If I try to evaluate the following code in my emacs cider-repl, nil is returned, as expected, but none of the printing takes place in the repl buffer or console. How can I make this print out as intended?
(dotimes [i 5]
(fn []
(Thread/sleep (rand 500))
(println (format "Finished %d on %s" i (Thread/currentThread)))))))
;=> nil
This works fine, however:
(println (format "Finished 1 on %s" (Thread/currentThread)))
;=> Finished 1 on Thread[nREPL-worker-18,5,main]
----------- mini-buffer -----------------
The behavior of println is to use a dynamically bound var called *out* as its output stream. emacs dynamically binds *out* to go to the repl buffer for code evaluated in the repl buffer, but if you create a thread, that thread's *out* gets the root binding of *out*, which in the case of cider will not be the repl buffer.
If you started the repl using cider-jack-in, when you look at you buffer list there should be a buffer with a name like *nrepl-server* which contains the output of the root *out* binding. Here is the contents of mine after running your code:
nREPL server started on port 52034 on host - nrepl://
Finished 1 on Thread[Thread-9,5,main]
Finished 0 on Thread[Thread-8,5,main]
Finished 2 on Thread[Thread-10,5,main]
Finished 3 on Thread[Thread-11,5,main]
Finished 4 on Thread[Thread-12,5,main]
If you did not use cider-jack-in, the output will print to the terminal where you started the nrepl process.
*out* is the dynamic variable determining where output from println and similar functions goes. It is thread-bound to someplace that causes stuff to be sent back to emacs for display by cider; if you start a new thread, that binding is not present, and the output goes elsewhere (probably to the stdout of the nrepl server emacs/leiningen started in the background).
You can address this in a few ways. You could capture the value of *out* from the parent thread, and then pass it along to the child thread in a closure, and rebind *out* to it:
(let [out *out*]
(.start (Thread. (fn []
(binding [*out* out]
(println "test"))))))
Or you can use a future instead of starting the thread yourself: Clojure automatically conveys relevant thread-local bindings to new threads started for a future.
Execute the following expression in the repl, then all output will end up in the repl:
(alter-var-root #'*out* (constantly *out*))
original answer:
If you are using Figwheel, then doing prn/println in ring handlers (which are actually similar to the Threads example shown above) can also be swallowed by Fighweel itself. Check your project's project.clj (look for the key :server-logfile inside the :figwheel map), where you can control if out should go to the repl or to a logfile. Please note, this only applies if you are using figwheel, otherwise the printing to the REPL of course works fine.
See my answer on this question for more details: Output compojure server print statements into figwheel terminal?
I was just trying to understand some blocked items from a thread dump:
"Thread-65" : 151 : RUNNABLE : cpu=36796875000 : cpuLoad= 0.29151857
BlockedCount:94117 BlockedTime:-1 LockName:null LockOwnerID:-1 LockOwnerName:null
WaitedCount:16 WaitedTime:-1 InNative:false IsSuspended:false at java.util.zip.ZipFile.open(ZipFile.java:-2)
at java.util.zip.ZipFile.(ZipFile.java:219)
at java.util.zip.ZipFile.(ZipFile.java:149)
at java.util.jar.JarFile.(JarFile.java:166)
at java.util.jar.JarFile.(JarFile.java:130)
at org.apache.tomcat.util.compat.JreCompat.jarFileNewInstance(JreCompat.java:188)
at org.apache.tomcat.util.compat.JreCompat.jarFileNewInstance(JreCompat.java:173)
at org.apache.catalina.webresources.AbstractArchiveResourceSet.openJarFile(AbstractArchiveResourceSet.java:316)
at org.apache.catalina.webresources.AbstractSingleArchiveResourceSet.getArchiveEntry(AbstractSingleArchiveResourceSet.java:96)
at org.apache.catalina.webresources.AbstractArchiveResourceSet.getResource(AbstractArchiveResourceSet.java:265)
at org.apache.catalina.webresources.StandardRoot.getResourceInternal(StandardRoot.java:281)
at org.apache.catalina.webresources.CachedResource.validateResource(CachedResource.java:97)
at org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource(Cache.java:69)
at org.apache.catalina.webresources.StandardRoot.getResource(StandardRoot.java:216)
at org.apache.catalina.webresources.StandardRoot.getClassLoaderResource(StandardRoot.java:225)
at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.getResourceAsStream(WebappClassLoaderBase.java:1067)
at java.lang.Class.getResourceAsStream(Class.java:2223)
at bsh.BshClassManager.getResourceAsStream(null:-1)
at bsh.classpath.ClassManagerImpl.getResourceAsStream(null:-1)
at bsh.BshClassManager.loadSourceClass(null:-1)
at bsh.classpath.ClassManagerImpl.classForName(null:-1)
at bsh.NameSpace.classForName(null:-1)
at bsh.NameSpace.getImportedClassImpl(null:-1)
at bsh.NameSpace.getClassImpl(null:-1)
at bsh.NameSpace.getClass(null:-1)
at bsh.Name.consumeNextObjectField(null:-1)
at bsh.Name.toObject(null:-1)
at bsh.Name.toObject(null:-1)
at bsh.NameSpace.get(null:-1)
at bsh.Interpreter.get(null:-1)
at bsh.Interpreter.getu(null:-1)
at bsh.Interpreter.(null:-1)
at bsh.Interpreter.(null:-1)
at bsh.Interpreter.(null:-1)
What I a not getting is the negative line number. Does it mean that that the source cannot be found?
