I have two methods annotated with transactional (they are on the same level - have the same parent transaction, as sketched below):
persist() {
#javax.transaction.Transactional(value = Transactional.TxType.REQUIRES_NEW)
persistEntities1() {}
#javax.transaction.Transactional(value = Transactional.TxType.REQUIRES_NEW)
persistEntities2() {}
In persistEntities1 everything is OK, there is a merge call on EntityManager instance.
In persistEntities2 there is an uncaught exception.
Problem: entities that should get persisted in persistEntities1 do not get persisted.
Why is this happening? I thought that REQUIRES_NEW ensures that transaction gets committed at the end of method.
I am using Wildfly 8.2.
The solution was to move both methods persistEntities1 and persistEntities2to separate bean. Now the behavior is as expected.
It seems that this specific jpa implementation ignores child transaction annotations if child methods live in same bean as parent method.
The reason that would happen is because a RuntimeException was thrown within the execution of persistEntities1().
See why does transaction roll back on RuntimeException but not SQLException.
It doesn't seem to matter whether the exception has been caught and handled or not, the transaction context still gets set to "rollback only".
I'm working with a DB2 database and tested following code:
no matter methodB has Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW or not, if methodB has exception, methodA's result will be committed correctly regardless.
This is against my assumption that Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW must be used to achieve this.
private ClassB classB;
}catch(RuntimeException ex){
#Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)
Thanks for #Kayaman I think I figured it out now.
The behaviour I saw is because methodB's #Transactional annotation didn't work, so methodB is treated as a normal function without any transaction annotation.
Where it went wrong is that in methodA, I called methodB from a subclasss of ClassB by super.methodB() and thought that it will give a transactional methodB, which isn't working:
ClassC extends ClassB{
I know that transaction annotation will not work if you call a transaction method from another non-transactional method of the same class.
Didn't know that super.methodB() will also fail for the same reason (anyone can give a bit more explanation pls?)
In conclusion, in the example of the first block of code, when methodB has RuntimeException,
If methodB has NO transaction annotation: A & B share the same transaction; methodA will NOT rollback
if methodB has REQUIRED annotation: A & B share the same transaction; methodA will rollback
if methodB has REQUIRES_NEW annotation: A & B have separate transactions; methodA will NOT rollback
Without REQUIRES_NEW (i.e. the default REQUIRED or one of the others that behaves in a similar way), ClassB.methodB() participates in the same transaction as ClassA.methodA(). An exception in in methodB() will mark that same transaction to be rolled back. Even if you catch the exception, the transaction will be rolled back.
With REQUIRES_NEW, the transaction rolled back will be particular to methodB(), so when you catch the exception, there's still the healthy original non-rolled back transaction in existence.
}catch(RuntimeException ex){
throw new RuntimeException();
The above code will rollback the whole transaction. With propagation=TransactionPropagation.REQUIRES_NEW for methodB() it will not.
Without any annotation for methodB(), there will be only one tx boundary at methodA() level and Spring will not be aware that an exception is thrown, since it's caught in the middle of the method. This is similar to inlining the contents of methodB() to methodA(). If that exception is a non-database exception (e.g. NullPointerException), the transaction will commit normally. If that exception is a database exception, the underlying database transaction is set to be rolled back, but Spring isn't aware of that. Spring then tries to commit, and throws an UnexpectedRollbackException, because the database won't allow the tx to be committed.
Leaving the annotation out explicitly or accidentally is wrong. If you intend to perform db operations you must be working with a well defined transaction context, and know your propagation.
Calling super.methodB() bypasses Spring's normal proxying mechanism, so even though there is an annotation, it's ignored. Finally, calling super.methodB() seems like a design smell to me. Using inheritance to cut down on lines is often bad practice, and in this case caused a serious bug.
In Spring how can we make sure that certain operations are always executed together. If any one of them fails, the entire transaction needs to be rolled back. I searched this a lot and found #Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED) annotations and TransactionTemplate.execute() methods close to my problem. Kindly clarify and help.
Both #Transactional and TransactionTemplate ensure atomicity. #Transactional is for declarative transaction management, TransactionTemplate is for programmatic transaction management. You should choose one.
