Java - changing data in array - java

I'm pretty much a complete newbie to java and programming in general. I was wondering if anyone could help me out.
So I have a .csv that I am reading and storing data from (i think in the form of an array?) by using the following. This works fine and is grabbing all the data from the csv.
fo=new File()
contents =
The data that I am grabbing from the .csv is in the form of well positions on a plate e.g. A1, B1, C1, D1 etc. Now is there a way that I can make each of the letters worth a particular value?
For example, A=1, B=2 C=3 etc, and then make this new value multiply by the second number e.g. A1 would become 1*1 = 2 and A2 would become 1*2 = 2 and B2 would become 2*2 = 4.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Usually the way that files are read follow this structure:
Open File using Reader. (using Scanner, FileReader, etc)
Read data. (Scanner.nextLine() for example)
Close File Reader. (close)
In your case, one possible approach is to read the data and then if you want an array of values, simply use String.split() method, passing the "," as a delimiter because it is comma separated file. Once you have an array, you make w/e changes you want. In your case, you want to iterate over that array and perform transformations.
However, I would also like to clarify something, because it is kind of implied by your question, that updating the array after you read will not update the file. Just wanted to make that clear to avoid confusion.


Go back 'n' lines in file using Stream.lines

I need to build an application which scans through a large amount of files. These files contain blocks with some data about a sessions, in which each line has a different value. E.g.: "=ID: 39487".
At that point I have that line, but the problem I now face is that I need the value n lines above that ID. I was thinking about an Iterator but it only has forward methods. I also thought about saving the results in a List but that defies the reason to use Stream and some files are huge so that would cause memory problems.
I was wondering if something like this is possible using the Stream API (Files)? Or perhaps a better question, is there a better way to approach this?
Stream<String> lines = Files.lines(Paths.get(file.getName()));
Iterator<String> search = lines.iterator();
You can't arbitrarily read backwards and forwards through the file with the same reader (no matter if you're using streams, iterators, or a plain BufferedReader.)
If you need:
m lines before a given line
n lines after the given line
You don't know the value of m and n in advance, until you reach that line
...then you essentially have three options:
Read the whole file once, keep it in memory, and then your task is trivial (but this uses the most memory.)
Read the whole file once, mark the line numbers that you need, then do a second pass where you extract the lines you require.
Read the whole file once, storing some form of metadata about line lengths as you go, then use a RandomAccessFile to extract the specific bits you need without having to read the whole file again.
I'd suggest given the files are huge, the second option here is probably the most realistic. The third will probably give you better performance, but will require much more in the way of development effort.
As an alternative if you can guarantee that both n and m are below a certain value, and that value is a reasonable size - you could also just keep a certain number of lines in a buffer as you're processing the file, and read through that buffer when you need to read lines "backwards".
Try my library. abacus-util
try(Reader reader = new FileReader(yourFile)) {
.sliding(n, n, ArrayList::new)
.filter(l -> l.get(l.size() - 1).contains("=ID: 39487"))
./* then do your work */
No matter how big your file is. as long as n is small number, not millions

Java & MySQL: Store an Read a 365 position of bitarray. HOW?

I am currently working with Java and MySQL, and I found an issue I don't know how to solve.
I have a class that stores a String of 365 positions that represents a Binary String "010111010010100...", and I would like to be able to store and read that field from the database.
Once it is read, I will perform an AND Logic operation with another bitarray.
I read about the BitSet class, that allows the logical operators (AND, OR, XOR, ...) between them. I tried it, but I didn't like the solutions I got. I could also try to transform the String to a byte array, and then store and read it from the database, in order to later perform the logic AND operation, but not sure if I would need to always create a BitSet, and how performant could it be.
I don't know which is the most performant way to do what I want:
Convert the Binary String in another element.
Store that element in the database (in the case of BitSet I tried to define the Database field as BLOB, but I had a lot of issues transforming the BitSet to BLOB and reading the BLOB to a BitSet).
Read the element from the database (at this point would be great to directly work with the element without making any cast or transformation).
Perform a logic AND with another bitarray and get the result.
I have tried a lot of options, but they didn't work.
Could someone help me with this problem and how to better approach it from the performance point of view?
Storing bit in a string is bit weird, I used long to store a number, and make bitwise operations on that. It won't work for you, since you use much more bits. If it can remain string, maybe you can write a short function to make the AND operator on each byte of the string, somehow like this:
for (int i = 0; i<366; i++) {
data .= (stringname[i] == binarystring[i]?"1":"0");
Go through your string, while checking if it equals binary string (The one you want to AND it), if they equal, concat 1, if not, concat 0;