Those are all beanshell classes. I'm guessing they do that to keep it from being confusing.
I'm guessing that they are using this as a "Trick" to remove those lines in some conditions (such as when you are running in the beanshell repl).
You could use that same trick to remove those lines from your dump.
This possibly related question How to get the complete log for bean shell scripts in jmeter
Suggested adding the debug() directive to beanshell get a less limited stack trace--perhaps if you did that then it would fill in those bsh stack lines?
When I try to compile the below Latex document from Java, my pdflatex run crashes:
\tikzstyle{int}=[draw, fill=blue!20, minimum size=2em]
\tikzstyle{init} = [pin edge={to-,thin,black}]
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2.5cm,auto,>=latex']
\node [int, pin={[init]above:$v_0$}] (a) {$\frac{1}{s}$};
\node (b) [left of=a,node distance=2cm, coordinate] {a};
\node [int, pin={[init]above:$p_0$}] (c) [right of=a] {$\frac{1}{s}$};
\node [coordinate] (end) [right of=c, node distance=2cm]{};
\path[->] (b) edge node {$a$} (a);
\path[->] (a) edge node {$v$} (c);
\draw[->] (c) edge node {$p$} (end) ;
pdflatex doesn't just produce some error, but it simply freezes. The log file is cut off in the middle, even before an enclosing quotation mark is completed (but always at the same position, I think).
I use this Java command to execute pdflatex:
The command executed is:
"C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9\miktex\bin\x64\pdflatex.exe" -output-directory "C:\Eig\Lehre\Info2\ImagesTemp" "C:\Eig\Lehre\Info2\ImagesTemp\graph.tex"
Executing the command by hand in a command line works fine! Also, the Java execution works fine when I don't include tikz in the latex document. This seems quite strange to me - is there some bug or am I missing something?
I'm using Miktex 2.9 and Java 8 on Windows, I've tried it on different Windows versions.
This problem is probably caused by not capturing the output of the process. You need to read every byte written to standard out and standard error by the child process else the system buffer will fill up and the process will block when it next attempts to write something.
Here's a related question: Capturing stdout when calling Runtime.exec
Which points to http://www.javaworld.com/article/2071275/core-java/when-runtime-exec---won-t.html for more information.
With reference to my previous question,
Executing a lisp function from Java
I was able to call lisp code from Java using ABCL.
But the problem is, the already existing lisp code uses CL-PPCRE package.
I can not compile the code as it says 'CL-PPCRE not found'.
I have tried different approaches to add that package,
1) how does one compile a clisp program which uses cl-ppcre?
Doesnot work!
Other thing is, that executing (compile-file aima.asd) works perfectly fine although it does also require cl-pprce
(defpackage #:aima-asd
(:use :cl :asdf))
(in-package :aima-asd)
(defsystem aima
:name "aima"
:version "0.1"
:components ((:file "defpackage")
(:file "main" :depends-on ("defpackage")))
:depends-on (:cl-ppcre))
The final java code is
interpreter.eval("(load \"aima/asdf.lisp\")");
interpreter.eval("(compile-file \"aima/aima.asd\")");
interpreter.eval("(compile-file \"aima/defpackage.lisp\")");
interpreter.eval("(in-package :aima)");
interpreter.eval("(load \"aima/aima.lisp\")");
interpreter.eval("(aima-load 'all)");
The error message is
Error loading C:/Users/Administrator.NUIG-1Z7HN12/workspace/aima/probability/domains/edit-nets.lisp at line 376 (offset 16389)
#<THREAD "main" {3A188AF2}>: Debugger invoked on condition of type READER-ERROR
The package "CL-PPCRE" can't be found.
