xml to jaxb in xml cyclic references - java

How to convert following XML to java using jaxb
<subwork id="sub">
<ret id="it">
It is a bit tough since ret tag is outside subwork tag

Frst, you need to start with valid XML. I've made assumptions in correcting the XML:
<subwork id="sub">
<ret id="it"/>
<ret id="it">
Second (and there are other ways of doing this), you need to create a schema that describes this XML. Without doing it for you, I'll say that the trick is to define an element, ret, and then refer to that element within the work element and again within the subwork element.
Third, you then feed that schema file (.XSD) into a tool that generates the JAXB classes. Typically this is xcj.exe (included with the Java JDK).


Generating xsd and Java classes for varying xml child tag - JAXB

I'm wondering if we could generate xsd and corresponding java classes for varying child xml tags. I'm pretty new to xml parsing.
Case : 1
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<SSNExportDocument xmlns="urn:com:ssn:schema:export:SSNExportFormat.xsd" Version="0.1" DocumentID="8b6fdfce-9f5f-4110-b6da-c5650f0851c2-1" ExportID="8b6fdfce-9f5f-4110-b6da-c5650f0851c2" JobID="464" RunID="3726980" CreationTime="2019-06-01T20:20:00.417-04:00" StartTime="2019-06-01T14:20:00.000-04:00" EndTime="2019-06-01T20:20:00.000-04:00">
<MeterData MeterName="CBRE-11459398" UtilDeviceID="11459398" MacID="anonymized">
<RegisterData StartTime="2019-06-01T14:00:00.000-04:00" EndTime="2019-06-01T14:00:00.000-04:00" NumberReads="1">
<RegisterRead ReadTime="2019-06-01T14:00:00.000-04:00" GatewayCollectedTime="2019-06-01T19:40:03.116-04:00" RegisterReadSource="REG_SRC_TYPE_EO_CURR_READ" Season="-1">
<Tier Number="0">
<Register Number="1" Summation="9981.2000" SummationUOM="GAL"/>
<MeterData MeterName="CBRE-11460365" UtilDeviceID="11460365" MacID="anonymized">
<RegisterData StartTime="2019-06-01T14:00:00.000-04:00" EndTime="2019-06-01T14:00:00.000-04:00" NumberReads="1">
<RegisterRead ReadTime="2019-06-01T14:00:00.000-04:00" GatewayCollectedTime="2019-06-01T19:40:03.113-04:00" RegisterReadSource="REG_SRC_TYPE_EO_CURR_READ" Season="-1">
<Tier Number="0">
<Register Number="1" Summation="142104.1000" SummationUOM="GAL"/>
Case: 2
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<SSNExportDocument xmlns="urn:com:ssn:schema:export:SSNExportFormat.xsd" Version="0.1" DocumentID="7b9d9a38-7739-4c67-9fb3-08ff1826d966-2" ExportID="7b9d9a38-7739-4c67-9fb3-08ff1826d966" JobID="465" RunID="2983700" CreationTime="
:2018-12-19T20:20:01.218-05:00" StartTime="2018-12-19T14:20:00.000-05:00" EndTime="2018-12-19T20:20:00.000-05:00">
<MeterData MeterName="CBRE-11460650" UtilDeviceID="11460650" MacID="00:11:01:ff:fe:00:db:ff">
<IntervalReadData IntervalLength="60" StartTime="2018-12-19T07:00:00.000-05:00" EndTime="2018-12-19T19:00:00.000-05:00" NumberIntervals="12">
<Interval EndTime="2018-12-19T08:00:00.000-05:00" GatewayCollectedTime="2018-12-19T19:40:03.052-05:00" BlockSequenceNumber="0" IntervalSequenceNumber="6636688262981226347">
<Reading Channel="1" RawValue="0.0" Value="0" UOM="GAL" BlockEndValue="78582.3000"/>
<Interval EndTime="2018-12-19T09:00:00.000-05:00" GatewayCollectedTime="2018-12-19T19:40:03.052-05:00" BlockSequenceNumber="0" IntervalSequenceNumber="6636703724863491951">
<Reading Channel="1" RawValue="0.0" Value="0" UOM="GAL" BlockEndValue="78582.3000"/>
In above cases, as you can see contents of MeterData tag are different but MeterData tag remains same.
XML documents are often described as "semi-structured", but in truth, they are on a spectrum from highly-structured to highly-unstructured. Conventional programming languages like Java are best at dealing with highly-structured data, and as a result, data binding technologies like JAXB work best at this end of the spectrum. The more you move to highly-unstructured (e.g. HTML) the more difficult JAXB becomes; at that end of the spectrum you should either be using generic tree models like DOM, XOM, or JDOM, or specialist XML processing languages like XSLT and XQuery. The example you've show is in the middle of the spectrum, where you are starting to move out of the JAXB comfort-zone, but where it's still just about viable.
There's another dimension here which is the stability of the structure over time. The more often the schema changes, the more you're moving out of JAXB's comfort zone.

