Windows FileChooser Or Save File Dialog Handling Using JACOB Or JNA - java

I need to access the windows native file upload and save window using java.
Though it is not possible only using java so I try this using jacob and JNA library.
Actually I also need to handle the any type of pop up message from OS.
There are lots of any other approach using java robot,sikuli,autoit but i want to stick(learn)
on jacob or jna.
Can any body help me regarding this problem.Any code snippet on this, helpful for me not only that if some body told me how to get hwnd ID dword ID which is need to pass into the different methods that also be useful for me.

Im guessing you were referring to CFileDialog or OpenFileDialog, well that can be accomplished via JNI and a native DLL which you need to compile yourself, which is somewhat easy:
create a C++ DLL - project in visual studio, i'd recommend using MFC - methods which are called via C-functions, that'll make everything MUCH easier since you wont need to re-invent the wheel and create WindowProcs yourself and whatnot - MFC does all of that transparently. You could also create a CLR-DLL which uses WinForms but thats a bit more complex. Do yourself a favor and disregard anything about MinGW, GCC or even any other OSS-solution if you want to create native windows ... that'll give you headaches, trust me. Within windows, you will need to use microsoft-libraries if you want to create Microsoft-compatible user interfaces, everything else is very error-prone.
include jni.h which is found in your JDK-library
write a JNI-compatible method signature
declare compatible, native methods in java
try to run your java project
report back, i shall help you to some extent if you run into any problems
JNI howto


C++ or Java Library for automated code editing?

I am writing/planning to write a program that takes in a java file (or multiple java files), and edits and adds functions/classes/variables and then outputs a new java file (or multiple files).
Is there a C++ or Java library that
Can recognize and output names of classes/functions within a text file
Can recognize and output the names of the input arguments for said classes/functions
Can allow me to insert code at specific lines or within specific functions
Can search for a given variable name/value
Maintains original file formatting
I would prefer not having to manually code something to do the above, so any help would be appreciated.
Thank you in advance!
EDIT: I currently use Eclipse, and am unsure of how to proceed. So to further explain my question:
In eclipse, if I write a program that opens another .java file, How would I go about 'asking' eclipse to output, say, all the class names of the .java file I just opened?
Also I will explain the 'purpose' of this project to further clarify. I want to write a program that can take in any java file, and turn it into a class that can implemented remotely via RMI. To do this I will need to add an execute() function, have the file implement Task and Serializable and add a few variables, etc... Based on my knowledge, doing this in Eclipse would require manual editing of the program, but I would like to completely automate this process.
Thank you, again.
Much of what you need can be found in a modern IDE; and some very good IDEs are open source (eclipse and Intellij IDEA Community Edition for Java). You might look there to see if there are modules that suite your needs.
Looks like you are talking of a tool like eclipse. You might not be looking for a full fledged IDE, but the requirements that you have mentioned are fulfilled by any basic IDE.
If you wish to make one of your own, you can do that using eclipse rich client platform.
All that you would need from Java is the reflection API.

Java phonetics or language pronounciation

I am currently making a project for school, where I am going to make a program which teaches children how to read. My basic idea for the program was produce the sentence and then get Windows Anna to say it. My question to you is, how can I access Winodws Anna through Java? and is there a better way of doing this?
If having the program access internet is acceptable, then you could use iSpeech.
You can use their API, but the problem with that is that it is limited to 200 uses/day.
iSpeech has decently sounding voices, generally more polished than other TTS engines I've tired like espeak or FreeTTS, because it actually pronounces the words more fluently. Sure, it might pronounce 'Wind', relating with air, as 'Wind', relating to twisting, but other than that, it speaks quite well.
Also, while I haven't had any prior experience with this, I found an article that shows you how to access the MS Speech with command line (which can obviously be commanded through Java[if you do not know how, here is a good article]). It is located here. In command line, all you do is type in 'SayDynamic.exe* the text you want to speak".
*Or SayStatic, the other download available on the page.
This method seems to be better in terms of speed and not relying on internet access, but it definitely does NOT pronounce things as well as iSpeech. I guess the ideal thing for your program to have would be to use iSpeech when online, and use the Say*.exe when offline.
The site also provides the source code of the program. As you might notice, it is NOT Microsoft Anna's voice, but you can specify that in the source and recompile it.
Hope I helped!
You can use command line utiity NirCmd that uses text-to-speech API installed on Windows.
So, supply this utility together with your java application and run it with appropriate command line.
You can try FreeTTS : a speech synthesizer written in java.
You can try to call the Microsoft Speech API (SAPI) but I don't know how to do it in java.
Can you tell us how you invoke NirCmd ?
Altenatively to NirCmd, you can build your own tool in C# that will read the text. The text could be within a txt and your tool invoked with the path to that txt as argument. You can easily adapt a demo project like this one :
There is the Speech platform of Windows
The Speech runtime
You can use JNA (not JNI) to interact with dll from java

Execute javascript function from java

I want to know if it's possible to execute a javascript function from java. Basically I have a javascript function to which I want to pass a string and then get the output from that function.
If it's possible, how do I accomplish it?
I couldn't find a solution to this, what I did was re-write all the javascript code in Java. But I am guessing, Rhino ported on Android should do the trick. If someone has tried it out, please post a solution.
You probably want to take a look at the ScriptEngine. There are plenty of samples out there on how to use it. Works on anything but Mac where they for some reason selected to include AppleScript instead of JavaScript by default.
Edit: Take a look at this page, there seems to be a Rhino port for Android out there.
Javascript is not natively supported in java. If you need it, you may implement the Rhino javascript engine to do this.
"Rhino is an open-source implementation of JavaScript written entirely in Java. It is typically embedded into Java applications to provide scripting to end users."

Set write permissions on ProgramData subfolder using JNA

I have a program, written in Java, which originally used its directory in Program Files to write files accessible to all users of this program. This required our users to run as administrator all the time. In an effort to alleviate that, we decided to move files which needed to be written during regular usage to the ProgramData folder using the %ALLUSERSPROFILE% environment variable. Using a subfolder in this directory for our application works great if it is designated as writable during the installation process, which works fine using NSIS.
The problem comes with upgrading existing users. The Java File API provides setWritable but this does not appear to work after testing on development machines. It looks as though the new file API with Java 7 would solve this problem, but with no release date on the horizon I would rather not wait.
It seems the simplest solution would be to use JNA to call the appropriate Windows API call to set this directory writable. Since upgrading the software necessitates admin rights, similar to installing, it should let this change go through fine. However, I'm unsure where to start, having never used JNA before or the Windows API. Suggestions as to which Windows library to load and what functions to call would be appreciated, especially if someone has encountered a similar problem before.
Well, I'm glad you gave some background...You could use JNA, but the easier way would be to execute a call to the command-line utility cacls. It's included by default in Windows XP installations, I believe, so it should do the trick for you. Try Runtime.getRuntime().exec("C:\\Windows\\System32\\cacls.exe"+options)
Check out the documentation here ->
I use the follow line:
Runtime.getRuntime().exec( "C:\\Windows\\System32\\icacls.exe \"%ProgramData%\my application" /grant *S-1-5-32-545:(OI)(CI)(W,M)" );
S-1-5-32-545 is the SID for BUILTIN\Users because the name work only on English systems.
This give the BUILTIN\Users write access to all files in the given directory independent which user has create it.

Running MATLAB function from Java

I have an .m file in MATLAB which I would like to call from Java an get the solution as a string or whatever in Java. This sounds really simple but for some reason I can't make it work.
I tried this:
matlab -nosplash -wait -nodesktop -r myFunction
but I'm not sure how I parse the answer since MATLAB opens it's own command line (in Windows).
I use this, but it doesn't return anything.
Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(commandToRun);
BufferedReader stdInput = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream()));
also it seems that every time I call MATLAB it opens a separate window which is a problem because I'd like to run this many times.
The trick is to use the MatlabControl class It's very easy to use and you can do exactly what you're trying to do (and more).
matlabcontrol is based on the same underlying MATLAB library used by MatlabControl mentioned by Jeff, but is more up to date, reliable, and documented. To get started, take a look at the walkthrough.
In Matlab R2016b, MathWorks added MATLAB Engine API for Java which allows to execute MATLAB code from Java.
JAMAL is an open source, Java RMI-based (Java Remote Method Invocation API) library that suits your needs
There exists a good Java-COM-Bridge called JaCoB ( which you can use to automatically start Matlab as a COM-Server in the background. You can then follow the instructions in the Matlab help to interact with the Matlab COM Interface.
Although this is a very generic interface, it provides enough flexibility to easily do a few calls to Matlab like in your case.
Simply download the JaCoB package and look in the docs folder for some documentation.
You also have to include the Jacob DLL in your path.

