My spring project builds successfully when I build using intellij maven window to build it. But when I configure it to deploy in tomcat server(by setting run configurations in intellij) it gives an error as follows.
Compliance level '1.4' is incompatible with target level '1.7'. A compliance level '1.7' or better is required
My maven pom.xml defines compiler plugin as follows.
and my pc's JAVA_HOME is pointed to jdk 1.7
What is this error means. How to change compliance level 1.4 to 1.7
This application works well when I manually deploy it to tomcat server
I have a maven web-service project and I use a configuration for the "compiler-plugin", set to use 1.6 version source and target:
I have configured in my pc version 1.8 of the Java Compiler (JDK).
I run tomcat with the 1.7 JRE (Java Runtime Environment) and I get the following exception in the logs:
Unsupported major.minor version 52.0
which is refered to the uncompatibility of the compiled version with the runtime.
If I change my java compiler to the version 1.7, and recompile the project, the projects deploys correctly to tomcat and I dont get any log error.
Is there any command for maven to check which compiling version it reads from the configuration? Is it a known problem of the plugin?
I am working on developing a java application which will be scheduled in control-m tool.
the program is configurable without modifying source code,meaning that has the ability to specify log file path, data input file for the program.
control-m or the windows shceduler may or may not have Jre or JDK installed on those machines. What I am thinking to do is to include jre related jars in my project jar(maven module) by specifying it as dependency in my pom.xml so that I don't need to worry whether java installed on those machines from which the program can run.
I am using jdk 1.6.
You can specify this plugin in pom.xml for java dependency.
For this JRE must be installed and JAVA_HOME path must be set on system machine.
I am currently working on a project which will run on an embedded device. The device runs a Java ME JRE (comparable to Java 1.4).
Because of this maven is configured to compile for source & target level 1.4.
Is it possible to run the maven test phase on a different source/target level? Because this way I could use Mockito for unit-testing.
The source and target versions can be set separately for the compile and testCompile goals of the maven compiler plugin. You can change the settings either by defining properties in your pom:
Or by explicit configuration of the compiler plugin:
I'm using Eclipse EE 3.7 with m2e plugin installed. I have JDK7 set in eclipse.
When I import maven projects, the JRE is set to JRE System Library [J2SE-1.5], So i have compilation issues with java 6 related stuff. Instead I want the JRE in eclipse to be by default set to JRE System Library [J2SE-1.6]
When i try to open a new project in eclipse File -> new -> Java project on the first screen i have an option to choose JRE and the third option is Use default JRE (currently 'jdk1.7.0_03')
From this i can see that the default JRE in Eclipse is 1.7, but when i import new Maven projects, the JRE is set to 1.5 by default.
Any help, how can i do this?
The problem is not with Eclipse, but with the projects you're importing. m2e will set the project's JRE to match the maven project. The POM specifies the JRE version, and this is defaulted to 1.5 if not present. You need this in the POM:
artbristol gave the correct answer (and I upvoted him).
That was in 2012. Here is an update more appropriate for today (2016, Java 8, Spring 4.x/Servlet 3.x):
The root cause of this issue is Eclipse cannot resolve a valid value for the maven.compiler.source property when updating the .classpath file from the pom, it is simply using default one i.e
Just Add following properties into you pom.xml and update project:
You can have your brand new Maven project in Eclipse have JRE System Library version other than JavaSE-1.5. For that,find below jar in the following location.
File: maven-compiler-plugin-3.1.jar
Then unzip the jar and locate "META-INF\maven\plugin.xml" which has four occurrences of default-value="1.5". Replace all four 1.5 with 1.8 or whatever the version you want. You would know the rest of the process.
I am using eclipse, with maven2 plugin.
I am trying to setup a simple annotations based spring 3 mvc web application.
So I went to RunAs and clicked on 'maven build', I set the goal as 'compile'.
When it compiles, I get the error message:
E:\dev\eclipse\springmvc2\src\main\java\web\[5,1] annotations are not supported in -source 1.3
(use -source 5 or higher to enable annotations)
so far I modified the eclipse.ini to use the jdk. I also made sure under preferences, it is at java 1.6.
Not sure where else to change the java version?
(I am assuming source 1.3 means java 1.3 and that I need it to be at least version 1.5 compatible)
You should also set a proper source version in pom.xml (because maven can make builds without Eclipse, so it can't use Eclipse preferences):
<project ...>