Comparing xml objects java

I have an xml bundle file which I would like to read through and compare the objects within the bundle. The start position would be the mo tag until the next mo tag.
I have done xmlunit but this compares 2 xml files. I would like to be able to compare the objects within one xml bundle file.
Don't know if this makes sense. If more info is needed, I can try explain more.
Sample of the xml file:
Maybe try to unmarshall XML to java objects and than compare?
XMLUnit works on Nodes as well - at least 2.x does.
By looking at your example, what you want to compare is not a proper tree but a forrest - there is no root element all others are children of.
What you can do is creating a DocumentFragment for each forrest you want to compare (on both the test and control sides) and add all roots of your forrest to it - and then tell XMLUnit to work on the DocumentFragments. You can obtain an instance of a DocumentFragment by first loading the DOM Document and then calling createDocumentFragment on it.

How can I parse CDATA?

How can I find and iterate through all the nodes present under CDATA and those nodes are started by (<) and closed by (>)?
Also, how should I iterate over all the child nodes and get the values like in below child node? I want to retrieve the value.
Input XML
<SOURCE TransactionId="1" ProviderName="ABCDD"><RESPONSE><![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"><soap:Body><NetworkResponse xmlns="http://www.example.com/"><NetworkResult><Network offering_id="13" transaction_id="2" submission_id="3" timestamp="20140828 16010683 GMT" customer_id="NETTest">
<Network_Info att0="Y" att1="N" att2="N" att3="Y" att4="Y">
<NetworkResponseInfo k_status="C">
<KEY8><![CDATA[some image not visible]]></KEY8>
<response_message_list transaction_status_code="000" transaction_status_text="Successful"/>
Output XML
<type>Some Image</type>
<data> Data Coming from KEY8 CDATA section</data>
<MYKEY1>Value present inside KEY4</MYKEY1>
<MYKEY2>Value present inside KEY5</MYKEY2>
<SystemID>Value of KEY2</SystemID>
<SystemPath>Valuelue of KEY3</SystemPath>
(Welcome at SO. Please note that you are downvoted by some users because you do not show what you have done so far. Have a look at the How To Ask section to learn how to ask questions that actually can be answered and are considered proper questions in the SO format.)
If you can use XSLT 3.0, you can consider using the new fn:parse-xml function, which will take a document-as-a-string.
However, your CDATA-section contains itself escaped data, which means that, after you apply fn:parse-xml, you will have to do it once again for the text node that is the child of NetworkResult.
A better solution is often to fix this at the source and creating an XML format that allows other XML in certain elements (you can allow this with a proper XSD). It will save you a lot of trouble and at least you XML can then be pre-validated.
If you are stuck with XSLT 2.0 or 1.0, you can use disable-output-escaping (google it, there is a lot of info around on how to use it), but you will have to re-process your output once more because of the double-escape that is used. You may want to consider an XProc pipeline to ease the process.
You wrote: Also, how should I iterate over all the child nodes and get the values like in below child node
That is what XSLT is all about, please read this XSLT Tutorial, or any other tutorial you can find, it will be explained to you in the first minutes.
Update: as suggested by michael.hor257k in the comments, you can also parse the escaped data by hand using string manipulation functions. As he already says in the comments, this is laborious and error-prone, but sometimes, esp. if the XML is not really XML after unescaping, but something like XML, then this may be your only option.

Distributing the XML files

I am totally new to XML and its capabilities.
I have a file say xyz.xml.
It contains content like this:
<agent-category key="operator">
Next I have
<agent-attribute id="agent-attribute.reference">
< description>A unique identifier for this agent, typically an MSISDN.</description>
<mandatory>true< /mandatory>
<editable>false< /editable>
<deletable>false< /deletable>
<sensitive>false< /sensitive>
<system-generated>false< /system-generated>
<input-method xsi:type="AgentReferenceInputMethod"></input-method>
<storage-location xsi:type="AgentRefStorage" field="reference"></storage-location>
Now I want to distribute the agent-attributes to different file named agentAttr.xml.
Is it possible to do so (mind it <agent-attribute> is under <system-config><business-model>), if so how?
So you want to extract the agent-attribute portions ?. You can do that with simple XSLT transformation (use e.g. Xalan for that). Another option could be jsoup, parsing it using DOM or manually.

Add xmlns="" in the xml

I am getting response XML, in that I want to add xmlns attribute in each child node which is generated.
Present output:
<createProfileResponse xmlns="http://services.profile.webservices.ecaas.com">
Required output:
<createProfileResponse xmlns="http://services.profile.webservices.ecaas.com">
<createProfileReturn xmlns="">STRING</createProfileReturn>
How do I do this?
NOTE: I've used JAXB to generate the XML.
The problem is that you need to have "createProfileReturn" in the blank namespace, and you explicitly put the default namespace in a non-blank namespace in the surrounding tag.
If the XML parser is fully compliant you could create a "ecaaas" global namespace and use
HIThanks for helping out, actually this we done in coding through the saopBinding class.
But we also modified the server-config.wsdd file I really didnt understand why we need wsdd file..
This gives only the service?.

