Searching in Pre Order Traversal way - java

I have a binary search tree. I know how to search using the search property. But my task is to search the tree without using search property.(Say, search in binary tree) This is how I have to search.
1. If you find the value in the current node return it.
2. else search in right. If not found in right, then search in left
3. If not found in the whole tree return null.
This is what i tried.
public Node search(int val)
Node target = this;
if(target.getVal() == val)
return this;
else if(target.getRight() == null && target.getLeft() == null)
return null;
if(target.getRight() != null)
return target.getRight().search(id);
if(target.getLeft() != null)
return target.getLeft().search(id);
return null;
Problem with my code is, if right child exists and val is not found in right I'm getting null value. (Not searching in left). How to resolve this?

public Node search(int val)
Node target = this;
if(target.getVal() == val)
return this;
else if(target.getRight() == null && target.getLeft() == null)
return null;
if(target.getRight() != null)
return target.getRight().search(id); //here lies the problem
if(target.getLeft() != null)
return target.getLeft().search(id);
return null;
The problem in your code is that you are returning the result of search in right subtree of the node being searched.
Here's the updated code
public Node search(int val)
Node target = null;
if(this.getVal() == val)
return this;
else if(this.getRight() == null && this.getLeft() == null)
return target;
if(this.getRight() != null)
target = this.getRight().search(id);
if(target==null && this.getLeft() != null)
target = this.getLeft().search(id);
return target;

This is untested code, but I'd change your logic a bit:
public Node search(int val)
if(this.getVal() == val)
return this;
if (this.getRight() != null) {
Node right = this.getRight().search(id);
if (right != null)
return right;
if (this.getLeft() != null) {
Node left = this.getLeft().search(id);
if (left != null)
return left;
return null;
In your version you are returning a solution with the sole requirement that the node on the right or left is not null. You have to return a solution only if a solution is found.


Does not remove last item in Boolean remove(object o) method

This removes almost all of what is supposed to, except for the last item.
This is what I get back when I submit it:
Input: [thing, word, stuff, and, both, zoo, yes]
----------Expected size: 0 BST actual number of nodes: 1
Invalid tree after removing thing
Code Below:
public boolean remove(Object o) {
Node n = root;
while (n != null) {
int comp = n.value.compareTo(o);
if (comp == 0) {
return true;
} else if (comp > 0) {
n = n.left;
} else {
n = n.right;
return false;
private void remove(Node root) {
if (root.left == null && root.right == null) {
if (root.parent == null) {
root = null;
} else {
if (root.parent.left == root) {
root.parent.left = null;
} else {
root.parent.right = null;
} else if (root.left == null || root.right == null) {
Node child = root.left;
if (root.left == null) {
child = root.right;
if (root.parent == null) {
root = child;
} else if (root.parent.left == root) {
root.parent.left = child;
} else {
root.parent.right = child;
child.parent = root.parent;
} else {
Node successor = root.right;
if (successor.left == null) {
root.value = successor.value;
root.right = successor.right;
if (successor.right != null) {
successor.right.parent = root;
} else {
while (successor.left != null) {
successor = successor.left;
root.value = successor.value;
successor.parent.left = successor.right;
if (successor.right != null) {
successor.right.parent = successor.parent;
Removal of a node in a Binary-search-tree consists of the following steps:
Find the node
You need to make sure that you have a function which is used for searching in order to find the node to be removed.
Handle the node's subtree
If the node has less than two children, then the subtree can be trivially changed. If there is a child, then the current node will be replaced by its child. Otherwise, if there are two children of the node to be removed, then you will just need to replace the node to be removed with the rightmost node of the left subtree or the leftmost node of the right subtree of the element to be removed.
Ensure that if you have replaced your current node with something else, then the other node will not exist as a duplicate.
In order to achieve this you will need methods like:
- search
- find leftmost/rightmost node of subtree
- remove
Your current code is over-complicated. I would rewrite it using atomic methods.

How do I switch my remove method in a BST from being recursive to being iterative?

