How to specify log file in log4j2 - java

In log4j I can specify file like this:, AUDIT, AUDIT
when I want to log into appender named AUDIT.
How should I rewrite this into log4j2 xml configuration?
I have defined root logger like:
<Root level="error">
<AppenderRef ref="console" />
<AppenderRef ref="syslog" />
and some of class I want to log into app file. In log4j:, APP, APP
but in log4j2 I have no idea how to rewrite in in one sentence

Have you tried something like the following (you need to first define your "app" appender):
<File name="app" fileName="logs/app.log">
<Pattern>%d %p %c{1.} [%t] %m%n</Pattern>
Then define your logger's appender:
<logger name="" level="debug">
<appender-ref ref="app" />


How to disable log messages when spring boot application run?

This is my log4j2.xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Configuration status="warn">
<Property name="basePath">/folderName/logs/</Property>
<RollingFile name="fileLogger" fileName="${basePath}/fileName.log"
<pattern>%d{MM-yyyy-dd} [%-5level] %l - %msg%n</pattern>
<TimeBasedTriggeringPolicy interval="1" modulate="true"/>
<Console name="console" target="SYSTEM_OUT">
<pattern>%d{MM-yyyy-dd} [%-5level] %l - %msg%n</pattern>
<Logger name="" level="info" additivity="true">
<appender-ref ref="fileLogger" level="debug"/>
<Root level="info" additivity="false">
<appender-ref ref="console"/>
When I used previous versions of Log4j2, only requests sent by my application were being written to my log file in my log folder on my computer. For example:
12-2021-27 [INFO ] - paramName1, paramname2
12-2021-27 [INFO ] - paramName1, paramname2
But when I switched to the new version of Log4j, because of the vulnerability, before the messages I showed above, when my spring boot project runs, its messages also written. I mean focus on following.
12-2021-22 [INFO ] org.springframework.boot.StartupInfoLogger.logStarting( - Starting ProjectNameApplication using Java 1.8.0_111 on pc-name with PID 00000 (C:\Workspace\project-name\target\classes started by user.namein C:\Workspace\project-name)
12-2021-22 [INFO ] org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication.logStartupProfileInfo( - No active profile set, falling back to default profiles: default
12-2021-22 [INFO ] org.springframework.boot.StartupInfoLogger.logStarted( - Started ProjectNameApplication in 8.858 seconds (JVM running for 12.962)
but I don't want to see these messages in my log file. I just want to write messages when request and response are generated, like before my configuration. How to solve this? I mean I want to only messages to the log file which my requests and responses.
Those unwanted messages use SpringApplication#getApplicationLog() to retrieve a logger, whose name is the fully qualified class name of your main class. The logger's name is probably a child of "", hence it is sent to the file appender. You can confirm it by adding %c to your pattern layout.
Assuming your main class is called, you can:
either configure a logger that uses only the console appender:
<Logger name="" level="INFO" additivity="false">
<AppenderRef ref="console"/>
or replace the logger with more specific ones:
<Logger name="" level="DEBUG">
<AppenderRef ref="fileLogger" />
<Logger name="" level="DEBUG">
<AppenderRef ref="fileLogger" />

How to use JMSAppender log4j2 JAVA

I'm trying to push logs to an ActiveMqueue using JMS in log4j2.
I have done this in my log4j2.properites
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Configuration monitorInterval="5">
<RollingFile name="fishLogstash"
fileName="E:/xxx/log/xxx.server/xxxLogstash.log" append="false"
immediateFlush="false" bufferSize="1000"
<PatternLayout pattern="%-d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} %5p %c{1} - %m%n" />
<SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy size="100M" />
<DefaultRolloverStrategy max="10" />
<JMS name="jmsQueue" destinationBindingName="logQueue"
<PatternLayout pattern="%-d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} %5p %c{1} - %m%n" />
<Root level="warn">
<AppenderRef ref="fish" />
After this, I wonder how to use the JMS appender to log in my java code? How to retrieve this specific appender, is there somthing like
Logger log = Logger.getAppender("jmsQueue") ?
Thanks in advance.
In your property file, there are xml content. So I am assuming you are trying to use xml style property file. If so, rename your property file to have .xml extension. E.g. log4j2.xml. Remember to write log4j2 supported xml. Examples can be found here.
Mention name value of your defined appenders as AppenderRef in Loggers section of property file. Based on your Appenders section, Loggers section can be
<Logger name="jmsLogger" level="warn">
<AppenderRef ref="jmsQueue" />
<Root level="warn">
<AppenderRef ref="fishLogstash" />
In your code, get JMS logger as follows:
Logger log = LogManager.getLogger("jmsLogger");
You can log whatever by using log variable. E.g."some message");
Hope, this answer would help you.

