int size = board.getSquareSize();
g.fillRect(x, y, size, size);
private Board board;
private Color color;
private Color colorHighlighted;
private int column;
private boolean highlighted = false;
private int row;

Array displaying images, need to make another method that takes a paramter NUM

I explained that horridly in the title, and I apologize, am very new to java and don't quite understand some of it yet.
My cat animation runs to the middle of the screen, scratches twice, then continues to run to the end, is there anyway to write a method that will take an INT NUM and make the cat scratch x amount of times? Not sure how to go about doing this.
Any help would be great,
Here is my current code
/** Run the animation. */
public void nekoRun() {
/* Move Neko to the centre of the panel. */
private void moveIn() {
for (int i = 0; i < getWidth()/2; i+=10) {
xPos = i;
// swap images
if (currentImage == nekoPics[0])
currentImage = nekoPics[1];
currentImage = nekoPics[0];
private void scratch() {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// Swap images.
currentImageIndex = nextImageList[currentImageIndex];
currentImage = nekoPics[currentImageIndex];
private void moveOut() {
for (int i = xPos; i < getWidth(); i+=10) {
xPos = i;
// swap images
if (currentImage == nekoPics[0])
currentImage = nekoPics[1];
currentImage = nekoPics[0];

getting my ovals to stack up on each column [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
issue with my main method in my connect4 game
on my connect4 game, whenever i click on any square it places the oval on that specific square, how do i get it so that it places the oval on the lowest square in that column so that it can stack up?
package Game;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class ConnectFourBoard {
// This constant is used to indicate the width and height, in cells,
// of the board. Since we want an 8x8 board, we'll set it to 8.
private static final int WIDTH = 8;
private static final int HEIGHT = 8;
private ConnectFourCell[][] currentPlayer;
// The current state the Othello board is defined with these two
// fields: a two-dimensional array holding the state of each cell,
// and a boolean value indicating whether it's the black player's
// turn (true) or the white player's turn (false).
private ConnectFourCell[][] cells;
private boolean isBlueTurn;
// Since the board is a model and it needs to notify views of changes,
// it will employ the standard "listener" mechanism of tracking a list
// of listeners and firing "events" (by calling methods on those
// listeners) when things change.
private ArrayList<ConnectFourListener> listeners;
public ConnectFourBoard()
// Arrays, in Java, are objects, which means that variables of
// array types (like cells, which has type OthelloCell[][]) are
// really references that say where an array lives. By default,
// references point to null. So we'll need to create an actual
// two-dimensional array for "cells" to point to.
cells = new ConnectFourCell[WIDTH][HEIGHT];
listeners = new ArrayList<ConnectFourListener>();
isBlueTurn = true;
public void reset(){
for (int i = 0; i<WIDTH ; i++){
for (int j = 0; j<HEIGHT; j++){
cells[i][j] = ConnectFourCell.NONE;
isBlueTurn = true;
public void addConnectFourListener(ConnectFourListener listener)
public void removeConnectFourListener(ConnectFourListener listener)
if (listeners.contains(listener))
// These are fairly standard "fire event" methods that we've been building
// all quarter, one corresponding to each method in the listener interface.
private void fireBoardChanged()
for (ConnectFourListener listener : listeners)
private void fireGameOver()
for (ConnectFourListener listener : listeners)
// isBlackTurn() returns true if it's the black player's turn, and false
// if it's the white player's turn.
public boolean isBlueTurn()
return isBlueTurn;
public int getWidth()
return WIDTH;
public int getHeight(){
return HEIGHT;
// getBlackScore() calculates the score for the black player.
public int getBlackScore()
return getScore(ConnectFourCell.BLUE);
// getWhiteScore() calculates the score for the white player.
public int getWhiteScore()
return getScore(ConnectFourCell.RED);
// getScore() runs through all the cells on the board and counts the
// number of cells that have a particular value (e.g., BLACK or WHITE).
