UML: Modelling association between class and interface - java

I have the following classes and interfaces:
public interface IPersistentObject { }
public class PersistentObject implements IPersistentObject { }
public interface IPersistentObjectDAO { }
public class PersistentDAO implements IPersistentObjectDAO { }
public interface IService1 { }
public class Service1 implements IService1{
private IPersistentObjectDAO persistentDAO;
public interface IService2 { }
public class Service2 implements IService2 {
private Iservice1 service1;
public class Bean {
private IService2 service2 = JSFUtil.resolveBean("service2");
<bean name="service1" class="Service1"/>
<bean name="service2" class="Service2"/>
My question is: How should i modelling these associations?
If it can help I'm using JSF, Spring and Hibernate

If you use interface, it means what your model should be
JSF bean/ inject - interface->implemented class(DAO)->DB entity
So your JSF beans should find and inject Spring interfaces.
Spring service can be separated jar, which you can inject to JSF front end .
in jsf
private HandlerService handlerService = null;
public class HandlerService {
private DomainService domainService;

If your problem is just modeling, just look here: You will have to point FROM the class that implement TO the interface. Like: "Service2" ---l> "IService2"
If it's something else, please clarify your answer.

For Interfaces, the relation to its implementors is called "realization" not "generalization".
And it goes from the Interface to the Class that realize it, see below.
Class ----> Interface


Spring Boot Common JPA repository class

I have a number of JPA repositories classes and I want to create one common class where I will create a getter method of a respective repository and I will use that common class in the service layer.
So Can you please guide me with best practices that how can I achieve this?
Here I am sharing my idea by using sample code,
JPA repository
public interface IConfigRepository extends JpaRepository<Config, Integer> {
public interface IBusinessRepository extends JpaRepository<Business, Integer> {
Repo Factory (Common Class for all repositories)
public class RepoFactory {
private IConfigRepository configRepo;
private IBusinessRepository businessRepo;
public IConfigRepository getConfigRepository() {
return configRepo;
public IBusinessRepository getBusinessRepository() {
return businessRepo;
Service Class
public class ServiceA {
public final RepoFactory repoFactory;
public ServiceA(RepoFactory repoFactory) {
this.repoFactory = repoFactory
#Transactional(rollbackOn = Exception.class)
public void saveOrUpdate(Config config) {
public class ServiceB {
public final RepoFactory repoFactory;
public ServiceB(RepoFactory repoFactory) {
this.repoFactory = repoFactory
#Transactional(rollbackOn = Exception.class)
public void saveOrUpdate(Business reqBusiness) {
Thanks, everyone for helping me in advance.
It looks like, you're trying to do something the #Profile annotation can help you with. If I were you, I would keep a common interface (not class) and make the IConfigRepository extend it. Then you can mark IConfigRepository with the #Profile annotation. If in the future, you have to write an analogue interface, you should also mark it with the #Profile annotation and you can switch between these interfaces anytime you want by setting the appropriate profile to active.
public interface IConfigRepository extends CommonRepository, JpaRepository<Config,Integer> {
public interface CommonRepository {
public class ServiceA {
public final CommonRepository commonRepository;
public ServiceA(CommonRepository commonRepository) {
this.commonRepository = commonRepository

What is the difference between using #Qualifier annotation and directly injecting bean in spring?

Suppose I have a program
public interface Coach{
public String giveCoaching();
public TennisCoach implements Coach{
public String giveCoaching(){
return "Teaching forhand";
I have two Demo classes in which I have injected the bean in different ways. what is the difference in both the injections
public class AppDemo{
private Coach theCoach;
public class AppDemo{
private TennisCoach tennisCoach;
When you have more than 1 implementation for you interface, you will get an exception when Autowiring the bean. At that time #Qualifier will be used to choose the required implementation
public interface Coach{
public String giveCoaching();
public TennisCoach implements Coach{
public String giveCoaching(){
return "Teaching forhand";
public CricketCoach implements Coach{
public String giveCoaching(){
return "Teaching forbat";
Now the ambiguity will occur when you autowire the Coach Interface like below
public class AppDemo{
private Coach theCoach;
So you have to qualify the right bean for the CoachInterface like below.
public class AppDemo{
private Coach theCoach;
Alternatively you can use #Primary annotation on top of any one of the implementation so that the Spring Container will by default choose the bean in case of more than 1 implementation for an interface.
But in the code below, you are directly creating the object for the implementation rather than interface.
public class AppDemo{
private TennisCoach tennisCoach;
#Qualifier annotation is used when your interface has more than one implementing class, You should opt for the one you want inject as a bean in spring context.