I am wondering how I can switch my remove method from being recursive to being iterative. My recursive method is working perfectly fine, but all my attempts at making it iterative are not. Where am I going wrong and how can I fix it?
So here's my recursive method:
public boolean remove(E someElement) {
return remove(root, someElement);
private boolean remove(Node<E> node, E dataItem) {
if (node == null) {
return false;
int val = dataItem.compareTo(;
if (val < 0)
return remove(node.left, dataItem);
else if (val > 0)
return remove(node.right, dataItem);
return false;
BST manipulation is much easier to do iteratively in C/C++ than in Java because of the possibility to get a pointer to a variable.
In Java, you need to treat differently the case where the element is found at the root; in all other cases the node you're considering is either at the left or at the right of it's parent; so you can replace C's pointer (or reference) to pointers with the parent node and a boolean indicating at which side of the parent the current node is:
public boolean remove(E someElement) {
if (root == null) {
return false;
int val = someElement.compareTo(;
if (val < 0) {
return remove(root, false, someElement);
} else if (val > 0) {
return remove(root, true, someElement);
} else {
root = removeNode(root);
return true;
private boolean remove(Node<E> parent, boolean right, E dataItem) {
Node<E> node = right ? parent.right : parent.left;
if (node == null) {
return false;
int val = dataItem.compareTo(;
if (val < 0) {
return remove(node, false, dataItem);
} else if (val > 0) {
return remove(node, true, dataItem);
} else {
node = removeNode(node);
if (right) {
parent.right = node;
} else {
parent.left = node;
return true;
I have omitted method removeNode for the time being, right now, we can make the second method iterative:
private boolean remove(Node<E> parent, boolean right, E dataItem) {
while (true) {
Node<E> node = right ? parent.right : parent.left;
if (node == null) {
return false;
int val = dataItem.compareTo(;
if (val < 0) {
right = false;
} else if (val > 0) {
right = true;
} else {
node = removeNode(node);
if (right) {
parent.right = node;
} else {
parent.left = node;
return true;
parent = node;
Now the method removeNode must remove the top node and return the new top node after removal. If either left or right is null, it can just return the other node, otherwise, we must find a node to replace the topnode, and it can be either the rightmost node of the left subtree, or the leftmode node of the right subtree.
private Node<E> removeNode(Node<E> parent) {
if (parent.left == null) {
return parent.right;
} else if (parent.right == null) {
return parent.left;
boolean right = random.nextBoolean();
Node<E> node = right ? parent.right : parent.left;
Node<E> last = removeLast(node, !right);
if (last == null) {
if (right) {
node.left = parent.left;
} else {
node.right = parent.right;
return node;
} else {
last.left = parent.left;
last.right = parent.right;
return last;
private Node<E> removeLast(Node<E> parent, boolean right) {
Node<E> node = right ? parent.right : parent.left;
if (node == null) {
return null;
while (true) {
Node<E> next = right ? node.right : node.left;
if (next == null) {
parent = node;
node = next;
if (right) {
parent.right = node.left;
node.left = null;
} else {
parent.left = node.right;
node.right = null;
return node;
I'll give you the algorithm, you can try to code it yourself.
You can use a Stack to iterate through the tree.
So here's how you iterate:
push the tree to stack
loop until the stack isn't empty
pop a node
Null check. If null then continue.
push the left and the right sub-tree onto the Stack
Now in the midst of the iteration, you simply need to check if the popped node is the one you are looking for.
Yes? Check if it has children or not.
Has children? Implement the children snatching logic as usual for recursive deletion
Doesn't have children (a.k.a. leaf node)? Simply assign it to null
No? Continue iterating
Although I feel that Trees are by nature recursive and using recursion is simply a better choice in terms of boosting conceptual understanding of the general working principal of this data structure.
As noted in comments, remove as it is now does nothing, and can be safely replaced with return false;.
Assuming that in the else case you want to do something sensible, as in
private boolean remove(Node<E> node, E dataItem) {
if (node == null) {
return false;
int val = dataItem.compareTo(;
if (val < 0)
return remove(node.left, dataItem);
else if (val > 0)
return remove(node.right, dataItem);
return do_something(node);
the standard strategy is to transform it into a tail recursion. Consolidate the multiple recursive calls into a single one, and make it a last statement in the function:
private boolean remove(Node<E> node, E dataItem) {
if (node == null) {
return false;
int val = dataItem.compareTo(;
if (val == 0) {
return do_something(node);
if (val < 0)
node = node.left;
node = node.right;
return remove(node);
So far, just a rewrite to achieve a tail recursive form.
Now, any tail recursive function
foo(args) {
if (interesting_condition(args)) {
return do_something_important(args);
args = recompute_arguments(args);
return foo(args);
could be mechanically transformed into iterative:
foo(args) {
while (!interesting_condition(args)) {
args = recompute_arguments(args);
return do_something_important(args);
I hope I answered your question.

Check if a binary tree is full in Java?