// This method uses the naive approach of counting them each time
// it's called; it might be better to keep track of this score as we
// go, updating it as tiles are added and flipped.
private int getScore(ConnectFourCell cellValue)
int score = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < HEIGHT; j++)
if (cells[i][j] == cellValue)
return score;
// getWhiteScore() calculates the score for the white player.
public int getRedScore()
return getScore(ConnectFourCell.RED);
public int getBlueScore() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return getScore(ConnectFourCell.BLUE);
public ConnectFourCell getCell(int x, int y)
if (!isValidCell(x, y))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"(" + x + ", " + y + ") is not a valid cell");
return cells[x][y];
* The drop method.
* Drop a checker into the specified HEIGHT,
* and return the WIDTH that the checker lands on.
int drop(int HEIGHT) {
if (hasWon()) {
return -1;
for ( ; WIDTH<6 && HEIGHT != 0; WIDTH++) { };
if (WIDTH==6) {
// if the WIDTH is 6, it went through all 6 WIDTHs
// of the cells, and couldn't find an empty one.
// Therefore, return false to indicate that this
// drop operation failed.
return -1;
// fill the WIDTH of that HEIGHT with a checker.
cells[HEIGHT][WIDTH] = currentPlayer[HEIGHT][WIDTH];
// alternate the players
//currentPlayer = (currentPlayer%2)+1;
return WIDTH;
* The toString method
* Returns a String representation of this
* Connect Four (TM) game.
public String toString() {
String returnString = "";
for (int WIDTH=5; WIDTH>=0; WIDTH--) {
for (int HEIGHT=0; HEIGHT<7; HEIGHT++) {
returnString = returnString + cells[HEIGHT][WIDTH];
returnString = returnString + "\n";
return returnString;
* The hasWon method.
* This method returns true if one of the
* players has won the game.
public boolean hasWon()
// First, we'll establish who the current player and the opponent is.
ConnectFourCell myColor =
isBlueTurn() ? ConnectFourCell.BLUE : ConnectFourCell.RED;
ConnectFourCell otherColor =
isBlueTurn() ? ConnectFourCell.RED : ConnectFourCell.BLUE;
return true;
public void validMove( ){
public void makeAMove(int x, int y){
//System.out.println(x+" "+y);
// cells[x][y] = ConnectFourCell.BLUE;
//Check who's turn it is. Set to that color.
ConnectFourCell myColor = null;
if ( isBlueTurn == true){
myColor = myColor.BLUE;
else {
myColor = myColor.RED;
cells[x][y] = myColor;
//Check if it's a valid move. If there is a piece there. can't
// Look at the column. play piece in the highest available slot
//Check if there are 4 in a row.
for (int WIDTH=0; WIDTH<6; WIDTH++) {
for (int HEIGHT=0; HEIGHT<4; HEIGHT++) {
if (!(cells[HEIGHT][WIDTH] == ConnectFourCell.NONE) &&
cells[HEIGHT][WIDTH] == cells[HEIGHT+1][WIDTH] &&
cells[HEIGHT][WIDTH] == cells[HEIGHT+2][WIDTH] &&
cells[HEIGHT][WIDTH] == cells[HEIGHT+3][WIDTH]) {
// check for a vertical win
for (int WIDTH=0; WIDTH<3; WIDTH++) {
for (int HEIGHT=0; HEIGHT<7; HEIGHT++) {
if (!(cells[HEIGHT][WIDTH] == ConnectFourCell.NONE) &&
cells[HEIGHT][WIDTH] == cells[HEIGHT][WIDTH+1] &&
cells[HEIGHT][WIDTH] == cells[HEIGHT][WIDTH+2] &&
cells[HEIGHT][WIDTH] == cells[HEIGHT][WIDTH+3]) {
// check for a diagonal win (positive slope)
for (int WIDTH=0; WIDTH<3; WIDTH++) {
for (int HEIGHT=0; HEIGHT<4; HEIGHT++) {
if (!(cells[HEIGHT][WIDTH] == ConnectFourCell.NONE) &&