Java compiler error: lookup table exceeds 65535 limit

I'm running into this compiler error due to my extremely large lookup table based on this definition:
//92 X 182 array
private static final double[][] lookUpTable = new double[][]
{ numbers....}
As i understand it, dividing it up is a solution, but it would be extremely difficult to split this array up accurately. I also believe i could move it out to a file, but i don't know if i could format it in a way to help me, plus i don't want file reads every second.
Are there any other suggestions to help me get around this?
Convert your table to a file, embed the file as a resource, read it once in a static initialization block, and store it in a lookUpTable array. It will not be distinguishable from an array initialized through an aggregate, except there would be no 65535 limit. Storing in a static variable will help you avoid "reads every second".
As far as the format is concerned, you can put each row of the matrix in a separate line of the resource file. Reading and maintaining this file would be simple, because there would be no other mark-up around your numbers.
Here is a link to an answer explaining how to read a file from a resource.
Read the file once on demand.
As you have a table/matrix, I suggest having one line per row. Read each line and split the numbers and parse them individually.
You could keep the rows in a string (thus reducing the number of objects for java to handle) as comma separated values, and on program start, split each row and so build up your table of longs.

using java to parse a csv then save in 2D array

Okay so i am working on a game based on a Trading card game in java. I Scraped all of the game peices' "information" into a csv file where each row is a game peice and each column is a type of attribute for that peice. I have spent hours upon hours writing code with Buffered reader and etc. trying to extract the information from my csv file into a 2d Array but to no avail. My csv file is linked Here: I have one year of computer science under my belt but I still cannot figure out how to do this.
So my main question is how do i place this into a 2D array that way i can keep the rows and columns?
Well, as mentioned before, some of your strings contain commas, so initially you're starting from a bad place, but I do have a solution and it's this:
--------- If possible, rescrape the site, but perform a simple encoding operation when you do. You'll want to do something like what you'll notice tends to be done in autogenerated XML files which contain HTML; reserve a 'control character' (a printable character works best, here, for reasons of debugging and... well... sanity) that, once encoded, is never meant to be read directly as an instance of itself. Ampersand is what I like to use because it's uncommon enough but still printable, but really what character you want to use is up to you. What I would do is write the program so that, at every instance of ",", that comma would be replaced by "&c" before being written to the CSV, and at every instance of an actual ampersand on the site, that "&" would be replaced by "&a". That way, you would never have the issue of accidentally separating a single value into two in the CSV, and you could simply decode each value after you've separated them by the method I'm about to outline in...
-------- Assuming you know how many columns will be in each row, you can use the StringTokenizer class (look it up- it's awesome and built into Java. A good place to look for information is, as always, the Java Tutorials) to automatically give you the values you need in the form of an array.
It works by your passing in a string and a delimiter (in this case, the delimiter would be ','), and it spitting out all the substrings which were separated by those commas. If you know how many pieces there are in total from the get-go, you can instantiate a 2D array at the beginning and just plug in each row the StringTokenizer gives them to you. If you don't, it's still okay, because you can use an ArrayList. An ArrayList is nice because it's a higher-level abstraction of an array that automatically asks for more memory such that you can continue adding to it and know that retrieval time will always be constant. However, if you plan on dynamically adding pieces, and doing that more often than retrieving them, you might want to use a LinkedList instead, because it has a linear retrieval time, but a much better relation than an ArrayList for add-remove time. Or, if you're awesome, you could use a SkipList instead. I don't know if they're implemented by default in Java, but they're awesome. Fair warning, though; the cost of speed on retrieval, removal, and placement comes with increased overhead in terms of memory. Skip lists maintain a lot of pointers.
If you know there should be the same number of values in each row, and you want them to be positionally organized, but for whatever reason your scraper doesn't handle the lack of a value for a row, and just doesn't put that value, you've some bad news... it would be easier to rewrite the part of the scraper code that deals with the lack of values than it would be to write a method that interprets varying length arrays and instantiates a Piece object for each array. My suggestion for this would again be to use the control character and fill empty columns with &n (for 'null') to be interpreted later, but then specifics are of course what will individuate your code and coding style so it's not for me to say.
edit: I think the main thing you should focus on is learning the different standard library datatypes available in Java, and maybe learn to implement some of them yourself for practice. I remember implementing a binary search tree- not an AVL tree, but alright. It's fun enough, good coding practice, and, more importantly, necessary if you want to be able to do things quickly and efficiently. I don't know exactly how Java implements arrays, because the definition is "a contiguous section of memory", yet you can allocate memory for them in Java at runtime using variables... but regardless of the specific Java implementation, arrays often aren't the best solution. Also, knowing regular expressions makes everything much easier. For practice, I'd recommend working them into your Java programs, or, if you don't want to have to compile and jar things every time, your bash scripts (if your using *nix) and/or batch scripts (if you're using Windows).