I am trying to write a method that will return true if a binary tree is full (each node has 2 child nodes or none) and false otherwise. This is working some of the time but not all. Any suggestions about where I am going wrong?
public static void testNum4()
System.out.println("How many nodes do you want in your tree?");
int num=sc.nextInt();
//TreeNode<Integer> root = TreeUtil.createBalancedNumberTree(num); Use to test for a balanced tree
TreeNode<Integer> root = TreeUtil.createIntegerTree(num);
TreeUtil.displayTreeInWindow (root);
public static boolean isFull(TreeNode<Integer> root) {
// pre: root of tree, 0 or more nodes
// post: returns true if the input tree is a full tree; false otherwise
if (root!=null) {
if ((root.getLeft() != null && root.getRight() != null) || (root.getRight() == null && root.getLeft() == null))
return true;
else if (root.getLeft()!=null)
else if (root.getRight()!=null)
return false;
return false;
Definition: a binary tree T is full if each node is either a leaf or possesses exactly two child nodes.
public static boolean isFull(TreeNode<Integer> root)
// pre: root of tree, 0 or more nodes
// post: returns true if the input tree is a full tree; false otherwise
if (root!=null)
if(root.getRight() == null && root.getLeft() == null)
return true;
if ((root.getRight() != null && root.getLeft() != null))
return isFull(root.getLeft())&&isFull(root.getLeft());
return false;
Try to add return to each statement.
else if (root.getLeft()!=null && root.getRight()!=null)
return isFull(root.getLeft()) && isFull(root.getRight());
Also, if the root node is null, then your tree is full. So the last return should be return true;
The problem is the else if and lack of return statements. Also no need to checking for null so much, and use of a method makes it more readable.
public static boolean isFull(TreeNode<Integer> node) {
if (node == null) return false;
if (isLeaf(node)) return true;
return isFull(node.getLeft()) && isFull(node.getRight());
public static boolean isLeaf(TreeNode<Integer> node) {
return node.getRight() == null && node.getLeft() == null;
You are not fully traversing the tree. Use recursion to hit all the nodes. Check the root node. If there are no children, return true. If there are children, make sure there are two, and then check each of them recursively.
I think that the if statements should be as follows:
if (root.getRight() == null && root.getLeft() == null)
// The node has no children (full)
return true;
else if (root.getLeft() != null && root.getRight() != null)
// There are two children. Tree is only full if both sub trees are full
return isFull(root.getLeft()) && isFull(root.getRight());
// Only one child
return false;
All the algoritms above return true in this case (as they shouldn't):
complete binary tree
. So, hope this helps:
//-1 means "false"
public boolean full() {
int high = 0;
return ( root != null && isFull(root, high) != -1 );
public boolean isLeaf() {
return node.getRight() == null && node.getLeft() == null;
private int isFull(TreeNode<T> node, int high)
if (node.isLeaf())
return high;
int hLeft=0, hRight=0;
if(node.getLeft() != null)
hLeft = isFull(node.getLeft(), high);
if(node.getRight() != null)
hRight = isFull(node.getRight, high);
if ( (hLeft == hRight) && (hLeft != -1) )
return ++high;
return -1;

Removing All Leaves from a BinaryTree

This method is supposed to remove all leaves from a binary (no left and right branches) tree, but for some reason, it only removes one instance of a leaf from the binary tree. Why is that? I though the base case is responsible for severing the ties the parent node by setting parent.left or parent.right to null. If it isn't a leaf, it would recursively call until it hits a leaf.
Here is what I have so far:
private IntTreeNode overallRoot; // Beginning of the chain of nodes
// post: Removes All leaves from a tree
public void removeLeaves() {
if (overallRoot == null) { // If empty tree
} else {
// helper for removeLeaves
private void removeLeaves(IntTreeNode root) {
if (root.left != null) { // tests left root
if (root.left.left == null && root.left.right == null) { // if next left node is leaf (base case)
root.left = null; // delete
} else if (root.left.left != null && root.left.right == null) { // If next right is empty
removeLeaves(root.left.left); // only check second left
} else if (root.left.right != null && root.left.left == null) { // If next left is empty
} else if (root.left.left != null && root.left.right != null) { // If next left/right isn't empty
if (root.right != null) {
if (root.right.left == null && root.right.right == null) { // if next left node is leaf (base case)
root.right = null; // delete
} else if (root.right.left != null && root.right.right == null) { // If next right is empty
removeLeaves(root.right.left); // only check second left
} else if (root.right.right != null && root.right.left == null) { // If next left is empty
} else if (root.right.left != null && root.right.right != null) { // If next left/right isn't empty
Here is the individual node class:
public class IntTreeNode {
public int data;
public IntTreeNode left;
public IntTreeNode right;
// constructs a leaf node with given data
public IntTreeNode(int data) {
this(data, null, null);
// constructs a branch node with given data, left subtree,
// right subtree
public IntTreeNode(int data, IntTreeNode left, IntTreeNode right) { = data;
this.left = left;
this.right = right;
Structural modification on trees is often cleaner when approached in a bottom-up manner:
public IntTreeNode removeLeaves(IntTreeNode root) {
if (root == null || root.isLeaf()) {
return null;
root.left = removeLeaves(root.left);
root.right = removeLeaves(root.right);
return root;
If in your recursive calls, instead of doing
you do
it should work. As Wallace points out in the comment, it looks like your're getting down two levels at a time. Also, the code could be reduced in the following way (the equivalent for the right tree)
if (root.left != null) { // tests left root
if (root.left.left == null && root.left.right == null) {
root.left = null; // delete
} else {
Take into account also that this do not solve the problem of a root being itself a leave!
It looks like you're looking too far ahead in each pass through the recursion. If the left has leaves, call removeLeaves(root.left). Do the same with the right. Then set left and right to null as needed.
I think this would do it:
public void removeLeaves(IntTreeNode root) {
if (root != null) {
root.left = null;
root.right = null;
This will search the tree depth first and then remove the leaf nodes as encountered.
public class RemoveLeafNode {
public static void removeLeaves(Node root){
private static void removeL(Node node){
if(node.leftChild == null && node.rightChild == null){
node=null;//delete leaf
By using post-order traversal we can solve this problem (other traversals would also work).
struct BinaryTreeNode* removeLeaves(struct BinaryTreeNode* root) {
if (root != NULL)
if (root->left == NULL && root->right == NULL)
return NULL;
root->left = removeLeaves(root->left);
root->right = removeLeaves(root->right);
return root;
Time Complexity: O(n). Where is number of nodes in tree.

