I'd like to know how to make a query in JPA where content is not inside a "third table" responsible to make relationship manyToMany.
In this case I have Table A, Table B, and the relationShip manytomany A_B
I tried with CriteriaQuery and subquery, but it didn't work. Actually, it returned none result.
Does somebody have any example for this case?
I got my solution!
I don't know if it is completely correct, so, if someone see an error, please let me know.
The end query, created by JPA become this:
select maingroup0_.GroupId as GroupId1_, maingroup0_.idGroupAttendanceType as idGroupA2_1_, maingroup0_.name as name1_ from TUnPbxGroup maingroup0_ where maingroup0_.GroupId not in (select maingroup1_.GroupId from TUnPbxGroup maingroup1_ inner join THolidayGroup listholida2_ on maingroup1_.GroupId=listholida2_.GroupId inner join THoliday holiday3_ on listholida2_.IdHoliday=holiday3_.IdHoliday where holiday3_.IdHoliday=2)
The code:
CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<MainGroup> query = cb.createQuery(MainGroup.class);
Root<MainGroup> root = query.from(MainGroup.class);
Subquery<Long> subquery = query.subquery(Long.class);
Root<MainGroup> subRoot = subquery.from(MainGroup.class);
Join<Holiday, Holiday> maingroups = subRoot.join("listHolidays");
subquery.where(cb.equal(maingroups.get("id"), holidayId));
TypedQuery<MainGroup> typedQuery = em.createQuery(query);
List<MainGroup> result = typedQuery.getResultList();
I'm relatively new to Spring JPA CriteriaQuery. Im trying to convert my old native query in my program to criteria query and haven't been successful on join query for multiple table with conditions. I need help converting native SQL query into Criteria Query for these query below :
select * from student s inner join (
select distinct on (student_id) * from class where status = 'Active' order by
student_id,date_register desc) c on s.id = c.user_id
inner join teacher t on t.subject_id = c.subject_id
where t.status = 'Active' and s.status='Active' order by s.name desc
Update :
Below code is as far as I can go cause I dont really know much. Am i in the right direction? I'm opting for Expression because i dont know how to use Join.
CriteriaQuery<Student> query = cb.createQuery(Student.class);
Root<Student> sRoot= query.from(Student.class);
Subquery<Integer> subquery = query.subquery(Integer.class);
Root<Class> cRoot= subquery.from(CLass.class);
Expression<Integer> max = cb.max(cRoot.get("dateRegister"));
Thanks in advance!
I have a scenario where I need to get the row with maximum date. The SQL query for this would be
FROM course c
(SELECT moduleId ,MAX(endDate) AS max_date
FROM course
WHERE moduleId = 12345
GROUP BY moduleId
) customSelect
ON customSelect.moduleId = c.moduleId AND c.endDate = customSelect.max_date
WHERE c.moduleId = 12345
I need to convert this query to JPA using CriteriaBuilder.Since this isn't a direct entity join, rather a selection join to root entity, I'm having trouble to figure out how to join the custom select part to the root entity Course with below syntax:
CriteriaBuilder builder = session.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Course> criteriaQuery = builder.createQuery(Course.class);
Root<Course> root = criteriaQuery.from(Course.class);
And then how to root.join(JoinType.INNER) to join customSelect part?
If someone can show some pointers to the syntax of of joining the root to a custom selection, that would be great.
Try this
CriteriaBuilder builder = session.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Course> criteriaQuery = builder.createQuery(Course.class);
Root<Course> root = criteriaQuery.from(Course.class);
criteriaQuery.select(root).where(cb.equal(root.get(Course_.moduleId), 12345));
TypedQuery<Course> query = em.createQuery(criteriaQuery);
Course result = query.getSingleResult();
Let's say, I have a query like
Select a.valA, b.valB
from tableA a join tableB b on a.joinCol = b.joinCol
where a.someCol = 1.
I want to execute it using Hibernate (and Spring Data) in one query to the database. I know, I can write just
Query query = em.createQuery(...);
List<Object[]> resultRows = (List<Object[]>)query.getResultList();
But my question would be - is it possible to do it in a typesafe way, using CriteriaQuery for example? The difficulty is, that, as you see, I need to select values from different tables. Is there some way to do this?
Simple example where an Employee has many to many relation to several jobs that he may have :
CriteriaBuilder builder = session.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Tuple> criteria = builder.createTupleQuery();
Root<TableA> root = criteria.from(TableA.class);
Path<Long> qId = root.get("id");
Path<String> qTitle = root.get("title");
Join<TableA, TableB> tableTwo = root.join("joinColmn", JoinType.INNER);
criteria.multiselect(qId, qTitle, tableTwo);
List<Tuple> tuples = session.createQuery(criteria).getResultList();
for (Tuple tuple : tuples)
Long id = tuple.get(qId);
String title = tuple.get(qTitle);
TableB tableB= tuple.get(tableTwo);
but saw that there is an alternate answer here :
JPA Criteria API - How to add JOIN clause (as general sentence as possible)
I am a beginner with JPA.
My query is,
Select a,b,c FROM Table1 one, Table2 two where one.a=two.a;
How can i perform this with Criteria builder?
Assume there is a department table which contains some number of people .Below is a join example of CriteriaBuilder.
CriteriaBuilder cb = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Person> query = cb.createQuery(Person.class);
Root<Department> department= query.from(Department.class);
Join<Department, Person> people= departent.join("people");
query.select(people).where(cb.equal(person.get("name"), "Michael"));
Can anybody give me some hints on how to put that kind of subquery in a CriteriaQuery? (I'm using JPA 2.0 - Hibernate 4.x)
SELECT a, b, c FROM tableA WHERE a = (SELECT d FROM tableB WHERE tableB.id = 3) - the second select will always get a single result or null.
Try something like the following example to create a subquery:
CriteriaQuery<Object[]> cq = cb.createQuery(Object[].class);
Root tableA = cq.from(TableA.class);
Subquery<String> sq = cq.subquery(TableB.class);
Root tableB = cq.from(TableB.class);
sq.where(cb.equal(tableB.get("id"), 3));
cq.where(cb.equal(tableA.get("a"), sq));
List<Object[]> = em.createQuery(cq).getResultList();
Note the code has not been tested due to the lack of an IDE nearby.
You can use DetachedCriteria to represend the sub-query. Your code should look something like:
DetachedCriteria subCriteria = DetachedCriteria.forClass(TableB.class);
subCriteria.add(Property.forName("id").eq(3)); //WHERE tableB.id = 3
subCriteria.setProjection(Projections.property("d")); // SELECT d from
DetachedCriteria criteria = DetachedCriteria.forClass(getPersistentClass());
criteria.add(Property.forName("a").eq(subCriteria)); //a = (sub-query)
criteria.setProjection(Projections.property("a"); //SELECT a
criteria.setProjection(Projections.property("b"); //SELECT b
criteria.setProjection(Projections.property("c"); //SELECT c
return getHibernateTemplate().findByCriteria(criteria);