I am new to android app development.i want to create a list view that has only one button per cell of list view.For the adapter of this list view i need to give 'ArrayList' as parameter so that I can add and update list view whenever I need.
Take a look at this tutorial for custom listView.
You can put the button or anything you want in rowlayout.xml
What Adapter should I use for a single item? I use the ArrayAdapter for rows items. Is there a simple adapter I should use when displaying just one item?
If u want to display single item then simply use text view and make it visible or invisible as per the logic of your code.
I'm trying to create app(workout plan) which use a lot of listView.
It means: When I click "Create Exercise" -> new name of exercise is created in listView. One ListView for every names of exercises. ( I have this ).
But when I click on every item of this listView I want to create new series for each item. But when I click "Create new series" in first item and when I click the same but in a second item it's created in one listView.
But I would like to save this to another listView for every item.
Is it possible? As I think at now, every item should have own listView.
Actually, my question is: Why are every series created in one ListView?
Because the is one common activity for create series?
Could someone help me to find a solution for my case?
In this photo I show my idea.
No need to create a new list view for each and every item.I recommend you to create a table in your db and retrieve items on your need and populate the list view on item click of your list view.
You can use below links as a references to create Custom List view as you have mentioned in your question:
first, you have to create an activity in that activity create one custom listview and in your custom adapter- register click listener like "convertView.setOnClickListener(...){...} in getView(...) method.
In that click listener you have to open another activity and put some value you needed in putExtra(..) like startActivity(new Intent(getApplicatonContext(),AnotherActivity.class).putExtra("tag","value"));
And in second activity you have to get that value using getIntent().getStringExtra("tag");
After that create another custom listview based on that value..
Hope this help you
I am learning android development and i am kinda stuck here. I want to create a friend list screen like shown in this picture.
What kind of activity should i use? Is there any available resources similar to what i want to achieve?
you can use ListActivity , also check out tutorials on lists, for example:
you can find mire tutorials on google.
also you can use a regular Activity class with listView in the layout file
Use list view and custom adapter to populate the list view...
Listview should extend to the bottom but limit it just above the Type a name edit text and button.
Custom list view should contain linear layout horizontal in that include checkbox, Textview and Button
For type a name and Add use linear layout horizontal
Use listView with custom adapter , for array use arrayList<,friends,> sure you have to create friends class, in xml file put ListView then below that button and TextView
I tried to found a method, but no results. I want a ListView like below, and when I click on an element, like "Word", it'll be like this picture :
Is it possible ?
What you described is what an ExpandableListView does.
Basically it's like a listview so you'll still have to create your own adapter, but it lets you click a row to inflate a bigger item that you can then stuff your text into.
I would recommend creating your own class that extends ArrayAdapter or BaseAdapter. Then you can make use of the getView() method that gets called every time the screen gets redrawn for the user. You can then design multiple views for each selection and choose which one to display in the getView() function. So when the user selects an item, you set a flag in your custom class, and then notifyDataSetChanged() and you're good to go!
I'm trying to sort the list items of a custom adapter List view. After sorting from original listview, if list item is clicked, the original position of item in list view is seen but not the sorted element's. It is a problem that, even after the custom list view is sorted, the previous original listview item is only accessible. even when the list view items are re-arranged, the list items maintaining the original position values as id. how to solve it?
if you are creating a new adapter then simply set the adapter to listview and then give a delay and notifydatasetchanged should be called.
This should solve your problem sometimes delay is needed ..
Please use notifyDataSetChanged at and invalidate the ListAdapter at proper Place to avoid the corrupted data