Rock paper scissors, play again? - java

For my assignment I'm supposed make the program rock paper scissors which I figured that out my main problem is I can't get the program to play again right or get the program to calculate the game scores correctly pleas help I'm going crazy trying to figure this out?!
//Tayler Dorsey
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class PRS {
static Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System. in );
public static void instructions() {
System.out.println("This is the popular game of paper, rock, scissors. Enter your\nchoice by typing the word \"paper\", the word \"rock\" or the word\n\"scissors\". The computer will also make a choice from the three\noptions. After you have entered your choice, the winner of the\ngame will be determined according to the following rules:");
System.out.println("Paper wraps rock (paper wins)\nRock breaks scissors (rock wins)\nScissors cuts paper (scissors wins)");
System.out.println("If both you and the computer enter the same choice, then the game is tied.");
public static int playGame() {
int ties = 0, wins = 0, losts = 0;
String userchoice, computerchoice;
System.out.println("Enter your choice: ");
userchoice =;
computerchoice = computerChoose();
System.out.println("You entered: " + userchoice);
System.out.println("Computer choose: " + computerchoice);
if ((userchoice.equals("paper") && computerchoice.equals("paper")) || (userchoice.equals("rock") && computerchoice.equals("rock")) || (userchoice.equals("scissors") && computerchoice.equals("scissors"))) {
System.out.println("IT'S A TIE!");
return 3;
} else if ((userchoice.equals("paper") && computerchoice.equals("rock")) || (userchoice.equals("rock") && computerchoice.equals("scissors")) || (userchoice.equals("scissors") && computerchoice.equals("paper"))) {
System.out.println("YOU WIN!");
return 1;
} else {
System.out.println("YOU LOSE!");
return 2;
public static String computerChoose() {
Random generator = new Random();
String[] answer = new String[3];
answer[0] = "paper";
answer[1] = "rock";
answer[2] = "scissors";
return answer[generator.nextInt(3)];
public static void main(String[] args) {
String play;
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System. in );
System.out.println("The Game of Paper, Rock, Scissors");
System.out.println("Do you need instructions (y or n)?");
String help = keyboard.nextLine();
if (help.equals("y")) instructions();
int result = playGame();
System.out.println("Play again (y or n)?");
play = keyboard.nextLine();
if (play.equals("y"));
else {
int count = 0, wins = 0, losts = 0, ties = 0;
System.out.println("Games played: " + count);
System.out.println("Wins for you: " + wins);
System.out.println("Wins for me: " + losts);
System.out.println("Tied games: " + ties);
do {} while (play == "y"); {
int count = 0;

There are two issues here:
The code isn't inside the do-while loop, it's after it.
String equality should be checked with equals not with ==.
int count = 0;
do { // Note the code inside the do-while block
} while (play.equals("y")); // Note the use of equals

Do the following:
do {
play = keyboard.nextLine();
if (play.equals("y")){
else {
int count = 0, wins = 0, losts = 0, ties = 0;
System.out.println("Games played: " + count);
System.out.println("Wins for you: " + wins);
System.out.println("Wins for me: " + losts);
System.out.println("Tied games: " + ties);
} while (play.equals("y"));

In order to calculate the games scores make those variable global.
public class PRS {
static Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System. in );
int ties = 0, wins = 0, losts = 0;


How can I start the program over again

I'm trying to start the game over if the user enters "Yes". I tried using a while loop, but it's gone wrong somewhere that I can't find.
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Random;
public class RockPaperScissors {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int playerScore = 0;
int computerScore = 0;
int round = 0;
String decision;
// Get user input
while (round<3) {
System.out.println("Please enter your move: Rock, Paper or Scissors");
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
String playerMove =;
// Check if user input is valid
if (!playerMove.equalsIgnoreCase("Rock") && !playerMove.equalsIgnoreCase("Paper") && !playerMove.equalsIgnoreCase("Scissors")) {
System.out.println("Move is invalid, Opponent gets a point");
System.out.println("Your point is "+ playerScore + "; Opponent score is "+ computerScore);
} else {
// Randomly generate computerMove
int computerInt = (int)(Math.random()*3);
String computerMove = " ";
if (computerInt == 0) {
computerMove = "Rock";
} else if (computerInt == 1) {
computerMove = "Paper";
} else if (computerInt == 2) {
computerMove = "Scissors";}
System.out.println("Opponent move is "+ computerMove);
// Establish winning or losing scenarios
if (playerMove.equalsIgnoreCase(computerMove)) {
System.out.println("Your point is "+ playerScore + "; Opponent score is "+ computerScore);
} else if (playerMove.equalsIgnoreCase("Rock") && computerMove.equalsIgnoreCase("Scissors") ||
playerMove.equalsIgnoreCase("Scissors") && computerMove.equalsIgnoreCase("Paper") ||
playerMove.equalsIgnoreCase("Rock") && computerMove.equalsIgnoreCase("Paper")) {
System.out.println("You won");
System.out.println("Your point is "+ playerScore + "; Opponent score is "+ computerScore);
else {
System.out.println("You lost");
System.out.println("Your point is "+ playerScore + "; Opponent score is "+ computerScore);
// Determine the last winner
if (playerScore < computerScore) {
System.out.println("You lose, so sad ;(");
} else if (playerScore > computerScore) {
System.out.println("You win, here's a cookie ;) ");
} else {
System.out.println("Tied, maybe try harder ^_^"); }
System.out.println("Do you wanna play again?");
Sounds like this might be a HW or Test question, so just writing steps to help you out:
first have a user-decision variable and initialize it to "Y"
then put the game in a while(user-decision="Y") loop
at the end of this loop ask the user for their decision and update the user-decision variable to either Y or N
if they say Y loop continues, else it ends
if you need to repeat your code, put it in a new class (Game) and instantiate in main () and call until your Game class returns TRUE (press Y)
package appMain;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Game {
public Boolean PlayGame() {
System.out.println("START GAME");
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
String answer =;
if(answer.equals("Y")) {
return true;
return false;
package appMain;
public class GameMain {
public static void main(String args[]) {
Game game = new Game();
while (game.PlayGame()) {
System.out.println("GAME finish");