[1] AIMA(1):
Can anyone help me?
You need to load cl-ppcre before you can use it. You can do that by using (asdf:load-system :aima), provided that you put both aima and cl-ppcre into locations that your ASDF searches.
I used QuickLisp to add cl-ppcre (because nothing else worked for me).
Here is what I did
(load \"~/QuickLisp.lisp\")")
(load "~/quicklisp/setup.lisp")
(ql:quickload :cl-ppcre)
First 2 lines are only a one time things. Once quickLisp is installed you can start from line 3.
I have a Perl script that uses Inline::Java and just has to fork (it is a server and I want it to handle multiple connections simultaneously).
So I wanted to implement this solution which makes use of a shared JVM with SHARED_JVM => 1. Since the JVM is not shutdown when the script exits, I want to reuse it with START_JVM => 0. But since it might just be the first time I start the server, I would also like to have a BEGIN block make sure a JVM is running before calling use Inline.
My question is very simple, but I couldn't find any answer on the web: How do I simply start a JVM? I've looked at man java and there seems to be just no option that means "start and just listen for connections".
Here is a simplified version of what I'm trying to do in Perl, if this helps:
&start_jvm unless &jvm_is_running;
use Inline (
Java => 'STUDY',
STUDY => ['JavaStuff'],
if (fork) {
else {
What I need help with is writing the start_jvm subroutine.
If you've got a working jvm_is_running function, just use it to determine whether Inline::Java should start the JVM.
use Inline (
Java => 'STUDY',
START_JVM => jvm_is_running() ? 0 : 1,
STUDY => ['JavaStuff'],
Thanks to details provided by tobyink, I am able to answer my own question, which was based on a the erroneous assumption that the JVM itself provides a server and a protocole.
As a matter of fact, one major component of Inline::Java is a server, written in Java, which handles request by the Inline::Java::JVM client, written in Perl.
Therefore, the command-line to launch the server is:
$ java org.perl.inline.java.InlineJavaServer <DEBUG> <HOST> <PORT> <SHARED_JVM> <PRIVATE> <NATIVE_DOUBLES>
where all parameters correspond to configuration options described in the Inline::Java documentation.
Therefore, in my case, the start_jvm subroutine would be:
sub start_jvm {
'java org.perl.inline.java.InlineJavaServer 0 localhost 7891 true false false';
(Not that it should be defined: tobyink's solution, while it did not directly address the question I asked, is much better.)
As for the jvm_is_running subroutine, this is how I defined it:
use Proc::ProcessTable;
use constant {
JAVA => 'java',
INLINE_SERVER => 'org.perl.inline.java.InlineJavaServer',
sub jvm_is_running {
my $pt = new Proc::ProcessTable;
return grep {
$_->fname eq JAVA && ( split /\s/, $_->cmndline )[1] eq INLINE_SERVER
} #{ $pt->table };
I'm looking for a way to start up a subprocess in clojure (java is fine to) and have the output of it get sent directly to stdout in real-time. The closest I've been able to find is the Conch library for clojure, which allows you to send the output to *out*, but it doesn't actually display the output until the process is done running.
Not sure if there is a convenient Clojure wrapper for this:
(->> (.. Runtime getRuntime (exec "ls") getInputStream)
(map println))
It's worth noting in practice that you need to read both stdin and stderr
regularly or the process can hang when one of the buffers fill.
I marked Arthur's answer as correct since it led me to the solution, and it basically is what someone would want in the basic case. I ended up building out a larger method which does more though, and figured I'd put it here in case anyone else found it useful
(defn- print-return-stream
(let [stream-seq (->> stream
(doall (reduce
(fn [acc line]
(println line)
(if (empty? acc) line (str acc "\n" line)))
(defn exec-stream
"Executes a command in the given dir, streaming stdout and stderr to stdout,
and once the exec is finished returns a vector of the return code, a string of
all the stdout output, and a string of all the stderr output"
[dir command & args]
(let [runtime (Runtime/getRuntime)
proc (.exec runtime (into-array (cons command args)) nil (File. dir))
stdout (.getInputStream proc)
stderr (.getErrorStream proc)
outfut (future (print-return-stream stdout))
errfut (future (print-return-stream stderr))
proc-ret (.waitFor proc)]
[proc-ret #outfut #errfut]