cells[HEIGHT][WIDTH] == cells[HEIGHT+1][WIDTH+1] &&
cells[HEIGHT][WIDTH] == cells[HEIGHT+2][WIDTH+2] &&
cells[HEIGHT][WIDTH] == cells[HEIGHT+3][WIDTH+3]) {
// check for a diagonal win (negative slope)
for (int WIDTH=3; WIDTH<6; WIDTH++) {
for (int HEIGHT=0; HEIGHT<4; HEIGHT++) {
if (!(cells[HEIGHT][WIDTH] == ConnectFourCell.NONE) &&
cells[HEIGHT][WIDTH] == cells[HEIGHT+1][WIDTH-1] &&
cells[HEIGHT][WIDTH] == cells[HEIGHT+2][WIDTH-2] &&
cells[HEIGHT][WIDTH] == cells[HEIGHT+3][WIDTH-3]) {
isBlueTurn = !isBlueTurn;
private boolean isValidCell(int x, int y)
return x >= 0 && x < WIDTH
&& x>= 0 && x<HEIGHT
&& y >= 0 && y < WIDTH
&& y>= 0 && y<HEIGHT;
package UI;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import UI.ConnectFourBoardPanel;
import Game.ConnectFourBoard;
import Game.ConnectFourListener;
public class ConnectFourFrame extends JFrame implements ConnectFourListener {
// Variables
private ConnectFourBoard board;
private JLabel scoreLabel;
private ConnectFourBoardPanel boardPanel;
private JLabel statusLabel;
public ConnectFourFrame()
// The frame builds its own model.
board = new ConnectFourBoard();
// We want the frame to receive notifications from the board as its
// state changes.
setTitle("Informatics 45 Spring 2011: ConnectFour Game");
setSize(700, 700);
private void buildUI()
GridBagLayout layout = new GridBagLayout();
Font labelFont = new Font("SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 18);
scoreLabel = new JLabel();
new GridBagConstraints(
0, 0, 1, 1, 1.0, 0.0,
new Insets(10, 10, 10, 10), 0, 0));
boardPanel = new ConnectFourBoardPanel(board);
new GridBagConstraints(
0, 1, 1, 1, 1.0, 1.0,
new Insets(10, 10, 10, 10), 0, 0));
statusLabel = new JLabel();
new GridBagConstraints(
0, 2, 1, 1, 1.0, 0.0,
new Insets(10, 10, 10, 10), 0, 0));
private void refreshUI()
// Refreshing the UI means to change the text in each of the
// two labels (the score and the status) and also to ask the
// board to repaint itself.
"Blue: " + board.getBlueScore() +
" Red: " + board.getRedScore());
if ( board.isBlueTurn() == false){
statusLabel.setText("Blue's Turn: ");
if ( board.isBlueTurn() == true){
statusLabel.setText("Red's Turn: ");
// These are the ConnectFourBoardListener event-handling methods.
public void boardChanged()
// When the board changes, we'll refresh the entire UI. (There
// are times when this approach is too inefficient, but it will
// work fine for our relatively simple UI.)
public void gameOver()
// When the game is over, we'll pop up a message box showing the final
// score, then, after the user dismisses the message box, dispose of
// this window and end the program.
"Game over!\nFinal score: " + scoreLabel.getText(),
"Game Over",
Welcome to StackOverflow. You're question is fine - but pasting your whole program, in general, is a bad idea. You should describe your program, and include the snippet where you calculate how the ovals are filled in.
Having said that, here's a crack at the answer :
- You want to look at the tile thats currently selected, and if the tile underneath it is occupied, fill in that cell. If its not occupied, set the current tile to the underneath tile, and repeat. You want to do this until you get to the bottom row.
The answer above doesn't incude checking if the selected tile is already occupied, but I'm sure you can easily figure that out.

