Java TSP 2-opt swap - java

This is my first year with programming at university and we have just started using java. I've already wrote a bunch of codes for calculating "shortest" path through all points, but it has one problem. Sometimes the path will be overlapping each other. I have been looking for 2-opt swap, but have no clue on how to implement this to my code. Would be awesome with help. Here is my code for calculating distances between points ( cities ):
public void calculate(){
Point current = null;
current = points.get(0);
Point nearestPoint = null;
ArrayList<Point> remainingPoints = new ArrayList<Point>(points);
double minimumDistance = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < remainingPoints.size(); i ++){
if (minimumDistance == - 1 || current.distance(remainingPoints.get(i)) < minimumDistance){
minimumDistance = current.distance(remainingPoints.get(i));
nearestPoint = remainingPoints.get(i);
lines.add(new Point[] { current, nearestPoint });
current = nearestPoint;
lines.add(new Point[] { points.get(0), current });
What does it do? Well it is quiet basic. It starts with the first point, then will find the nearest point. This will be saved in an array called lines. This will continue like this until no points are left. Line-array will then be sorted by distances so we can draw lines between them. My question is how can i prevent overlapping? See the links bellow for better description:
I dont want this
I want this


incrementing an object in a 2d array

Good day, so I intend for my code to loop through my array and increment the row index of object by 1 position. I used timer task because I want the object to move forward after certain amount of time. This is the code I have tried. I have looked but I have struggled to find solution relevant to my problem. Would appreciate the help.
class cat_function extends TimerTask {
public void run() {
synchronized (game.board) {
for (int i = 0; i < game.board.length; i++) {
for (int k = 0; k < game.board[0].length; k++) {
if (game.board[i][k] instanceof cat) {
cat garfield = new cat(0, 0);
game.board[i][k] = garfield;
game.board[i][k + 1] = garfield;
game.board is defined as a Cat[][]
an empty cell's value is null
Then all you have to do is
if (game.board[i][k] instanceof cat) {
game.board[i][k + 1] = game.board[i][k]; // Put cat in new location
game.board[i][k] = null; // Remove cat from previous location
However, this code still has two problems
What do you do when you reach the edge of the board. You'll have to add logic to make it do something different so you don't fall of the edge.
There's no need to scan the entire game board every time just to find the Cat. Keep the cat's location (indexes) separately so you always know where it is and don't have to look for it.
If there can be more than one cat on the board you will also need logic to decide what happens if two cats "collide" when moving (i.e. you try to move a cat into a cell that already contains a cat).
Solving those problems is left as an exercise for you.

Prevent Depth First Search Algorithm from getting stuck in an infinite loop ,8 Puzzle

So my code works for basic 8 Puzzle problems, but when I test it with harder puzzle configurations it runs into an infinite loop. Can someone please edit my code to prevent this from happening. Note that I have included code that prevents the loops or cycles. I tried including the the iterative depth first search technique, but that too did not work. Can someone please review my code.
/** Implementation for the Depth first search algorithm */
static boolean depthFirstSearch(String start, String out ){
LinkedList<String> open = new LinkedList<String>();
Set<String> visitedStates = new HashSet<String>(); // to prevent the cyle or loop
LinkedList<String> closed = new LinkedList<String>();
boolean isGoalState= false;
while((!open.isEmpty()) && (isGoalState != true) ){
String x = open.removeFirst();
jtr.append(printPuzzle(x) +"\n\n");
if(x.equals(out)){ // if x is the goal
isGoalState = true;
// generate children of x
LinkedList<String> children = getChildren(x);
closed.add(x); // put x on closed
open.remove(x); // since x is now in closed, take it out from open
//eliminate the children of X if its on open or closed ?
for(int i=0; i< children.size(); i++){
else if(closed.contains(children.get(i))){
// put remaining children on left end of open
for(int i= children.size()-1 ; i>=0 ; i--){
if ( !visitedStates.contains(children.get(i))) { // check if state already visited
open.addFirst(children.get(i)); // add last child first, and so on
return true;
I would suggest putting the positions that you are considering into a with a priority based on how close they are to being solved.
So what you do is take the closest position off of the queue, and add in all of the one move options from there that haven't yet been processed. Then repeat. You'll spent most of your time exploring possibilities that are close to solved instead of just moving randomly forever.
Now your question is "how close are we to solving it". One approach is to take the sum of all of the taxicab distances between where squares are and where they need to be. A better heuristic may be to give more weight to getting squares away from the corner in place first. If you get it right, changing your heuristic should be easy.

A* algorithm sorting the spaces so I can get the shortest and add to the openlist, closedlist which I have not yet created

Here is the revised code, the other classes don't matter I hope. If you need the other classes, tell me and I'll add it. When I run this I get the naming error when I try to retrieve the spaces that are possible to move in.
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
List<Space> openlist = new ArrayList<Space>();
int g = 0;
Bot Dave = new Bot("Dave");
Goal goal = new Goal();
Obstacle first = new Obstacle("First");
int numofobst = 1;
Space right = new Space(Dave.getX()+1, Dave.getY());
Space left = new Space(Dave.getX()-1, Dave.getY());
Space up = new Space(Dave.getX(), Dave.getY()+1);
Space down = new Space(Dave.getX(), Dave.getY()-1);
int openpossible= 0;
//now its creating an array of each space and getting the fs of each one.
/*time to check which spaces are possible for the bot to move. if they are possible add the space to a possible array list.
* then we check to see which f is smaller by addign a min value.
* we then sort it and get the first space.
* we move to that space.
if (Dave.checkob(first, right, numofobst) == right){
if (Dave.checkob(first, left, numofobst) == left){
if (Dave.checkob(first, up, numofobst) == up){
if (Dave.checkob(first, down, numofobst) == down){
for (int i = 0; i < openlist.size(); i++){
System.out.println("Space available is" + openlist.get(i));
System.out.println("Space available is" + openlist);
You're code is missing a lot of things (mostly everything).
First try to implement a simple Dijkstra. Do the one in O(V^2), then upgrade it to O(ElogV). It's a bit slower than A* but a lot simpler to understand. Once you get it you can upgrade it to A* by changing a few lines of code.

