Design for selecting a class based on identifier - java

I have a collection of data parsers that implement a common DataSource interface. I want to have a parsing method with a following signature:
public static DataSource parseData(InputStream contents, String identifier)
It's supposed to take the data to be parsed and an identifier and use the appropriate DataSource implementation. Each of the DataSources is responsible for one identifier. I bet there is a more elegant way to do this than this one:
public static DataSource parseData(InputStream contents, String identifier) {
if (DataSource1.respondsTo(identifier) {
return new DataSource1(contents);
//more ifs. There likely will be about 20 of those.
But I can't really think of anything better. Is there an appropriate design pattern to use here? Some kind of a chained list of detectors?
I'm doing this in Groovy, but Java based responses are welcome.

Given the following DataSource classes:
interface DataSource {
boolean respondsTo(String identifier)
class DataSource1 implements DataSource {
DataSource1(InputStream is) { /* magic goes here */ }
#Override boolean respondsTo(String identifier) { identifier in ["DS1 idX", "DS1 idY", "DS1 idZ"] }
class DataSource2 implements DataSource {
DataSource2(InputStream is) { /* magic goes here */ }
#Override boolean respondsTo(String identifier) { identifier in ["DS2 idX", "DS2 idY", "DS2 idZ"] }
// ...
class DataSource20 implements DataSource {
DataSource20(InputStream is) { /* magic goes here */ }
#Override boolean respondsTo(String identifier) { identifier in ["DS20 idX", "DS20 idY", "DS20 idZ"] }
This solution uses an enum to facilitate mapping each identifier string into a closure that generates the DataSource.
enum DataSourceEnum {
ds1 (["DS1 idX", "DS1 idY", "DS1 idZ"], { is -> new DataSource1(is) }),
ds2 (["DS2 idX", "DS2 idY", "DS2 idZ"], { is -> new DataSource2(is) }),
// ...
ds20 (["DS20 idX", "DS20 idY", "DS20 idZ"], { is -> new DataSource20(is) })
private final static Map<String, DataSourceEnum> dsMapping = [:]
final Closure<DataSource> buildDataSource
private DataSourceEnum(List<String> identifiers, Closure<DataSource> ctor) {
DataSourceEnum.dsMapping += identifiers.collectEntries { id -> [(id):this] }
this.buildDataSource = ctor
static DataSourceEnum identify(String id) { dsMapping[id] }
Now it is almost trivially easy to write the desired parseData method:
DataSource parseData(InputStream contents, String identifier) {

I realize BalRog's answer is what you want, but I couldn't resist throwing out a reflexion answer.
If you're sure of your identifiers corresponding to class names, e.g., idX --> ParsersidX, you could do something like this (disclaimer - I didn't compile this - there are surely some try/catches necessary):
public static DataSource parseData(InputStream contents, String identifier) {
Class dataSourceClass = Class.forName("Parsers" + identifier);
Constructor dataSourceConstructor = dataSourceClass.getDeclaredConstructor(Class.forName(InputStream));
return dataSourceConstructor.newInstance(contents);
Finally, I saw now in the comments that it's not a one-to-one match, so this way probably won't be adequate?


jqwik using #ForAll with collection in #Provide-annotated method

Having a hard time figuring out how to utilize #ForAll in jqwik on a #Provide function accepting a collection.
// domain model
public class Name {
public final String first;
public final String last;
public Name(String f, String l) {
this.first = f;
this.last = l;
// jqwik domain context
public class NameDomain extends DomainContextBase {
public Arbitrary<Name> arbName() {
return Combinators.combine(
// properties test
public class NameProperties {
// obviously a made-up use case, just demonstrating the issue
public Arbitrary<Set<String>> namesToParse(
#ForAll #Size(min = 1, max = 4) Set<Name> names) {
// ... code here
public void namesAreParsed(#ForAll("namesToParse") Set<String> names) {
// ... code here
When running this, I end up with:
Cannot find an Arbitrary for Parameter of type [#net.jqwik.api.ForAll(value="", supplier=net.jqwik.api.ArbitrarySupplier$NONE.class) #net.jqwik.api.constraints.Size(value=0, max=4, min=1) Set] in method [public net.jqwik.api.Arbitrary mypackage.NameProperties.namesToParse(java.util.Set)]
Very similar issues attempting to use #UniqueElements List<Name> instead. What am I missing here?
What you are missing is that the #Domain annotation can only be applied to property methods or their container class. What should therefore work is:
public void namesAreParsed(#ForAll("namesToParse") Set<String> names) {
// ... code here
class NameProperties { ... }
That said, you should be aware that using #ForAll params in a providing method will always use flat mapping over the injected parameters.
Don't use that if you actually want to just map over or combine the injected parameters. In that case your providing method would look something like:
public Arbitrary<Set<String>> namesToParse() {
SetArbitrary<Name> names = Arbitraries.defaultFor(Name.class)
// Code here just an example of what could be done:
return names.mapEach((Set<Name> ignore, Name n) -> n.first + " " + n.last);