Best way to code my unintelligent Nim game?

This is my nim game (goal is dont be the last person to pick up marbles), can someone please guide me. In playing the game, I have just one question
How can I keep track of whose turn it is, I guess if I can keep track of that I can monitor my remainingMarbles. This is the crux of my code. Please help
public class Nim{
public static void main(String[] args)
System.out.println("************** Welcome to the game of Nim *******************");
System.out.println("The object of this game is to make me take the last marble off the table");
System.out.println("You must take at least 1 and you can take up to 3 marbles on your turn");
System.out.println("You can go first");
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
final int MARBLES = 13;
int remainingMarbles;
String input;
do {
//boolean whoseTurn = true;
remainingMarbles = MARBLES;
System.out.println("There are " + MARBLES + " marbles on the table");
while (remainingMarbles > 0){
remainingMarbles -= getUserSelection();
System.out.println("There are " + (remainingMarbles -= getComputerSelection()) + " marble(s) on the table.");
if (1 <= remainingMarbles && remainingMarbles <= 2 && remainingMarbles < 0) {
System.out.println("Congratulations! you won!");
System.out.println("Want to play again? y/n");
input = scan.nextLine();
input = input.toLowerCase();
} else
System.out.println("Hard luck you lose!");
System.out.println("Want to play again? y/n");
input = scan.nextLine();
input = input.toLowerCase();
}while (input.charAt(0) == 'y');
private static int getUserSelection()
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
do {
System.out.println("Enter 1, 2 or 3");
int userSelection = scan.nextInt();
if (isValidMove(userSelection)){
return userSelection;
else {
System.out.println("Not a valid entry");
}while (true);
private static boolean isValidMove(int input)
return 1 <= input && input <= 3;
private static int getComputerSelection ()
Random generator = new Random();
int computerSelection = 1 + generator.nextInt(3);
System.out.println("The computer chooses " + computerSelection);
return computerSelection;
First, make a boolean before the loop.
boolean whoseTurn = true;
When the variable is true it's the first player's turn, otherwise the second player's turn.
Now inside the while loop we change the variable at the end of every repetition:
whoseTurn = !whoseTurn;
(Which is a faster way of this)
if(whoseTurn) whoseTurn = false;
else whoseTurn = true;
To conclude, you should do something like that:
boolean whoseTurn = true;
while(remainingMarbles > 0){
remainingMarbles -= getUserSelection();
System.out.println("There are " + (remainingMarbles -= getComputerSelection()) + " marble(s) on the table.");
whoseTurn = !whoseTurn;

Rock, Paper, Scissors random match not working

How do you make the player play for a random number of match and then end the game with all the score?
I'm trying to do a loop that let a player play a number of matches and ask at the end if still want to play or not.
public class RockPaperScissors {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Random rand = new Random();
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
Scanner playername = new Scanner(;
String name;
int playerChoose;
int aiChoose;
String match = "";
int matchCount = 1;
int matchLimit = 10;
boolean endMatch = true;
int Rock = 1, Paper = 2, Scissor = 3;
//Player choose how many round.
int max = 10;
int min = 1;
int randomNum = rand.nextInt((max - min) + 1) + 1;
// Computer random choose Rock, Paper or Scissor.
int maxme = 3;
int minme = 1;
aiChoose = rand.nextInt((maxme - minme) + 1) + 1;
System.out.println("Hi, what is your name?");
name =;
System.out.println("Hi, " + name);
System.out.println("Let's play Rock, Paper and Scissor!!");
System.out.println("How many round do you want to play?");
// loop match I'm doing something wrong
while (!match.equals(randomNum)) {
System.out.println(randomNum + " match");
if (randomNum == 0)
System.out.println("Chooses between Rock - 1, Paper - 2 and Scissor - 3? ");
playerChoose = sc.nextInt();
//Check Player choise for Rock Paper and Scissor
if (playerChoose < 1 || playerChoose > 3) {
System.out.println("Wrong Choise");
if (playerChoose == aiChoose) {
System.out.println("We tie");
} else if ((playerChoose == Rock && aiChoose == Scissor) || (playerChoose == Scissor && aiChoose == Paper) || (playerChoose == Paper && aiChoose == Rock));
System.out.println("You win");
If you want to do a specific amount of round you can do it with a for loop:
for(int i = 0; i < numberOfMatches; i++){
If you want to let the user decide if he wants to play you could do something like this:
//all the things before
System.out.println("Do you still want to play? ")