Java-Algorithm for Polygon-Collision (Point-in-Polygon): Problems with Degenerated # Boundary

I need for my java-program a function that checks for polygon-collision, but the algorithms (for point-in-polygon) I tried were not correct for my needs, the degenerative cases are a problem for me.
This is what i try to reach with my program: I have 2 polygons and want to put them nearest possible together. I want to place them on their vertices and rotate them along the edge to fit optimal. Therefor I need a collision-detection, if they intersect or not.
My biggest problem is that those polygon-edges could be on the same point. The researched algorithms decide if it is in polygon a or b (mostly with y-value).
What I use
Polygon with double coordinates for x and y
standard java
no external librarys
My required rules:
polygons can have same edge and same vertices (can be on same boundary, but not complete polygon overlay)
the edges should not be allowed to intersect
it is not allowed, that one polygon is completly surrounded by another polygon (a hole).
(an optional very small epsilon in algorithm would be good, because rotating with double is not very exact)
I tried too the internal classes like Path2D.Double() with contains too without success to this problem.
The last algorithm (of about minimum of 8) i tried was this:
This is C Code of the linked algorithm (last one I tried)
int i, j, c = 0;
for (i = 0, j = number_of_vertices-1; i < number_of_vertices; j = i++) {
if ( ((vertices[i].y>p.y) != (vertices[j].y>p.y)) &&
(p.x < (vertices[j].x-vertices[i].x) * (p.y-vertices[i].y) / (vertices[j].y-vertices[i].y) + vertices[i].x) )
c = !c;
return c;
My adapted JAVA code (Punkt=Point, Form.getCoords = List of Coordinates with x,y)
private boolean testPointInsidePolygon3c(Punkt p, Form f){
int number_of_vertices = f.getCoords().size();
int i, j = 0;
boolean odd = false;
for (i = 0, j = number_of_vertices-1; i < number_of_vertices; j = i++) {
if ( ((f.getCoords().get(i).getY() >p.getY()) != (f.getCoords().get(j).getY() >p.getY())) &&
( p.getX() < (f.getCoords().get(j).getX() -f.getCoords().get(i).getX())
* (p.getY() -f.getCoords().get(i).getY())
/ (f.getCoords().get(j).getY() -f.getCoords().get(i).getY())
+ f.getCoords().get(i).getX())
odd = !odd;
return odd;
To show that problem: here are pictures with 2 polygons. the blue vertices are the troublesomes.
Problem Example #1 example from another source
I hope you got some ideas, links, algorithm or anything for me. i got stucked too long with that problem ;-)
What a pity - i could not do a complete correct algorithm, that solves my problem.
That is why I now use the JTS-Library!
With overlaps and covers/within i got everything correct in my test-cases.

My pathfinder has problems finding the shortest path

I'm having problems with a pathfinder (it's my first, so that was to be expected) : it doesn't always take the shortest way. For example, if I want to go one square down, the path will be : one square left, one down, one right.
public void getSquares(){
actPath = new String[Map.x][Map.y];
isDone = new boolean[Map.x][Map.y];
squareListener = new SquareListener[Map.x][Map.y];
getSquares2(x,y,0,new String());
public void getSquares2(int x, int y, int movesused, String path){
boolean test1 = false;
boolean test2 = false;
test1 = (x < 0 || y < 0 || x > Map.x || y > Map.y);
test2 = Map.landTile[y][x].masterID != 11;
if(movesused <= 6 && (test1 || test2)){
addMoveSquare2(x,y, path);
public void addMoveSquare2(int x, int y, String path){
if(x >= 0 && y>=0 && x < Map.x && y < Map.y && (actPath[x][y] == null || actPath[x][y].length() > path.length())){
if(squareListener[x][y] == null){
actPath[x][y] = new String();
actPath[x][y] = path;
JLabel square = new JLabel();
squareListener[x][y] = new SquareListener(x,y,path);
squareListener[x][y].path = path;
SquareListener is a simple MouseListener which print the square's location and the path to it.
Map.x, Map.y are the map size.
getSquares2 is called with the start point, and draw every squares that are 6 moves away, and consider every case with the value "11" as obstacle.
Can you please help me finding what I've done wrong ?
Here is a screenshot of the result :
The red squares are the possible goal. The real one will be defined only when the player click on one square (the MouseListener being SquareListener, it's supposed to know the path to take). The houses are the cases with a value of "11", the obstacles.
Your algorithm looks nearly correct. Nearly, because you forget to assign actPath[x][y] when a second path to the node is found, rendering your length check with actPath[x][y] incorrect. You should do:
actPath[x][y] = path;
squareListener[x][y].path = path;
Your algorithm also has abominable time complexity, as it will iterate all paths of length 6 (all 4^6 = 4096 of them) instead of the just the shortest ones (6*6 + 5*5 = 61)
For inspiration, I recommend looking at Dijkstra's algorithm (the precursor to A*), which manages to only visit the shortest paths and concludes in O(number of reachable nodes) when path lengths are small integers as it the case here.
You can take a look here at my answer with example code for A-Star, not a direct answer but the code is readable and it points you to a good book that deals (among many other things) path finding. I never did get around to commenting the code...
Not sure what you mean, in the comment for Daniel, by "Thanks for the link, however, I don't have 1 goal but a number of moves, which makes a lot of possible goals."
You might be interested in this tutorial on the A* search algorithm.