Guice, Type Conversion When Getting Values from Properties

The following Guice module binds a property file to the #Named annotation.
// Omitted: other imports
public class ExampleModule extends AbstractModule {
protected void configure() {
Names.bindProperties(binder(), getProperties());
private Properties getProperties() {
// Omitted: return the file
I can now inject properties directly into my classes.
public class Example {
private String title;
private int panelHeight;
The values read from a properties file are strings but, as you can see in the example above, Guice is capable of doing type conversion for int fields.
Now, given the property com.example.background-color=0x333333 I would like to able to get the same type conversion for an arbitrary class, like:
public class Example {
private Color color;
Let's say that the Color class contains a static method decode() and I can obtain a new Color instance by calling Color.decode("0x333333").
How can I configure Guice to do this automatically and behind the scenes for me?
I found a solution by myself looking into the Guice sources, although I have to say it's not the prettiest (more on this later on).
First of all, we need to create a TypeConverter.
// Omitted: other imports
public class ColorTypeConverter implements TypeConverter {
public Object convert(String value, TypeLiteral<?> toType) {
if (!toType.getRawType().isAssignableFrom(Color.class)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot convert type " + toType.getType().getTypeName());
if (value == null || value.isBlank()) {
return null;
return Color.decode(value);
Then, a Matcher. I generalized.
// Omitted: other imports
public class SubclassMatcher extends AbstractMatcher<TypeLiteral<?>> {
private final Class<?> type;
public SubclassMatcher(Class<?> type) {
this.type = type;
public boolean matches(TypeLiteral<?> toType) {
return toType.getRawType().isAssignableFrom(type);
Finally, add the following line to the Guice module.
// Omitted: other imports
public class ExampleModule extends AbstractModule {
protected void configure() {
binder().convertToTypes(new SubclassMatcher(Color.class), new ColorTypeConverter());
// Omitted: other configurations
Now, the following injection works.
public class Example {
private Color backgroundColor;
It could be prettier. There exists a API which I wasn't able use and could have solved my problem without constructing my personal SubclassMatcher class. See, Matchers.subclassesOf(Class<?>). It's for sure my fault as I don't believe Google wouldn't think of this pretty common use-case. If you find a way to make it work, please leave a comment.
Guice can't do that for you.
I suppose the conversion from String to int happens upon injection and not when you call Names.bindProperties(...)
See the bindProperties methods:
/** Creates a constant binding to {#code #Named(key)} for each entry in {#code properties}. */
public static void bindProperties(Binder binder, Map<String, String> properties) {
binder = binder.skipSources(Names.class);
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : properties.entrySet()) {
String key = entry.getKey();
String value = entry.getValue();
binder.bind(Key.get(String.class, new NamedImpl(key))).toInstance(value);
* Creates a constant binding to {#code #Named(key)} for each property. This method binds all
* properties including those inherited from {#link Properties#defaults defaults}.
public static void bindProperties(Binder binder, Properties properties) {
binder = binder.skipSources(Names.class);
// use enumeration to include the default properties
for (Enumeration<?> e = properties.propertyNames(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
String propertyName = (String) e.nextElement();
String value = properties.getProperty(propertyName);
binder.bind(Key.get(String.class, new NamedImpl(propertyName))).toInstance(value);
They are just binding strings.
You could just copy one of them and create your own binding. If the property value is in a color format, bind it additionally as Color.
As an example:
public class GuiceColors {
public static class GameModule extends AbstractModule {
protected void configure() {
Properties props = new Properties();
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
private void bindPropertiesWithColors(Properties properties) {
Binder binder2 = binder().skipSources(Names.class);
// use enumeration to include the default properties
for (Enumeration<?> e = properties.propertyNames(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
String propertyName = (String) e.nextElement();
String value = properties.getProperty(propertyName);
try {
Color decodedColor = Color.decode(value);
binder2.bind(Key.get(Color.class, Names.named(propertyName)))
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
// property value cannot be decoded as color, ignore the exception
binder2.bind(Key.get(String.class, Names.named(propertyName))).toInstance(value);
public static class Example {
private Color color;
private String colorString;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new GameModule());
with being:
com.example.background-color = 0x333333

For a large validation task is chain of responsibility pattern a good bet?