I think the way you've scraped the data makes this problem more difficult than it needs to be. Your scrape seems inconsistent and difficult to work with given that most values are surrounded by quotes inconsistently, some data already has commas in it, and not each card is on its own line.
Try re-scraping the data in a much more consistent format, such as:
A/D Changer|DREV-EN005|Effect Monster|Light|Warrior|100|100|You can remove from play this card in your Graveyard to select 1 monster on the field. Change its battle position.
Where each line is definitely its own card (As opposed to the example CSV you posted with new lines in odd places) and the delimiter is never used in a data field as something other than a delimiter.
Once you've gotten the input into a consistently readable state, it becomes very simple to parse through it:
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File("MonstersFinal.csv")));
String line = "";
ArrayList<String[]> cardList = new ArrayList<String[]>(); // Use an arraylist because we might not know how many cards we need to parse.
while((line = br.readLine()) != null) { // Read a single line from the file until there are no more lines to read
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line, "|"); // "|" is the delimiter of our input file.
String[] card = new String[8]; // Each card has 8 fields, so we need room for the 8 tokens.
for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { // For each token in the line that we've read:
String value = st.nextToken(); // Read the token
card[i] = value; // Place the token into the ith "column"
cardList.add(card); // Add the card's info to the list of cards.
for(int i = 0; i < cardList.size(); i++) {
for(int x = 0; x < cardList.get(i).length; x++) {
System.out.printf("card[%d][%d]: ", i, x);
Which would produce the following output for my given example input:
card[0][0]: R1C1
card[0][1]: R1C2
card[0][2]: R1C3
card[0][3]: R1C4
card[0][4]: R1C5
card[0][5]: R1C6
card[0][6]: R1C7
card[0][7]: R1C8
card[1][0]: R2C1
card[1][1]: R2C2
card[1][2]: R2C3
card[1][3]: R2C4
card[1][4]: R2C5
card[1][5]: R2C6
card[1][6]: R2C7
card[1][7]: R3C8
card[2][0]: R3C1
card[2][1]: R3C2
card[2][2]: R3C3
card[2][3]: R3C4
card[2][4]: R3C5
card[2][5]: R3C6
card[2][6]: R3C7
card[2][7]: R4C8
card[3][0]: R4C1
card[3][1]: R4C2
card[3][2]: R4C3
card[3][3]: R4C4
card[3][4]: R4C5
card[3][5]: R4C6
card[3][6]: R4C7
card[3][7]: R4C8
card[4][0]: A/D Changer
card[4][1]: DREV-EN005
card[4][2]: Effect Monster
card[4][3]: Light
card[4][4]: Warrior
card[4][5]: 100
card[4][6]: 100
card[4][7]: You can remove from play this card in your Graveyard to select 1 monster on the field. Change its battle position.
I hope re-scraping the information is an option here and I hope I haven't misunderstood anything; Good luck!
On a final note, don't forget to take advantage of OOP once you've gotten things worked out. a Card class could make working with the data even simpler.
I'm working on a similar problem for use in machine learning, so let me share what I've been able to do on the topic.
1) If you know before you start parsing the row - whether it's hard-coded into your program or whether you've got some header in your file that gives you this information (highly recommended) - how many attributes per row there will be, you can reasonably split it by comma, for example the first attribute will be RowString.substring(0, RowString.indexOf(',')), the second attribute will be the substring from the first comma to the next comma (writing a function to find the nth instance of a comma, or simply chopping off bits of the string as you go through it, should be fairly trivial), and the last attribute will be RowString.substring(RowString.lastIndexOf(','), RowString.length()). The String class's methods are your friends here.
2) If you are having trouble distinguishing between commas which are meant to separate values, and commas which are part of a string-formatted attribute, then (if the file is small enough to reformat by hand) do what Java does - represent characters with special meaning that are inside of strings with '\,' rather than just ','. That way you can search for the index of ',' and not '\,' so that you will have some way of distinguishing your characters.
3) As an alternative to 2), CSVs (in my opinion) aren't great for strings, which often include commas. There is no real common format to CSVs, so why not make them colon-separated-values, or dash-separated-values, or even triple-ampersand-separated-values? The point of separating values with commas is to make it easy to tell them apart, and if commas don't do the job there's no reason to keep them. Again, this applies only if your file is small enough to edit by hand.
4) Looking at your file for more than just the format, it becomes apparent that you can't do it by hand. Additionally, it would appear that some strings are surrounded by triple double quotes ("""string""") and some are surrounded by single double quotes ("string"). If I had to guess, I would say that anything included in a quotes is a single attribute - there are, for example, no pairs of quotes that start in one attribute and end in another. So I would say that you could:
Make a class with a method to break a string into each comma-separated fields.
Write that method such that it ignores commas preceded by an odd number of double quotes (this way, if the quote-pair hasn't been closed, it knows that it's inside a string and that the comma is not a value separator). This strategy, however, fails if the creator of your file did something like enclose some strings in double double quotes (""string""), so you may need a more comprehensive approach.