Autowiring of generic types doesn't work [Spring 4+]

I'm working on one project with Spring 4.2.4.RELEASE.
I've heard about new features Spring 4 (especially about autowiring of generic types), and I was confused when the following code hadn't been compiled:
public interface AuthenticationService<T> { ... }
public class VKAuthenticationService implements AuthenticationService<VKToken> { ... }
public class VKAuthenticationController {
private AuthenticationService<VKToken> service;
Thank you in advance for any assistance.
How about also declare #Service on your VKAuthenticationService
public class VKAuthenticationService implements AuthenticationService<VKToken> { ... }
and use #Autowired and #Qualifier to inject it
public class VKAuthenticationController {
private AuthenticationService<VKToken> service;

Is it common to have dependency between facade layer?

My application have the follow layer:
- Facade
- Business Object
- Repository (Spring JPA Data)
Let's suppose the follow classes:
public class MessageFacade implements MessageService {
private GarageBO garageBO;
private MessageBO messageBO;
public void createFeedbackMessage(...) {
public class ServiceOrderFacade implements ServiceOrderService {
private ServiceOrderBO serviceOrderBO;
private MessageBO messageBO;
private GarageBO garageBO;
public void createServiceOrder(...) {
Observing the createFeedbackMessage method in MessageFacade i have:
1) The createFeedbackMessage method in MessageBO it's responsible to create an email with the feedback survey LINK;
2) The createFeedbackMessage method in garageBO creates the Feedback ENTITY with the questions and responses;
On createServiceOrder method in ServiceOrderFacade i need to call an method of ServiceOrderBO and after i need to have the same behavior of createFeedbackMessage method in MessageFacade.
Is it a bad idea to create a dependency between ServiceOrderFacade -> MessageFacade ?
The code would be:
public class ServiceOrderFacade implements ServiceOrderService {
private ServiceOrderBO serviceOrderBO;
private MessageBO messageBO;
private GarageBO garageBO;
public void createServiceOrder(...) {
If you think in DRY(don't repeat yourself) you have an problem. You can create another layer like a common that is dependency of Business Object layer and will be created once and will be used in your entire BO if U want