I need to build a process which will validate a record against ~200 validation rules. A record can be one of ~10 types. There is some segmentation from validation rules to record types but there exists a lot of overlap which prevents me from cleanly binning the validation rules.
During my design I'm considering a chain of responsibility pattern for all of the validation rules. Is this a good idea or is there a better design pattern?
Validation is frequently a Composite pattern. When you break it down, you want to seperate the what you want to from the how you want to do it, you get:
If foo is valid
then do something.
Here we have the abstraction is valid -- Caveat: This code was lifted from currrent, similar examples so you may find missing symbology and such. But this is so you get the picture. In addition, the
Object contains messaging about the failure as well as a simple status (true/false).
This allow you the option of just asking "did it pass?" vs. "If it failed, tell me why"
Are convenience classes for taking any class and quickly turning them into those respected types by merely assigning to a delegate. For this example it means your composite validator is already a collection and can be iterated, for example.
You had a secondary problem in your question: "cleanly binding" as in, "Type A" -> rules{a,b,c}" and "Type B" -> rules{c,e,z}"
This is easily managed with a Map. Not entirely a Command pattern but close
Map<Type,Validator> typeValidators = new HashMap<>();
Setup the validator for each type then create a mapping between types. This is really best done as bean config if you're using Java but Definitely use dependency injection
public interface Validator<T>{
public Result validate(T value);
public static interface Result {
public static final Result OK = new Result() {
public String getMessage() {
return "OK";
public String toString() {
return "OK";
public boolean isOk() {
return true;
public boolean isOk();
public String getMessage();
Now some simple implementations to show the point:
public class MinLengthValidator implements Validator<String> {
private final SimpleResult FAILED;
private Integer minLength;
public MinLengthValidator() {
public MinLengthValidator(Integer minLength) {
this.minLength = minLength;
FAILED = new SimpleResult("Password must be at least "+minLength+" characters",false);
public Result validate(String newPassword) {
return newPassword.length() >= minLength ? Result.OK : FAILED;
public String toString() {
return this.getClass().getSimpleName();
Here is another we will combine with
public class NotCurrentValidator implements Validator<String> {
private PasswordEncoder encoder;
private static final SimpleResult FAILED = new SimpleResult("Password cannot be your current password",false);
public Result validate(String newPassword) {
boolean passed = !encoder.matches(newPassword,user.getPassword());
return (passed ? Result.OK : FAILED);
public String toString() {
return this.getClass().getSimpleName();
Now here is a composite:
public class CompositePasswordRule extends QuickCollection<Validator> implements Validator<String> {
public CompositeValidator(Collection<Validator> rules) {
super.delegate = rules;
public CompositeValidator(Validator<?>... rules) {
super.delegate = Arrays.asList(rules);
public CompositeResult validate(String newPassword) {
CompositeResult result = new CompositeResult(super.delegate.size());
for(Validator rule : super.delegate){
Result temp = rule.validate(newPassword);
return result;
public static class CompositeResult extends QuickMap<Validator,Result> implements Result {
private Integer appliedCount;
private CompositeResult(Integer appliedCount) {
super.delegate = VdcCollections.delimitedMap(new HashMap<PasswordRule, Result>(), "-->",", ");
this.appliedCount = appliedCount;
public String getMessage() {
return super.delegate.toString();
public String toString() {
return super.delegate.toString();
public boolean isOk() {
boolean isOk = true;
for (Result r : delegate.values()) {
isOk = r.isOk();
return isOk;
public Integer failCount() {
return this.size();
public Integer passCount() {
return appliedCount - this.size();
and now a snippet of use:
private Validator<String> pwRule = new CompositeValidator<String>(new MinLengthValidator(),new NotCurrentValidator());
Validator.Result result = pwRule.validate(newPassword);
throw new PasswordConstraintException("%s", result.getMessage());
Chain of responsibility implies that there is an order in which the validations must take place. I would probably use something similar to the Strategy pattern where you have a Set of validation strategies that are applied to a specific type of record. You could then use a factory to examine the record and apply the correct set of validations.