comparing "the likes" smartly

Suppose you need to perform some kind of comparison amongst 2 files. You only need to do it when it makes sense, in other words, you wouldn't want to compare JSON file with Property file or .txt file with .jar file
Additionally suppose that you have a mechanism in place to sort all of these things out and what it comes down to now is the actual file name. You would want to compare "myFile.txt" with "myFile.txt", but not with "somethingElse.txt". The goal is to be as close to "apples to apples" rules as possible.
So here we are, on one side you have "myFile.txt" and on another side you have "_myFile.txt", "_m_y_f_i_l_e.txt" and "somethingReallyClever.txt".
Task is to pick the closest name to later compare. Unfortunately, identical name is not found.
Looking at the character composition, it is not hard to figure out what the relationship is. My algo says:
_myFile.txt to _m_y_f_i_l_e.txt 0.312
_myFile.txt to somethingReallyClever.txt 0.16
So _m_y_f_i_l_e.txt is closer to_myFile.txt then somethingReallyClever.txt. Fantastic. But also says that ist is only 2 times closer, where as in reality we can look at the 2 files and would never think to compare somethingReallyClever.txt with _myFile.txt.
What logic would you suggest i apply to not only figure out likelihood by having chars on the same place, but also test whether determined weight makes sense?
In my example, somethingReallyClever.txt should have had a weight of 0.0
I hope i am being clear.
Please share your experience and thoughts on this.
(whatever approach you suggest should not depend on number of characters filename consists out of)
Possibly helpful previous question which highlights several possible algorithms:
Word comparison algorithm
These algorithms are based on how many changes would be needed to get from one string to the other - where a change is adding a character, deleting a character, or replacing a character.
Certainly any sensible metric here should have a low score as meaning close (think distance between the two strings) and larger scores as meaning not so close.
Sounds like you want the Levenshtein distance, perhaps modified by preconverting both words to the same case and normalizing spaces (e.g. replace all spaces and underscores with empty string)