Spring 3.2 Autowire generic types

So I have a number of generics in Spring 3.2 and ideally my architecture would look something like this.
class GenericDao<T>{}
class GenericService<T, T_DAO extends GenericDao<T>>
class Foo{}
class FooDao extends GenericDao<Foo>{}
FooService extends GenericService<Foo, FooDao>{}
Unfortunately with multiple implementations of the generics the autowiring throws an error about multiple matching bean definitions. I assume this is because #Autowired processes before type erasure. Every solution I've found or come up with looks ugly to me or just inexplicably refuses to work. What is the best way around this problem?
How about adding a constructor to the GenericService and move the autowiring to the extending class, e.g.
class GenericService<T, T_DAO extends GenericDao<T>> {
private final T_DAO tDao;
GenericService(T_DAO tDao) {
this.tDao = tDao;
FooService extends GenericService<Foo, FooDao> {
FooService(FooDao fooDao) {
As of Spring 4.0 RC1, it is possible to autowire based on generic type, which means that you can write a generic service like
class GenericService<T, T_DAO extends GenericDao<T>> {
private T_DAO tDao;
and create multiple different Spring beans of it like:
class FooService extends GenericService<Foo, FooDao> {
Here is a closest solution. The specialized DAOs are annotated at the business layer. As in the question from OP, the best effort would be having an annotated DAO in the EntityDAO generic template itself. Type erasure seems to be not allowing the specialized type information to get passed onto the spring factories [resulting in reporting matching beans from all the specialized DAOs]
The Generic Entity DAO template
public class EntityDAO<T>
SessionFactory factory;
public Session getCurrentSession()
return factory.getCurrentSession();
public void create(T record)
public void update(T record)
public void delete(T record)
public void persist(T record)
public T get(Class<T> clazz, Integer id)
return (T) getCurrentSession().get(clazz, id);
The Generic Entity Based Business Layer Template
public abstract class EntityBusinessService<T>
implements Serializable
public abstract EntityDAO<T> getDAO();
//Rest of code.
An Example Specialized Entity DAO
public class UserDAO
extends EntityDAO<User>
An Example Specialized Entity Business Class
public class UserBusinessService
extends EntityBusinessService<User>
UserDAO dao;
public EntityDAO<User> getDAO()
return dao;
//Rest of code
You can remove the #autowire annotation and perform delayed “autowire” using #PostConstruct and ServiceLocatorFactoryBean.
Your GenericService will look similar to this
public class GenericService<T, T_DAO extends GenericDao<T>>{
private DaoLocator daoLocatorFactoryBean;
//No need to autowried, autowireDao() will do this for you
T_DAO dao;
protected void autowireDao(){
//Read the actual class at run time
final Type type;
type = ((ParameterizedType) getClass().getGenericSuperclass())
//figure out the class of the fully qualified class name
//this way you can know the bean name to look for
final String typeClass = type.toString();
String daoName = typeClass.substring(typeClass.lastIndexOf('.')+1
daoName = Character.toLowerCase(daoName.charAt(0)) + daoName.substring(1);
this.dao = (T_DAO) daoLocatorFactoryBean.lookup(daoName);
daoLocatorFactoryBean does the magic for you.
In order to use it you need to add an interface similar to the one below:
public interface DaoLocator {
public GenericDao<?> lookup(String serviceName);
You need to add the following snippet to your applicationContext.xml
<bean id="daoLocatorFactoryBean"
<property name="serviceLocatorInterface"
value="org.haim.springframwork.stackoverflow.DaoLocator" />
This is a nice trick and it will save you little boilerplate classes.
B.T.W I do not see this boilerplate code as a big issue and the project I working for uses matsev approach.
Why do you want a generic service ? Service classes are meant for specific units of work involving multple entities. You can just inject a repository straight into a controller.
Here is an example of generic repository with constructor argument, you could also make each method Generic instead and have no constructor argument. But each method call would require class as parameter:
public class DomainRepository<T> {
#Resource(name = "sessionFactory")
protected SessionFactory sessionFactory;
public DomainRepository(Class genericType) {
this.genericType = genericType;
#Transactional(readOnly = true)
public T get(final long id) {
return (T) sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().get(genericType, id);
Example of bean definition for the generic repository - you could have multple different beans, using different contstructor args.
<bean id="tagRepository" class="">
<constructor-arg value="com.yourcompnay.domain.Tag"/>
Depdncy injection of bean using resource annotation
#Resource(name = "tagRepository")
private DomainRepository<Tag> tagRepository;
And this allows the Domainreposiroty to be subclassed for specific entities/methods, which woul dallow autowiring :
public class PersonRepository extends DomainRepository<Person> {
public PersonRepository(){
You should use autowiring in classes which extends these generics
For this question one needs to understand about what autowire is. In common terms we can say that through autowire we create a object instance/bean at the time of deployment of the web app. So now going with the question if you are declaring autowiring in multiple places with the same name. Then this error comes. Autowiring can be done in multiple ways so if you are using multiple type of autowiring technique, then also one could get this error.
Complete Generic Solution using Spring 4:
Domain Class
class Foo{
class Bar{
DAO Layer
interface GenericDao<T>{
//list of methods
class GenericDaoImpl<T> implements GenericDao<T>{
SessionFactory factory;
private Class<T> domainClass; // Get Class Type of <T>
public Session getCurrentSession(){
return factory.getCurrentSession();
public DaoImpl() {
this.domainClass = (Class<T>) GenericTypeResolver.resolveTypeArgument(getClass(), DaoImpl.class);
//implementation of methods
interface FooDao extends GenericDao<Foo>{
//Define extra methods if required
interface BarDao extends GenericDao<Bar>{
//Define extra methods if required
class FooDao extends GenericDaoImpl<Foo> implements FooDao{
//implementation of extra methods
class BarDao extends GenericDaoImpl<Bar> implements BarDao{
//implementation of extra methods
Service Layer
interface GenericService<T>{
//List of methods
class GenericServiceImpl<T> implements GenericService<T>{
protected GenericDao<T> dao; //used to access DAO layer
class FooService extends GenericService<Foo>{
//Add extra methods of required
class BarService extends GenericService<Bar>{
//Add extra methods of required
class FooServiceImpl extends GenericServiceImpl<Foo> implements GenericService<Foo>{
//implementation of extra methods
class BarServiceImpl extends GenericServiceImpl<Bar> implements GenericService<Bar>{
//implementation of extra methods