The idea of transaction propagation applies only to declarative transaction management and defines a transaction behaviour when it is executed in more than one method. Note that Propagation.REQUIRED is default for Transactional.propagation. It means Support a current transaction (that is if a transaction was already started in the calling method) or create a new one if none exists.
#Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED
May solve your problem.
Suppose in your Impl there is a method Excecute.Inside Excecute method there are other M1(),M2(),M3(),M4(),M5() methods.
May be you trying to say if for M1(),M2().M3().M4() methods Db operation succedded and at last for M5() it throws some exception then M1() to M5() all db operation should be rollback
if(Any error in any methods transaction will be roll back).As single trasaction object is used for all methods i.e(M1 to M5) when #Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED is used.
You can create a single method that delegates to the two database calls and annotate that with #Transactional, e.g.
public void atomicOperation(...) {
If either one fails, e.g. an exception is thrown, the entire operation will rollback. The Spring Reference Documentation has dedicated a chapter for transactions, for example there is information about #Transactional settings and Transaction propagation.
I suppose the following stacktrace as java invocation:
B.method2 (annotated with a plain #Transactional)
A.method1 (annotated with a plain #Transactional)
Main.main (starting point of the call, with no current transaction)
I expect that a transaction is started when A.method1 is entered - and the transaction will be commited (or rolled back) when A.method1 is left. I also expect that the same transaction will be used within B.method2.
A RuntimeException is thrown from within B.method2. This is a Exception that is 'listed' for rollbackFor by default. The Exception is catched within A.method1, but it will pass the boundary of #Transactional when leaving B.method2.
This is my question: Will the (current) transaction be marked for rollback or not?
The default propagation mode is REQUIRED and method2 will use transaction started for method1. On exception this transaction will be marked for rollback, so nothing will be committed to the database. You may get UnexpectedRollbackException after method1.
This is not a desired behavior since code which started the transaction (owns it) should be in control of rollback/commit. I would reorganize your code to avoid such possibility.
I know I have to merge the entity before removing it, but I never thought I have to do it inside EJB. First I have these:
e = (Event) scholarBean.merge(e);
in my managed bean. It give me this error
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Entity must be managed to call remove: com.scholar.entity.Event#998, try merging the detached and try the remove again.
So then I bring those two lines inside my session bean, and it works. Any idea why?
Managed Bean
public void deleteEvent(Event e){
e = (Event) merge(e);
I know I have to merge the entity before removing it
Not exactly. The object passed to remove has to be an entity and must not be detached. That's different.
but I never thought I have to do it inside EJB. First I have these (...)
Let's see what you're doing:
1: e = (Event) scholarBean.merge(e);
2: scholarBean.remove(e);
So in 1:, you call an EJB (very likely with a transaction-scoped Persistence Context) that merges the entity. But then the method ends, the transaction commits, the Persistence Context gets closed, making the returned entity detached again.
And in 2:, you pass the (still) detached entity to an EJB and tries to remove it, which is not allowed. And KaBOOM!
So then I bring those two lines inside my session bean, and it works. Any idea why?
It works because you're now working within the scope of the persistence context associated to the JTA transaction and you're thus really passing a managed entity to remove.
...and you can even combine those:
Like so:
public void deleteManCheck(ManCheck manCheck) {
I had the same transaction-issues when this was used in a servlet. When using the EJB-service-bean from a MDB it worked fine, since the transaction was started before the EJB was called, but when the EJB-call came from a servlet, there was no running transaction.
I solved this in my webapp by creating a filter that starts and commis a UserTransaction. Then every call to the EJB-methods joins my UserTransaction instead of starting it's own transaction.
All I know about this exception is from Spring's documentation and some forum posts with frostrated developers pasting huge stack traces, and no replies.
From Spring's documentation:
Thrown when an attempt to commit a transaction resulted in an unexpected rollback
I want to understand once and for all
Exactly what causes it?
Where did the rollback occur? in the App Server code or in the Database?
Was it caused due to a specific underlying exception (e.g. something from java.sql.*)?
Is it related to Hibernate? Is it related to Spring Transaction Manager (non JTA in my case)?
How to avoid it? is there any best practice to avoid it?
How to debug it? it seems to be hard to reproduce, any proven ways to troubleshoot it?
I found this to be answering the rest of question: https://jira.springsource.org/browse/SPR-3452
I guess we need to differentiate
between 'logical' transaction scopes
and 'physical' transactions here...
logical transaction scope for each
method that it gets applied to. Each
such logical transaction scope can
individually decide on rollback-only
status, with an outer transaction
scope being logically independent from
the inner transaction scope. Of
course, in case of standard
will be mapped to the same physical
transaction. So a rollback-only marker
set in the inner transaction scope
does affect the outer transaction's
chance to actually commit. However,
since the outer transaction scope did
not decide on a rollback itself, the
rollback (silently triggered by the
inner transaction scope) comes
unexpected at that level - which is
why an UnexpectedRollbackException
gets thrown.
uses a completely independent
transaction for each affected
transaction scope. In that case, the
underlying physical transactions will
be different and hence can commit or
rollback independently, with an outer
transaction not affected by an inner
transaction's rollback status.
PROPAGATION_NESTED is different again
in that it uses a single physical
transaction with multiple savepoints
that it can roll back to. Such partial
rollbacks allow an inner transaction
scope to trigger a rollback for its
scope, with the outer transaction
being able to continue the physical
transaction despite some operations
having been rolled back. This is
typically mapped onto JDBC savepoints,
so will only work with JDBC resource
transactions (Spring's
To complete the discussion:
UnexpectedRollbackException may also
be thrown without the application ever
having set a rollback-only marker
itself. Instead, the transaction
infrastructure may have decided that
the only possible outcome is a
rollback, due to constraints in the
current transaction state. This is
particularly relevant with XA
As I suggested above, throwing an
exception at the inner transaction
scope, then catching that exception at
the outer scope and translating it
into a silent setRollbackOnly call
there should work for your scenario. A
caller of the outer transaction will
never see an exception then. Since you
only worry about such silent rollbacks
because of special requirements
imposed by a caller, I would even
argue that the correct architectural
solution is to use exceptions within
the service layer, and to translate
those exceptions into silent rollbacks
at the service facade level (right
before returning to that special
Since your problem is possibly not
only about rollback exceptions, but
rather about any exceptions thrown
from your service layer, you could
even use standard exception-driven
rollbacks all the way throughout you
service layer, and then catch and log
such exceptions once the transaction
has already completed, in some
adapting service facade that
translates your service layer's
exceptions into UI-specific error
Scroll a little more back in the log (or increase it's buffer-size) and you will see what exactly caused the exception.
If it happens not to be there, check the getMostSpecificCause() and getRootCause() methods of UnexpectedRollbackException- they might be useful.
Well I can tell you how to reproduce the UnexpectedRollbackException. I was working on my project, and I got this UnexpectedRollbackException in following situation. I am having controller, service and dao layers in my project.
What I did is in my service layer class,
class SomeServiceClass {
void outerTransaction() {
// some lines of code
//AbstractPlatformTransactionManager tries to commit but UnexpectedRollbackException is thrown, not here but in controller layer class that uses SomeServiceClass.
void innerTransaction() {
try {
// someDaoMethod or someDaoOperation that throws exception
} catch(Exception e) {
// when exception is caught, transaction is rolled back, outer transaction does not know about it.
// I got this point where inner transaction gets rolled back when I set HibernateTransactionManager.setFailEarlyOnGlobalRollbackOnly(true)
// FYI : use of following second dao access is wrong,
try {
// again some dao operation
} catch(Exception e1) {
throw e2;
I had this problem with Spring Framework 4 + Java 1.8 for this exception.
I solved it.
I know that runtime exceptions rollbacks.
But in my case, project do not use runtime exceptions.
For example, we have code.
UserFacadeIml implements UserFacade
private UserService userService;
//throws UnexpectedRollbackException
//instead NotRuntimeEx
public void saveUser(User user)
throws NotRuntimeEx
return userService.saveUser(user);
I solved it, when add "Transactional(rollBackFor=NotRuntimeEx.class)" for facade.
It works, because Spring use proxy for facade and proxy for service.
When transactional rollback, proxy of service send context to facade.
But facade proxy does not understand, why transaction rollback.
UserServiceIml implements UserService
public void saveUser(User user)
throws NotRuntimeEx
throw new NotRuntimeEx(user);