Using guava-libraries LoadingCache to cache java pojo

I am using guava-libraries LoadingCache to cache classes in my app.
Here is the class I have came up with.
public class MethodMetricsHandlerCache {
private Object targetClass;
private Method method;
private Configuration config;
private LoadingCache<String, MethodMetricsHandler> handlers = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
new CacheLoader<String, MethodMetricsHandler>() {
public MethodMetricsHandler load(String identifier) {
return createMethodMetricsHandler(identifier);
private MethodMetricsHandler createMethodMetricsHandler(String identifier) {
return new MethodMetricsHandler(targetClass, method, config);
public void setTargetClass(Object targetClass) {
this.targetClass = targetClass;
public void setMethod(Method method) {
this.method = method;
public void setConfig(Configuration config) {
this.config = config;
public MethodMetricsHandler getHandler(String identifier) throws ExecutionException {
return handlers.get(identifier);
I am using this class as follows to cache the MethodMetricsHandler
private static MethodMetricsHandlerCache methodMetricsHandlerCache = new MethodMetricsHandlerCache();
MethodMetricsHandler handler = getMethodMetricsHandler(targetClass, method, config);
private MethodMetricsHandler getMethodMetricsHandler(Object targetClass, Method method, Configuration config) throws ExecutionException {
String identifier = targetClass.getClass().getCanonicalName() + "." + method.getName();
return methodMetricsHandlerCache.getHandler(identifier);
My question:
Is this creating a cache of the MethodMetricHandler classes keyed on identifier (not used this before so just a sanity check).
Also is there a better approach? Given that I will have multiple instances (hundreds) of the same MethodMetricHandler for a given identifier if I do not cache?
Yes, it does create a cache of MethodMetricsHandler objects. This approach generally is not bad however I might be able to say more if you described your use case because this solution is quite unusual. You've partially reinvented factory pattern.
Also think about some suggestions:
It's very odd that you need to call 3 setters before running getHandler
As "Configuration" is not in the key, you'll get the same object from cache for different configurations and the same targetClass and method
Why targetClass is an Object. You may want to pass Class<?> instead.
Are you planning to evict objects from cache?

Annotation processor: get all enum values from a TypeMirror or TypeElement

I don't understand how I can retrieve the Enum values in an annotation processor.
My annotation is a custom Java Bean Validation annotation:
#StringEnumeration(enumClass = UserCivility.class)
private String civility;
On my annotation processor, I can access to instances of these:
I know it contains the data about my enum since I can see that in debug mode. I also see ElementKind == Enum
But I want to get all the names for that Enum, can someone help me please.
Edit: I don't have access to the Class object of this Enum, because we are in an annotation processor, and not in standart Java reflection code. So I can't call Class#getEnumConstants() or EnumSet.allOf(MyEnum.class) unless you tell me how I can get the Class object from the types mentioned above.
I found a solution (this uses Guava):
class ElementKindPredicate<T extends Element> implements Predicate<T> {
private final ElementKind kind;
public ElementKindPredicate(ElementKind kind) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(kind != null);
this.kind = kind;
public boolean apply(T input) {
return input.getKind().equals(kind);
private static final ElementKindPredicate ENUM_VALUE_PREDICATE = new ElementKindPredicate(ElementKind.ENUM_CONSTANT);
public static List<String> getEnumValues(TypeElement enumTypeElement) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(enumTypeElement.getKind() == ElementKind.ENUM);
return FluentIterable.from(enumTypeElement.getEnclosedElements())
The answer given by Sebastian is correct, but if you're using Java 8 or above, you can use the following (cleaner) approach than using Google Guava.
List<String> getEnumValues(TypeElement enumTypeElement) {
return enumTypeElement.getEnclosedElements().stream()
.filter(element -> element.getKind().equals(ElementKind.ENUM_CONSTANT))
Here's a complete example. Note the use of getEnumConstants on the enum values.
public class Annotate {
public enum MyValues {
One, Two, Three
public #interface StringEnumeration {
MyValues enumClass();
#StringEnumeration(enumClass = MyValues.Three)
public static String testString = "foo";
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Class<Annotate> a = Annotate.class;
Field f = a.getField("testString");
StringEnumeration se = f.getAnnotation(StringEnumeration.class);
if (se != null) {
for( Object o : se.enumClass().getClass().getEnumConstants() ) {
This will print out:

