Loss of data in case of multiple consumers for redis messaging - java

In My application am using multiple consumers for receiving messages from publisher of redis .But now issue is loss of data and duplicate data i mean multiple consumers receiving reeving same message .How can I solve this issue in redis? and also can provide example in java am new to redis messaging.Please help me.
Here is my receiver
public class ScheduledRecevierService {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Application.class);
private static final SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss");
RedisConnectionFactory redisConnectionFactory() {
LOGGER.info("in redisConnectionFactory");
JedisConnectionFactory redis = new JedisConnectionFactory();
return redis;
StringRedisTemplate template(RedisConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
LOGGER.info("in template");
return new StringRedisTemplate(connectionFactory);
#Scheduled(fixedRate = 1000)
public void getScheduledMessage() {
StringRedisTemplate template = template(redisConnectionFactory());
System.out.println("The time is now " + dateFormat.format(new Date()));
LOGGER.info("Sending messages...");
String message = template.opsForList().leftPop("point-to-point-test"); // latch.await();
// template.convertAndSend("chat", "Hello from Redis! count: " + i);
LOGGER.info("Got message " + message + " from chat1 channel"); //
I am running this applications in multiple consumer instances.My Queue "point-to-point-test" having 1000 messages what i observed is in multiple server logs reading same message.
Can we implement point to point protocol communication in redis using java?
RPOPLPUSH command in redis solve this issue?if yes post some example in java.
from fast few days am struggled to fix these issues in redis messaging please help me

Use redis transactions to ensure that all your commands are executed sequentially http://redis.io/topics/transactions
Use Jedis as the java client library , see its test for usage on transactions https://github.com/xetorthio/jedis/blob/master/src/test/java/redis/clients/jedis/tests/commands/TransactionCommandsTest.java


Using spring integration v5.5.14 lots of queued task are increasing

after upgrading to spring boot version v2.7.1 we are seeing that there are lots of queued task, we never had seen such queued task increasing in the last version we were using v2.2.2.
Our team has tried to check the things in v2.7.1 but couldn't found anything in this version.
Can anyone please review the code and let us know what we are missing or have written wrong that is causing the issue. We are using spring integration to pull emails from client server and for that we have add a taskexecutor to have concurrent polling.
Versions that we use:
Spring Boot = 2.7.1
Spring Integration = 5.5.14
Earlier we were using:
Spring Boot = 2.2.2 release
Spring Integration = 5.2.3 release
I've attached the code below.
Configuration class for Imap Integration
public class ImapIntegrationConfig {
private final ApplicationContext applicationContext;
public ImapIntegrationConfig(ApplicationContext applicationContext) {
this.applicationContext = applicationContext;
public ThreadPoolTaskExecutor mailTaskExecutor() {
ThreadPoolTaskExecutor taskExecutor = new ThreadPoolTaskExecutor();
taskExecutor.setTaskDecorator(new SecurityAwareTaskDecorator(applicationContext));
return taskExecutor;
public ExecutorChannelSpec imapMailChannel() {
return MessageChannels.executor(mailTaskExecutor());
public HeaderMapper<MimeMessage> mailHeaderMapper() {
return new DefaultMailHeaderMapper();
ImapListener Class to register the flow
public void registerImapFlow(ImapSetting imapSetting) {
ImapMailReceiver mailReceiver = createImapMailReceiver(imapSetting);
// create the flow for an email process
StandardIntegrationFlow flow = IntegrationFlows
consumer -> consumer.autoStartup(true)
.poller(Pollers.fixedDelay(Duration.ofSeconds(5), Duration.ofMinutes(2))
.errorHandler(t -> logger.error("Error while polling emails for address " + imapSetting.getUsername(), t))
.enrichHeaders(Map.of(CONCERN_CODE, imapSetting.getConcernCode(), IMAP_CONFIG_ID, imapSetting.getImapSettingId()))
// give the bean a unique name to avoid clashes with multiple imap settings
String flowId = concernIdentifier.getConcernIdentifier() + "-" + imapSetting.getImapSettingId();
IntegrationFlowContext.IntegrationFlowRegistration existingFlow = integrationFlowContext.getRegistrationById(flowId);
if (existingFlow != null) {
// destroy the previous beans
// register the new flow
Process message method
#ServiceActivator(inputChannel = "imapMailChannel")
public void processMessage(Message<?> message) throws InvalidMessageException {
String concern = (String) message.getHeaders().get(CONCERN_CODE);
if (isEmpty(concern)) {
logger.error("Received null concern!");
Long imapConfigId = (Long) message.getHeaders().get(IMAP_CONFIG_ID);
String logMessage = null;
String messageId = null;
try {
Object payload = message.getPayload();
if (payload instanceof MimeMultipart) {
else if (payload instanceof String) {
catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error while processing " + logMessage, e);
if (concern != null) {
throw new MaxxtonException("CCM-MessageID: Exception in processMessage() method", e, MessageErrorCode.UNABLE_TO_PROCESS_EMAIL);
ImapMailReceiver method
private ImapMailReceiver createImapMailReceiver(ImapSetting imapSettings) {
String url = String.format(imapSettings.getImapUrl(), URLEncoder.encode(imapSettings.getUsername(), UTF_8), URLEncoder.encode(imapSettings.getPassword(), UTF_8));
ImapMailReceiver receiver = new ImapMailReceiver(url);
Properties mailProperties = new Properties();
mailProperties.put("mail.debug", "false");
mailProperties.put("mail.imap.connectionpoolsize", "5");
mailProperties.put("mail.imap.fetchsize", 4194304);
mailProperties.put("mail.imap.connectiontimeout", 15000);
mailProperties.put("mail.imap.timeout", 30000);
mailProperties.put("mail.imaps.connectionpoolsize", "5");
mailProperties.put("mail.imaps.fetchsize", 4194304);
mailProperties.put("mail.imaps.connectiontimeout", 15000);
mailProperties.put("mail.imaps.timeout", 30000);
return receiver;
Added a screenshot taken from Grafana of active and queued task when we have upgraded to SP v2.7.1 and SI v5.5.14
At a glance it all looks OK. Unless you really don't close that folder manually elsewhere since you use receiver.setAutoCloseFolder(false);
There is no reason in that .taskExecutor(taskExecutor) since you use MessageChannels.executor(mailTaskExecutor()) immediately after producing message from the Mail.imapInboundAdapter().
I remember that in Gitter I suggested you to check how it works with the spring.task.scheduling.pool.size=10 placed into the application.properties. This is the only obvious difference between the mentioned versions: https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/messaging.html#messaging.spring-integration.
Your screenshot doesn't prove that the problem is exactly with Spring Integration. Perhaps tasks are queued somehow by the tool which exports metrics to Graphana. I believe you have upgraded not just Spring Integration in your project...

Handling dead letter queue with delay

I want to do the following: when a message fails and falls to my dead letter queue, I want to wait 5 minutes and republishes the same message on my queue.
Today, using Spring Cloud Streams and RabbitMQ, I did the following code Based on this documentation:
public class HandlerDlq {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HandlerDlq.class);
private static final String X_RETRIES_HEADER = "x-retries";
private static final String X_DELAY_HEADER = "x-delay";
private static final int NUMBER_OF_RETRIES = 3;
private static final int DELAY_MS = 300000;
private RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate;
public HandlerDlq(RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate) {
this.rabbitTemplate = rabbitTemplate;
#RabbitListener(queues = MessageInputProcessor.DLQ)
public void rePublish(Message failedMessage) {
Map<String, Object> headers = failedMessage.getMessageProperties().getHeaders();
Integer retriesHeader = (Integer) headers.get(X_RETRIES_HEADER);
if (retriesHeader == null) {
retriesHeader = 0;
if (retriesHeader > NUMBER_OF_RETRIES) {
LOGGER.warn("Message {} added to failed messages queue", failedMessage);
this.rabbitTemplate.send(MessageInputProcessor.FAILED, failedMessage);
throw new ImmediateAcknowledgeAmqpException("Message failed after " + NUMBER_OF_RETRIES + " attempts");
headers.put(X_RETRIES_HEADER, retriesHeader);
headers.put(X_DELAY_HEADER, DELAY_MS * retriesHeader);
LOGGER.warn("Retrying message, {} attempts", retriesHeader);
this.rabbitTemplate.send(MessageInputProcessor.DELAY_EXCHANGE, MessageInputProcessor.INPUT_DESTINATION, failedMessage);
public DirectExchange delayExchange() {
DirectExchange exchange = new DirectExchange(MessageInputProcessor.DELAY_EXCHANGE);
return exchange;
public Binding bindOriginalToDelay() {
return BindingBuilder.bind(new Queue(MessageInputProcessor.INPUT_DESTINATION)).to(delayExchange()).with(MessageInputProcessor.INPUT_DESTINATION);
public Queue parkingLot() {
return new Queue(MessageInputProcessor.FAILED);
My MessageInputProcessor interface:
public interface MessageInputProcessor {
String INPUT = "myInput";
String INPUT_DESTINATION = "myInput.group";
String DLQ = INPUT_DESTINATION + ".dlq"; //from application.properties file
String FAILED = INPUT + "-failed";
SubscribableChannel storageManagerInput();
SubscribableChannel storageManagerFailed();
And my properties file:
#dlx/dlq setup - retry dead letter 5 minutes later (300000ms later)
With this code, I can read from dead letter queue, capture the header but I can't put it back to my queue (the line LOGGER.warn("Retrying message, {} attempts", retriesHeader); only runs once, even if I put a very slow time).
My guess is that the method bindOriginalToDelay is binding the exchange to a new queue, and not mine. However, I didn't find a way to get my queue to bind there instead of creating a new one. But I'm not even sure this is the error.
I've also tried to send to MessageInputProcessor.INPUT instead of MessageInputProcessor.INPUT_DESTINATION, but it didn't work as expected.
Also, unfortunately, I can't update Spring framework due to dependencies on the project...
Could you help me with putting back the failed message on my queue after some time? I really didn't want to put a thread.sleep there...
With that configuration, myInput.group is bound to the delayed (topic) exchange myInput with routing key #.
You should probably remove spring.cloud.stream.rabbit.bindings.myInput.consumer.delayedExchange=true because you don't need the main exchange to be delayed.
It will also be bound to your explicit delayed exchange, with key myInput.group.
Everything looks correct to me; you should see the same (single) queue bound to two exchanges:
The myInput.group.dlq is bound to DLX with key myInput.group
You should set a longer TTL and examine the message in the DLQ to see if something stands out.
I just copied your code with a 5 second delay and it worked fine for me (with turning off the delay on the main exchange).
Retrying message, 4 attempts
added to failed messages queue
Perhaps you thought it was not working because you have a delay on the main exchange too?

Spring Cloud stream: Kafka Sink gets alternate message

I am trying to build a simple cloud stream application with kafka binding. Let me describe the set up.
1. I have a producer producing to topic topic_1.
2. There's a stream binder, binding topic_1 after some processing into topic_2.
public String handleIncomingMsgs(String s) {
logger.info(s); // prints all the messages
return s;
When the producer produces messages, the StreamListner handleIncomingMsgs gets all the messages.
After receiving, it should forward the messages to some other channel.
public class LogMsg {
public void handle(String board) {
logger.info("Received payload: " + board); //prints every alternate messages
Here is my binder
public interface ViewsStreams {
String INPUT = "input";
String OUTPUT_1 = "output_1";
String OP_USERS = "output_2";
SubscribableChannel job_board_views();
MessageChannel outboundJobBoards();
MessageChannel outboundUsers();
I am new in these technologies. Unable to figure out what is going wrong here. Can someone please help?
Your guess is correct; you have two consumers on the OUTPUT_2 channel - the listener and the binding which sends out the message.
They each get alternate messages.

Junit and Spring 5 : All my classes should be multithreading tests expect one class, how can I achieve this? SSL handshake with concurrent