Log4j2 - debug-level logging except for Spring

I'd like my application to run at Debug level, except for Spring, which is producing a huge amount of logging statements, which makes it hard to read through the logs. I've currently configured my Log4j2 file like this:
<Configuration status="debug">
<RollingFile name="systemLog" fileName="C:/test/logs/system.log" includeLocation="true"
<PatternLayout pattern="%d{ISO8601} - %-5level [%t] %C %M %m%n" />
<TimeBasedTriggeringPolicy />
<SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy size="15 MB"/>
<Async name="systemAsyncAppender" includeLocation="true">
<AppenderRef ref="systemLog" />
<SpringLogger name="org.springframework.*" level="error" additivity="false">
<AppenderRef ref="systemAsyncAppender" />
<Root level="debug" includeLocation="true">
<AppenderRef ref="systemAsyncAppender" />
I thought that setting up the SpringLogger would set Spring to only run at ERROR level and, and write to the same log as everything else, but I'm still seeing full Spring DEBUG output. I have vague memories of being able to do this very easily with the old files (I think it was as simple as, but I'm not sure how to do this with Log4J2.
(Using Log4J2 2.0.2, spring 3.2.11)
I don't think log4j2 has any special configuration for Spring, so <SpringLogger> doesn't seem appropriate here.
Instead, just declare a regular logger
<logger name="org.springframework" level="error" additivity="false">
Also note the logger name. These are hierarchical. You don't need the * (and I think it actually breaks it).

Log4j2 Silence specific package

I've just updated to Log4. Now i have some small issues configurating my new setup.
The log4j2.xml is quite small and simple, but i'm not sure how i can disable logs (or at least set them to ERROR) for all jersey packages.
Here's my log4j2.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Configuration status="WARN">
<Console name="CONSOLE" target="SYSTEM_OUT">
<PatternLayout pattern="%d %p %c{1.} [%t] %m%n" />
<File name="FILE" fileName="/logs/m2m/error.log">
<PatternLayout pattern="%d %p %c{1.} [%t] %m%n" />
<Async name="ASYNC">
<AppenderRef ref="FILE" />
<AppenderRef ref="CONSOLE" />
<Logger name="org.glassfish.jersey.servlet" level="ERROR" additivity="false">
<AppenderRef ref="ASYNC" />
<Root level="DEBUG">
<AppenderRef ref="ASYNC" />
And here's the log-output i try to silence:
Jan 24, 2014 8:21:12 AM org.glassfish.jersey.servlet.WebComponent filterFormParameters
WARNING: A servlet request to the URI #### contains form parameters in the request body but the request body has been consumed by the servlet or a servlet filter accessing the request parameters. Only resource methods using #FormParam will work as expected. Resource methods consuming the request body by other means will not work as expected.
Based on the format of the output I suspect that the log output shown above is actually produced by JUL (java.util.logging) and not by log4j.
It is possible to route calls made to the java.util.logging API to the log4j2 implementation. Your log4j2 configuration (which looks correct) should then filter out WARN-level log events emitted by any class in the org.glassfish.jersey.servlet package.
This involves adding a few more jars to the classpath: see the FAQ.
If you want to do with Logback, here I explain how to do it:
Excessive warning messages from Jersey 2.x

Log4j2 auto config

I have a problem applying the log4j2.xml auto configuration properly, and I think it has something to do with my folder arrangement.
I'm using maven to add log4j2 libs and arrange my projects as follows:
- one project to contain all "common" classes, used by server and client side of my system.
- another "core" project - the server side application.
Both projects use the same general package hierarchy (like
In the Common project I define a logger wrapper:
public class LogWrapper
static Logger systemParentLogger = LogManager.getLogger("");
public static Logger getLogger(Class<?> cls)
return LogManager.getLogger(cls.getName());
Moreover, the Common project contains the log4j2.xml file under META-INF (alongside the persistence.xml file for Hibernate usage).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<configuration name="PRODUCTION" status="OFF">
<appender type="RollingFile"
<layout type="PatternLayout" pattern="%d %p %C{1.} [%t] %m%n"/>
<root level="error">
<appender-ref ref="MyFileAppender"/>
<logger name="" level="info" additivity="false">
<appender-ref ref="MyFileAppender"/>
<logger name="org.hibernate" level="error">
<appender-ref ref=MyFileAppender"/>
While running a sample code in the Core project (using the LogWrapper I wrote and some JPA voodoo), I could still see INFO hibernate logs, and no log file was created. I should state that while debugging the code, I could see that the logger fetched was given some weird value " in sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader#2f600492"
The log4j2.xml was placed in a "Folder" which in eclipse terms is "not on classpath".
Changing META-INF to be a "source folder" solved the problem.
In addition, the log4j2.xml file was not defined properly.
These are the modifications needed:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<configuration name="PRODUCTION" status="OFF">
<RollingFile name="MyFileAppender"
<pattern>%d %p %C{1.} [%t] %m%n</pattern>
<OnStartupTriggeringPolicy />
<TimeBasedTriggeringPolicy interval="6" modulate="true"/>
<SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy size="250 MB"/>
<root level="error">
<appender-ref ref="MyFileAppender"/>
<logger name="" level="info" additivity="false">
<appender-ref ref="MyFileAppender"/>
Still couldn't make the org.hibernate logger to be redirected to my logs, but at least I got the logger to work