Rock Paper Scissors Difficulty Java

Im trying to make a rock, paper, scissors game where you choose 1,2 or 3 for rock then displays what you've chosen and what the computer has chosen. I then need to keep track of score for wins and at the end of every round ask the user if they want to play again.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Rock5
// Plays the Rock-Paper-Scissors game with the user.
public static void main (String[] args)
final int OPTIONS = 3;
final int ROCK = 1, PAPER = 2, SCISSORS = 3;
final int COMPUTER = 1, PLAYER = 2, TIE = 3;
int computer, player, winner = 0;
int wins = 0, losses = 0, ties = 0;
String again;
Scanner in = new Scanner(;
computer = (int) (Math.random() * OPTIONS) + 1;
System.out.print ("Enter your choice - 1 for Rock, 2 for " +
"Paper, and 3 for Scissors: ");
player = in.nextInt();
System.out.print ("My choice was ");
// Determine the winner
switch (computer)
case ROCK:
System.out.println ("Rock.");
if (player == SCISSORS)
winner = COMPUTER;
if (player == PAPER)
winner = PLAYER;
winner = TIE;
case PAPER:
System.out.println ("Paper.");
if (player == ROCK)
winner = COMPUTER;
if (player == SCISSORS)
winner = PLAYER;
winner = TIE;
System.out.println ("Scissors.");
if (player == PAPER)
winner = COMPUTER;
if (player == ROCK)
winner = PLAYER;
winner = TIE;
// Print results and increment appropriate counter
if (winner == COMPUTER)
System.out.println ("I win!");
if (winner == PLAYER)
System.out.println ("You win!");
System.out.println ("We tied!");
System.out.print ("Play again (y/n)?: ");
again = in.nextLine();
while (again.equalsIgnoreCase ("y"));
// Print final results
System.out.println ("You won " + wins + " times.");
System.out.println ("You lost " + losses + " times.");
System.out.println ("We tied " + ties + " times.");
player = Integer.valueOf(in.nextLine());
Instead of
player = in.nextInt();
and it'll work, because if not, the number you enter goes into player, and the \n characater goes into again = in.nextLine() and because it's different of y it stops.

Nim game - specify winner

import java.util.Scanner;
*#author Andy
*#verison 21.11.2012
public class NimGame
public static void main (String[] args)
System.out.println ("********** Hello Welcome to the game Nim *********");
System.out.println (" The game is relatively simple.... ");
System.out.println (" This is a game for two players. ");
System.out.println (" There is a heap containing 10 to 20 stones.");
System.out.println (" Players take turns to remove 1-4 stones ");
System.out.println (" The player who removes the last stone wins. ");
System.out.println ("******************************************************************");
Scanner scan = new Scanner (;
int heapSize = 15;
int stones = 0;
boolean nextInteger = false;
boolean lessThanFour = false;
String player1 = "Player 1";
String player2 = "Player 2";
String player = player1;
System.out.println ("The number of stones currently in the heap is :- " + heapSize);
while (heapSize > 0)
nextInteger = false;
lessThanFour = false;
System.out.println (player + ":" + "how many stones will you take from the heap?");
while (nextInteger == false && lessThanFour == false)
if (scan.hasNextInt())
nextInteger = true;
stones = scan.nextInt();
if (stones <=4 && stones >0)
System.out.println ("You picked " + stones);
heapSize = (heapSize - stones);
if (heapSize >= 0)
System.out.println ("There are " + heapSize + "stones left");
lessThanFour = true;
if (player.equals(player1))
player = player2;
player = player1;
System.out.println ("Bad input, please try again");
nextInteger = false;
System.out.println ("Bad input, please try again");
I dunno how to implement a way to specify player 1 or player 2 being the winner once the sizeheap (number of stones left) reaches 0. Any help would be appreciated. Also when the sizeheap reaches a negative number, it will display 'bad input' but then any other number inserted after that also displays 'bad input.'
Basically, you just need to rewrite if (heapSize >= 0) so it displays a win message:
if (heapSize > 0) {...} else { }
Here's the critical part, fixed, streamlined a bit, and edited:
if (stones <= 4 && stones > 0) {
System.out.println ("\nYou picked " + stones);
heapSize = (heapSize - stones);
if (heapSize > 0) {
System.out.println ("\nThere are " + heapSize + " stones left\n\n");
// Could use a ternary operator here:
// player = (player.equals(player1) ? player2 : player1);
if (player.equals(player1)) {
player = player2;
else {
player = player1;
else {
if (player.equals(player1)) {
System.out.println("Player 1 wins!");
else {
System.out.println("Player 2 wins!");
Further tips:
You can just use a newline \n instead of an System.out.println().
The lessThanFour flag is probably unnecessary