I'm working on a Spring 5 project and have some very special expectations with junit. Spring 5 now support junit multithreading and that definitely works very well, I'm now running my hundreds of tests into method parrallel multithreading. But I just setup recently my whole automatic mailing system which works like a charm but that's where it start to be problematic : I run a class that send all my mails to test them, and so they are being sent concurently. But as I just tried right now to test it with not only one email at a time but several, I get a strange SSL handshake error which I related to the fact that concurrent mail sending is not supported by most mail clients.
That's where goes my interrogation: how can I run all my test classes with parallel methods execution except for that email batch sending class?
Maybe I should think about a mail queue to avoid this kind of problem in live? Anyone has an idea?
By the way, in case you wonder I'm yet using gmail client to send mail as I didn't configured it yet for our live mail sending but it will be achieved using dedicated 1and1.fr smtp email client.
Thanks for your patience!
For those who feels interested about the solution, here is how I solved it:
I created a new Singleton class which would handle the queue :
public class EmailQueueHandler {
/** private Constructor */
private EmailQueueHandler() {}
/** Holder */
private static class EmailQueueHandlerHolder
/** unique instance non preinitialized */
private final static EmailQueueHandler INSTANCE = new EmailQueueHandler();
/** access point for unique instanciation of the singleton **/
public static EmailQueueHandler getInstance()
return EmailQueueHandlerHolder.INSTANCE;
private List<EmailPreparator> queue = new ArrayList<>();
public void queue(EmailPreparator email) {
public List<EmailPreparator> getQueue()
List<EmailPreparator> preparators = queue;
queue = new ArrayList<>();
return preparators;
// This method is used to make this handler thread safe
private synchronized void waitForQueueHandlerToBeAvailable(){}
I then created a CRON task using #Schedule annotation in my Scheduler bean in which I would correctly handle any mail sending fail.
#Scheduled(fixedRate = 30 * SECOND)
public void sendMailsInQueue()
List<EmailPreparator> queue = emailQueueHandler.getQueue();
int mailsSent = queue.size();
int mailsFailed = 0;
for(EmailPreparator preparator : queue)
try {
// And finally send the mail
// If mail sending is not activated, mail sending function will throw an exception,
// Therefore we have to catch it and only throw it back if the email was really supposed to be sent
catch(Exception e)
mailsSent --;
// If we are not in test Env
mailsFailed ++;
// This will log the error into the database and eventually
// print it to the console if in LOCAL env
new Error()
else if(SpringConfiguration.SEND_MAIL_ANYWAY_IN_TEST_ENV || preparator.isForceSend())
mailsFailed ++;
throw new EmailException(e);
log.info("CRON Task - " + mailsSent + " were successfuly sent ");
if(mailsFailed > 0)
log.warn("CRON Task - But " + mailsFailed + " could not be sent");
And then I called this mail queue emptyer methods at the end of each unit test in my #After annotated method to make sure it's called before I unit test the mail resulted. This way I'm aware of any mail sending fail even if it appear in PROD env and I'm also aware of any mail content creation failure when testing.
public void downUp() throws Exception
logger.debug("After Test");
RequestHolder requestHolder = securityContextBuilder.getSecurityContextHolder().getRequestHolder();
// We check mails sending if some were sent
for(ExtResults results : requestHolder.getExtResults())
ExtSenderVerificationResolver resolver =
new ExtSenderVerificationResolver(
// Some code
protected void proceedMailQueueManuallyIfNotAlreadySent()
mailQueueProceeded = true;

Spring Data Redis Template ConvertAndSend Duplicate Messages

I have a messaging application built over redis, however, I noticed the spring data redis template's convertAndSend may be duplicating messages as the message listener receives duplicate messages one in every three trials.
As you can imagine this may not be good for certain applications, in my secondary storage is complaining about duplicate keys.
I register the message listener in a #Configuration annotated class as:
RedisMessageListenerContainer container(JobsListener receiver, RedisConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
MessageListenerAdapter jobsMessageListener = new MessageListenerAdapter(receiver);
RedisMessageListenerContainer container = new RedisMessageListenerContainer();
container.addMessageListener(jobsMessageListener, new PatternTopic(RedisCacheService.JOBS_KEY));
return container;
And in the JobsListener implementation, I use the onMessageReceived method.
public void onMessage(Message message, byte[] pattern) {
System.out.println(new String(message.getBody()));
Job job = cacheService.processNextJob();
if (job != null) {
logger.debug("Job id processed is " + job.getId() + " " + Thread.currentThread().getId());
} else {
logger.debug("Job id processed is null");
However, if I add synchronized to the onMessageReceived method it seems to fix this.
Is there a reason why synchronized helps? Smells like some concurrency issue under the hood.