How do I remove the leaves of a binary tree?

I'm trying to remove all of the leaves. I know that leaves have no children, this is what I have so far.
public void removeLeaves(BinaryTree n){
if (n.left == null && n.right == null){
n = null;
if (n.left != null)
if (n.right != null)
n = null; won't help you, since n is just a local variable of your function. Instead, you'd need to set n.left = null; or n.right = null; on the parent.
I won't give you a complete solution, since this smells a lot like homework, but you could, for example, add a return value to your function to indicate whether the node in question is a leaf or not and take appropriate actions in the parent (after the call to removeLeaves).
It's much easier if you break this down like this:
public void removeLeaves(BinaryTree n){
if (n.left != null) {
if (n.left.isLeaf()) {
} else {
// repeat for right child
// ...
isLeaf, removeLeftChild and removeRightChild should be trivial to implement.
Instead of n = null, it should be:
if(n.parent != null)
if(n.parent.left == n)
n.parent.left = null;
else if(n.parent.right == n)
n.parent.right == null);
Since Java passes references by values n = null; simply does not work. With this line n was pointing to the leaf and now points to nothing. So you aren't actually removing it from the parent, you are just rerouting a dummy local reference. For the solution do what Matthew suggested.
Here's a simple java method to delete leaf nodes from binary tree
public BinaryTreeNode removeLeafNode(BinaryTreeNode root) {
if (root == null)
return null;
else {
if (root.getLeft() == null && root.getRight() == null) { //if both left and right child are null
root = null; //delete it (by assigning null)
} else {
root.setLeft(removeLeafNode(root.getLeft())); //set new left node
root.setRight(removeLeafNode(root.getRight())); //set new right node
return root;
Easy method with recusrion .
public static Node removeLeaves(Node root){
if (root == null) {
return null;
if (root.left == null && root.right == null) {
return null;
root.left = removeLeaves(root.left);
root.right = removeLeaves(root.right);
return root;
/* #author abhineet*/
public class DeleteLeafNodes {
static class Node{
int data;
Node leftNode;
Node rightNode;
Node(int value){ = value;
this.leftNode = null;
this.rightNode = null;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Node root = new Node(1);
Node lNode = new Node(2);
lNode.leftNode = new Node(4);
root.leftNode = lNode;
Node rNode = new Node(3);
rNode.rightNode = new Node(5);
root.rightNode = rNode;
deleteAllLeafNodes(root, null,0);
System.out.println("After deleting leaf nodes::");
public static void deleteAllLeafNodes(Node root, Node parent, int direction){
if(root != null && root.leftNode == null && root.rightNode == null){
if(direction == 0){
parent.leftNode = null;
parent.rightNode = null;
if(root != null && (root.leftNode != null || root.rightNode != null)){
deleteAllLeafNodes(root.leftNode, root, 0);
deleteAllLeafNodes(root.rightNode, root, 1);
public static void printTree(Node root){
if(root != null){
This should work-
public boolean removeLeaves(Node n){
boolean isLeaf = false;
if (n.left == null && n.right == null){
return true;
//n = null;
if (n!=null && n.left != null){
isLeaf = removeLeaves(n.left);
if(isLeaf) n.left=null; //remove left leaf
if (n!=null && n.right != null){
isLeaf = removeLeaves(n.right);
if(b) n.right=null; //remove right leaf
return false;

